Batman Shooter Questions?

Do you find it ironic that you are posing this question on a message board full of 14-year-olds with hundreds of $150 sneakers in their "collections"?
that's cold bruh...
WTF do you live Liberty City? San Andreas
If this was all attained legally as they claim then i'm assuming government has direct information on every purchase. Considering we are a country so hell bent on the fear of an attack that we red flag anybody who remotely looks at a library book dealing with explosives & considering we spend billions on anti terrorism intel i just happen to believe that maybe just maybe someone keeps track of these purchases.
So you mean to tell me that a college Neuroscience student buying 6k worth of AMMo alone along with other assault rifles and handguns in a years time wouldnt happen to startle anyone.... Is this what your telling me. That this same guy can also casually walk in somewhere and buy Swat gear??
Did you really just type this
son aint know what he was thinking when he typed that.
some good arguments and some bad ones but the grey area is there.

how long did the shootout last? 71 shells, the AR had to be reloaded once (maybe even twice depending on stock). do the times seems feasible for one man?

I liked that "why turn your self in so calmly if you have body armor and tell the boys about your booby trapped crib, especially ater doing damage" angle, but someone else pointed out the sicko in Norway so there is another instance, not totally illogical after all

guns are attainable untraced. i know cats that were moving vests, grenades, and other "high clearance" items but kevlar and them swat things seem like hookup items, behind the scenes higher up deal. Not sure if easy to cop unnoticed without "clearance" at that.... buuuut a squeaky clean record can get you alot

Dude was working towards a PHd so bomb work is nothing to him. I know dummies that can make bombs from cola and bleach.

"Witness" accounts and news reports are starting to change and i've seen something similar to when Osama was killed... Buuut fear and time can play with a witnesses memory reasons why detectives run up on hospitalized victims so they get the info when its fresh. same for asking a cat the same story over and over again to see if it changes. first story usually changes unless true or rehearsed

And dude who said we research for kicks, same way you can do for anything are not lying. Only thing is more loophole jumping, palm greasing ($$$) can get you far

More lil stuff here and there but i'll stay in the middle. Won't say its a conspiracy, won't say its cut and dry.  Will say RIP to the lost ones and Will do research

Wanna see what the olympics/end of 2012 bring.. Alot of consiracies will be debunked or materialize 
I think all that gear was just a costume,  he could of easily burst in wearing a Tshirt, Cargo's and Flip Flops, Was all that gear necessary ? It aint like he put up a fight or was going into FT. Knox.

Also, I think ALL emergency exits should sound an Alarm when opened to bring caution, even if it was just for a fire. Dude just calmly walked in, propted open the door and came back in like Robo Cop and shot 71 people. Had they had 1 alarm this would of been a totally different story.
this does seems like it was something carried out...when you consider the narrative of the movies...THEY could have done this to make a reminds of the dude from's like these guys aren't even gonna stand trial.
Let's put it this way... if Holmes was a professional and received help, the casualties would have been a lot higher. Stop reaching folks. There are tons of civilians here Stateside that own everything Holmes had and more. FBI/ATF, in this time and age of Govt budget constraints, is not that big of an agency to investigate everyone.
some good arguments and some bad ones but the grey area is there.

how long did the shootout last? 71 shells, the AR had to be reloaded once (maybe even twice depending on stock). do the times seems feasible for one man?

I liked that "why turn your self in so calmly if you have body armor and tell the boys about your booby trapped crib, especially ater doing damage" angle, but someone else pointed out the sicko in Norway so there is another instance, not totally illogical after all

guns are attainable untraced. i know cats that were moving vests, grenades, and other "high clearance" items but kevlar and them swat things seem like hookup items, behind the scenes higher up deal. Not sure if easy to cop unnoticed without "clearance" at that.... buuuut a squeaky clean record can get you alot

Dude was working towards a PHd so bomb work is nothing to him. I know dummies that can make bombs from cola and bleach.

"Witness" accounts and news reports are starting to change and i've seen something similar to when Osama was killed... Buuut fear and time can play with a witnesses memory reasons why detectives run up on hospitalized victims so they get the info when its fresh. same for asking a cat the same story over and over again to see if it changes. first story usually changes unless true or rehearsed

And dude who said we research for kicks, same way you can do for anything are not lying. Only thing is more loophole jumping, palm greasing ($$$) can get you far

More lil stuff here and there but i'll stay in the middle. Won't say its a conspiracy, won't say its cut and dry.  Will say RIP to the lost ones and Will do research

Wanna see what the olympics/end of 2012 bring.. Alot of consiracies will be debunked or materialize :nerd:

- He had a 100 round barrel drum on his AR, so he never reloaded. It jammed and went to secondary. And yes it feasible even if he didn't. Takes less than 3-4 second to reload a mag.

- Maybe he got caught, cause he wanted to get caught? Just like The Joker who he was emulating.

-Go to,, just to name a few. You'll find all your kevlar, swat items that people are dumbfounded he obtained without help from the "government".
- He had a 100 round barrel drum on his AR, so he never reloaded. It jammed and went to secondary. And yes it feasible even if he didn't. Takes less than 3-4 second to reload a mag.
- Maybe he got caught, cause he wanted to get caught? Just like The Joker who he was emulating.
-Go to,, just to name a few. You'll find all your kevlar, swat items that people are dumbfounded he obtained without help from the "government".
thats what im saying. you can see both sides is what i'm pointing out. just little extra angles (missing) can make you see things differently. I'm still getting over the mind blown event with Weezy and the skeletons in the movie theatre scene lol
This makes sense. My family and I have always bought ammo in bulk because it's cheaper that way(we are all hunters, FYI). We have even begun to make our own ammo recently because it is far more cost effective to buy the individual parts (casing, primer, powder, and bullet tip) and put them together than to buy the finished product.
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