Attention, YOU, yes YOU, are not special in any discernable way

Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

I hate all those "God made me special" types... no, God made cheetahs special. And bats. Cheetahs can run 70 mph for crying out loud.
What's your top speed, Flash? bats can echo-locate. You can't find that remote you probably sat on... And the irony is, ALL of them can do it. So NONE of them are actually unique. Get it? You're not smart. Humans are smart. You're just human. You're just a grain of rice in a huge bowl homie.. let it go.. be unique in that you're one of few that actually embrace your lack of uniqueness.

That is all.


Or don't.

I don't care...
I disagree. You are making it seem as if animals are not unique because the same type of animal has the same attributes as the species it comesfrom. When writing about how all bats and cheetahs are the same you forgot to think about how DIFFERENT those two types of animals are different and dare Isay...unique. OP I understand you are trying to be philosophical but you are really just coming off as an #*$%%+$. Don't think so deep that you miss theouter layers of importance of what you THINK is going on.

Carry on.
hombrelobo wrote:
LarryIndiana219 wrote:
I hate all those "God made me special" types... no, God made cheetahs special. And bats. Cheetahs can run 70 mph for crying out loud.
What's your top speed, Flash? bats can echo-locate. You can't find that remote you probably sat on... And the irony is, ALL of them can do it. So NONE of them are actually unique. Get it? You're not smart. Humans are smart. You're just human. You're just a grain of rice in a huge bowl homie.. let it go.. be unique in that you're one of few that actually embrace your lack of uniqueness.

That is all.


Or don't.

I don't care...
I disagree. You just put yourself the exact same as the people who's feathers you are trying to ruffle. And yes, you are trying to ruffle feathers.

Carry on.

I didn't create existentialism. I didn't even know that's what I was speaking on until Anton said it and I thought back to the blue pill.. butsince I'm bringing it to your attention, I guess I bear the burden of dealing with your frustration and insults upon realization that the world as you knowit is bull %%%% thrown in front of your eyes. That's why us messengers wear flame suits..

You mad because your records are flopping, huh?
LarryIndiana219 wrote:
Originally Posted by MrMoneyInDaBank

LarryIndiana219 wrote:
AntonLaVey wrote:
I am a firm believer that as humans we have less worth than most creatures on this planet.

Our "super heroes" do regular %%#+ that animals do. Think about it

Are you guys serious? If other creatures were so much better than humans, why are we ruling the earth and they're sitting in zoo's?

God gave Cheetahs speed
He gave Humans Logic.....and opposable thumbs

Serious question, are you White? I'm not. And I'm also NOT pulling the race card, but I just see %%#+ differently knowing that my people are just as muchof a people as White people are, but 300 years ago we were "domesticated" just like all the other creatures we as a people put in cages and chains. Want a real answer? Go outside into the wild with only the things God gave you. Use YOUR intellect to fashion YOUR defense. See who wins, you or the animals.. see the thing is, you take for granted what people have devised to contain nature. You as a person would cease to exist without your people and all there nick nacks and patty wacks. See how far your opposable thumbs get you in the Amazon..

No, I'm Black, and your seriously reaching with your statement. People aren't special? Check the NT banner Recognize him? Know why? Cause he was morethan special, he was exceptional, and there are many more like him. In a world of billions of people and limited resources not everyone is going to accomplishthe same in their life time. That being said, the potential is there in everyone. A %*#|^ Cheetah? Are you serious? Where do you think society came from?People, going out into the wild, conquering the elements and animals to create an environment suitable for their needs. You being black should know how much 1black man is able to accomplish. A %&$^ Cheetah, now I've heard it all.
Come on man.. I've been bolding the word people and italicising(sp) the word person for a reason.. please read carefully. Idon't know what else to do if the visual cues in the words, along with the differences in spelling and definition can't keep you from confusing the twoterms..
please make the words bigger, if possible make a gif with the word changing colors, as if it was a late 80 japanese anime.
Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

AntonLaVey wrote:

Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by MrMoneyInDaBank

LarryIndiana219 wrote:
AntonLaVey wrote:
I am a firm believer that as humans we have less worth than most creatures on this planet.

Our "super heroes" do regular %%#+ that animals do. Think about it
Are you guys serious? If other creatures were so much better than humans, why are we ruling the earth and they're sitting in zoo's?

