Attention, YOU, yes YOU, are not special in any discernable way

Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by AirJus23

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Even if that is the case...MJ was in his prime in a special era and possessed special qualities, which
made him as marketable as he was.

We are all special in our own way. Everyone of us were born into unique circumstances, even if we have the same parents.

As cool as a cheetah is, I much rather be a human
Haha I would have agreed with you prior to his MVP acceptance speech. However, after hearing that, it's obvious that he was told how to act and he followed. It's not a secret that he was an %@*$@+% on the court, but everyone used to say that was just on the court. I loved his speech btw.

And it's hard to disagree with OP when his statement is so inclusive. We are special from one perspective, but not from another. It's really no point in arguing, OP just making a statement and lots of people arguing, but since there's really nothing to argue, it becomes personal attacks. His perspective just happens to be one that other people's don't agree with.

I be thinking it's just me man.. good looks..
How can you think it's just you tho?

No one's special remember? Just countered your own damn point

I know where you're comin from tho G... I used to have wild thought when i first started smokin too... But just like other cuz said you have no points orcounterpoints... You jus make a statement & spend the next few pages demeaning & discrediting what everyone else says.. Dude poseted well a well thoughout argument that would take alot to poke holes in regardless if you agree or not...
You can keep ignoring me G i couldn't care less
but if you feel that "your audience" is not capable of comprehending & understand you ifyou pos a "wall of text' then maybe you need a better audience or keep your profound thoughts to yourself...
LarryIndiana219 wrote:
K2theAblaM wrote:

Half empty, half full. Which one do you think OP sees?

I see reality. Half is half, whether you subtract from the top or add from the bottom. To be subjective is to add the "full" or "empty". My objectiveness doesn't give a damn.. half is half.

My son, listen to what I have to say.

You dance and maneuver yourself really well around one central idea but you never really label it. Well that central idea is point of view, and you contradictyourself up and down this thread until you started believing yourself.

First off, you claim you're objective and that your views just tell it like it is. So what I don't understand, is when you're arguing that MLK is"just a person" in the grand scheme of things, what point of view are you taking?

Or when you say even though MJ had his accomplishments, he's just another "great" like Kobe and Lebron, as if to say being in an elite group ofathletes doesn't make you special because, well, you're in a group. True as it is, it's highly opinionated and takes on a point of view does itnot? Because I could swear 100% on this board minus YOU would tend to place MJ on a higher pedestal, despite being one of many insanely skilled athletes.

Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by Uptown Roamer

Hm, I was gonna ask if you were high, but then I actually read it again and it makes sense.

Too many people think (and act) as if they're different. When really, that makes you all the same....

Am I following you right?

Close enough... and nah, I'm not high at all.

The thing is, too many people look at the really small picture. "I'm special! I'm a doctor! I can dunk!"... All that BS... Were you like......the first doctor? Did you invent the dunk? Well then sit yo non-special !@$ down somewhere.. you're an Anybody and an Everybody. Stop thinking you're Somebody. You're not. No one really is. Or at least, there have been VERY view in the history of Man. If what makes you special is the same as what made someone else special, guess what... you're not special. I'm not special because I can rap. #%*+# please... Anybody can rap. Everybody raps. If I'm special, and I doubt that I am, it's because the %++% I rap has only been rapped by me. My thoughts are originally phrased, though no idea is original in and of itself.

Only the people I care about think I'm special, and that's all that matters.

If you feel that way, maybe you should just sit in a warm bathtub and slit your wrists... vertically.

I hate downers on this board.
Aww, Me hurt him special wittle feelings

You're right, people always look at the small picture. Because to us, that's the only thing that will ever matter. That would mean youlook at the big picture right? That means you have a point of view right? ...

Soooo when I ask you if the cup is half empty or half full, your correct answer is half empty.

Edit: I'm expecting a reply, btw.
LarryIndiana219 wrote:
Originally Posted by MrMoneyInDaBank

NYVictory45 wrote:
IMO humans aren't really as special as people make them out to be. Personlly I think our belief that we are somehow better than the rest of the animal kingdom is just a holdover from when the Great Chain of Being was popularly accepted. Humans are made in God's image therefore we're better than everything else. That idea seems to have spread even to those who claim a more secular existence. To me humans are just animals. The cheetah has speed to help it survive, the bear has size, etc. Humans have brains to help them survive, that's it. I once thought that humans had managed to escape the "rules" of natural selection. Recently though I'm starting to believe that less and less. I'm not a biology major or anything but my current view is that the human species is like a beehive. Everyone has their unique job, with some of a higher rank than others, but it all works to make the whole work.

