Ask A Hedge Fund Fraud

Can someone give the cliffs of the last 20-30 pages. I'll give you my measly rep.

Watt if goldstrtcap is standing in da dark waiting for his rr to finish and when december? (9months?) Comes around he reappears? But then again he could or is he working or kniws ppl at da dealership?
Forgive my grammatical error I didn't put a question mark behind what was obviously a rhetorical question. Lol the small minded love exploiting semantics
This was his last post, and my god does it reek of douchebaggery.  Funny thing is I picture his jerry curl havin *** actually speaking these words in real life and proceeding to get smacked in the face
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GSC hasn't replied back because he was in a meeting with investors all day

YOOOOOO whos the one that had that comment on the bottom?

"he a fraud i banged his braud"- method man

LOL at all of this......I will address this whole thing one time only and thats it, I dont owe anyone an explanation, but I know how NT loves drama and i have been on NT since forever so I will break it down....

I met Gold St off of NT probably a year or so ago, I think through LAX....The first time I met him he had the Porsche

As far as Im concerned he is a good dude......He wanted to know alot about what I do and my businesses and what not and we talked about doing some work together but so far have done nothing......I am always looking at new businesses and we talked about doing a joint venture to fund and develop new businesses.....I am good at finding new ideas and starting them and people pitch me ideas all the time and he told me he can get money to help fund the businesses so that is what we discussed doing...he got a little ahead of himself and made some threads about how we were going to make a fund and wanted my cosign and stuff but like I said nothing ever came to fruition...the main thing I wanted to get into that he knew about was owning music publishing as that always interested me...

I have ZERO to do with any stocks,investments, hedge funds , or any of Gold Sts business or anything like that......dragging my name through the mud is not right, Nt is better than running with the lynch mob mentality..... I have been on NT over 10 years since the days I was slinging shoes in the Buy/Sell...never once have I ever had a problem with anyone or ever done wrong by anyone on here or in real life.....The List was actually kind of funny in a way because it was so over the top ridiculous, but all of this isnt right....

Like I said, that is the last time Im going to address it, Im out.....
Straight from the horses mouth.

Thread and case officially bodied.
I think GSC is like a kinda "hood rich" hedge fund
 Like BigLesco has some stake and some other NYC and DMV street hustlers/pimps have some equity as well (money laundering?). No way these guys have investors that are 1% with a website that looks like it was made on GeoCities.

To legit manage a hedge fund like that you need to either have that Ivy league pedigree or you're an MIT, CalTech, CarnegieM, Stanford math wiz... otherwise those folks ain't throwing their money in a fund being managed by someone who was slanging PS2 memory cards with extra slave slots and controllers with auto-fire switches on them...
Dude almost made me spit water all over my monitor.

Im done dude lmfao
All dude did was wanna post his rolls

Only question I wanted to ask is why not the ghost but #creep NT takes it to a new level.

Hate to see how y'all stalk y'all girlfriends if you do this much for a stranger
You sound like a buster. The majority of this information is just from in a quick 30 second search. It takes less time than it took you to make your post.
The resume of a multi-millionaire.
Couple things to note:

1. Didn't he always claim to be from/grown up in the MoCo/PGCounty area of MD and I think I remember him saying he ran like an OEM video game accessories and electronics business. Which could explain the Vega Electronics in Laurel.
2. Googled Vega Electronics and it popped up as a residential address, aka a business you could run out of the house.
3. Those restaurant jobs are typical young in-college kid jobs. And all of the locations are relatively close to Fairleigh Dickinson.

But sheesh. Where did that employment history screencap come from? #NT is scary.
As an Afrcan, when dude told me he was African it rose a red flag
Yo I completely lost it right here. I'm done after this. 
The Securities and Exchange Commission has not necessarily reviewed the information in this filing and has not determined if it is accurate and complete.
The reader should not assume that the information is accurate and complete.

Like I said,

Who knows.
Lol didn't you just ask me to forward your script when you got it copy written? Yeah I recall that would be you in my PM box
It would be epic if one of you MD cats went to the dealership and took pictures of famb on the job.

Infinite reps would be bestowed upon thee
damnnn like that? !
Finally read this whole thread 

Don't tell me you guys exposed this dude too :smh:

I haven't read the thread except for this last page, and here I was thinking this dude was posting a new exotic whip every month and I just kept out of the thread.

Hope everything works out though for him.

Don't tell me you guys exposed this dude too :smh:

I haven't read the thread except for this last page, and here I was thinking this dude was posting a new exotic whip every month and I just kept out of the thread.

Hope everything works out though for him.

I'm sure you've been asked this several times, but info on your avy? :nerd: :lol:
Thx to this and the other thread I applied for a PI position. Used thos as a refernce. He said


I wonder how many people look over this thread thinking it's still about hedge funds.
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A lot of people think he's a fraud. It started in the other thread about the phantom he ordered and carried over to this thread after that thread got locked.

Although a lot of people think he's a fraud, it just appears that he exaggerated things. For instance, he claimed to have an office on the 23rd floor with this great view, but then someone found out it's one of those shared office spaces. Just stuff like that.

If you have time to kill, then def go over the thread. It's good for some lulz.
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