BARACK OBAMA IS PRESIDENT! Its sinking in for me now

who cares? I can't wait for this slurpfest to be over, and for him to start reneging on those promises.
wawaweewa wrote:
It's a crappy situation to be in but when one bases his entire campaign on explicit and implicit promises that cannot be realistically fulfilled, one doesn't make it any easier.

Be careful, the truth tends to anger people.
Originally Posted by the north west

it seems like certain people in this country would rather see our country turn into shambles rater than a black man succeed

So true
Originally Posted by LoveOfTheGame916

Originally Posted by the north west

it seems like certain people in this country would rather see our country turn into shambles rater than a black man succeed

******ed isnt it?

......... I am black btw
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

There are only 2 options in our current situation. Admit the nation is bankrupt and sustaining current social and political policies is suicidal or try to keep the sham going. He's going to try to keep the sham going.
I know this is going to happen, but I don't think anybody who is co-signed to run for President will ever have the balls to do anything.
Ben and Jerry's created a new ice cream flavor for Obama - "Yes Pecan!".

They've decided to do one for Bush too and have a shortlist of names:

- Grape Depression
- Abu Grape
- Cluster Fudge
- Nut'n Accomplished
- Iraqi Road
- Chock 'n Awe
- WireTapioca
- Impeach Cobbler
- Guantanmallow
- imPeachmint
- Good Riddance You Lousy *&^%$£^&*%$£... Swirl
- %*$" Sandwich
- Heck of a Job, Brownie!
- Neocon Politan
- RockyRoad to Fascism
- The Reese's-cession
- Cookie D'oh!
- Anchovy *^$*up Surprise
- The Housing Crunch
- Nougalar Proliferation
- Death by Chocolate... and Torture
- Freedom Vanilla Ice Cream
- Chocolate Chip On My Shoulder
- "You're*&*^ing In My Mouth And Calling It A" Sundae
- Credit Crunch
- Mission Pecanplished
- Country Pumpkin
- Frozen Dog *&%*
- Chunky Monkey in Chief
- George Bush Doesn't Care About Dark Chocolate
- WMDelicious
- Chocolate Chimp
- Bloody Sundae
- Caramel Preemptive Stripe
- I broke the law and am responsible for the deaths of thousands...with nuts
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

One termer and it won't be his fault mostly. Mainly because he is black. He prob. would be able to pull off an FDR if he was white in the sense that he would not bring much improvement but there would be no better opposition to choose from. People will be disappointed after 4 years. All those elitist white liberals that 'love minorities' will show their true colors eventually while the Repubs turn out in droves.

Yes, I know he's not Pres. yet but it's obvious what he's going to do. He's going to follow the same Keynesian policies that never work and only create more problems.
There are only 2 options in our current situation. Admit the nation is bankrupt and sustaining current social and political policies is suicidal or try to keep the sham going. He's going to try to keep the sham going.
The global economy (most importantly the US economy) needs to unwind from the decades of leverage (especially the monster leverage over the past 6 years) and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

It's a crappy situation to be in but when one bases his entire campaign on explicit and implicit promises that cannot be realistically fulfilled, one doesn't make it any easier.

All he can do is pacify the public for the events to come and he's pretty good at that.


I can't wait for "liberals" to show their true colors, and turn on him as fast as humanly possible.
hope you guys are ready for a worthless dollar and free socialist handouts. i know i am-- which is why i'm in gold. RIP USD
Originally Posted by Dey Know Yayo

hope you guys are ready for a worthless dollar and free socialist handouts. i know i am-- which is why i'm in gold. RIP USD

Watch them do a gold buyback program similar to FDR haha
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

One termer and it won't be his fault mostly. Mainly because he is black. He prob. would be able to pull off an FDR if he was white in the sense that he would not bring much improvement but there would be no better opposition to choose from. People will be disappointed after 4 years. All those elitist white liberals that 'love minorities' will show their true colors eventually while the Repubs turn out in droves.

Yes, I know he's not Pres. yet but it's obvious what he's going to do. He's going to follow the same Keynesian policies that never work and only create more problems.
There are only 2 options in our current situation. Admit the nation is bankrupt and sustaining current social and political policies is suicidal or try to keep the sham going. He's going to try to keep the sham going.
The global economy (most importantly the US economy) needs to unwind from the decades of leverage (especially the monster leverage over the past 6 years) and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

It's a crappy situation to be in but when one bases his entire campaign on explicit and implicit promises that cannot be realistically fulfilled, one doesn't make it any easier.

All he can do is pacify the public for the events to come and he's pretty good at that.


I can't wait for "liberals" to show their true colors, and turn on him as fast as humanly possible.
to be honest you will wait a long time. unless he is a complete f up. but moderates, democrats, and liberals will take anything as long as it isbetter than W.
better than W? bush @@!++% up our economy yes, but CLINTON, FD ROOSEVELT, WILSON, NIXON, those are the presidents that REALLY @@!++% up america's economy.add OBAMA to the list now.
Originally Posted by the north west

it seems like certain people in this country would rather see our country turn into shambles rater than a black man succeed
This is certainly not the case. There's a difference between being realistic and what you said. Find me one person that sincerely doesn'twant Obama to solve this mess. The future is grim and will be a big (maybe the biggest) burden ever for a president, black or white. If Obama were white,people would still be skeptical.

Anyone care to explain Dirty's remark? I don't really get it.
Whats funny is Barack isnt going to solve the economic crisis and wont solve anything going on in the middle east...
Originally Posted by kdwallace

Ben and Jerry's created a new ice cream flavor for Obama - "Yes Pecan!".

They've decided to do one for Bush too and have a shortlist of names:

- Grape Depression
- Abu Grape
- Cluster Fudge
- Nut'n Accomplished
- Iraqi Road
- Chock 'n Awe
- WireTapioca
- Impeach Cobbler
- Guantanmallow
- imPeachmint
- Good Riddance You Lousy *&^%$£^&*%$£... Swirl
- %*$" Sandwich
- Heck of a Job, Brownie!
- Neocon Politan
- RockyRoad to Fascism
- The Reese's-cession
- Cookie D'oh!
- Anchovy *^$*up Surprise
- The Housing Crunch
- Nougalar Proliferation
- Death by Chocolate... and Torture
- Freedom Vanilla Ice Cream
- Chocolate Chip On My Shoulder
- "You're*&*^ing In My Mouth And Calling It A" Sundae
- Credit Crunch
- Mission Pecanplished
- Country Pumpkin
- Frozen Dog *&%*
- Chunky Monkey in Chief
- George Bush Doesn't Care About Dark Chocolate
- WMDelicious
- Chocolate Chimp
- Bloody Sundae
- Caramel Preemptive Stripe
- I broke the law and am responsible for the deaths of thousands...with nuts

with all the serious talk in this thread this was some funny *&*!
hopped up out tha bed,
turn ma swag on,
took a look in tha mirror said wassup,
yeeeeea im PRESIDENTIAL (oohhh)
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Th middle east dilemma will be solved YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST

This would be the resolution to the war that the Bush administration layed the foundation for..Its already much better then what it was. I am going to hatehow everyone will start giving Obama credit and praise for stuff that Bush had done and worked on. I like Obama and am happy that he won but I am not a fan ofall the lib hate.
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