Asian Americans speak out, what exactly is an asian american?

Dirtylicious wrote:
I take what culture and tradition my parents have taught me, incorporated that with what growing up in America has taught me, and forged my own individual identity.

Basically what I have done as well. It's funny because people always ask me where I'm from or they'll tell me I dont sound like I'm from GA/theSouth, but it's cool to me. I have my own identity.

Being Black and really digesting the fact that the furthest I can accurately trace my ancestry back to is slavery has REALLY affected me as of recently down tohardcore details like my religion for example. Why should I accept a religion that was given to my background instead of founded by them as a true, originalreligion? Doesnt make much sense to me... So I look deeper and find that at the core of everything material on Earth, the most important part of being a HUMANis realizing that you are a human and everyone else around you is too and knowing what it means to be human and staying in balance with nature as much aspossible. I found that within myself, but I still feel lost no matter how much culture and tradition Black Americans have. We are all humans and everyone hereis as lost as the next man when it comes down to it.

So with that said, weather or not Asians have created a culture in America that is profoundly different than anything else in America or Asia shouldnt notmatter. That's an extremely petty issue and it's purely trivial. It wouldnt help us out in any way other than trivia.
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Well since the majority of Asians know where they come from due to language , beliefs , and traditions you all are lucky to have a place to call home and a traceable ancestory, unlike us Black People we have been completely stripped of our individual heritage and all we have is bits and pieces of the history of a whole continent full of unique and vastly different tribes , and nations. So we had to make our own culture up as we survived and whatever could be retained through word of mouth became apart of our culture.

Do you all know how sad it is ask your grandparents and great grandparents where you come from and everything they say starts back at a plantation or during the Reconstruction era. Asian Americans can break that label down and become specific Blacks cannot because there is no longer anything left to start from. Just think about in the future you can say what type of country you come from how is the old country. Blacks cannot do that . So Asian Americans embrace your real backgrounds not your in general ones that society has given you because you all have been blessed with the memories of your ancestry.
what is my "real background" though. How do you not know we aren't?
would us walking around in "karate" outfits show you guys that we are embracing our background?

it's almost downright insulting to think that just b/c there are no outward displays of culture that we aren't doing so.

ps. OP
Originally Posted by megachamploo

Your lady friend is just ashamed of being Asian.

Methinks this as well.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Here's the thing that hasn't been said yet...
there is no singular Asian American identity..

when you refer to of Asians.. you're referring to people from many many countries....all with very distinct and different cultures.

North &South Korea

and that's just the East Asian countries....
The cultures and traditions from those countries are as distinct from each other as those of Germans and Italians, or French to Norwegian, or Mexican to Puerto Rican, etc
How can i respect acknowledge a group of ppl for there culture originality, identity when all there is negative stereotypes, and then the identity that they have is just copied borrowed, of someone elses.
Don't mistake society's interpretation of cultural identity with that of actual cultural identity.
Your friend's lack of ability to explain what "Asian-ness" is no more a representative example than an you being asked what culture black culture is.

As far as your premise that Asian culture is just borrowed piece of other people's cultures, I'd say you're dead wrong.
The youth of today "borrow" and learn from what they see. That's not just Asians, but everyone -- Blacks, Whites, Latino. Just b/c you don't see a culture, does not mean that there isn't one

Even with that said though, and assuming your premise is even remotely correct why does there have to be originality in order for you to respect it?
The fact that there is on

I ask you this in rebuttal. What is the Black-American culture? Can you define it, or do you just know what it is?
Same goes for the Latino Culutre?.. what is it?, what defines it?

OP I understand your curiosity but I fail to see how it applies to only Asian Americans. The primary example you used compared Asian Americans to African Americans and how African Americans have their own separate culture from Africa. There isn't really a division between Asian American and native Asian culture, but I don't really see a division in other foreign cultures and their American counterparts either. Are we only talking about Whites, Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics now? What's Indian American, Jewish American, Italian American (don't say pizza lmao), etc culture? Why does there need to be a separation between me as an Asian American and my native Asian culture? That's just the way it is.
well put

So, what I can say about my own identity -- I am an Asian American, more specifically ½ Chinsese ½ Filipino. I take what culture and tradition my parents have taught me, incorporated that with what growing up in America has taught me, and forged my own individual identity.

I shouldn't have to define and identify every single thing about my own culture just for you or anyone else to "respect" it, and quite frankly, I don't want or need your respect, if you fail to realize that.

African Americans have cultures trends that are different then african culture. You dont know of any... are you serious. Not to sound rude. But there wouldnteven be this site(website) Without african americans culture trends. If wearing gym shoes intergrated in to everyday life didnt exist.

