Avery Johnson overrated coach?

Nowitness41Dirk wrote:
Another guy I like is Josh Childress. An athletic SG with actual size for the position... He'd be another good fit.

Childress would be an upgrade...Kidd needs an athlete to who's not looking to spot up for a J and run the floor with him..
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Is he a good coach? Yes.

Is he a great coach like a lot of people have made him out to be? I don't think so...

He's too damn stubborn. I guarantee you he's worn on just about every player in that locker room to some extent. His in-game adjustments and substitutions are just mind-boggling. The fact that he refuses to double team elite perimeter scorers is one of the most confusing mindsets I've ever seen. You'd think after watching guys like Dwyane Wade and Kobe Bryant dominate this team for the last few years, he'd put two and two together. The Mavs are pretty good defensively, but they don't have a guy on the perimeter that can really get in a player's face and give him problems... Just seems like a lot of times Avery doesn't understand how to neutralize mismatches defensively, or expose them offensively...

He made another bad decision on his play call last night with 4.5 seconds left. Why run an ISO for Dirk right there? You ran a play TWICE (where Dirk threw the ball in and came off screens) in the last game against the Lakers, and Lamar Odom got lost BOTH TIMES. Why not go back to it? Why not get the ball to Jason Kidd, spread the court, and let him to against Derek Fisher, then find the open man when someone helps? Some of that stuff, I just don't understand.

If they lose in the first round, Avery's job is very much on the line.

The Mavs are going to have to hope one of the big-time FAs is ready to take less money at this point in his career to play with Jason Kidd, Dirk Nowitzki and Josh Howard to try and win a championship... If someone like JO, Gil, whoever opts out, the Mavs really need to try and sell them of that opportunity. They need a guy that can play either SG or C... They are still one key piece away. If it means moving Josh Howard to find that guy, do it.

I forget which player said it, but he basically said, I don't want a former player coaching me, they're too stubborn. I want some nerd who spends15 hours a day breaking down game film.
I think former players, or at least higher tier players, like Avery have a wealth of knowledge, but most of them make better assistants than headcoaches.

Basically, the better you were as a player, the worse you will be as a coach.
I forget which player said it, but he basically said, I don't want a former player coaching me, they're too stubborn. I want some nerd who spends 15 hours a day breaking down game film.

I think former players, or at least higher tier players, like Avery have a wealth of knowledge, but most of them make better assistants than head coaches.

Basically, the better you were as a player, the worse you will be as a coach.
Yeah, it makes a lot of sense. You can absolutely see that notion in the way Avery controls the offense. He injects himself too much into thegame. He tries to be control the flow of the offense from the sideline, and you can tell he doesn't have any trust in the players on the floor to make theright decisions. I figured it would change with the switch from Harris to Kidd, but Avery still falls back into his player/coach mindset far too often.

He out-thinks himself, and makes things more difficult than they need to be. If he'd just let players make plays and swallow his pride, he'd be fine.
I think he was a great change of pace three years ago and he was so different from Don Nelson that the Mavs took people by surprise but I think he has beenfigured out now and the one thing he was good at which was motivating his players he isn't good at any more.
He's a good coach, but he out thinks himself. I do see him getting whack when the Mavs get punched out in the first round. Then he'll land in SanAntonio, take over their coaching gig, when Pop gives up the throne, and promptly lead the Spurs to their fifth ring.
The latest example of tension came after the Mavericks' 102-100 loss to the Los Angeles Lakers, when owner Mark Cuban and coach Avery Johnson had a heated exchange shortly after the game, according to two sources.

The Mavericks had fallen behind by 21 at halftime and 25 in the third quarter before making a comeback. Afterward, an apparent heat-of-the-moment argument happened in Johnson's office.

Both Johnson and Cuban downplayed the incident Wednesday, saying it was nothing out of the ordinary and there were no lingering problems. Johnson dismissed the situation, saying: "Everything's good."
If this team loses in the first round, or maybe even the second round, you can bet your house Avery will be fired...

This ain't the first time these two have gotten into it... Cuban went out and got the PG and floor general Avery wanted, so Avery is on the line at thispoint.
That Kidd trade was a huge mistake and simply a panic move b/c the other top Western teams made moves. They have yet to beat a team with a record above .500since the trade, and I just don't see them going all the way this season (their shot was against Miami and we all know how the refs cheated them out ofit). Kidd having 1 point is inexcusable vs the Lakers IMO.

