BARACK OBAMA IS PRESIDENT! Its sinking in for me now

@Peoplw looking forward to reactions if he fails.

Can't we all just hope for the best and stop being bitter?
Politicians can't avoid failure, at least if they have principles or a genuine interest in the welfare of the people they should be serving.

To me, Obama is going to fail numerous times because things just won't work the way his administration will want them to 100% of the time.

But he would have to make a serious effort, I mean a really concentrated, determined, stubborn effort to muck things up to fail nearly as badly as Bush. Sohe's got a lot of room for error to work with in that sense.
Barack 0drama wrote:
N3FF 3000 wrote:
DaGreatJ wrote:
Dirtylicious wrote:
lol. seriously though..
I'm eager to see what the next 4 yrs brings

it will be a lot better than what your homeboy bush brought us.

I'm eager too see certain peoples reactions if Obama fails...

Yea, Cuz seeing people's reactions > Our country doing well.

Exactly. Don't people realize that if he fails, we're pretty much screwed?

But I guess it'll be worth it once you get to see the looks on their faces ha?
Yall don't understand how much is on this mans shoulders.People are expecting some sort of over night magic to happen. It is going to take years to turnthis big mess around. I hope Obama just does the best he can. He might not even be our president by the time this mess is fixed.
The realistic people know Obama's not going to be able to just sprinkle some hope over our problems and have them solved.
Originally Posted by Face82

Yall don't understand how much is on this mans shoulders.People are expecting some sort of over night magic to happen. It is going to take years to turn this big mess around. I hope Obama just does the best he can. He might not even be our president by the time this mess is fixed.
Originally Posted by iBlink

Barack 0drama wrote:
N3FF 3000 wrote:
DaGreatJ wrote:
Dirtylicious wrote:
lol. seriously though..
I'm eager to see what the next 4 yrs brings

it will be a lot better than what your homeboy bush brought us.

I'm eager too see certain peoples reactions if Obama fails...

Yea, Cuz seeing people's reactions > Our country doing well.

Exactly. Don't people realize that if he fails, we're pretty much screwed?

But I guess it'll be worth it once you get to see the looks on their faces ha?

There's nothing he's going to do to stop whats coming.
the thing is everyone knows it is impossible to be a 100% success at Presidency no one has done it and no one will. And considering the past 8 years and howbadly this government has failed the people they are supposed to serve, Barack has developed a lot of leeway and is almost guaranteed re-election as long as hegets the country headed in the right direction and barring some miraculous politician to rise from the ground which seems even less likely everyday that passesbecause you need at least 4 years to develop a name.

Now as too it sinking in yeah it is to me too when I watched him speak Saturday and seeing him at the bash Sunday, it is crazy. Definately glad it is himrather than McCain. I don't think people realize how much Obama being elected president and his swearing in means to people. Black,White, etc. Male, Femaleand all that. Gives people hope and the realization that anything is possible and that can be me. People who hate his policies should step back and just thinkabout what this truly does for our nation instead of dividing party lines and ideologies for once.
and i'm gonna be there! so excited to see (or not see
) history. being there will be an experience of a lifetime.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

umm he's not president yet..
ya'll cats with comments like this remind me of theunderclassmen tellin us that 'we weren't seniors yet' while we were gettin hype on the last day of school Jr year

I was watchin CNN today and it just seemed to be a great atmosphere.
One termer and it won't be his fault mostly. Mainly because he is black. He prob. would be able to pull off an FDR if he was white in the sense that hewould not bring much improvement but there would be no better opposition to choose from. People will be disappointed after 4 years. All those elitist whiteliberals that 'love minorities' will show their true colors eventually while the Repubs turn out in droves.

Yes, I know he's not Pres. yet but it's obvious what he's going to do. He's going to follow the same Keynesian policies that never work andonly create more problems.
There are only 2 options in our current situation. Admit the nation is bankrupt and sustaining current social and political policies is suicidal or try to keepthe sham going. He's going to try to keep the sham going.
The global economy (most importantly the US economy) needs to unwind from the decades of leverage (especially the monster leverage over the past 6 years) andthere's nothing anyone can do about it.

It's a crappy situation to be in but when one bases his entire campaign on explicit and implicit promises that cannot be realistically fulfilled, onedoesn't make it any easier.

