Attention, YOU, yes YOU, are not special in any discernable way

i don't think you're being pessimistic. i just think people get offended by what you say because it is kind of... uh..brasive so they don't reallylisten to what you have to say which is actually true.. anyway

Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Humans are smart. You're just human. You're just a grain of rice in a huge bowl homie.. let it go.. be unique in that you're one of few that actually embrace your lack of uniqueness.

i think people often forget that we are all one and the same. i read this in Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom .. kind of endearing

"I heard a nice little story the other day," Morrie says. He closes his eyes for a moment and I wait.

"Okay. The story is about a little wave, bobbing along in the ocean, having a grand old time. He's enjoying the wind and the fresh air -- until he notices the other waves in front of him, crashing against the shore. "
"'My God, this is terrible,' the wave says 'Look what's going to happen to me!'"
"Then along comes another wave. It sees the first wave, looking grim, and it says to him, 'Why do you look so sad?' "
"The first wave says, 'You don't understand! We're all going to crash! All of us waves are going to be nothing! Isn't it terrible?' "
"The second wave says, 'No, you don't understand. You're not a wave, you're part of the ocean.' "
I smile. Morrie closes his eyes again.
"Part of the ocean," he says. "Part of the ocean." I watch him breathe, in and out, in and out.
Even if that is the case...MJ was in his prime in a special era and possessed special qualities, which
made him as marketable as he was.

We are all special in our own way. Everyone of us were born into unique circumstances, even if we have the same parents.

As cool as a cheetah is, I much rather be a human
Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Blah blah blah blah You can't win over everybody... But it's really pathetic that some of these lames go so far as to try and insult me personally since they can't assassinate my line of logic.

So since dudes don't hang on your every word like Raphael de la Ghetto we lames...

If your purpose if you "win people over" then you will fail everytime because any one with an ounce of sense and any life experience

It's like you understand that your life ain't goin anywhere but you at least wanna be mentioned in someone elses liner notes or eulogy for"changing their line of thought"

Again i ask... If the next big thing in anything (i won't be ignorant enough to draw parallels to something as trivial as basketball) uses his own or yourbackwards logic as motivations to become the next big thing how does that effect you???
IMO humans aren't really as special as people make them out to be. Personlly I think our belief that we are somehow better than the rest of the animalkingdom is just a holdover from when the Great Chain of Being was popularly accepted. Humans are made in God's image therefore we're better thaneverything else. That idea seems to have spread even to those who claim a more secular existence. To me humans are just animals. The cheetah has speed to helpit survive, the bear has size, etc. Humans have brains to help them survive, that's it. I once thought that humans had managed to escape the"rules" of natural selection. Recently though I'm starting to believe that less and less. I'm not a biology major or anything but my currentview is that the human species is like a beehive. Everyone has their unique job, with some of a higher rank than others, but it all works to make the wholework.

Religion, atheism, and the many other belief systems and philosophies serve to provide intellectual diversity to the whole and its only with this diversity andcompeting modes of thoguht that humans progress through time. That's why I don't really understand the whole science vs religion debate. to me they areboth necessary to keep humans going on. And just as an individual bee in a beehive may sacrifice himself for the good fo the hive when he stings a threat,humans may sacrifice their own innate ability for reason and logic in favor of faith, religion, etc because it helps keep intellectual diversity and helpscontinue the species. At the same time though I hesitate to just chalk everything up to biology or genetics. Unique individual personalities. human psychology,and culture have to count for something, I'm just not sure how much weight to give them. I dunno though, these are just my "theories." Maybesomebody who knows more about biology and/or anthropology can educate me.
Nah, YOU'RE lame cuz I been stopped addressing you yet you feel the need to address me. I don't know about you, but I never feel the need to be whereI'm not wanted or appeal to those that don't value my insight. Go ahead, reply.
Originally Posted by NYVictory45

IMO humans aren't really as special as people make them out to be. Personlly I think our belief that we are somehow better than the rest of the animal kingdom is just a holdover from when the Great Chain of Being was popularly accepted. Humans are made in God's image therefore we're better than everything else. That idea seems to have spread even to those who claim a more secular existence. To me humans are just animals. The cheetah has speed to help it survive, the bear has size, etc. Humans have brains to help them survive, that's it. I once thought that humans had managed to escape the "rules" of natural selection. Recently though I'm starting to believe that less and less. I'm not a biology major or anything but my current view is that the human species is like a beehive. Everyone has their unique job, with some of a higher rank than others, but it all works to make the whole work.
I say gat damn...