Is Avery a good coach? He's average and his stubbornness will be his downfall, but that's because he is an INEXPERIENCED COACH.
That Kidd trade was a huge mistake and simply a panic move b/c the other top Western teams made moves.
I still don't understand how people feel this way...

The Mavericks had been trying for MONTHS to make the big move. They wanted Kidd in the offseason. Jersey wasn't ready. They tried to trade anyone but Dirkto get Garnett when he was available. They were the main team involved in the whole Kobe BS... Just couldn't get it done. Cuban said they put a call intoMemphis about Pau a week or so before he was traded, and was told the Grizzlies had no plans of moving him. There were rumors they considered moving Dirk ifthey could get the right return...

The Mavericks were in on every big name available trying to make a big move long before the Kidd trade. It's not like they came out of nowhere and startedscrambling after Gasol went to LA...
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

The latest example of tension came after the Mavericks' 102-100 loss to the Los Angeles Lakers, when owner Mark Cuban and coach Avery Johnson had a heated exchange shortly after the game, according to two sources.

The Mavericks had fallen behind by 21 at halftime and 25 in the third quarter before making a comeback. Afterward, an apparent heat-of-the-moment argument happened in Johnson's office.

Both Johnson and Cuban downplayed the incident Wednesday, saying it was nothing out of the ordinary and there were no lingering problems. Johnson dismissed the situation, saying: "Everything's good."
If this team loses in the first round, or maybe even the second round, you can bet your house Avery will be fired...

This ain't the first time these two have gotten into it... Cuban went out and got the PG and floor general Avery wanted, so Avery is on the line at this point.

..If Cuban and Avery fall out its going to be crazy since they're business partners outside of basketball. I know for a fact the Cuban, Donnie and AJare 3 way owners of some land just south of downtown. Cuban and AJ are two head strong people who are bound to clash.
Avery needs to change the offense. Let Kidd do his thing. He doesn't need a leash. I'm not giving up on Avery yet, but the team(and Cuban) might be.
Lots of rumblings going on here in Dallas about Avery

Cuban and Avery got into it in Averys office after the Laker game. Fans are questioning Avery and seems as if some of the players are now too.
I'd give up a hell of a lot for Josh Childress, his game is pretty even though his hair isn't.

And Avery is a good coach, he's middle of the pack kind of coach. He was outplayed last year because Nellie knew every single thinga bout most if not allthe Mavericks players.

Avery's flaw is it takes him a LOT to adjust the way he coaches and runs the game.
he should be gone this summer....How do you give up 127 points in the playoffs?

The Mavs have lost 10 of their last 12 jobs and 8 straight on the road. How do you justify keeping him around?
How do you give up 127 points in the playoffs?

Let Chris Paul go to his right whenever he wants.

The Mavs don't have the personnel to force Paul to his weak side. Devin Harris couldn't do it either.

And Avery is right about Nash. Nash getting two points is way better than Nash getting an assist and his teammate getting 3 points. Nash dominates the ball.Make him score the points and you can defeat the Suns. This strategy works. Look at the Spurs. Bowen is on Nash in the 2nd half whenever he's in the game.As a result of Bowen's length and quick arms Nash cannot get passes over him for lobs, dumps, drops, or zip passes. Nash has to float all his passes likehe's playing volleyball.

Nash is a great shooter, but when you make him score the points you tax his energy and go score more on the other end.
overrated? Word, people shouldn't be giving him too much credit, he did pretty much inherit an already solid team in Dallas.
Avery was dead on point with the let Steve score game plan. I think Jason Kidd as a teammate is the most overrated player ever. People fail to understand howselfish in his wishes he can be. While I dont think it translates to his game it does affect his teammates. He is horrid defending point guards now,cant shoot,isnt quick anymore, cant create for himself. Trading for Kidd at 35 and expecting a title is 20 times worse than waiting another year for a legit PG to come tothe market (guess who not Davis) Cuban thinking hes a gm is an issue but they wernt going to make the playoffs without Kidd.

Oh yea Brian Scott as a player > Avery Johnson as a player
Brian Scott as a coach > Avery Johnson as a coach
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