All he can do is pacify the public for the events to come and he's pretty good at that.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

One termer and it won't be his fault mostly. Mainly because he is black. He prob. would be able to pull off an FDR if he was white in the sense that he would not bring much improvement but there would be no better opposition to choose from. People will be disappointed after 4 years. All those elitist white liberals that 'love minorities' will show their true colors eventually while the Repubs turn out in droves.

Yes, I know he's not Pres. yet but it's obvious what he's going to do. He's going to follow the same Keynesian policies that never work and only create more problems.
There are only 2 options in our current situation. Admit the nation is bankrupt and sustaining current social and political policies is suicidal or try to keep the sham going. He's going to try to keep the sham going.

The global economy needs to unwind from the decades of leverage (especially the monster leverage over the past 6 years) and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

It's a crappy situation to be in but when one bases his entire campaign on explicit and implicit promises that cannot be realistically fulfilled, one doesn't make it any easier.

All he can do is pacify the public for the events to come and he's pretty good at that.

Son, you seem to have the most inside knowledge of us all. Why are you not ruling the world if you know what's best. get off your PC and run for office ifyou have the best plans and policies for this country. until then, you have no credibility.
Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

One termer and it won't be his fault mostly. Mainly because he is black. He prob. would be able to pull off an FDR if he was white in the sense that he would not bring much improvement but there would be no better opposition to choose from. People will be disappointed after 4 years. All those elitist white liberals that 'love minorities' will show their true colors eventually while the Repubs turn out in droves.

Yes, I know he's not Pres. yet but it's obvious what he's going to do. He's going to follow the same Keynesian policies that never work and only create more problems.
There are only 2 options in our current situation. Admit the nation is bankrupt and sustaining current social and political policies is suicidal or try to keep the sham going. He's going to try to keep the sham going.

The global economy needs to unwind from the decades of leverage (especially the monster leverage over the past 6 years) and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

It's a crappy situation to be in but when one bases his entire campaign on explicit and implicit promises that cannot be realistically fulfilled, one doesn't make it any easier.

All he can do is pacify the public for the events to come and he's pretty good at that.

Son, you seem to have the most inside knowledge of us all. Why are you not ruling the world if you know what's best. get off your PC and run for office if you have the best plans and policies for this country. until then, you have no credibility.

It's not inside knowledge.
It's called reality and historical precedent. Yes, Obama isn't the first dark skinned human to rule an empire. The US empire isn't the first empirein decline. Our current leveraged and sham of an economy isn't the first leveraged and sham of an economy to ever exist.
The world did not come about in 1776.

Certain natural laws cannot be 'battled' against so to speak. If you leverage and you lose, you're going to suffer. If your country becomesbankrupt, you're going to suffer. If corruption rules in day to day affairs than eventually you'll suffer. Simple as that.

btw, why would I want to be the Pres. of a bankrupt empire in decline? Those never end well. An emerging empire...that's another story.
Oh and one more thing. We all know money and corruption doesn't buy the US presidency. Oh no. Any American has a shot at being Pres.
Originally Posted by the north west

it seems like certain people in this country would rather see our country turn into shambles rater than a black man succeed
you may be right
Admit the nation is bankrupt and sustaining current social and political policies is suicidal or try to keep the sham going. He's going to try to keep the sham going.

I stopped reading right here. This is basically what it boils down to. I was talking about this with my brother, I hope his guess is right. He wont do it, whenwas the last time government had those kind of balls? You tell people what they should already know and they're going to go crazy.
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Originally Posted by N3FF 3000

Originally Posted by DaGreatJ

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

lol. seriously though..
I'm eager to see what the next 4 yrs brings
it will be a lot better than what your homeboy bush brought us.
I'm eager too see certain peoples reactions if Obama fails...
Yea, Cuz seeing people's reactions > Our country doing well.
Tell that to all the Liberals who hated Bush SO SO SO much & wanted to see him fail at any cost....
And to the leader of the Senate, Mr. Idiot Himself.... Harry Reid.... saying "THE WAR IS LOST"..... while our troops are over there fighting theirbutts off.
Shut up you coward and go fight over there yourself then.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

It's a crappy situation to be in but when one bases his entire campaign on explicit and implicit promises that cannot be realistically fulfilled, one doesn't make it any easier.

All he can do is pacify the public for the events to come and he's pretty good at that.
Yeah that's pretty much what I've been thinking the whole time.
I said when it was Obama vs McCain.... that whoever won.... was entering into a TOUGH situation.
Obama has his hands full.... Iraq, Afghanistan, our economy, keeping us safe.... the list goes on.
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