Also hip-hop the music/culture is apart of something that originated by african americans not africans. Certain slang etc... I could go on and on but i thinkyou get my point.

Yes todays youth all are apart of one big melting pot. But that has no revelance to the topic. As far as why do asian-americans need there own identity, inever said they did.

Like i said earlier this girl(viet...) and my man got into a lil spat. Iuno how it all started. But the end result was slight jabs he was giving her aboutbeing asian. She says its not that im not proud of being asian, itts just im tired of people automatically associating things cultures etc from asia with me.She goes on to say im not from there, im from gwinnett, georgia originally. That is nowhere near asia. So i just wish people would recognize respect me(us) forour asian american culture, trends etc that us as asian americans started. And not things that are of an origin of asia.

She then says that would be like me associating cultures/trends from africa with those of african americans. She then says i dont wanna stereotype and say allblack ppl are into hip-hop rnb jazz, soul food, where gold teeth, speak in certain languages/slang. But those traits where started by african-americans(notfrom og african culture)

She says i want to be acknowledge recognize for the trends/fads culture of asian americans and not just asians historical culture. So my man said how immarecognize something that dont exist. He basically says i recognize that you jocking our style, trends culture. I recognize you assimilating talking like whitefolks.

To your comment about we all americans and we all i guess borrow etc from another is true. Lol he basically said its like a party everyone brings a dish etcthey created themselves. And put a lil of this and that on they plate. Then asians come empty handed and take a lil of everything and put it on they plate.Then someone comes up to them and ask... hey i see you gotta lil this a lil that on your plate. But what did you make/bring to the table/party.

I never once said you NEEDED to. I simply said she said there are fads/trends/ things in american culture that originated started by asian americans(not asiahistorical culture) And was like people dont acknowledge recognize them. And he was like you right cause they dont exist. And i was just sitting there likewell i respect you for you(doesnt hurt she kinda hot) But i was moreso like associating her with asian (og) culture cause thats all i saw. She like ok thatscool and all but recognize what we as asian americans have started etc.

Then she goes on to say things like break-dancing, etc. And my man is like see thats what im talking about yall didnt start that yall just jack the trend fromus black ppl. I dont see it as style jocking or jacking culture.

So over 50 threads later i still havent gotten an answer. So far i have gotten ppl being defensive and saying... why do we need one, or talking/listing thingsthat started by asian, non americans.

Again i never said asian americans needed one, or they just copying others trends/culture.

I simply asked " What specific trends/fads etc have asians born and raised in american created, that are intergrated in the overall fabricof american culture"

Thats all im asking. im not trying to start a race war of words. Or disrespect asian americans. Its like if someone asked what has african americanscontribute to the trends/fads culture to the overall american cuulture. i could say hip-hop, jazz, certain slang, fashions, rnb, soul food etc... so on and soforth.

When this was asked my man just butt in and said i can do that with asians too, bad driving, good at math, etc stereotypes. She got offended. Hesaid well what else is there, everything else is things associated with your origin culture, not your asian american culture. Then when she started to namedistinctions between asians and asian americans, only difference i saw was some connect and stay true to their natural origin culture/trends, and the otherswho assimilated(but his words was jock, copy emulate, act be like other races) But myself havent seen, or unaware of certain trends/fads etc things asianamericans(NOT non asian americans)started that are apart of the entire american culture.
...Can you not say the same of other cultures that have emigrated to the US?

As you have put it...Blacks in America are unique, as most do not have a cultural connection to their ancestry or original country. So yes, they have createdunique items unto themselves.
However, for those cultures that have emigrated here, they are in the same proverbial boat as Asians.

You say that Asian Americans have not created culture here, and at the same time say it's only Asians who have brought culture this I say..Asians here ARE Asian Americans and Asian Americans ARE Asians....they are at once the same and different. You say Asian Americans bring "nothing to theplate"... but yet say Asians do? Again I say this....Asian-Americans bring the culture and traditions of their own countries and cultures here andincorporate that with with American upbringing.

I think it's funny that you want to separate the cultures of Asians vs Asian Americans. You simply cannot separate it.

Yes todays youth all are apart of one big melting pot. But that has no revelance to the topic. As far as why do asian-americans need there own identity, i never said they did.
The relevance is, that you're saying that Asian-Americans have no identity.
And yes, you did say that they needed "originality" in order to respect it.
She says i want to be acknowledge recognize for the trends/fads culture of asian americans and not just asians historical culture.
That same girl cited karate, kung-fu flicks, chinese food as "Asian historical culture" come on now...sounds like she's just aself-hating asian.
If that girl had any sense of self or culture...she'd realize that traditions and culture that her parents taught her are part of her identity, both Asianand American.

