Asian Culture Discussion Thread

I don't want to be that guy

But Filipino girls have a steep drop off in their late 20s
My wife is 27, she doesn't seem dropping off yet. 

 I love and hate the Filipino Community.
I'm not Filipino, but Asian.

Hypebae drinks Henny.

I'm in the process of learning a few new languages.

Since some homies are Filipino, I figured it'd be a nice addition.

I can say that there is no benefit learning it, unless you wanna go to the Philippines and marry some FOB filipina girl, but then again she'll be fluent in English.

Nobody is teaching their kids the languages.

I'm second generation here. My parents knew English before they came to the US. I don't know anyone who is willing/wanting to learn the language except for Old white men who want to marry some 18 year old girl in the Philippines.
I can say that there is no benefit learning it, unless you wanna go to the Philippines and marry some FOB filipina girl, but then again she'll be fluent in English.

Nobody is teaching their kids the languages.

I'm second generation here. My parents knew English before they came to the US. I don't know anyone who is willing/wanting to learn the language except for Old white men who want to marry some 18 year old girl in the Philippines.

Not sure if my daughter will learn to comprehend Tagalog, how my wife and I do. She's fluent and I only understand it fully lol. But even she doesn't speak tagalog as much anymore...So it may come down to teaching my daughter some words here or there.
I think part of the reason Filipinos stopped speaking the Language is all the first generations that came here and started in high school didn't want to be made fun of or be labeled a FOB. And they always knew English so they just had to fall back on that.

I grew up only knowing mostly Ilocano words and when I say words or phrases, it's the common ones like when you're in trouble.

Like "Yot Ni Inam"
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it's kind of interesting, growing up no one I knew around my age spoke tagalog(or any other asian language) but now I see kids at the mall and **** speaking to each other. it was definitely a thing not to speak because of that fob label before but I feel like now the stigma has lifted.
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Sucks that people can't speak their own language comfortably because of how many ignorant, uneducated people that can only speak one language live in the US. Even then, many of them can't even speak English correctly despite being born and raised here. Probably it's just jealousy knowing that so many Asian "FOBS" come to this country and outperform them in every aspect, so they have to lash out and demean Asians somehow.
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Sucks that people can't speak their own language comfortably because of how many ignorant, uneducated people that can only speak one language live in the US. Even then, many of them can't even speak English correctly despite being born and raised here. Probably it's just jealousy knowing that so many Asian "FOBS" come to this country and outperform them in every aspect, so they have to lash out and demean Asians somehow.

Hence why I'm all for trying to preserve my culture/language as much as possible.
This country and England are the only countries where people are proud of only knowing one language. Pretty much every educated person I've met from the rest of the world can speak AT LEAST 2 languages, which isn't even hard to do (but somehow it is for Americans :rolleyes).

It makes sense though; bilingual people tend to be more intelligent, and most Americans are far lower in intelligence than people from most modern countries. Don't fall into the trap of raising your kids to be ignorant and whitewashed.
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Damn. You trash America and Americans every chance you get.

Facts =/= trashing. It's common knowledge that most Americans are illiterate and ignorant. If "FOBS" stopped coming to this country, these rankings would be even worse:

According to Pearson, the United States has a “cognitive skills and educational attainment” score of 0.39, which makes the United States rank fourteenth out of forty countries ranked in that category.

According to the research firm IPSOS Mori, the United States ranks second out of fourteen countries in general ignorance about social statistics such as teen pregnancy, unemployment rates, and voting patterns. Italy is the most ignorant of the fourteen countries.

According to the Program for International Student Assessment, the average reading literacy score for U.S. fifteen-year old students is 498 (out of 1000 possible points). That is enough to make the United States rank twenty-fourth out of sixty-five educational systems ranked in that category. Shangai, China, ranked first, with a score of 570
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It can still be trashing. I'll be in different threads and see your hater posts. terrorists probably rep your posts and wonder if you were recruited yet.
What an idiotic thing to say. Criticize uneducated and ignorant Americans for making fun of Asian languages and accents=terrorist :rofl: Congrats on your highly educated hypothesis :rolleyes :lol:

I must be a terrorist for being against this type of mentality (which is pretty common in this country) :rolleyes
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it's kind of interesting, growing up no one I knew around my age spoke tagalog(or any other asian language) but now I see kids at the mall and **** speaking to each other. it was definitely a thing not to speak because of that fob label before but I feel like now the stigma has lifted.

this has definitely changed over the past few decades, i think it used to be that immigrant parents for the most part wanted their kids learn the english asap & at the same time not being able to speak english/speaking another language was the easy pass to being made fun of just because it was an easy difference to pick at...nowadays it does feel like there is less of a stigma around being different period and it seems like people are generally more curious about different cultures these days

Sucks that people can't speak their own language comfortably because of how many ignorant, uneducated people that can only speak one language live in the US. Even then, many of them can't even speak English correctly despite being born and raised here. Probably it's just jealousy knowing that so many Asian "FOBS" come to this country and outperform them in every aspect, so they have to lash out and demean Asians somehow.