Religion, atheism, and the many other belief systems and philosophies serve to provide intellectual diversity to the whole and its only with this diversity and competing modes of thoguht that humans progress through time. That's why I don't really understand the whole science vs religion debate. to me they are both necessary to keep humans going on. And just as an individual bee in a beehive may sacrifice himself for the good fo the hive when he stings a threat, humans may sacrifice their own innate ability for reason and logic in favor of faith, religion, etc because it helps keep intellectual diversity and helps continue the species. At the same time though I hesitate to just chalk everything up to biology or genetics. Unique individual personalities. human psychology, and culture have to count for something, I'm just not sure how much weight to give them. I dunno though, these are just my "theories." Maybe somebody who knows more about biology and/or anthropology can educate me.

This is an example of a properly formed argument. One which I can agree with for the most part.

If this were being graded, or if I felt that the audience would appreciate it, I'd have done it the same way. but I know better than to drop a WALL Of TEXT in an OP round these parts
. Dudes ain't going..

I'm not referring to the length. I'm referring to the execution. You came out with the statement you were trying to make and it turned alot of people off before you ever presented your reasoning. Tell us why we should jump off the bridge before you actually tell us to jump.
Nice post, OP. I agree for the most part with what you're saying.

I think that the older I get, the more I start to realize that I'm not as special as people told me I was when I was younger. I'm just like every otherperson on this planet. Oftentimes, we are told to make "something" of ourselves, to chase the American Dream. We are taught to find our significancein having loads of money, obtaining fame, and being respected; in the end, does it really matter?

We are all just chasing after this feeling of being special and significant.

This thread kinda remind me of the film Synechdoche, New York. I recommend it if you haven't seen it.
Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

I hate all those "God made me special" types... no, God made cheetahs special. And bats. Cheetahs can run 70 mph for crying out loud.
What's your top speed, Flash? bats can echo-locate. You can't find that remote you probably sat on... And the irony is, ALL of them can do it. So NONE of them are actually unique. Get it? You're not smart. Humans are smart. You're just human. You're just a grain of rice in a huge bowl homie.. let it go.. be unique in that you're one of few that actually embrace your lack of uniqueness.

That is all.


Or don't.

I don't care...
your point has a big flaw that i didnt see until i read some replies and back to your OP.

you say "you're not smart, you're human. humans are smart". when in reality, there are smart humansand stupid humans. the level of intelligence differs and varies by the human being, so you cannot generalize all human beings to one label, "smart".because intelligence varies in an unlimited list of categories, you can be special for what level of intelligence you have in the particular subject you areknowledgeable in.

there are smart humans, and there are "dumb" humans. much like the "dumb blond" stereotype. not ALL humans are intelligent, and whileintelligence varies by the subject, some humans lack common sense.

so would you say all human beings are smart? or would you say there are some smart human beings? because that in itselfmakes a person somewhat "special".

much like the bowl of rice you mentioned. if we were all rice in a bowl and I was brown rice and you were white rice, we would both be special due to ourcolor, even though we are both still rice... i am brown rice. that makes me a special type of rice.

i agree with you saying some people just need to stop acting self centered and like they are Gods gift to us all though. i just dont agree with your entireargument.
I think if you make this statement this it also follows that then there certainly no personal God or God of the Bible. In any personal God theology humans areunique and very special so much so that they warrant a separate creation. If humans aren't special and like all other kinds of animals then certainly thepersonal God who created the universe with us in mind goes out the window
--I agree with some aspects of your post, OP.
--Im glad the cheetahs and bats designed the z4 I drive every morning, the playstaion 3 I play MW2 on, and the comics they write and draw on a monthly basisfor DC and Marvel. Thanks cheetahs and bats! I wonder which cheetah designed and developed the iPhone I am posting from?
--Thanks for your Durden-esque insight though.
Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Now I hate myself? Where does this #%%# come from
... Why have I upset so many G.D.I.s.... oh wait.. never mind..

