Ask A Hedge Fund Fraud

Lovet thanks for brokering the deal. I haven't heard from you since the 4th installment of $9,000 but I understand you've been busy. Your partner did send me another picture of the property. Please send me the deed when you get the chance.

you really expect him to do background checks on his users? 

i know for a fact you didn't send a gift that you kept telling a user on here you were going to send out.

sooo maybe you should be in trouble for that.
Not a background check, but just something with proof. Dude could have really scammed someone. If you're a reddit user, you know before anyone starts an Ask me aything and gives advice to users or answers questions about their life they pm mods with proof, like a tagged picture or the thread will be locked. That doesn't sound anywhere near a background to me

And If you're talking about Gatzby Gordon I sent him 2 things actually (I still have the amazon receipts, and those 2 things were worth more than what a lot of people put in their boxes), but not the actual box about nothing. I forgot completely and at the time took a break from NT/internet to focus on grades and school. But when I came back dude was banned and I had no idea how to contact him + I also moved to Korea
. if you do have his contact information please PM me. Thank You.
how come I don't get anything?

but no need for background checks, all you need to do is to take everything with a grain of salt. After all this is a sneaker website.
So Ewing Athletics is a scam as well?
No. Ewing Athletics is legit. The seed money however to get David Falk and Ewing to give the ok on it, may not be. From the strong arming of rapper's publishing to this, its looking to be not.
Classic case scenario of someone taking a notion of something that hasn't even begun and getting way too far ahead of themselves....Dude took a conversation about potential dealings and toward it into a million dollar publishing empire.

Dude stuck in the Cudi Zone with that logic.

He is like the girl you kick it with for one night and she runs and tells everyone that she is pregnant and you guys are settling down in a committed serious relationship with a marriage proposal on the Horizon.

The Loudest is the Weakest.
Go ahead now tell me how I am hurt because I replied.

You are hurt, :lol:

Let me just stunt some more and get call arrogant.

You're not even stuntin', though.

It's pretty obvious that even if you do manage a HF, that you're a nobody in the HF community.

That's why you came to NT to do your so called "stunting".

I suggest you start working on the man underneath the supposed Tom Ford, because at the end of the day, that's the only thing that matters.
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So Ewing Athletics is a scam as well?
No. Ewing Athletics is legit. The seed money however to get David Falk and Ewing to give the ok on it, may not be. From the strong arming of rapper's publishing to this, its looking to be not.

lol i like that. i can take a shot. however my words are not duck tails

I'd be worried if my hedge fund manager didn't know the difference between tail and tale
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This thread is the reason I started using NT mobile. Don't wanna miss anything. Dude above me is right about the cliffhangers though. So many unanswered questions and supposed evidence being withheld.
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