.... unless somebody wants to tell me they met a "special" Bee named Barry that could talk and represent himself in court.. cuz that was in a movie,sorry.
Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Nah, YOU'RE lame cuz I been stopped addressing you yet you feel the need to address me. I don't know about you, but I never feel the need to be where I'm not wanted or appeal to those that don't value my insight. Go ahead, reply.


No seriously... I'm laughing but what do you call what you're doing in this very point? Spreading the "gospel"? What makes you feel thatanyone values your insight? Because you're special? You're just like everyone else i don't care what you have to say or feel... (see how thatworks?)
Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

People think they are special just like some fat girls think they hot (-_-) Let them be. Its not that serious
It's not, at all. I was expecting a few pages of "hmm... interesting" but I guess I ruffled some of these birds !%% dudes feathers. I made no personal attacks, but some very un-special people identified with what I was saying and started crying about it

So here we are..
I know you arn't talking about me. I see where your coming from but keep in mind that you make it come off from a jaded point of a view.Taking in NOTHING and restricting yourself to this state of mind you put yourself. And then you have the audacity to take shots in underlying tones when yousay things like "unspecial people crying etc, etc making you no better then the people that are "crying". You are putting yourself on a pedestaland and the end of the day you're make yourself look like an $+%$#%@.
look... +@$%$ if I was talking bout you I'd have said yo $*@%@!% name. Relax.. I'm still in "decent mode". Don't *!%* that up. I'mbeing tactful and diplomatic here.
Originally Posted by NYVictory45

IMO humans aren't really as special as people make them out to be. Personlly I think our belief that we are somehow better than the rest of the animal kingdom is just a holdover from when the Great Chain of Being was popularly accepted. Humans are made in God's image therefore we're better than everything else. That idea seems to have spread even to those who claim a more secular existence. To me humans are just animals. The cheetah has speed to help it survive, the bear has size, etc. Humans have brains to help them survive, that's it. I once thought that humans had managed to escape the "rules" of natural selection. Recently though I'm starting to believe that less and less. I'm not a biology major or anything but my current view is that the human species is like a beehive. Everyone has their unique job, with some of a higher rank than others, but it all works to make the whole work.

Religion, atheism, and the many other belief systems and philosophies serve to provide intellectual diversity to the whole and its only with this diversity and competing modes of thoguht that humans progress through time. That's why I don't really understand the whole science vs religion debate. to me they are both necessary to keep humans going on. And just as an individual bee in a beehive may sacrifice himself for the good fo the hive when he stings a threat, humans may sacrifice their own innate ability for reason and logic in favor of faith, religion, etc because it helps keep intellectual diversity and helps continue the species. At the same time though I hesitate to just chalk everything up to biology or genetics. Unique individual personalities. human psychology, and culture have to count for something, I'm just not sure how much weight to give them. I dunno though, these are just my "theories." Maybe somebody who knows more about biology and/or anthropology can educate me.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

People think they are special just like some fat girls think they hot (-_-) Let them be. Its not that serious
It's not, at all. I was expecting a few pages of "hmm... interesting" but I guess I ruffled some of these birds !%% dudes feathers. I made no personal attacks, but some very un-special people identified with what I was saying and started crying about it

So here we are..
I know you arn't talking about me. I see where your coming from but keep in mind that you make it come off from a jaded point of a view. Taking in NOTHING and restricting yourself to this state of mind you put yourself. And then you have the audacity to take shots in underlying tones when you say things like "unspecial people crying etc, etc making you no better then the people that are "crying". You are putting yourself on a pedestal and and the end of the day you're make yourself look like an $+%$#%@.

You say no one is special but we should all listen to you about no one being special because you are special & you "get it"

If we all the same why should anyone care what you have to say...
I dead %$@ right now so you can take the eay road as you've been doin & ignore all opposition (you bird dudes; lames; blah blah blah
) or you could man up & support your thoughts...
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Even if that is the case...MJ was in his prime in a special era and possessed special qualities, which
made him as marketable as he was.

We are all special in our own way. Everyone of us were born into unique circumstances, even if we have the same parents.

