Attention All Footlocker Footaction Champs Employees You are about to be screwed!!!!

Man it's amazing how people cry and complain over little crap like this, there's more to life than just sneakers. If your really spending more than 500 a month on sneakers maybe you should start looking over priorities again. If you cant afford the shoe then basically don't buy it... Employees are so cheap and whine so damn much...
Man it's amazing how people cry and complain over little crap like this, there's more to life than just sneakers. If your really spending more than 500 a month on sneakers maybe you should start looking over priorities again. If you cant afford the shoe then basically don't buy it... Employees are so cheap and whine so damn much...
one of my real questions is, what's gonna be the cap on EA now? If we can only drop 500 a month I wonder what the exception will be during EA. I see the card as a better way for corporate to track employee purchases and control it. The company wants to make as much money as it can, they have banked the last 2 years and if they can make more money somehow they will. So if they cap the employee's they are probably hoping more people will pay retail or close to it. Greed is the bottom line Corporate vs. Employee, IMO of course. From an employee stand point it's whatever, penny pinch the part-timers, and try to lock us down. I don't make money off of using my disco anyways I like to build connects you never know when you will need help.
one of my real questions is, what's gonna be the cap on EA now? If we can only drop 500 a month I wonder what the exception will be during EA. I see the card as a better way for corporate to track employee purchases and control it. The company wants to make as much money as it can, they have banked the last 2 years and if they can make more money somehow they will. So if they cap the employee's they are probably hoping more people will pay retail or close to it. Greed is the bottom line Corporate vs. Employee, IMO of course. From an employee stand point it's whatever, penny pinch the part-timers, and try to lock us down. I don't make money off of using my disco anyways I like to build connects you never know when you will need help.
Limit will be $500 a month, plus an "additional" $500 or $1000 when there is an Employee Appreciation. Plus the $500 limit per month will be adjusted according to how business is doing. If the company starts losing money, they will raise the limit, more EAs, etc. This came from my DM, so take it for what its worth
Limit will be $500 a month, plus an "additional" $500 or $1000 when there is an Employee Appreciation. Plus the $500 limit per month will be adjusted according to how business is doing. If the company starts losing money, they will raise the limit, more EAs, etc. This came from my DM, so take it for what its worth
Wow.....I see the American mentality of self-entitlement is in full swing.

I'm not sure where to even begin with this thread, but I'll try to fire down the list absurdities as best as I remember it.  First of all, Raices03, let me start off by saying I don't think anyone is "frowning upon" people for making $7/hr.  Rather, what they're frowning upon is your opinion (and those of a few others) which seems to be that you are OWED or ENTITLED to keep your previous discount policies BECAUSE you're getting paid so little/the job sucks so bad that the only reason you and others work at FTL is FOR said discount.  That is flat out ridiculous.  Whether someone works at FTL because that is the only type of job they're qualified for, or because it's an extra job they're just using for the discount/extra income, how is it the company's fault that you made this decision?  Under what rationale should the company be held responsible or accountable for YOUR life choices?  Why would they owe you just because YOU decided the only justification to work at a store like this is because of the discount?  That is a justification you made for personal reasons, and so if they take that away, then your justification for working there is gone which = quit, not "protest against the company till I can get my personal justification for working there back again".

It seems we need to differentiate between rights, and perks.  When it comes to employees, the only thing a company is obligated to do is comply with labor laws (must pay at least minimum wage, must provide no less than a 20 min break to any employee working more than 7.5 hrs in a day, etc), and that's it.  No company is obligated by law to give you PERKS, which are added bonuses to encourage you to work for company A over company B.  IF you don't like the perks of a certain company, or the perks of a company you work for change in a way you don't like, you have only one choice: DON'T WORK THERE!  Where did this mentality come from that you feel "screwed over", or "ripped off" by a company making changes to perks that you don't care for, worse yet thinking you should protest to demand to have those non-obligatory perks returned??  As to pay, it's very simple.  In the American workforce, pay is determined by the mental and technical skills involved in doing any particular job/bring in money for the company.  Working in almost any big chain/mall stores at an entry level position requires little to no skills what so over.  Thus, the pay is low accordingly.  I don't say this to be mean.  I'm just explaining the way the system works.  As you move up the scale, say a manager, more skills are involved (creating worker's schedules, monitoring sales/profits, etc), thus the pay goes up accordingly, and so on.  That is supposed to be your motivation to "better yourself" in life, and not settle.