and tell Jimmy that the best motivation in the world is knowing that you are not special. Someone has felt your pain, taken your losses, and won your victories before. You are not alone if you fail, and there are examples of your potential success. Now go out and achieve, not because you are specially built for it, but because you aren't. We're ALL capable of monumental accomplishment and you're one of us.
blazinRook wrote:
I get it...

but can't a person become special if in fact you say people are amazing
why can't people grow?
Sure a lot of people aren't special right now, at this very moment...But as a person, one's potential is limitless
I think OP is saying, because humans are not reaching our potential, were not special, were not reaching ourpotential ....
If thats the case, ithink OP is just putting humans on a high standard which I believe in as well
as humans we have the most responsibility to contribute positively to the world but we fail to do so...

Please tell me I still don't get it, because my response that ijust quoted was made prior to your exact same comment. LOL

Like homie in previous pages i'll be waiting for a response

So I don't fully understand. Are you talking about doctors being perceived as "special", but really there's a million others so he's not?

But why should he care? If being a unspecial doctor makes HIM more happy than he would being an unspecial retail worker... right?

It doesn't make sense. Even if I'm not special, I'm happier being in shape than fat? Even though there's a million more of each so we'renot truly unique...

I'm prob thinking of something else lol
yall gotta be stupid.

no person is the same, there may be someone who can do alot like you, but they can't do everything.

you are unique witha ll your talents abilities and personalities your mix is not the same as everyone else's.

i can scrape kids in cod4 and ball. maybe they're are people who are great at both. do they suffer from asthma does it affect their life, are they on astrict diet, do we listen to the same music, do we handle defeat with a smile bitterness or a learning experience.

there a million variables on how people can be different and a trillion combinations.

eff outta here OP.
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

yall gotta be stupid.

no person is the same, there may be someone who can do alot like you, but they can't do everything.

you are unique witha ll your talents abilities and personalities your mix is not the same as everyone else's.

i can scrape kids in cod4 and ball. maybe they're are people who are great at both. do they suffer from asthma does it affect their life, are they on a strict diet, do we listen to the same music, do we handle defeat with a smile bitterness or a learning experience.

there a million variables on how people can be different and a trillion combinations.

eff outta here OP.


No 2 people are alike, we have known that since elementary school. Some of yall really need to go to school.
people are !#*+!#

i remember looking out at a bunch of the la freeways and thinking how we destroyed the land and made it inhospitable for anyone but ourselves.

we are awful. animals should hate us.
We are ALL unique in our own special way, as corny as that sounds. I mean, how many people would have the gall to wear Ed Hardy OVER a hoody, after all?
That voice in your head that reasons things out with you, that tells you that you're special, it's not you. It may be shocking, some have labeled ityour ego, or your consciene, it sure enough isn't you. It's purpose is to keep you feeling special. It's what made OP make this post as if he were"special" for knowing he's not special. His ego made him feel real good for coming to such a profound realization that he presumes most have notcome to. Although it was not profound enough to disrupt the function of his ego, which manifested the realization into feelings of specialty and superiority,as it should.
The fact that we are all unique and different from one other does not mean we are special in the universe or have objective superiority to another species.

It just means we're all different on individual basis as most animals like dogs to turtles to zebras and etc.
Originally Posted by blazinRook

OP just watched avatar

you claims animals are special for their natural ability of speed, flight, and natural awareness

but you don't give any props to humans for the ability of creating speed through vehicles, flight through planes, and natural awareness through science

OP you special, not in a good way tho

Even if OP is being overly dramatic but I get the point. Humans in general act like their $%$# don't stink. Females are the most obvious example......
Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

yall gotta be stupid.

no person is the same, there may be someone who can do alot like you, but they can't do everything.

you are unique witha ll your talents abilities and personalities your mix is not the same as everyone else's.

i can scrape kids in cod4 and ball. maybe they're are people who are great at both. do they suffer from asthma does it affect their life, are they on a strict diet, do we listen to the same music, do we handle defeat with a smile bitterness or a learning experience.

there a million variables on how people can be different and a trillion combinations.

eff outta here OP.

No 2 people are alike, we have known that since elementary school. Some of yall really need to go to school.
No two people are alike genetically............but all humans are 99+% similar genetically. It's all about perception and interpretation.
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