God gave Cheetahs speed
He gave Humans Logic.....and opposable thumbs
Serious question, are you White? I'm not. And I'm also NOT pulling the race card, but I just see %%#+ differently knowing that my people are just as muchof a people as White people are, but 300 years ago we were "domesticated" just like all the other creatures we as a people put in cages and chains. Want a real answer? Go outside into the wild with only the things God gave you. Use YOUR intellect to fashion YOUR defense. See who wins, you or the animals.. see the thing is, you take for granted what people have devised to contain nature. You as a person would cease to exist without your people and all there nick nacks and patty wacks. See how far your opposable thumbs get you in the Amazon..

People Persons aren't looking at the big picture.

People painted over the big picture years ago...

I get it...

No, you don't actually. It's not about individual acheivement. You are not special because you are replaceable as a student, worker, citizen, team mate, etc ad infinitum. Michael Jordan was "special". Yet, he wore a jersey number and a logo. what does that really say? THINK! There are 463098579 people right now playing that position on somebody's team this season, be it NBA or biddy ball. The 2 best players in the NBA right now wanted to "be like Mike" growing up. Kids will want to be like them someday. Mike himself was inspired by someone before him. THINK! If MJ is special, so is Kobe or Lebron. So is the kid that will follow in his footsteps and become "special", and so on.........None of them are all that special when you extend the frame and color in the gaps.
So where do you stop extending the frame. If you zoom out far enough, anything can become small. What's the point of pointing this out?
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Half empty, half full. Which one do you think OP sees?
I see reality. Half is half, whether you subtract from the top or add from the bottom. To be subjective is to add the "full" or"empty". My objectiveness doesn't give a damn.. half is half.
you didn't even read my response....all you read was "I get it" and tried to say that i don't

lol you mad

its like you don't want anyone to understand so you can feel like you and anton are the

"only people" on this board who appreciate this mindset of thinking

maybe so you can feel special?

but the fact that anton gets it as well we'll leave you to believe that your not special because Anton understands it too

so in a couple pages i predict your going to go against him just to know that you are standing alone, to feel special once again

what about a woman with breath-taking beauty?, but then again, there are many women with breath-taking beauty.

Humans suck.
Originally Posted by AirJus23

Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

AntonLaVey wrote:

Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by MrMoneyInDaBank

LarryIndiana219 wrote:
AntonLaVey wrote:
I am a firm believer that as humans we have less worth than most creatures on this planet.

Our "super heroes" do regular %%#+ that animals do. Think about it
Are you guys serious? If other creatures were so much better than humans, why are we ruling the earth and they're sitting in zoo's?

God gave Cheetahs speed
He gave Humans Logic.....and opposable thumbs
Serious question, are you White? I'm not. And I'm also NOT pulling the race card, but I just see %%#+ differently knowing that my people are just as muchof a people as White people are, but 300 years ago we were "domesticated" just like all the other creatures we as a people put in cages and chains. Want a real answer? Go outside into the wild with only the things God gave you. Use YOUR intellect to fashion YOUR defense. See who wins, you or the animals.. see the thing is, you take for granted what people have devised to contain nature. You as a person would cease to exist without your people and all there nick nacks and patty wacks. See how far your opposable thumbs get you in the Amazon..

People Persons aren't looking at the big picture.

People painted over the big picture years ago...

I get it...

No, you don't actually. It's not about individual acheivement. You are not special because you are replaceable as a student, worker, citizen, team mate, etc ad infinitum. Michael Jordan was "special". Yet, he wore a jersey number and a logo. what does that really say? THINK! There are 463098579 people right now playing that position on somebody's team this season, be it NBA or biddy ball. The 2 best players in the NBA right now wanted to "be like Mike" growing up. Kids will want to be like them someday. Mike himself was inspired by someone before him. THINK! If MJ is special, so is Kobe or Lebron. So is the kid that will follow in his footsteps and become "special", and so on.........None of them are all that special when you extend the frame and color in the gaps.
So where do you stop extending the frame. If you zoom out far enough, anything can become small. What's the point of pointing this out?

Awareness and evaluation my man....