...In a sense...the feeling that the girl has is part of what prompted you to make this thread.
that the US society, as a whole, will always see Asians as "perpetual foreigners"...thus she feels as though has no identity... lacking a realconnection to her Asian side, and at the same time, she knows that society, will never see her as a "true" American.

Just like you have done with this thread... but in don't see Asian-Americans as true Asians...thus you feel as they do not have an identityor culture
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

...Can you not say the same of other cultures that have emigrated to the US?

As you have put it...Blacks in America are unique, as most do not have a cultural connection to their ancestry or original country. So yes, they have created unique items unto themselves.
However, for those cultures that have emigrated here, they are in the same proverbial boat as Asians.

You say that Asian Americans have not created culture here, and at the same time say it's only Asians who have brought culture this I say.. Asians here ARE Asian Americans and Asian Americans ARE Asians....they are at once the same and different. You say Asian Americans bring "nothing to the plate"... but yet say Asians do? Again I say this....Asian-Americans bring the culture and traditions of their own countries and cultures here and incorporate that with with American upbringing.

I think it's funny that you want to separate the cultures of Asians vs Asian Americans. You simply cannot separate it.

I whole-heartly agree with everything you said, and i am not pinpointing asians, just cause. Again the reason the subject of asian americans came up is becauseSHE IS ASIAN AMERICAN, so thats why the subject of asian americans came up. If she was of anoher race then id be discussing that, but its not. Like from aculture standpoint there is a difference between african americans and africans from africa. She says the same goes for asians. Which i agree with.

But what she is also saying is the difference is we have our own trends cultures etc that we have started in america. And his rebuddle was yea you guys aredifferent, but the only difference is one stays true to there roots and the other copies emmulate whatever race of ppl they are around. She says no we have ourown styles fashion slang etc, that we started, that americans of all races do. And i said ok thats cool what are they? Then everything she said/listed weretrends/fads etc that where started created by other races. So since she is the only asian that was around and i knew there were a few on here, i asked on here.And so far ive gotten nothing. If there isnt any thats cool, if there is some then thats cool, but what are they?

Cause so far all the examples she gave were trends/fads created by other races of ppl in america. And so far on here all i got was origin asian cultureresponses, or ignorant !%@ like im 6 ft tall, i aint lame, or a nerd, etc things that have no relevance to the question. Or ppl saying im proud of my race etc,which nothing is wrong with that. Ive gotten every type of response and explanation except for the core question i asked.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

OP I understand your curiosity but I fail to see how it applies to only Asian Americans. The primary example you used compared Asian Americans to African Americans and how African Americans have their own separate culture from Africa. There isn't really a division between Asian American and native Asian culture, but I don't really see a division in other foreign cultures and their American counterparts either. Are we only talking about Whites, Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics now? What's Indian American, Jewish American, Italian American (don't say pizza lmao), etc culture? Why does there need to be a separation between me as an Asian American and my native Asian culture? That's just the way it is.
well put

that pretty much sums it up.

why would you expect another culture to display a unique representation of a new-forged culture for asian-americans when they aren't disconnected withtheir native culture?

it just doesn't make sense.

it's like you're expecting jay-z to contribute a totally new music genre of his own, unheard of and doesn't get its traits from other genres.

why would he necessarily have do that when his background is hip-hop and that's what he's comfortable and connected with?

does he need to create a new genre of his own in order for you to "respect" how he represents his culture?


but if you want an example for your question, synchronized and stylish hip-hop dancing is being popularized and dominated by asians today.

i.e. jabbawockeez, kaba modern, soreal cru, quest crew, super cr3w, and those are just the ones you see on TV.

you may say it emerged from hip-hop culture, along with hip-hop music, but its current breakthroughs and identity is monopolized by asians today.

you may disagree, but if you've been to the biggest and most prominent hip-hop dance competitions, just look around and you'll notice the majority.
Asian Americans have contributed a lot to America you all helped bring us back to using natural medicine through Acupuncture and the study of herbal medicine.You all taught us how to bring inner peace to our selves through meditation. You all helped revitalize our dying entertainment industry through movies actionand drama, Video Games, and Animated shows. You broke the stereotype that strength comes from muscles and ruthlessness instead you showed the gentleness and astrong spirit can prevail over any odds
You have distilled in many americans self discipline and self respect through Martial Arts. Asian Americans influence is very great its a pity hollywood andthe common mob tries to break you all down into stereotypes.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

...Can you not say the same of other cultures that have emigrated to the US?

As you have put it...Blacks in America are unique, as most do not have a cultural connection to their ancestry or original country. So yes, they have created unique items unto themselves.
However, for those cultures that have emigrated here, they are in the same proverbial boat as Asians.

