Atheists... Are you all like this? Vol. I may be wrong.

^i know right

someone who is moral because they feel it is right>someone who is moral to avoid punishment from God
what is to stop you from doing whatever you want, regardless of if it is right or wrong in general morality? If there is nothing after this life, then why would you be doing anything other than self-rightous activities, like promiscuous sex, murder, etc?
well there is a different between ethics and morality. you are mixing them because your religion usually considers breaking ethics/morality =sin. for example, promiscuous sex is not immoral. its a sin for you. for me, it is unethical and i dont support it. Now when it comes to morallity, thereason why i restrain myself is because first of, we have laws for serious offenses and secondly, like i said in my last post, there are consequences.

if there was this atheist named bob who lived is life of, "self-rightous activities, like promiscuous sex, murder" how well do you think he willlive? he wouldn't last two seconds in this world because this society condems thigns like this.
and if I were not held to a higher standard,
not so pompous after all.

It is actually a bit more complex than simply reciting the phrase, "Please forgive me oh Lord, for I have sinned." There is the acceptance of Jesus Christ as your saviour

implied when you are a christian.
and many other aspects which you probably can read upon and become familiar with if you so desire.
try not to sin... if you do just apologize and move along. what other aspects are you refering to?
Originally Posted by purplehazze96

Originally Posted by bangtcg

the pompous Athiests are actually hurting themselves.
and so are pompous atheists who think their religion is the best! (guess who i am referencing)

What doctrine do they hold themselves to?
you are right, atheists are not suppose to have a doctrine. some atheists like me, would rather not follow religious doctrines or dogmas because
they are absurd.

Athiests, on the other hand, have only loose morality, nothing concrete

if you mean atheists dont have an imaginary god dictating what they should do then, sure we are "loose."

which how were those morals formed, or what basis by which they were introduced? All morality comes back to a central theme, which I believe to be biblically

how were they formed? you just numb in the head? jesus wasn't the alpha for human beings. there were civilizations prior to jesus. i
wonder how these savages got through their lives? don't forget, religion is geographically challenged. not everybody was blessed by your god's
teachings. where did "morality" come from for the athiest? same place it came from for the christians. morality came from customs, habit, & self
interest. perhaps you should read up and learn cultures that didn't rely on jesus. stop being close minded.

Furthermore, I refuse to believe my existence is by mere chance. It is humbling to know that I am not the center of the universe, that I am not the most
important thing in all of existence, that there is an omnicient being higher than thou.

who the hell says atheists are supposed to think they are the center of everything. straw man.

i am an athiest. i believe there is no heaven or hell. i believe there is nothign after this life. i also believe you will also have nothing after this and
that is why my rights end where yours begins. you on the other hand are so pressed to believe that there is a paradise waiting for you. all you have to do is
ask for forgiveness.... give me a break.

this why I'm almost ashamed to admit im a christian half the time...i swear, the vast majority of christians/*insert any religion here* are the most close minded and confused individuals on this earth

because someone doesn't fallow the bible their morals aren't as concrete as a devote christians? you guys are so blinded by your own faith its ridiculous...there's a middle ground between God and logic, you guys are ridiculous and as i said before, you're an embarrassment to the faith you so blindly represent

ill say this, I'm definitely more spiritual than i am faithful
Dang! Little harsh bro-ham
I am agnostic and atheist depending on my mood so I don't really like to argue if there is a god or not with other people. I do think religion has morenegatives than positives.

@ red states
Originally Posted by bangtcg

what is to stop you from doing whatever you want, regardless of if it is right or wrong in general morality? If there is nothing after this life, then why would you be doing anything other than self-rightous activities, like promiscuous sex, murder, etc?
well there is a different between ethics and morality. you are mixing them because your religion usually considers breaking ethics/morality = sin. for example, promiscuous sex is not immoral. its a sin for you. for me, it is unethical and i dont support it. Now when it comes to morallity, the reason why i restrain myself is because first of, we have laws for serious offenses and secondly, like i said in my last post, there are consequences.

if there was this atheist named bob who lived is life of, "self-rightous activities, like promiscuous sex, murder" how well do you think he will live? he wouldn't last two seconds in this world because this society condems thigns like this.

and if I were not held to a higher standard,
not so pompous after all.

It is actually a bit more complex than simply reciting the phrase, "Please forgive me oh Lord, for I have sinned." There is the acceptance of Jesus Christ as your saviour

implied when you are a christian.
and many other aspects which you probably can read upon and become familiar with if you so desire.
try not to sin... if you do just apologize and move along. what other aspects are you refering to?

Hmm, you bring up a very valid point actually about the ethics and morality, very nice.

Well, its not like apologize and move along, it's more like a inner change of how you live. A change that you do not commit that sin again, knowingly.

Aspects which the Bible asks believers and disciples to do, such as: Spread the word of God, help others to come to know him, etc, stuff like that.