And seeing as how I'm dealing with specific populations and how the individuals in that population derive personal value, the picture frame stopsstretching when comparing one population to another. Like apples and oranges. Hint..

you didn't even read my response....all you read was "I get it" and tried to say that i don't

lol you mad

its like you don't want anyone to understand so you can feel like you and anton are the

"only people" on this board who appreciate this mindset of thinking

maybe so you can feel special?

but the fact that anton gets it as well we'll leave you to believe that your not special because Anton understands it too

so in a couple pages i predict your going to go against him just to know that you are standing alone, to feel special once again


You mean to tell me that you think I've done all this ranting to my chosen audience, not to persuade them to look at things differently, butto prove that me and Anton are special in that we're the only ones that CAN get it? Think about the various stupidities in that statement. You stilldon't get it. and you even went so far as to take that stupid thought and extrapolate what I would do in such a scenario. Good luck man... you're inway over your head.
Originally Posted by AirJus23

Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

AntonLaVey wrote:

Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by MrMoneyInDaBank

LarryIndiana219 wrote:
AntonLaVey wrote:
I am a firm believer that as humans we have less worth than most creatures on this planet.

Our "super heroes" do regular %%#+ that animals do. Think about it
Are you guys serious? If other creatures were so much better than humans, why are we ruling the earth and they're sitting in zoo's?

God gave Cheetahs speed
He gave Humans Logic.....and opposable thumbs
Serious question, are you White? I'm not. And I'm also NOT pulling the race card, but I just see %%#+ differently knowing that my people are just as muchof a people as White people are, but 300 years ago we were "domesticated" just like all the other creatures we as a people put in cages and chains. Want a real answer? Go outside into the wild with only the things God gave you. Use YOUR intellect to fashion YOUR defense. See who wins, you or the animals.. see the thing is, you take for granted what people have devised to contain nature. You as a person would cease to exist without your people and all there nick nacks and patty wacks. See how far your opposable thumbs get you in the Amazon..

People Persons aren't looking at the big picture.

People painted over the big picture years ago...

I get it...

No, you don't actually. It's not about individual acheivement. You are not special because you are replaceable as a student, worker, citizen, team mate, etc ad infinitum. Michael Jordan was "special". Yet, he wore a jersey number and a logo. what does that really say? THINK! There are 463098579 people right now playing that position on somebody's team this season, be it NBA or biddy ball. The 2 best players in the NBA right now wanted to "be like Mike" growing up. Kids will want to be like them someday. Mike himself was inspired by someone before him. THINK! If MJ is special, so is Kobe or Lebron. So is the kid that will follow in his footsteps and become "special", and so on.........None of them are all that special when you extend the frame and color in the gaps.
So where do you stop extending the frame. If you zoom out far enough, anything can become small. What's the point of pointing this out?

I can't believe that he's using basketball to support his argument. When saying what he's said he fails to realize that MJ is specialbecause he took the game to a new level Kobe and LeBron are reaching that level too and in turn are creating a new standard. Raising the bar. That is special.

OP thinks because those accomplishments are so "small" they don't matter failing to realize that.. rome wasn't built in a day. It's allabout progress. He fails to see that. A hardheaded one he is. High off weed thinking he's always right. It's a case of being young and always right.While expanding his mind he's closed his mind to so many other things from what a gather from his posts. Sad.
If I was as thirsty to be contradictory as some of you guys that hit the add reply button, I could have a field day... para ejemplo..

People aren't special? Check the NT banner Recognize him? Know why?

That's a person tho...

When writing about how all bats and cheetahs are the same you forgot to think about how DIFFERENT those two types of animals are different and dare I say...unique

word. Apples and oranges taste different too...

And so on.. do we become somebodies in your opinion?? Achieve something that no other human being in this world has done or.....?
Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

If I was as thirsty to be contradictory as some of you guys that hit the add reply button, I could have a field day... para ejemplo..

People aren't special? Check the NT banner Recognize him? Know why?

That's a person tho...

When writing about how all bats and cheetahs are the same you forgot to think about how DIFFERENT those two types of animals are different and dare I say...unique

word. Apples and oranges taste different too...

And so on..
Word. And think about all the different types of species that have changed to adapt to environmental situations. Think about the different typesof apples and oranges with different colors textures and shapes..

And so on and so fourth..
OK, I was like the others replying in thinking "why?", but I'm starting to see what you're trying to do. Whether I agree or not, respect tothis you on this response. I thought you were just being a cynic, but I assume that if we zoom in further, you would agree that some people are special? Ifthat's the case, I'll agree with that. However, if we're comparing species and we're at that level, we shouldn't even consider theindividual. Therefore, if you want to put us in the wild without the tools and devices that humankind as a whole have developed, then I don't thinkthat's fair.
Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by AirJus23

So where do you stop extending the frame. If you zoom out far enough, anything can become small. What's the point of pointing this out?

Awareness and evaluation my man....