As cool as a cheetah is, I much rather be a human
Haha I would have agreed with you prior to his MVP acceptance speech. However, after hearing that, it's obvious that he was told how to actand he followed. It's not a secret that he was an %@*$@+% on the court, but everyone used to say that was just on the court. I loved his speech btw.

And it's hard to disagree with OP when his statement is so inclusive. We are special from one perspective, but not from another. It's really no pointin arguing, OP just making a statement and lots of people arguing, but since there's really nothing to argue, it becomes personal attacks. His perspectivejust happens to be one that other people's don't agree with.
Originally Posted by Mister Negative

Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Nah, YOU'RE lame cuz I been stopped addressing you yet you feel the need to address me. I don't know about you, but I never feel the need to be where I'm not wanted or appeal to those that don't value my insight. Go ahead, reply.


No seriously... I'm laughing but what do you call what you're doing in this very point? Spreading the "gospel"? What makes you feel that anyone values your insight? Because you're special? You're just like everyone else i don't care what you have to say or feel... (see how that works?)
umm... ignorance ftl...

why u so mad?

u more mad than i usually am...

thats not good...

Thats what you got from what i said?

I know yall bammas be having sleepovers together so imma disregard your opinion... Just like OP disregarded every1 elses...
Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

look... +@$%$ if I was talking bout you I'd have said yo $*@%@!% name. Relax.. I'm still in "decent mode". Don't *!%* that up. I'm being tactful and diplomatic here.
The thing is I am relaxed. Hell, I even gave you some credit in my previous post. The problem is you arn't being tactful or diplomatic. Youjust don't get it.
NYVictory45 wrote:
IMO humans aren't really as special as people make them out to be. Personlly I think our belief that we are somehow better than the rest of the animal kingdom is just a holdover from when the Great Chain of Being was popularly accepted. Humans are made in God's image therefore we're better than everything else. That idea seems to have spread even to those who claim a more secular existence. To me humans are just animals. The cheetah has speed to help it survive, the bear has size, etc. Humans have brains to help them survive, that's it. I once thought that humans had managed to escape the "rules" of natural selection. Recently though I'm starting to believe that less and less. I'm not a biology major or anything but my current view is that the human species is like a beehive. Everyone has their unique job, with some of a higher rank than others, but it all works to make the whole work.

Religion, atheism, and the many other belief systems and philosophies serve to provide intellectual diversity to the whole and its only with this diversity and competing modes of thoguht that humans progress through time. That's why I don't really understand the whole science vs religion debate. to me they are both necessary to keep humans going on. And just as an individual bee in a beehive may sacrifice himself for the good fo the hive when he stings a threat, humans may sacrifice their own innate ability for reason and logic in favor of faith, religion, etc because it helps keep intellectual diversity and helps continue the species. At the same time though I hesitate to just chalk everything up to biology or genetics. Unique individual personalities. human psychology, and culture have to count for something, I'm just not sure how much weight to give them. I dunno though, these are just my "theories." Maybe somebody who knows more about biology and/or anthropology can educate me.

This is an example of a properly formed argument. One which I can agree with for the most part.
Originally Posted by AirJus23

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Even if that is the case...MJ was in his prime in a special era and possessed special qualities, which
made him as marketable as he was.

We are all special in our own way. Everyone of us were born into unique circumstances, even if we have the same parents.

As cool as a cheetah is, I much rather be a human
Haha I would have agreed with you prior to his MVP acceptance speech. However, after hearing that, it's obvious that he was told how to act and he followed. It's not a secret that he was an %@*$@+% on the court, but everyone used to say that was just on the court. I loved his speech btw.

And it's hard to disagree with OP when his statement is so inclusive. We are special from one perspective, but not from another. It's really no point in arguing, OP just making a statement and lots of people arguing, but since there's really nothing to argue, it becomes personal attacks. His perspective just happens to be one that other people's don't agree with.

I be thinking it's just me man.. good looks..
Originally Posted by MrMoneyInDaBank

NYVictory45 wrote:
IMO humans aren't really as special as people make them out to be. Personlly I think our belief that we are somehow better than the rest of the animal kingdom is just a holdover from when the Great Chain of Being was popularly accepted. Humans are made in God's image therefore we're better than everything else. That idea seems to have spread even to those who claim a more secular existence. To me humans are just animals. The cheetah has speed to help it survive, the bear has size, etc. Humans have brains to help them survive, that's it. I once thought that humans had managed to escape the "rules" of natural selection. Recently though I'm starting to believe that less and less. I'm not a biology major or anything but my current view is that the human species is like a beehive. Everyone has their unique job, with some of a higher rank than others, but it all works to make the whole work.