Now let's get to just how "unfair" this cap is.  If I read the previous posts correctly, you are allowed $500 in discounted shoes per MONTH (that's up to $6000 per year) with a 40% discount.  That's about $840 per month at MSRP.  Think about that for a second.  At $150 - $170/pair at MSRP, that would allow you about 5 - 6 pairs each month.  Even as an avid collector, the only reason I can see needing more than 5/6 pairs of shoes in any given month is to resell them, or because you're buying them for friends, both of which are violations of this perk.  Sooo....what this REALLY boils down to for the vast majority of those complaining is that you're only upset about the changes to this perk because it interferes with your ability to illegally use the perk.  You see, that's called theft, and you'll have to excuse a few of us if we can't sympathize with your situation of not being able to steal as much from the company any more.  Oh wait, I forgot.  Theft is OK since the company doesn't pay a "livable wage", and it's the only way for some to get by.

Or maybe it's OK because the company has been so profitable the last couple years.  This seems to be another point brought up a few times in this thread, but it has no relevance to the subject.  Any company has an OBLIGATION to its shareholders to continually grow and increase profits, and to get the share values up (which is not solely dependent on a company's profits).  If the CEO cannot do this on a consistent basis, s/he is replaced pretty quickly in most cases.  So what the company did last year is of little relevance to the shareholders other than a barometer to compare how successful the CEO has been THIS year.  There is never such a thing as "enough profit" to them.  After all, the shareholders don't buy stock just to see them sit there at the same value year after year.  They want results for their investments.  If you can't do the job, they'll find someone who can.

Another issue raised is how people can afford to spend $500+/mth on shoes.  Some of you pointed out that this isn't the only job for many employees, or that not everyone is in an entry level position/making $7/hr.  That's fine, but even given that, I still don't see how most are affording this.  Even if you made DOUBLE that either through a 2nd job, or because you have a higher position, that still only comes out to around $1700 a month at full time hours after taxes.  That means almost 1/3 of your income is going to shoes alone.  Now unless you have no rent/car payments/car insurance/utilities/gas/cell/internet/cable/food/etc. bills, I don't see how one would could afford that.  It is most likely because the term "afford" is being thrown around too loosely.  Putting it on your credit card doesn't mean you can afford it.  If after making a payment on your credit card, you still have a remaining balance from last month, that means YOU CAN'T AFFORD YOUR SPENDINGS!  Affording it means you have the entire amount for the purchase you're about to make sitting in your bank account and expendable so that even if you put it on a card, you can pay off the entire balance at the end of the billing cycle.

NotoriousMJ23 said why does it matter how much people spend on kicks/their personal life and responsibilities are none of our business.  Well there in lies the problem.  When people act irresponsible, it is others that pay for it.  When tons of people spend beyond their means, and eventually accumulate so much debt that they file for bankruptcy, we pay for it in many ways (harder for EVERYONE to get a loans/credit cards, higher credit scores needed for lower interest, etc).  When tons of people say they have the right to eat/look however they want, and eventually cause self inflicted health problems like high blood pressure, high blood sugar, cholesterol problems, heart disease, etc, we flip the bill in the form of higher overall health insurance costs for EVERYONE, and so on.  So while people's personal lives SHOULDN'T be anyone's business, they MAKE it our business when their irresponsible behavior costs all of us.

Aaaaaand that's all I can think of for now.
Wow.....I see the American mentality of self-entitlement is in full swing.

I'm not sure where to even begin with this thread, but I'll try to fire down the list absurdities as best as I remember it.  First of all, Raices03, let me start off by saying I don't think anyone is "frowning upon" people for making $7/hr.  Rather, what they're frowning upon is your opinion (and those of a few others) which seems to be that you are OWED or ENTITLED to keep your previous discount policies BECAUSE you're getting paid so little/the job sucks so bad that the only reason you and others work at FTL is FOR said discount.  That is flat out ridiculous.  Whether someone works at FTL because that is the only type of job they're qualified for, or because it's an extra job they're just using for the discount/extra income, how is it the company's fault that you made this decision?  Under what rationale should the company be held responsible or accountable for YOUR life choices?  Why would they owe you just because YOU decided the only justification to work at a store like this is because of the discount?  That is a justification you made for personal reasons, and so if they take that away, then your justification for working there is gone which = quit, not "protest against the company till I can get my personal justification for working there back again".