And seeing as how I'm dealing with specific populations and how the individuals in that population derive personal value, the picture frame stops stretching when comparing one population to another. Like apples and oranges. Hint..
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by AirJus23

Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

AntonLaVey wrote:

Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by MrMoneyInDaBank

LarryIndiana219 wrote:
AntonLaVey wrote:
I am a firm believer that as humans we have less worth than most creatures on this planet.

Our "super heroes" do regular %%#+ that animals do. Think about it
Are you guys serious? If other creatures were so much better than humans, why are we ruling the earth and they're sitting in zoo's?

God gave Cheetahs speed
He gave Humans Logic.....and opposable thumbs
Serious question, are you White? I'm not. And I'm also NOT pulling the race card, but I just see %%#+ differently knowing that my people are just as muchof a people as White people are, but 300 years ago we were "domesticated" just like all the other creatures we as a people put in cages and chains. Want a real answer? Go outside into the wild with only the things God gave you. Use YOUR intellect to fashion YOUR defense. See who wins, you or the animals.. see the thing is, you take for granted what people have devised to contain nature. You as a person would cease to exist without your people and all there nick nacks and patty wacks. See how far your opposable thumbs get you in the Amazon..

People Persons aren't looking at the big picture.

People painted over the big picture years ago...

I get it...

No, you don't actually. It's not about individual acheivement. You are not special because you are replaceable as a student, worker, citizen, team mate, etc ad infinitum. Michael Jordan was "special". Yet, he wore a jersey number and a logo. what does that really say? THINK! There are 463098579 people right now playing that position on somebody's team this season, be it NBA or biddy ball. The 2 best players in the NBA right now wanted to "be like Mike" growing up. Kids will want to be like them someday. Mike himself was inspired by someone before him. THINK! If MJ is special, so is Kobe or Lebron. So is the kid that will follow in his footsteps and become "special", and so on.........None of them are all that special when you extend the frame and color in the gaps.
So where do you stop extending the frame. If you zoom out far enough, anything can become small. What's the point of pointing this out?

I can't believe that he's using basketball to support his argument. When saying what he's said he fails to realize that MJ is special because he took the game to a new level Kobe and LeBron are reaching that level too and in turn are creating a new standard. Raising the bar. That is special.

OP thinks because those accomplishments are so "small" they don't matter failing to realize that.. rome wasn't built in a day. It's all about progress. He fails to see that. A hardheaded one he is. High off weed thinking he's always right. It's a case of being young and always right. While expanding his mind he's closed his mind to so many other things from what a gather from his posts. Sad.

Somebody takes basketball to a new level once every generation..... you spend so much time trying to categorize me that you failed to note that MJ was not thefirst to do any of the things he's known for . Bill has more rings. Kareem, more points. THINK!
Didn't they ever teach you in debate class that you argue the rhetoric, not the debator? Tell me something MJ has done that's "special"besides make shoes. Mind you, he's my fav. player too.. I'm just being real. Being better does not make you unique.
I dont necessarily buy into the whole childhood im special thing..
I just think it's funny that some dude from Indiana thinks he's droppin knowledge on the masses over a sneaker board...
If lil Jimmy from Detroit needs to think he's special to motivate himself to become the next Martin, Barack or even the first lil Jimmy from Detroit thenso be it...
90% of our existence is about our own sense of self worth... Majority of our time is spent with ourselves... So just because you hate yourself don't meanyou're right G & that "no one in this world is special"..
Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by AirJus23

Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

AntonLaVey wrote:

Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by MrMoneyInDaBank

LarryIndiana219 wrote:
AntonLaVey wrote:
I am a firm believer that as humans we have less worth than most creatures on this planet.

Our "super heroes" do regular %%#+ that animals do. Think about it
Are you guys serious? If other creatures were so much better than humans, why are we ruling the earth and they're sitting in zoo's?

God gave Cheetahs speed
He gave Humans Logic.....and opposable thumbs
Serious question, are you White? I'm not. And I'm also NOT pulling the race card, but I just see %%#+ differently knowing that my people are just as muchof a people as White people are, but 300 years ago we were "domesticated" just like all the other creatures we as a people put in cages and chains. Want a real answer? Go outside into the wild with only the things God gave you. Use YOUR intellect to fashion YOUR defense. See who wins, you or the animals.. see the thing is, you take for granted what people have devised to contain nature. You as a person would cease to exist without your people and all there nick nacks and patty wacks. See how far your opposable thumbs get you in the Amazon..