Religion, atheism, and the many other belief systems and philosophies serve to provide intellectual diversity to the whole and its only with this diversity and competing modes of thoguht that humans progress through time. That's why I don't really understand the whole science vs religion debate. to me they are both necessary to keep humans going on. And just as an individual bee in a beehive may sacrifice himself for the good fo the hive when he stings a threat, humans may sacrifice their own innate ability for reason and logic in favor of faith, religion, etc because it helps keep intellectual diversity and helps continue the species. At the same time though I hesitate to just chalk everything up to biology or genetics. Unique individual personalities. human psychology, and culture have to count for something, I'm just not sure how much weight to give them. I dunno though, these are just my "theories." Maybe somebody who knows more about biology and/or anthropology can educate me.

This is an example of a properly formed argument. One which I can agree with for the most part.

If this were being graded, or if I felt that the audience would appreciate it, I'd have done it the same way. but I know better than to drop a WALL Of TEXTin an OP round these parts
. Dudes ain't going..
Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by AirJus23

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Even if that is the case...MJ was in his prime in a special era and possessed special qualities, which
made him as marketable as he was.

We are all special in our own way. Everyone of us were born into unique circumstances, even if we have the same parents.

As cool as a cheetah is, I much rather be a human
Haha I would have agreed with you prior to his MVP acceptance speech. However, after hearing that, it's obvious that he was told how to act and he followed. It's not a secret that he was an %@*$@+% on the court, but everyone used to say that was just on the court. I loved his speech btw.

And it's hard to disagree with OP when his statement is so inclusive. We are special from one perspective, but not from another. It's really no point in arguing, OP just making a statement and lots of people arguing, but since there's really nothing to argue, it becomes personal attacks. His perspective just happens to be one that other people's don't agree with.
I be thinking it's just me man.. good looks..
Why would you think it would just be you though? Isn't your whole argument that no one person has anything up one anyone else and to think sois blasphemy? Why wouldn't AirJus or anyone else who is choosing not to respond see what you are saying.
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by AirJus23

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Even if that is the case...MJ was in his prime in a special era and possessed special qualities, which
made him as marketable as he was.

We are all special in our own way. Everyone of us were born into unique circumstances, even if we have the same parents.

As cool as a cheetah is, I much rather be a human
Haha I would have agreed with you prior to his MVP acceptance speech. However, after hearing that, it's obvious that he was told how to act and he followed. It's not a secret that he was an %@*$@+% on the court, but everyone used to say that was just on the court. I loved his speech btw.

And it's hard to disagree with OP when his statement is so inclusive. We are special from one perspective, but not from another. It's really no point in arguing, OP just making a statement and lots of people arguing, but since there's really nothing to argue, it becomes personal attacks. His perspective just happens to be one that other people's don't agree with.
I be thinking it's just me man.. good looks..
Why would you think it would just be you though? Isn't your whole argument that no one person has anything up one anyone else and to think so is blasphemy? Why wouldn't AirJus or anyone else who is choosing not to respond see what you are saying.

Actually, I never said that. Chill on the false cleverness....
So the fact that we(us as an entire human race) can make a nuclear bomb that can possible destroy an entire planet or send a nuclear bomb to another planet anddestroy it, causing out entire Solar system to be out of order, which will make the entire galaxy respond(and so on), isnt remarkable to you? Just as we candestroy it, we can do the exact opposite...

From an Earthly perspective, we are VERY special, and even from a universal perspective, we are special in a sense that we can have such a huge impact.

As stated, it all depends on your perspective...
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

So the fact that we(us as an entire human race) can make a nuclear bomb that can possible destroy an entire planet or send a nuclear bomb to another planet and destroy it, causing out entire Solar system to be out of order, which will make the entire galaxy respond(and so on), isnt remarkable to you? Just as we can destroy it, we can do the exact opposite...

From an Earthly perspective, we are VERY special, and even from a universal perspective, we are special in a sense that we can have such a huge impact.

As stated, it all depends on your perspective...

what the sex man?
........sigh... What does the pronoun "we" entail?
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