It seems we need to differentiate between rights, and perks.  When it comes to employees, the only thing a company is obligated to do is comply with labor laws (must pay at least minimum wage, must provide no less than a 20 min break to any employee working more than 7.5 hrs in a day, etc), and that's it.  No company is obligated by law to give you PERKS, which are added bonuses to encourage you to work for company A over company B.  IF you don't like the perks of a certain company, or the perks of a company you work for change in a way you don't like, you have only one choice: DON'T WORK THERE!  Where did this mentality come from that you feel "screwed over", or "ripped off" by a company making changes to perks that you don't care for, worse yet thinking you should protest to demand to have those non-obligatory perks returned??  As to pay, it's very simple.  In the American workforce, pay is determined by the mental and technical skills involved in doing any particular job/bring in money for the company.  Working in almost any big chain/mall stores at an entry level position requires little to no skills what so over.  Thus, the pay is low accordingly.  I don't say this to be mean.  I'm just explaining the way the system works.  As you move up the scale, say a manager, more skills are involved (creating worker's schedules, monitoring sales/profits, etc), thus the pay goes up accordingly, and so on.  That is supposed to be your motivation to "better yourself" in life, and not settle.

Now let's get to just how "unfair" this cap is.  If I read the previous posts correctly, you are allowed $500 in discounted shoes per MONTH (that's up to $6000 per year) with a 40% discount.  That's about $840 per month at MSRP.  Think about that for a second.  At $150 - $170/pair at MSRP, that would allow you about 5 - 6 pairs each month.  Even as an avid collector, the only reason I can see needing more than 5/6 pairs of shoes in any given month is to resell them, or because you're buying them for friends, both of which are violations of this perk.  Sooo....what this REALLY boils down to for the vast majority of those complaining is that you're only upset about the changes to this perk because it interferes with your ability to illegally use the perk.  You see, that's called theft, and you'll have to excuse a few of us if we can't sympathize with your situation of not being able to steal as much from the company any more.  Oh wait, I forgot.  Theft is OK since the company doesn't pay a "livable wage", and it's the only way for some to get by.

Or maybe it's OK because the company has been so profitable the last couple years.  This seems to be another point brought up a few times in this thread, but it has no relevance to the subject.  Any company has an OBLIGATION to its shareholders to continually grow and increase profits, and to get the share values up (which is not solely dependent on a company's profits).  If the CEO cannot do this on a consistent basis, s/he is replaced pretty quickly in most cases.  So what the company did last year is of little relevance to the shareholders other than a barometer to compare how successful the CEO has been THIS year.  There is never such a thing as "enough profit" to them.  After all, the shareholders don't buy stock just to see them sit there at the same value year after year.  They want results for their investments.  If you can't do the job, they'll find someone who can.

Another issue raised is how people can afford to spend $500+/mth on shoes.  Some of you pointed out that this isn't the only job for many employees, or that not everyone is in an entry level position/making $7/hr.  That's fine, but even given that, I still don't see how most are affording this.  Even if you made DOUBLE that either through a 2nd job, or because you have a higher position, that still only comes out to around $1700 a month at full time hours after taxes.  That means almost 1/3 of your income is going to shoes alone.  Now unless you have no rent/car payments/car insurance/utilities/gas/cell/internet/cable/food/etc. bills, I don't see how one would could afford that.  It is most likely because the term "afford" is being thrown around too loosely.  Putting it on your credit card doesn't mean you can afford it.  If after making a payment on your credit card, you still have a remaining balance from last month, that means YOU CAN'T AFFORD YOUR SPENDINGS!  Affording it means you have the entire amount for the purchase you're about to make sitting in your bank account and expendable so that even if you put it on a card, you can pay off the entire balance at the end of the billing cycle.

NotoriousMJ23 said why does it matter how much people spend on kicks/their personal life and responsibilities are none of our business.  Well there in lies the problem.  When people act irresponsible, it is others that pay for it.  When tons of people spend beyond their means, and eventually accumulate so much debt that they file for bankruptcy, we pay for it in many ways (harder for EVERYONE to get a loans/credit cards, higher credit scores needed for lower interest, etc).  When tons of people say they have the right to eat/look however they want, and eventually cause self inflicted health problems like high blood pressure, high blood sugar, cholesterol problems, heart disease, etc, we flip the bill in the form of higher overall health insurance costs for EVERYONE, and so on.  So while people's personal lives SHOULDN'T be anyone's business, they MAKE it our business when their irresponsible behavior costs all of us.

