Batman Shooter Questions?

Dude, guns and ammo aren't that difficult to obtain. Allegedly, all of his were purchased legally as well. And he didn't buy those explosives, he built them himself. There are literally 1,2,3 guides to creating bombs on the internet by the way, some simpler than others, but again we're talking about a guy pursuing his PHd in nueroscience so he was no fool.
Let me start off by saying, this guy is an evil genius.
For the people questioning why do this? We'll never truly know.
Furthermore, it really isn't that hard to buy this stuff, you could
find it in no time if you really want it. For example, we search and
successfully locate and buy rare sneakers and other things we really
want. Yes, sneakers and guns aren't the same but if you put you're mind
and attention to some something it will be done.

This guy is super smart, he planned and waited on an opportunity
to do the most damage.

The people who think this is some sort of conspiracy, really? Half this guys
plan didn't pan out, the gun were the second half of the plan.

Lastly, I am pro gun. I own a fire arm and have a license to carry.
I hope to everything I never have to use my gun on anyone, and most
of the people who arm pro gun think the same. They do their best to weed
out anyone who they think would be a threat, but just like in this case,
This guy was squeaky clean and seemed regular.
To those asking why he couldn't ask this in the "official thread"... he shouldn't, because when I mentioned that this story was fishy, multiple people told me to "shut up" .. Seems like it's a CRIME to question things these days.

Anyway, like I mentioned earlier, possible this guy had help.

Asking questions is one thing. Making assumptions based on having no facts (or absurd theories) is another.
Yeah, OP, you're the only one that finds the shooting of 70 people at a midnight showing of TDKR suspicious.
It's been just over 24 hours since the incident. Let the investigation play out before posting BS articles.

I was looking for a laughing emoticon, but there arent many to choose from.
I'm not taking this explanation as plain truth but there are a lot of holes in this story. We are Talking about not only guns, but SEVERAL explosives, Bulletproof Vest, Combat gear that normal civilians simply can't buy. and all of that went through w/o a single head turn,
So the FBI is sophisticated enough to tell me what books i checked out for the past five years & what i tweeted, but they have zero clue on how i can get Explosives & Guns, Do you not see the parody in that statement. The US spends BIllions on surveillance yearly especially since 9/11, In plain site this has the markings terrorist threat all over it.... Yet nobody noticed anything
Yea OK
The fact that half of this guy's plan didn't work is enough proof to know he acted alone.
His plan only didn't work because whoever was the first to complain about the noise had a gut instinct to not go in.

Also, he told them his joint was booby trapped. If they had just went and kicked down the door, the whole non evacuated apartment full of families could have been hurt.
So Nobody at All finds it just ONE bit interesting that a few days prior to A UN vote on a global small arms treaty that could result in gun confiscation across America. A College Student runs into the largest Hyped Movie in several years and goes on a killing spree.

Ensuring that gun control shall be the Only topic throughout the media for the next few weeks. That doesn't even seem a tad bit suspicious not for one second??

This Coming in a year where the U.S has attempted or successfully:

: Tried To regulate all Internet use
: Forced much tougher Copyright Infringement/ Sharing laws on Web content
: Attempted to pass a law that can allow the government to hold you in custody w/o even releasing a reason.
: and are attempting to strip all Civilians in the US of guns.
Right now, live on CNN, they're burning the evidence they worked 2 days to pull from the suspect's apartment...

Something ain't right.
The Wayne and Big Sean video has a theatre scene with skeletons in the seats :smh: ... They gonna catch a lot of heat for that.

But, congress is pushing towards taking away our right to arm, I find it strange that Obama spoke about this but hasn't mentioned the violence in Chicago. Our country's govt is foul when it comes to the agendas the leaders want to push upon us and other countries.
So Nobody at All finds it just ONE bit interesting that a few days prior to A UN vote on a global small arms treaty that could result in gun confiscation across America.

:rolleyes "Nobody" finds it interesting? Maybe objective people don't find it interesting because it isn't interesting.

But it seems to me that plenty of you pro-gun people find ANYTHING about this case that can shift attention from the fact that any psychopath who is sick of the world and wants to go on an impulse killing spree can do so in a very short amount of time thanks to the laws in the U.S. as "interesting". Look at all the crap conspiracy theories you have put up.

Was there also some law proposal about firearms the week that the Virginia Tech massacre took place? How about the week that the Columbine massacre took place? All the other massacres too? GTHO. :rolleyes
All ima say is we look back on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan now like "man we really had no business over there" so u cannot put this stuff past our govt. like dude posted they are trying to regulate everything we do, if the general public was against or didn't really even care about gun laws before they do now
So Nobody at All finds it just ONE bit interesting that a few days prior to A UN vote on a global small arms treaty that could result in gun confiscation across America. A College Student runs into the largest Hyped Movie in several years and goes on a killing spree.
Ensuring that gun control shall be the Only topic throughout the media for the next few weeks. That doesn't even seem a tad bit suspicious not for one second??
This Coming in a year where the U.S has attempted or successfully:
: Tried To regulate all Internet use
: Forced much tougher Copyright Infringement/ Sharing laws on Web content
: Attempted to pass a law that can allow the government to hold you in custody w/o even releasing a reason.
: and are attempting to strip all Civilians in the US of guns.

its sad that even niketalkers cant comprehend this
I'm not really stressing how he got the money for the weaponry.... what i am second guessing is how somebody gets full swat riot gear, Several assault Rifles, extra Amo, Tear gas etc etc.. and nobody takes notice when the US\FBI have several agencies in place to prevent terrorist attacks.

how does this not draw a red flag anywhere.... Let's say this story is completely true and this genius of a college student did this all by himself can we atleast admit that all of the money poured into the war on terror hasnt helped one absolute bit if an "average joe" can put together an army like arsonal walk into a movie theater and kill dozens.

i'm sorry maybe all there resources are spent browsing twitter for terrorist plots. Despite complete full fledge examples of government corruption & lies by every major publication dudes still fail to accept that the US government will sacrifice its own people to get something done.
Bc someone buying all that stuff doesn't really raise a red flag

Ammo... 6k rnds is nothing
Guns... Nothing special... All easily bought
Tear gas.. Same with guns... Esp in a state lik Colorado
Swat gear... Again easily bought
Bc someone buying all that stuff doesn't really raise a red flag
Ammo... 6k rnds is nothing
Guns... Nothing special... All easily bought
Tear gas.. Same with guns... Esp in a state lik Colorado
Swat gear... Again easily bought

WTF do you live Liberty City? San Andreas

If this was all attained legally as they claim then i'm assuming government has direct information on every purchase. Considering we are a country so hell bent on the fear of an attack that we red flag anybody who remotely looks at a library book dealing with explosives & considering we spend billions on anti terrorism intel i just happen to believe that maybe just maybe someone keeps track of these purchases.

So you mean to tell me that a college Neuroscience student buying 6k worth of AMMo alone along with other assault rifles and handguns in a years time wouldnt happen to startle anyone.... Is this what your telling me. That this same guy can also casually walk in somewhere and buy Swat gear??

Did you really just type this
WTF do you live Liberty City? San Andreas
I snickered
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