Asian Culture Discussion Thread

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're from San Jose/South Bay, right? The main reason I haven't gone to Vietnam yet is because I feel like I pretty much grew up there already :lol: (Moved to San Jose for high school, stayed there for a few years after graduating college, still go there every weekend to kick it with my family/friends). It's the same reason I haven't gone to the Philippines yet and the reason I only went to China recently (all my closest friends that I grew up with are Chinese, Filipino, and Vietnamese); I've always wanted to go, but I wanted to hit up more of the countries/cultures that I'm unfamiliar with first. Definitely planning to hit up Vietnam and Philippines in 2019 though

I'm originally from the East Bay fam, but now I stay in San Jose because I didn't want to live in the parents' pad anymore (+ work and school). I'm really all over the place now though, just this weekend I was in SJ, SF, and East Bay. I'm a nomad b/c I'm always visiting my lady, my family, and cousins if I'm not busy with other things.
Most definitely San Jose is THE Little Saigon haha. I speak a different dialect but I try my best to talk in Vietnamese at the hair salons where I get a cut every week and shop owners out here. I think they appreciate it.

I think my lady is about to do a Philippines/Vietnam/etc trip soon. I haven't done a multiple country trip in Asia yet.. If you think you've seen Vietnam at home already, I think you'll get a culture shock when you get over there depending on where you go. My family lives in villages, with sand roads and right by the beach, it ain't nothing like over here
An Asian Martial Artist named Shang-Chi sounds like the most stereotypical **** ever lmao. I don't know anything about him tho.

Hope whoever does it navigates it right since I'm guessing this is going to be a big film.

Whoever plays the role better be a cutie :blush:. A younger version of the guy from A Man From Nowhere would be tough.
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The best casting choice is Daniel Wu, even tho hes not that young at 44 he still looks young for his age and in shape playing Sunny on Into The Badlands
If they made him an actual MMA fighter, that would immediately be less stereotypical and make him more relatable I think. But idk if that would fit his story.
An Asian Martial Artist named Shang-Chi sounds like the most stereotypical **** ever lmao. I don't know anything about him tho.

Hope whoever does it navigates it right since I'm guessing this is going to be a big film.

Whoever plays the role better be a cutie :blush:. A younger version of the guy from A Man From Nowhere would be tough.
Yeah, dunno why the Asian hero has to be into martial arts. I'd rather it be a character with cool powers.
99% of the posts on Subtle Asian Traits are about Boba. I had to leave the group lmao.

I didnt know ya'll liked Boba this ******* much lol. It's aight.
Is namor even asian / human? he's a mutant. he just has a tan and small eyes.

Yeah, he mutant. Looks kinda Asian in the comics. He's Atlantean, so I guess he could really be played by anyone (Jason Mamoa as Aquaman).

There just aren't a ton of superheroes that are compelling enough to have their own standalone movie.

They're probably making Shang Chi banking off of CRA's success. TBH, it would've been cool if it was made into a Netflix series instead, but guess that's not happening.

As far as like popular ones go, the newer Ms Marvel in the comics is Pakistani though.

Of if/when Ruffalo is done we can get Cho Hulk.
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The main reason I haven't gone to Vietnam yet is because I feel like I pretty much grew up there already :lol:

You gotta go man. It’s way different than San Jose or any other “Little Saigon” spots in the US. I went back this past year for the first time since 2006 and man the country has changed so much. Great food everywhere (Viet food is my favorite), so this was basically food heaven for me, and places are within walking distance of your hotel or short taxi ride). I didn’t do much exploring but I spent ten days in Saigon/HCMC just living it up, and I gotta say I had the best time of my life there compared to other US cities I’ve been to like Vegas, Miami, LA, DC, etc
I went to school being the only Asian guy in my grade. I never fit in. I wonder how different I would be if I went to a school with a lot of other Filipinos and Asians like some of my friends did.
Charlie needs to grow up & get his sht together.

Even though I wasn't around any other Asian kids, I think I grew up with a pretty healthy perspective on identity. My high school and middle school were really diverse though so even if there weren't other Asian kids, everyone was different.

But even though I didn't have those issues, I was never connected with it either until I was an adult and met other Asians. The only Asian people I knew were the popular Filipino YouTubers lol. I didn't even have Hotpot, Korean BBQ, Sushi, Boba, proper Ramen, etc until college and my college Asian friends put me on lol.

Hearts go out to people who grew up with those identity issues though. Definitely made me realize how important it is to consider demographics and the local culture when I choose where to raise my future kids. I think so many parents, especially immigrant parents who are coming from a poor background, look at the financial or quality of education aspect but don't consider everything else that goes into a child's upbringing. It's definitely understandable for poor immigrant parents to do that, but it can be tough on the child I think if they feel super alienated their entire life. It seems almost like I was lucky to grow up in a healthy environment after reading so many stories.
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