Aaaaaand that's all I can think of for now.
Originally Posted by NotoriousMJ23

Originally Posted by air max 87

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by NotoriousMJ23

Originally Posted by 555fresh

Originally Posted by blackiceblaze

Originally Posted by NotoriousMJ23

Niketalk is home of the cheap skates.
Dudes on here are some of the cheapest people I've ever seen.
I am standing, applauding you right now.


I think these are some of the dumbest comments. 

I will definitely be the first that I'll try to negotiate or "haggle" for a better price.

I work in banking and I have some wealthy clients.  You might be surprised that some of them actually drive hondas and hybrids because they're more economical.  They don't all drive mercedes or bmw's.  And they do shop around and negotiate the best prices.  One couple drove 85 miles to get a car for $2500 below retail. 

So call it what you will, but some would say smart business.

. (and this pointed to every Niketalker... But it's Niketalk as a whole)Niketalk.. Home of the Cheap Skates and Low Ballers.
why do you sound like a salty reseller?
if you feel that way b take your talents yo Ebay to sell stuff, and have your stuff at da mercy of current market value...

how does he stating that someone is cheap make him a salty reseller?

its the truth, NTers are cheap, it has nothing to do with being a reseller.

dudes beg for favors, then wanna give you less than what you paid for, or expect you to eat shipping, etc.

Thank YouThank you too GreyFox
im a NTers and i ain't stop actin like cats can't pay their way...most NTers are smart enuff to look for deal, hence why we got such a successful

outlet thread..i don't see outlet threads in ISS or any other sneaker smarter not harder.
Originally Posted by NotoriousMJ23

Originally Posted by air max 87

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by NotoriousMJ23

Originally Posted by 555fresh

Originally Posted by blackiceblaze

Originally Posted by NotoriousMJ23

Niketalk is home of the cheap skates.
Dudes on here are some of the cheapest people I've ever seen.
I am standing, applauding you right now.


I think these are some of the dumbest comments. 

I will definitely be the first that I'll try to negotiate or "haggle" for a better price.

I work in banking and I have some wealthy clients.  You might be surprised that some of them actually drive hondas and hybrids because they're more economical.  They don't all drive mercedes or bmw's.  And they do shop around and negotiate the best prices.  One couple drove 85 miles to get a car for $2500 below retail. 

So call it what you will, but some would say smart business.

. (and this pointed to every Niketalker... But it's Niketalk as a whole)Niketalk.. Home of the Cheap Skates and Low Ballers.
why do you sound like a salty reseller?
if you feel that way b take your talents yo Ebay to sell stuff, and have your stuff at da mercy of current market value...

how does he stating that someone is cheap make him a salty reseller?

its the truth, NTers are cheap, it has nothing to do with being a reseller.

dudes beg for favors, then wanna give you less than what you paid for, or expect you to eat shipping, etc.

Thank YouThank you too GreyFox
im a NTers and i ain't stop actin like cats can't pay their way...most NTers are smart enuff to look for deal, hence why we got such a successful

outlet thread..i don't see outlet threads in ISS or any other sneaker smarter not harder.
It's not 500 total per month, it's the discounted dollars. For example a Foamposite costs 200 after discount it's 140 so you saved 60. Now deduct that 60 from your 500.
It's not 500 total per month, it's the discounted dollars. For example a Foamposite costs 200 after discount it's 140 so you saved 60. Now deduct that 60 from your 500.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by NotoriousMJ23

Originally Posted by air max 87

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by NotoriousMJ23

Originally Posted by 555fresh

Originally Posted by blackiceblaze

Originally Posted by NotoriousMJ23

Niketalk is home of the cheap skates.
Dudes on here are some of the cheapest people I've ever seen.
I am standing, applauding you right now.


I think these are some of the dumbest comments. 

I will definitely be the first that I'll try to negotiate or "haggle" for a better price.

I work in banking and I have some wealthy clients.  You might be surprised that some of them actually drive hondas and hybrids because they're more economical.  They don't all drive mercedes or bmw's.  And they do shop around and negotiate the best prices.  One couple drove 85 miles to get a car for $2500 below retail. 

So call it what you will, but some would say smart business.