People Persons aren't looking at the big picture.

People painted over the big picture years ago...

I get it...

No, you don't actually. It's not about individual acheivement. You are not special because you are replaceable as a student, worker, citizen, team mate, etc ad infinitum. Michael Jordan was "special". Yet, he wore a jersey number and a logo. what does that really say? THINK! There are 463098579 people right now playing that position on somebody's team this season, be it NBA or biddy ball. The 2 best players in the NBA right now wanted to "be like Mike" growing up. Kids will want to be like them someday. Mike himself was inspired by someone before him. THINK! If MJ is special, so is Kobe or Lebron. So is the kid that will follow in his footsteps and become "special", and so on.........None of them are all that special when you extend the frame and color in the gaps.
So where do you stop extending the frame. If you zoom out far enough, anything can become small. What's the point of pointing this out?

I can't believe that he's using basketball to support his argument. When saying what he's said he fails to realize that MJ is special because he took the game to a new level Kobe and LeBron are reaching that level too and in turn are creating a new standard. Raising the bar. That is special.

OP thinks because those accomplishments are so "small" they don't matter failing to realize that.. rome wasn't built in a day. It's all about progress. He fails to see that. A hardheaded one he is. High off weed thinking he's always right. It's a case of being young and always right. While expanding his mind he's closed his mind to so many other things from what a gather from his posts. Sad.

Somebody takes basketball to a new level once every generation..... you spend so much time trying to categorize me that you failed to note that MJ was not the first to do any of the things he's known for . Bill has more rings. Kareem, more points. THINK!
Didn't they ever teach you in debate class that you argue the rhetoric, not the debator? Tell me something MJ has done that's "special" besides make shoes. Mind you, he's my fav. player too.. I'm just being real. Being better does not make you unique.
No of course he wasn't the first to do any of the things that he's accomplished because they are only so many SET accomplishments that canbe achieved in the game of basketball. BUT he was the FIRST to play the game the way he did. Air Jordan. THINK!
Originally Posted by Mister Negative

I dont necessarily buy into the whole childhood im special thing..
I just think it's funny that some dude from Indiana thinks he's droppin knowledge on the masses over a sneaker board...
If lil Jimmy from Detroit needs to think he's special to motivate himself to become the next Martin, Barack or even the first lil Jimmy from Detroit then so be it...
90% of our existence is about our own sense of self worth... Majority of our time is spent with ourselves... So just because you hate yourself don't mean you're right G & that "no one in this world is special"..
Now I hate myself? Where does this #%%# come from
... Why have I upset so many G.D.I.s.... oh wait.. never mind..

and tell Jimmy that the best motivation in the world is knowing that you are not special. Someone has felt your pain, taken your losses, and won your victoriesbefore. You are not alone if you fail, and there are examples of your potential success. Now go out and achieve, not because you are specially built for it,but because you aren't. We're ALL capable of monumental accomplishment and you're one of us.
Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by AirJus23

Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

AntonLaVey wrote:

Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by MrMoneyInDaBank

LarryIndiana219 wrote:
AntonLaVey wrote:
I am a firm believer that as humans we have less worth than most creatures on this planet.

Our "super heroes" do regular %%#+ that animals do. Think about it
Are you guys serious? If other creatures were so much better than humans, why are we ruling the earth and they're sitting in zoo's?

God gave Cheetahs speed
He gave Humans Logic.....and opposable thumbs
Serious question, are you White? I'm not. And I'm also NOT pulling the race card, but I just see %%#+ differently knowing that my people are just as muchof a people as White people are, but 300 years ago we were "domesticated" just like all the other creatures we as a people put in cages and chains. Want a real answer? Go outside into the wild with only the things God gave you. Use YOUR intellect to fashion YOUR defense. See who wins, you or the animals.. see the thing is, you take for granted what people have devised to contain nature. You as a person would cease to exist without your people and all there nick nacks and patty wacks. See how far your opposable thumbs get you in the Amazon..

People Persons aren't looking at the big picture.

People painted over the big picture years ago...

I get it...

No, you don't actually. It's not about individual acheivement. You are not special because you are replaceable as a student, worker, citizen, team mate, etc ad infinitum. Michael Jordan was "special". Yet, he wore a jersey number and a logo. what does that really say? THINK! There are 463098579 people right now playing that position on somebody's team this season, be it NBA or biddy ball. The 2 best players in the NBA right now wanted to "be like Mike" growing up. Kids will want to be like them someday. Mike himself was inspired by someone before him. THINK! If MJ is special, so is Kobe or Lebron. So is the kid that will follow in his footsteps and become "special", and so on.........None of them are all that special when you extend the frame and color in the gaps.
So where do you stop extending the frame. If you zoom out far enough, anything can become small. What's the point of pointing this out?