I accept blame for taking this thread onto a tangent
but I do enjoy a healthy debate.
Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

I have a very Christian moral set, but I don't believe in God. People are always surprised I am not super religious, seeing as I pretty much never do anything wrong, or at least not wrong enough to really be noticed. Sure I lie, etc, do little things, but I would say Jesus would be pretty happy with me.

And you know what? I think that makes me an even better person than all the religious nuts out there who abstain from all wrong and confess 3 times a day, because I do it out of my own accord, and not so I can go to Heaven and spend eternity in bliss. I don't do bad things because I don't have any desire to, not so I won't burn in hell.
DITTO that entire thing.

I've taken a religious studies class by accident because the class had two titles "Ancient Mesopotamia Mythology" and "ReligiousStudies". In the class we had to read numerous literature of early religious stories and myths and then reviewed how they progressed from differentcivilizations and cultures. It's amazing how "similar" Ancient Greek stories involving polytheism godsand stories from the new testament are. It's been three years and too much drinking to remember any good arguments, but believe me lol there are some good ones.

Parental religious origins:
My father is a full-blown atheist while my mother is part Christian and Buddhist. But I never really listened to my father's reasons for being atheistbecause his views are completely different than mine since he has been in the Vietnam War and spent 10 years as a POW. But because I was raised by a very moralmother that made me go to a Quaker elementary school and was forced to go to at least Sunday schoool
, I have good morals. I think that if I were to register a belief, it would beKarma since I have done too many things that have come back to bite me in the ***
Originally Posted by purplehazze96

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I am not one of those atheists that goes hard to push my ideologies on other people. In fact I envy people who believe in a higher being cause it gives life
more meaning and purpose.

i strongly disagree, just because an individual doesn't believe in god, doesnt make their life any less meaningful or full of purpose than someone who does

I wasn't making a generalization, this is just how i feel. My life is pretty fulfilling but i can't help but feel like religion serves a purpose.Religion fills a void of emptiness and loneline we inherently feel as human beings.

Questions about morality?
Religion historically has not been an effective deterrent against "immoral" behavior. For a religion that bases it's most fundamental principleson loving thy neighbor the Judeo-christian faith and Islam has been very divisive. This notion that religion is the only reinforcement for moral behaviorshould mean that atheists on average are less-moral than Christians. The basis for atheistic morality I believe stems from doing what is best for society as awhole. You do not need God to tell you that killing and stealing is wrong......these laws exist to protect us from ourselves. On average atheists do not committhese crimes any more than christians. Without these laws that protect common citizens from harm, society would delve into a state of anarchy which is notbeneficial for anyone, athiest or otherwise.

Cross-National Correlations of Quantifiable Societal Health with Popular Religiosityand Secularism in the Prosperous Democracies: A First Look (2005) by Gregory S. Paul

In this landmark study, Gregory S. Paul compares rates of religiosity and societal dysfunction between 18 democratic nations in the developedworld in order to "test whether high rates of belief in and worship of a creator are necessary for high levels of social health." Paul finds that"in almost all regards the highly secular democracies consistently enjoy low rates of societal dysfunction," demonstrating that widespread religiousbelief does not improve societal health, and that moreover there is a positive correlation between a first-world country's level of religiosity (e.g., thedegree of confidence that a traditional monotheistic God exists) and level of social dysfunction (e.g., homicide rates).
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

purplehazze96 wrote:

AntonLaVey wrote:

I am not one of those atheists that goes hard to push my ideologies on other people. In fact I envy people who believe in a higher being cause it
gives life

more meaning and purpose.

i strongly disagree, just because an individual doesn't believe in god, doesnt make their life any less meaningful or full of purpose than someone who

I wasn't making a generalization, this is just how i feel. My life is pretty fulfilling but i can't help but feel like religion serves a purpose.
Religion fills a void of emptiness and loneline we inherently feel as human beings.

But those are your personal feelings...just because you and millions of other people feel as if religion fills a void in peoples lives, who are you to say thesame goes for everyone else? Different people have different things that fill their lives with meaningfulness...for some peoples its knowledge, love, God, etc
I, myself, am an atheist and unless somebody starts getting in my face about why I don't believe in a god, I won't lash back with any harshanti-religious sentiment. It's a touchy issue and some people have deep emotional involvement with it, so I don't tend to bring it up too much...whichdoesn't bother me at all, I can go for as long as possible without even mentioning the topic. If you guys want to know why I am not a believer, it'sbecause there is no proof. I've met plenty of nice people through a church-related organization I volunteered for though, and if it's one thing Iadmire about religion is it's ability to bring people together, on the flip side, it also has the uncanny ability to pull people apart.
I'm an atheist... but I don't care enough and am not a big enough d-bag to try and belittle people or convince them otherwise if they believe.

Live and let live... it's simple.
I'm christan and i'm broke most of the morals already. But, I still believe in god and he places on earth for a reason.
I'm gonna say I'm agnostic until I get concrete proof either way. I don't know that there is a god, I don't know that there aint. Nobody does.

However, I do detest when religious folk try 2 shove the bible down my face. That's when I go full-atheist, just 4 spite.
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