Atheists... Are you all like this? Vol. I may be wrong.

Jun 28, 2005
So I work with some dudes at work who are atheists... believe in NO GOD whatsoever.

Whenever god or any topic on that matter comes up , they POP off
...Saying there is NO god, and do whatever they can to prove to me or whoevers listening their opinions..

I find it ironic that they HATE religion for ''forcing'' their opinions on people, yet they are too... Even though they don't believe in agod it kinda pisses me off that they still ram their believe down my throat.

I'm not religious, but i'm not an atheist... I'm sitting on '' I just don't know'' but I think there is ''a''god of some sort . But I think its kinda rediculous for anyone one to claim THEY know and no one else can be right ... Christian , Muslim or Atheist.

So do all Atheist believe in NO GOD? or do they just don't believe in the religions out there?
I am not one of those atheists that goes hard to push my ideologies on other people. In fact I envy people who believe in a higher being cause it gives lifemore meaning and purpose.
I'm not going to really get into this but why do people thing some random scientific event occurred and boom we all pop up here? Its just kinda weirdbecause people think some random scientific event can cause something like the process of birth or even the cycle that rain and snow goes through.

I am not one of those atheists that goes hard to push my ideologies on other people. In fact I envy people who believe in a higher being cause it gives life more meaning and purpose.
Hmmm didn't know you were. Were you raised that way?
that means you're an "agnostic" i think. The reason they have conflicting beliefs is that they all say they 100% true, and if another religionhas a differing view, that means that one is wrong. btw, you spelled "ridiculous" wrong.
No we are not all like that.

I'm not going to really get into this but why do people thing some random scientific event occurred and boom we all pop up here? Its just kinda weird because people think some random scientific event can cause something like the process of birth or even the cycle that rain and snow goes through.

Yeah, just as weird as the human race started from Adam and Eve and a talking snake.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

I'm not going to really get into this but why do people thing some random scientific event occurred and boom we all pop up here? Its just kinda weird because people think some random scientific event can cause something like the process of birth or even the cycle that rain and snow goes through.

I am not one of those atheists that goes hard to push my ideologies on other people. In fact I envy people who believe in a higher being cause it gives life more meaning and purpose.
Hmmm didn't know you were. Were you raised that way?

Nope, raised catholic
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

No we are not all like that.

I'm not going to really get into this but why do people thing some random scientific event occurred and boom we all pop up here? Its just kinda weird because people think some random scientific event can cause something like the process of birth or even the cycle that rain and snow goes through.

Yeah, just as weird as the human race started from Adam and Eve and a talking snake.

So what are one of your ideas?

Nope, raised catholic

Ah OK. So what made you switch over?
Why I'm an athiest? I think a more appropriate question should be what reason do i have to believe in the Judeochristian faith or any other religion. Forme it's simple, there is no proof of an existence of a God therefore i have no reason to blindly follow a religion.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

I'm not going to really get into this but why do people thing some random scientific event occurred and boom we all pop up here? Its just kinda weird because people think some random scientific event can cause something like the process of birth or even the cycle that rain and snow goes through.

I am not one of those atheists that goes hard to push my ideologies on other people. In fact I envy people who believe in a higher being cause it gives life more meaning and purpose.
Hmmm didn't know you were. Were you raised that way?

eh...i just find it hard to believe this man in the sky created everything...i was kind of brought up in church..but never liked going..i'mkind of like op..sitting at "i dont know"
Im atheist, but i don't care what some else believes in as long as they don't infringe on my health and well a pretty average dude...mostpeople would think i was a Jesus freak because i don't drink, smoke etc

I just think the idea of a "god" is ridiculous. but if that's what you believe fine, just don't look down on me because we don't sharethe same belief

"The World is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion."

- Thomas Paine
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

No we are not all like that.

I'm not going to really get into this but why do people thing some random scientific event occurred and boom we all pop up here? Its just kinda weird because people think some random scientific event can cause something like the process of birth or even the cycle that rain and snow goes through.

Yeah, just as weird as the human race started from Adam and Eve and a talking snake.
So what are one of your ideas?

Nope, raised catholic

Ah OK. So what made you switch over?

I believe in Evolution. Am I right? I don't know, nobody knows. But, having 98.5% DNA as a chimpanzee is sure convincing enough for me to think that weevolved.
I hate anyone who tries to force their religion on you

or say that their religion is the right way to live life

From my experience Christians and Mormons do this most often and it irritates the heck out of me

I am Buddhist and you don't see monks going around trying to convert others and spewing garbage that their religion is the "right" religion
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by RKO2004

I'm not going to really get into this but why do people thing some random scientific event occurred and boom we all pop up here? Its just kinda weird because people think some random scientific event can cause something like the process of birth or even the cycle that rain and snow goes through.

I am not one of those atheists that goes hard to push my ideologies on other people. In fact I envy people who believe in a higher being cause it gives life more meaning and purpose.
Hmmm didn't know you were. Were you raised that way?
Nope, raised catholic
For some reason, I see more Catholics leave the church than other forms of Christianity.

The hypocrisy of the catholic faith
, smh.

Another issue against religion.......a lot of the so-called super religious, God fearing individuals are the most despicable people on the planet. EG. Southernrepublican racists....where in the bible does it say you should hate someone based on differences. That's another issue all these texts can be interpretedto push your own agenda.