This country and England are the only countries where people are proud of only knowing one language. Pretty much every educated person I've met from the rest of the world can speak AT LEAST 2 languages, which isn't even hard to do (but somehow it is for Americans :rolleyes).

It makes sense though; bilingual people tend to be more intelligent, and most Americans are far lower in intelligence than people from most modern countries. Don't fall into the trap of raising your kids to be ignorant and whitewashed.

most americans probably don't have that much interaction with or knowledge of asians to be jealous...where did you get the "bilingual people tend to be more intelligent" bit? sound like bias to me...most of the world is multilingual out of necessity & proximity...the united states is an outlier (for many not so great reasons) in that for such large country there is such uniformity with language (maybe china & russia share this distinction, but those countries also have many different dialects & related languages that coexist within each, as well as bordering quite a few other countries with their own languages), which has been a mostly advantageous thing...if there is one thing that inarguably true is that there are ignorant & uneducated people in every corner of the this planet where there are people; america does not have a lock on this quality, it's just the most visible/vocal...
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where did you get the "bilingual people tend to be more intelligent" bit? sound like bias to me...

"The bilingual experience improves the brain's so called executive function-a command system that directs the attention processes that we use for planning, solving problems and performing various other mentally demanding tasks. These processes include ignoring distractions to stay focused, switching attention willfully from one thing to another and holding information in mind"

"Compared to monolinguals, the studied bilingual children, who had had five to ten years of bilingual exposure, averaged higher scores in cognitive performance on tests and had greater attention focus, distraction resistance, decision-making, judgment and responsiveness to feedback. The correlated neuroimaging (fMRI scans) of these children revealed greater activity in the prefrontal cortex networks directing these and other executive functions. (Bialystok, 2009; Kaushanskaya & Marian, 2007)."

most americans probably don't have that much interaction with or knowledge of asians to be jealous....

I saw this all throughout my schooling years from elementary through college. Before college, Asian Americans/ Asian "FOBS" were ridiculed for being nerdy (as if being intelligent was a bad thing) and their accents were mocked, yet kids that got straight Bs and Cs would always try to get into groups with them to use them for projects, labs, etc. This happened in college in one of my Econ classes too, when I got grouped with some Thai students studying abroad in the US; a whole lot of snickering during our presentation due to their accents, but a ton of @#$@%@$ and complaining about the professor's grade curve while my group and I got an A in the class. I've seen Asian students being physically attacked just for being Asian. This happened while I was at UCSB:

According to the IVFP police report, five to six men were hanging out in front of PIKE when one of the subjects began hollering at Hong and Elekes, who were passing by the fraternity.

“The subject appeared ‘drunk and belligerent,'” reads the report. “Hong and Elekes ignored him and continued walking. The subject then hollered at them and came up from behind and pushed them both in the back. The subject said [omitted] [omitted] [omitted] – this was possibly in reference to Hong’s Asian ethnicity. The subject then lunged at Elekes and began punching him on the left side of the face. Hong tried to help Elekes and the subject punched Hong once in the mouth, lacerating Hong’s upper lip.”

Then this famous video came out:

I don't know why else any white person would ridicule or attack Asians minding their own business, other than some feeling of inferiority of not being intelligent or succesful as people who came here with nowhere near as many advantages.
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Might be going to a Filipino wedding next year. Wish it was at a beach resort so I could just wear a short sleeved barong and swimming trunks. Wonder if the guys will try to set up a pre-wedding party at air force one.
Eh, they can still learn if they want. Just watch the dramas on tv. If I watch them for a few months i'd be fluent again.
It's pretty simple. People generally lose languages when it's not used in day-to-day interactions.

Sure, you might speak a foreign language right now, but unless you speak the same language with your kid, it's going to die with you. With how prevalent English is, there is just no practical reason to learn any other language.
I used to watch Doomsday Preppers a lot before and I remember a couple in middle america learned tagalog to communicate if they were ever kidnapped [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
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