. (and this pointed to every Niketalker... But it's Niketalk as a whole)Niketalk.. Home of the Cheap Skates and Low Ballers.
why do you sound like a salty reseller?
if you feel that way b take your talents yo Ebay to sell stuff, and have your stuff at da mercy of current market value...

how does he stating that someone is cheap make him a salty reseller?

its the truth, NTers are cheap, it has nothing to do with being a reseller.

dudes beg for favors, then wanna give you less than what you paid for, or expect you to eat shipping, etc.

Thank YouThank you too GreyFox
im a NTers and i ain't stop actin like cats can't pay their way...most NTers are smart enuff to look for deal, hence why we got such a successful

outlet thread..i don't see outlet threads in ISS or any other sneaker smarter not harder.
great YOU aint cheap.

theres alot of NTers that are.

you know how many PMs ive gotten/seen of people asking for favors, then all i ask for is like 5-10 bucks to give to my man and they pay for shipping, i get PMs back crying about the 5 - 10 bucks, crying about paying shipping, crying about this or that, or how about some NTers that flat out vanish after you pick up their shoes.

you said he sounded like a salty reseller because of NTers being cheap.

one has nothing to do with the other.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by NotoriousMJ23

Originally Posted by air max 87

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by NotoriousMJ23

Originally Posted by 555fresh

Originally Posted by blackiceblaze

Originally Posted by NotoriousMJ23

Niketalk is home of the cheap skates.
Dudes on here are some of the cheapest people I've ever seen.
I am standing, applauding you right now.


I think these are some of the dumbest comments. 

I will definitely be the first that I'll try to negotiate or "haggle" for a better price.

I work in banking and I have some wealthy clients.  You might be surprised that some of them actually drive hondas and hybrids because they're more economical.  They don't all drive mercedes or bmw's.  And they do shop around and negotiate the best prices.  One couple drove 85 miles to get a car for $2500 below retail. 

So call it what you will, but some would say smart business.

. (and this pointed to every Niketalker... But it's Niketalk as a whole)Niketalk.. Home of the Cheap Skates and Low Ballers.
why do you sound like a salty reseller?
if you feel that way b take your talents yo Ebay to sell stuff, and have your stuff at da mercy of current market value...

how does he stating that someone is cheap make him a salty reseller?

its the truth, NTers are cheap, it has nothing to do with being a reseller.

dudes beg for favors, then wanna give you less than what you paid for, or expect you to eat shipping, etc.

Thank YouThank you too GreyFox
im a NTers and i ain't stop actin like cats can't pay their way...most NTers are smart enuff to look for deal, hence why we got such a successful

outlet thread..i don't see outlet threads in ISS or any other sneaker smarter not harder.
great YOU aint cheap.

theres alot of NTers that are.

you know how many PMs ive gotten/seen of people asking for favors, then all i ask for is like 5-10 bucks to give to my man and they pay for shipping, i get PMs back crying about the 5 - 10 bucks, crying about paying shipping, crying about this or that, or how about some NTers that flat out vanish after you pick up their shoes.

you said he sounded like a salty reseller because of NTers being cheap.

one has nothing to do with the other.

The problem is that people negotiate the old school *@+hole way. They want to meet you halfway, but in doing that their initial offer is super insulting. Why not just state your case and say what you will pay?

I do best offers on eBay all the time and you wouldn't believe some dudes. It's like they hope you mess up and hit the accept offer on $50 for some CG xi's...

The problem is that people negotiate the old school *@+hole way. They want to meet you halfway, but in doing that their initial offer is super insulting. Why not just state your case and say what you will pay?

I do best offers on eBay all the time and you wouldn't believe some dudes. It's like they hope you mess up and hit the accept offer on $50 for some CG xi's...
Originally Posted by NotoriousMJ23

I have my own car
I dont live with my parents
I'm in college
And I have medical degrees

not to thread jack, but what do you do in the medical field? where'd u go to medical school? just curious
Originally Posted by NotoriousMJ23

I have my own car
I dont live with my parents
I'm in college
And I have medical degrees

not to thread jack, but what do you do in the medical field? where'd u go to medical school? just curious
Originally Posted by NotoriousMJ23

Originally Posted by Ayipapi

Again...if you guys are spending more then $500 a month on either need to start spending more time in the outlet thread...or get your connects up cause your clearly hustlin backwards...