I can't believe that he's using basketball to support his argument. When saying what he's said he fails to realize that MJ is special because he took the game to a new level Kobe and LeBron are reaching that level too and in turn are creating a new standard. Raising the bar. That is special.

OP thinks because those accomplishments are so "small" they don't matter failing to realize that.. rome wasn't built in a day. It's all about progress. He fails to see that. A hardheaded one he is. High off weed thinking he's always right. It's a case of being young and always right. While expanding his mind he's closed his mind to so many other things from what a gather from his posts. Sad.

Somebody takes basketball to a new level once every generation..... you spend so much time trying to categorize me that you failed to note that MJ was not the first to do any of the things he's known for . Bill has more rings. Kareem, more points. THINK!
Didn't they ever teach you in debate class that you argue the rhetoric, not the debator? Tell me something MJ has done that's "special" besides make shoes. Mind you, he's my fav. player too.. I'm just being real. Being better does not make you unique.
Alot of NT'ers missed that lesson.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by AirJus23

Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

AntonLaVey wrote:

Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Originally Posted by MrMoneyInDaBank

LarryIndiana219 wrote:
AntonLaVey wrote:
I am a firm believer that as humans we have less worth than most creatures on this planet.

Our "super heroes" do regular %%#+ that animals do. Think about it
Are you guys serious? If other creatures were so much better than humans, why are we ruling the earth and they're sitting in zoo's?

God gave Cheetahs speed
He gave Humans Logic.....and opposable thumbs
Serious question, are you White? I'm not. And I'm also NOT pulling the race card, but I just see %%#+ differently knowing that my people are just as muchof a people as White people are, but 300 years ago we were "domesticated" just like all the other creatures we as a people put in cages and chains. Want a real answer? Go outside into the wild with only the things God gave you. Use YOUR intellect to fashion YOUR defense. See who wins, you or the animals.. see the thing is, you take for granted what people have devised to contain nature. You as a person would cease to exist without your people and all there nick nacks and patty wacks. See how far your opposable thumbs get you in the Amazon..

People Persons aren't looking at the big picture.

People painted over the big picture years ago...

I get it...

No, you don't actually. It's not about individual acheivement. You are not special because you are replaceable as a student, worker, citizen, team mate, etc ad infinitum. Michael Jordan was "special". Yet, he wore a jersey number and a logo. what does that really say? THINK! There are 463098579 people right now playing that position on somebody's team this season, be it NBA or biddy ball. The 2 best players in the NBA right now wanted to "be like Mike" growing up. Kids will want to be like them someday. Mike himself was inspired by someone before him. THINK! If MJ is special, so is Kobe or Lebron. So is the kid that will follow in his footsteps and become "special", and so on.........None of them are all that special when you extend the frame and color in the gaps.
So where do you stop extending the frame. If you zoom out far enough, anything can become small. What's the point of pointing this out?

I can't believe that he's using basketball to support his argument. When saying what he's said he fails to realize that MJ is special because he took the game to a new level Kobe and LeBron are reaching that level too and in turn are creating a new standard. Raising the bar. That is special.

OP thinks because those accomplishments are so "small" they don't matter failing to realize that.. rome wasn't built in a day. It's all about progress. He fails to see that. A hardheaded one he is. High off weed thinking he's always right. It's a case of being young and always right. While expanding his mind he's closed his mind to so many other things from what a gather from his posts. Sad.

Somebody takes basketball to a new level once every generation..... you spend so much time trying to categorize me that you failed to note that MJ was not the first to do any of the things he's known for . Bill has more rings. Kareem, more points. THINK!
Didn't they ever teach you in debate class that you argue the rhetoric, not the debator? Tell me something MJ has done that's "special" besides make shoes. Mind you, he's my fav. player too.. I'm just being real. Being better does not make you unique.
No of course he wasn't the first to do any of the things that he's accomplished because they are only so many SET accomplishments that can be achieved in the game of basketball. BUT he was the FIRST to play the game the way he did. Air Jordan. THINK!

No, he wasn't.. that's just marketing. And I'm sure Elgin Baylor agrees.
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