I *!# u not I went to church a month ago reluctantly and the preacher (a conservative) did a sermon to prove that George Bush was sent by God to do his work.The entire time I was like
. My mom stopped going to that church,I haven't stepped foot in a church ever since.
atheists believe in no religion
agnostics are open to the concept of religion but are just unsure

where some atheists go wrong is that they believe they are the smartest people on the planet
like they are enlightened and if you dont see things like them you are some sort of idiot
that's why they come off as arrogant
just dont engage them most of the time
they most likely have been sitting somewhere thinking about it
so they always have some grand response to whatever the argument is
Originally Posted by TheGr8BlkHope

atheists believe in no religion
agnostics are open to the concept of religion but are just unsure

where some atheists go wrong is that they believe they are the smartest people on the planet
like they are enlightened and if you dont see things like them you are some sort of idiot
that's why they come off as arrogant
just dont engage them most of the time
they most likely have been sitting somewhere thinking about it
so they always have some grand response to whatever the argument is

False-Atheism is itself a religion.

They believe they are the smartest, because in general they are.

Proven so.
I don't care what others think even though they're taking part in ruining the world. The only time I ever mention my beliefs is when I'm talking toothers that share them. I can't change the majority of other minds so I don't bother with the headache in explaining them. The only thing I hate iswhen others ask me why I feel the way that I do, like I owe them an explanation. I won't even "help" someone out by explaining to them why theyshould believe god does not exist unless I'm really pissed off or drunk. Plus nothing good can come out of being an open athiest, I don't even state iton my Facebook page.
I don't think I'm the smartest person on the planet for not believing in something there is no proof of. I think my non-belief is common sense ifanything. I don't see, I have no proof therefore I don't believe it's that simple. Don't get me wrong life is as much a mystery to me as thenext man I don't have all the answers......but there is absolutely no reason for me to believe in God without proof of existence.
where some atheists go wrong is that they believe they are the smartest people on the planet
like they are enlightened and if you dont see things like them you are some sort of idiot
that's why they come off as arrogant
just dont engage them most of the time
they most likely have been sitting somewhere thinking about it
so they always have some grand response to whatever the argument is
Man you just described Bill Maher for me

Another issue against religion.......a lot of the so-called super religious, God fearing individuals are the most despicable people on the planet. EG. Southern republican racists....where in the bible does it say you should hate someone based on differences. That's another issue all these texts can be interpreted to push your own agenda.

I never understood racist at all. Its crazy because back in slavery times the slave masters had their church and read the bible but it never really clickedlike "wait I don't see keeping Blacks as slaves anywhere. Lets set the free". And yeah your right the texts can be flipped around like crazy.That's why I try to read it as is and not flip it.

I *!# u not I went to church a month ago reluctantly and the preacher (a conservative) did a sermon to prove that George Bush was sent by God to do his work. The entire time I was like
. My mom stopped going to that church, I haven't stepped foot in a church ever since.
(Rick Ross) He said that? He said that? Man I can't He a say that. He said that? (Rick Ross)
I would have stopped going to that one as well man. It says in the bible that not all the leaders were appointed by God.

I believe in Evolution. Am I right? I don't know, nobody knows. But, having 98.5% DNA as a chimpanzee is sure convincing enough for me to think that we evolved.
Yeah evolution is a interesting idea. But I always find myself asking why haven't we evolved more.
There are some atheists who feel their life's goal is to get in the face of every Christian they meet and try to prove there is no God. Their "logic" is usually use some canned phrases they heard from someone else and can't actually explain themselves. Like "If there is a God, why did 9/11 happen!"

I hate that argument because when you say people have free will and control their destiny or if you tell them God gave those in charge signs but theydidn't listen then they go off or something.

And there are Christians who do the same to every nonbeliever, aggressively trying to prove that there is a God and everybody is a sinner. Usually they use circular logic in the process of doing so... i.e. "Have you ever told a lie, or stolen something, or disrespected your parents? Well, the Bible says you are a sinner and you need to repent right now or you'll go to Hell" ummm... hello, they obviously don't believe the Bible if you're arguing with them.
Yeah I never agreed with that way of informing people. It just doesn't go over well.

False-Atheism is itself a religion.

They believe they are the smartest, because in general they are.

Proven so.
I saw that study a while back. I found a scripture but I won't post it if you guys don't want me to.
False-Atheism is itself a religion.

They believe they are the smartest, because in general they are.

Proven so.
I saw that study a while back. I found a scripture but I won't post it if you guys don't want me to.

I want you to, for obvious reasons.
From my experience, those who are deeply religious are the ones that force their belifs.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

False-Atheism is itself a religion.

They believe they are the smartest, because in general they are.

Proven so.
I saw that study a while back. I found a scripture but I won't post it if you guys don't want me to.

I want you to, for obvious reasons.
Whats the reason because I'm not looking for a heated argument.
Originally Posted by BG BabyGlock26

post it, theirs gonna be e-shouting regardless

yes every religious thread becomes this. Watch make a Xmas gifts appreciation thread and some how by page 6 its an Atheist Vs Religion Fight. NT neverdisappoints
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