Average Height Appreciation Vol. No way you tall fools are the majority on NT

5 10 checking in
I read the title and knew it was a hatin thread since we got some love in the tall guy appreciation thread.

Yall ole can't ride the roller coasters short dudes
well, *%%#, if chris paul is "tall" I guess I can't be average

I always thought 6' was average.
Originally Posted by l Knicks Fresh Knick l


GREAT THREAD DIEGO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rather be 5'9 - 5'11 + good looking

than 6'2-6'4 + ugly
Looks fade over time, height doesn't
I'd hate to be a grown man not at least 6 feet, no hate to any of you dudes. 6'1" 208lbs. Seems a lot of women dig tall in shape men....I can onlyspeak from experience. Most short chicks want tall dudes an tall chicks want tall dudes for the most part also.
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

5'7" ...and I have never been punked out in my life
...while i see 6'+ acting like females.
I've come the conclusion that most tall dudes do nothing but yap and yell so that someone can break up the squabble but us shorter guys justcome out swinging, no pre-arguing either, just straight up fighting.

Not trying to put down taller guys, but I grew up in a hood where there was fights like once or twice a day on the block and that's how it was.
chris rock: "short people can make fun of tall people ALL DAY, and its perfectly fine, but tall people cant make fun of short people EVER, THATS JUSTWRONG!"

there was more too it but, chris rock is a genius
good game and swagger negates any height, unless you're 5'4" and under or something. dudes really think being 6 foot and up is such an advantage..it really isn't. being 6'9" and awkward like most basketball players is not a good look. being average height with your swag on a million (kanye,pharrell, me, etc.) is much better imo. who really cares tho.. i'm not trying to bag any lisa leslies or anyone over 5'9" so i'm good.
Btw if you're 6'4" + an not in the NBA or playin NCAA you look funny as hell, what a waste. I don't even care if you hate basketball, youbetter play.
One more thing, tall guys are ugly now? Hilarious, so now all the short dudes feel they are good looking just lack height? You dudes must get real nervous ofdudes who are tall and good looking, I'm sure there are plenty of us on NT. Face it short dudes, you guys are 2nd options to us. 5'10" + you goodto keep it real. You 5-5'8" dudes.....man yall cats gotta try a lil bit harder in life. That's why cats be mad for no reason, aka napoleoncomplex. Always gotta prove suttin. O yea its true lil dudes.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

I'd hate to be a grown man not at least 6 feet, no hate to any of you dudes. 6'1" 208lbs. Seems a lot of women dig tall in shape men....I can only speak from experience. Most short chicks want tall dudes an tall chicks want tall dudes for the most part also.
For people who apparently have everything at their long fingertips, you tall dudes sure do seem to spend alot of time putting down/speculatingabout other dudes. A dude who is confident in himself shouldn't have to constantly compare himself to others to make him feel better. Just my opinion. All6.5 NT females got them dudes gassed...can't tell em NOTHIN.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

One more thing, tall guys are ugly now? Hilarious, so now all the short dudes feel they are good looking just lack height? You dudes must get real nervous of dudes who are tall and good looking, I'm sure there are plenty of us on NT. Face it short dudes, you guys are 2nd options to us. 5'10" + you good to keep it real. You 5-5'8" dudes.....man yall cats gotta try a lil bit harder in life. That's why cats be mad for no reason, aka napoleon complex. Always gotta prove suttin. O yea its true lil dudes.

@ grown men arguing over height.
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