Asian Culture Discussion Thread

I can only speak on Japan, but I know much like everywhere else in the world, mental health issues are just not openly talked about. The high stress/work/financial expectations on males alone is extremely detrimental to mental health leading to the Karoshi (overwork) deaths that have been prevalent for decades and have brought focus on the overtime labor that companies demand of their employees. One, as a man, is simply supposed to shoulder burden and "suck it up" or be deemed a failure or something akin to a sissy or lack strong will, which is wrong on so many levels.

As creatures we are emotional, that is just the fact of the matter and we feel various things for all sorts of reasons. If one cannot express fully without judgement how they feel inside, then we are failing each other. 

Asian cultures, in my exposures to them, seem very "success" driven, and success to me seems to be defined by family, money, good jobs, and children. In reality, success is relative, and I think mental health issues that stem from stress and outside stimuli can be aided by redefining what "success" truly is (being happy and pleased with yourself and personal achievements/goals attained). 
So what happens if my family in Japan owe's the Yakuza money? I'm moving back there this June, and my mom has been acting on edge. My grandparents did own a liquor store out there, but if anything does happen when I'm out there I'm dropping those little fools.
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So what happens if my family in Japan owe's the Yakuza money? I'm moving back there this June, and my mom has been acting on edge. My grandparents did own a liquor store out there, but if anything does happen when I'm out there I'm dropping those little fools.
Back when I was in school my professor's new research was on Japanese gangs. dude said the yakuzas are not the ones to mess with. they own so many clubs, bars, etc in tokyo.
So what happens if my family in Japan owe's the Yakuza money? I'm moving back there this June, and my mom has been acting on edge. My grandparents did own a liquor store out there, but if anything does happen when I'm out there I'm dropping those little fools.
Where in Japan? could just be local thugs trying to extort, but without getting into specifics of your fam's situation, if they borrowed money or got into gambling, this is not a good situation. 

You most likely are not ever going to deal with anyone high up. You are more than likely going to interact with the little pimp/dealers that get used by the actual bosses than the bosses themselves. The majority of Yakuza activity however has been relegated to the larger cities with red light districts and huge tourist influx. 
So what happens if my family in Japan owe's the Yakuza money? I'm moving back there this June, and my mom has been acting on edge. My grandparents did own a liquor store out there, but if anything does happen when I'm out there I'm dropping those little fools.

I dunno how they would even know you moved back unless they got their IT division keeping tabs on people. Do the One Punch Man training guide just in case though.

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I dunno how they would even know you moved back unless they got their IT division keeping tabs on people. Do the One Punch Man training guide just in case though.
If there is a problem with my family over there, I don't think the ones that may be causing trouble know about me. All I'm saying is that my mom has been on edge, so I kind of suspect that something is up, but then again It could be nothing. My grandparents do/did own a liquor store in Tokyo, and I think my uncle is running it now.
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If there is a problem with my family over there, I don't think the ones that may be causing trouble know about me. All I'm saying is that my mom has been on edge, so I kind of suspect that something is up. It could be nothing, but they do/did own a liquor store in Tokyo.
Sounds like protection/extortion type stuff, but usually again, that is the little underling pimps/dealers thing. Yakuza bosses have too much other **** that actually makes them money to deal with that crap anymore unless you are cutting into their bottom line. The thug wannabes, that is right up their alley.
White Americans get so hurt whenever a minority does better than them in their supposed fields of expertise :lol: :smh:
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If a Japanese person ever wins anything they always gotta make a comment. I read that the last 6 winners of the indy 500 were from 6 different countries.
Imagine if dude won a Nascar event instead? All those redneck fans would be LIVID :lol: :smh:

Bring up mistreatment of minorities in the US= Get over it, that was a long time ago, my ancestors weren't involved, etc.

Japanese dude winning a damn car race= bringing up WWII :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface:
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There's a black nascar driver named Bubba something. I'd like to see him win one or danica patrick bae who loses everything.
I don't understand the reasoning behind posting thoughts like that publicly. What do people expect to gain from that? Cheers, likes, or comments? What a racist idiot.
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Historian and professor huh

Terry Frei is a Denver-based journalist, novelist, historian, screenwriter and affiliate professor at Metropolitan State University of Denver. Frei is in his second stint at The Denver Post and has been named a state's sportswriter of the year six times -- three times in Colorado and three times in Oregon. He also has written for the (Denver) Rocky Mountain News, the Portland Oregonian and The Sporting News. Terry's books include Horns, Hogs, and Nixon Coming: Texas vs. Arkansas In Dixie's Last Stand; Third Down and a War to Go; March 1939: Before the Madness; and '77: Denver, the Broncos, and a Coming of Age.
I don't understand the reasoning behind posting thoughts like that publicly. What do people expect to gain from that? Cheers, likes, or comments? What an idiot.
You would think these "in the public" people would be more careful with what they post online.

I'm all for this though. We get to see who they really are.
I don't understand the reasoning behind posting thoughts like that publicly. What do people expect to gain from that? Cheers, likes, or comments? What a racist idiot.

It's just the world we live in. Like why do Yelpers need to review restaurants as if their opinions really mattered. To a specific audience, it actually does. I am sure there are plenty of people on Twitter and even specifically his followers that agree with him. It's just a realization that this world is still very racist.
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