Why does it matter how much money people spend on kicks?Like who cares?$50 or $550Like why doesn't that matter?How is that hustling backwards? Everything ain't hitting outlets or getting discounted. If someone has the money to spend $500 in a month, that's their business..Their personal life and responsibilities are none of your business.Dont worry about them. Just worry about yourself.

LMAO, how you get mad at fam for putting game out there. He could have easily been selfish, and he made a great point. I do need to see what the outlets have to offer. There are 2 in Houston and I work near one them.
Originally Posted by NotoriousMJ23

Originally Posted by Ayipapi

Again...if you guys are spending more then $500 a month on either need to start spending more time in the outlet thread...or get your connects up cause your clearly hustlin backwards...

Why does it matter how much money people spend on kicks?Like who cares?$50 or $550Like why doesn't that matter?How is that hustling backwards? Everything ain't hitting outlets or getting discounted. If someone has the money to spend $500 in a month, that's their business..Their personal life and responsibilities are none of your business.Dont worry about them. Just worry about yourself.

LMAO, how you get mad at fam for putting game out there. He could have easily been selfish, and he made a great point. I do need to see what the outlets have to offer. There are 2 in Houston and I work near one them.
Originally Posted by kickz4show

It's not 500 total per month, it's the discounted dollars. For example a Foamposite costs 200 after discount it's 140 so you saved 60. Now deduct that 60 from your 500.
if that's the case then our cap is $1666.66 of MSRP value
Originally Posted by kickz4show

It's not 500 total per month, it's the discounted dollars. For example a Foamposite costs 200 after discount it's 140 so you saved 60. Now deduct that 60 from your 500.
if that's the case then our cap is $1666.66 of MSRP value
Originally Posted by air max 87

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by NotoriousMJ23

Originally Posted by air max 87

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by NotoriousMJ23

Originally Posted by 555fresh

Originally Posted by blackiceblaze

Originally Posted by NotoriousMJ23

Niketalk is home of the cheap skates.
Dudes on here are some of the cheapest people I've ever seen.
I am standing, applauding you right now.


I think these are some of the dumbest comments. 

I will definitely be the first that I'll try to negotiate or "haggle" for a better price.

I work in banking and I have some wealthy clients.  You might be surprised that some of them actually drive hondas and hybrids because they're more economical.  They don't all drive mercedes or bmw's.  And they do shop around and negotiate the best prices.  One couple drove 85 miles to get a car for $2500 below retail. 

So call it what you will, but some would say smart business.

. (and this pointed to every Niketalker... But it's Niketalk as a whole) Niketalk.. Home of the Cheap Skates and Low Ballers.
why do you sound like a salty reseller?
if you feel that way b take your talents yo Ebay to sell stuff, and have your stuff at da mercy of current market value...

how does he stating that someone is cheap make him a salty reseller?

its the truth, NTers are cheap, it has nothing to do with being a reseller.

dudes beg for favors, then wanna give you less than what you paid for, or expect you to eat shipping, etc.

Thank You Thank you too GreyFox
im a NTers and i ain't stop actin like cats can't pay their way...most NTers are smart enuff to look for deal, hence why we got such a successful

outlet thread..i don't see outlet threads in ISS or any other sneaker smarter not harder.
great YOU aint cheap.

theres alot of NTers that are.

you know how many PMs ive gotten/seen of people asking for favors, then all i ask for is like 5-10 bucks to give to my man and they pay for shipping, i get PMs back crying about the 5 - 10 bucks, crying about paying shipping, crying about this or that, or how about some NTers that flat out vanish after you pick up their shoes.

you said he sounded like a salty reseller because of NTers being cheap.

one has nothing to do with the other.

it is what it is with the cheap people.   when i was in new york i went to a shoe spot in bk where i never dealt with the employees ever before, pulled an employee to the side and told him i wanted to get a few things and i would help him if he could help me, i ended up getting the stuff i wanted marked down even more then i expected the stuff to be marked down plus a consistent shoe connect  and weed connect (i figured i'd support homies 2nd job
) that's willing to hold me down whenever im in the city.  i tipped the dude nicely and the dude told me how most people come in expecting a discount just because.  it's the real world  *+*# don't work like that,  when i worked retail  i'd take care of those who took care of me, those who wanted hand outs could kick rocks.  same with 50% footlocker weekends.  when i had the amount of connects i once had,  i tried helping people out on here,  dudes expected me to go get their shoes, ship them the shoes and do all that for no tip or anything like that.
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