You say that Asian Americans have not created culture here, and at the same time say it's only Asians who have brought culture this I say.. Asians here ARE Asian Americans and Asian Americans ARE Asians....they are at once the same and different. You say Asian Americans bring "nothing to the plate"... but yet say Asians do? Again I say this....Asian-Americans bring the culture and traditions of their own countries and cultures here and incorporate that with with American upbringing.

I think it's funny that you want to separate the cultures of Asians vs Asian Americans. You simply cannot separate it.

Yes todays youth all are apart of one big melting pot. But that has no revelance to the topic. As far as why do asian-americans need there own identity, i never said they did.
The relevance is, that you're saying that Asian-Americans have no identity.
And yes, you did say that they needed "originality" in order to respect it.
She says i want to be acknowledge recognize for the trends/fads culture of asian americans and not just asians historical culture.
That same girl cited karate, kung-fu flicks, chinese food as "Asian historical culture" come on now...sounds like she's just a self-hating asian.
If that girl had any sense of self or culture...she'd realize that traditions and culture that her parents taught her are part of her identity, both Asian and American.

...In a sense...the feeling that the girl has is part of what prompted you to make this thread.
that the US society, as a whole, will always see Asians as "perpetual foreigners"...thus she feels as though has no identity... lacking a real connection to her Asian side, and at the same time, she knows that society, will never see her as a "true" American.

Just like you have done with this thread... but in don't see Asian-Americans as true Asians...thus you feel as they do not have an identity or culture

First off i just wanna say kudos for having an insightfull and intellegent dialogue thru out this all. But back to the subject at hands i never said it, it wasmy coworker. But reading i can understand the confusion. No what i guess im am saying is there is asian culture and there is a culture etc with asians who wereborn raised in america. What is that culture? So far all i have is trends/cultures of other races, or culture that originated from asia og heritage.

She says no thats not true, we as asian americans have our own identity that isnt just from our natural culture/trends, from asia. And it isnt just culturetrends that originated started with other races either. And i said ok cool well share some with me, and so far i havent heard anything.

Again i respect your words of wisdom and your responses but i still havent recieved an answer. I also respect and acknowledge you for sticking with your nativeculture etc...
Originally Posted by jomitm

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

OP I understand your curiosity but I fail to see how it applies to only Asian Americans. The primary example you used compared Asian Americans to African Americans and how African Americans have their own separate culture from Africa. There isn't really a division between Asian American and native Asian culture, but I don't really see a division in other foreign cultures and their American counterparts either. Are we only talking about Whites, Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics now? What's Indian American, Jewish American, Italian American (don't say pizza lmao), etc culture? Why does there need to be a separation between me as an Asian American and my native Asian culture? That's just the way it is.
well put
that pretty much sums it up.

why would you expect another culture to display a unique representation of a new-forged culture for asian-americans when they aren't disconnected with their native culture?

it just doesn't make sense.

it's like you're expecting jay-z to contribute a totally new music genre of his own, unheard of and doesn't get its traits from other genres.

why would he necessarily have do that when his background is hip-hop and that's what he's comfortable and connected with?

does he need to create a new genre of his own in order for you to "respect" how he represents his culture?


but if you want an example for your question, synchronized and stylish hip-hop dancing is being popularized and dominated by asians today.

i.e. jabbawockeez, kaba modern, soreal cru, quest crew, super cr3w, and those are just the ones you see on TV.

you may say it emerged from hip-hop culture, along with hip-hop music, but its current breakthroughs and identity is monopolized by asians today.

you may disagree, but if you've been to the biggest and most prominent hip-hop dance competitions, just look around and you'll notice the majority.

All true but it wasnt created started with asians, it was they just jumped on the wave and added to the movement. As far as what i expect i dont expectanything, its just she was saying there are specific trends/cultures that asian americans CREATED/STARTED that are now apart of the everyday life of americansof all races. And im not trying to disagree. Im simply asking what are they?

This korean guy i asked lol(had to stop at a store and get some wraps) He said chinese food. Which at 1st i was like huh no way. He said yes way because thefood etc that is served here was created etc by chinese americans, and is different from what chinese ppl originally eat in there native culture. And it ispopular and americans of all culture and races.

To say you started something means you were the 1st, to add to or contribute to something is simply that, doesnt mean you started it. And to the guy whomentions inventions etc those are inventions not cultural trends fads etc. Neither is video games, asian americans didnt start a trend of video games...matterfact asians as a race of ppl didnt even create video games. Also even if they did it isnt a trend etc a way of life its an invention.

Its like george washington carver invented peanut butter, true. But peanut butter isnt a cultural trend etc. It is an invention. Its like black ppl didntinvent goldteeth, but the fact wearing it as a part of fashions, is a trend/cultural impact that ppl of other races in americans have adapted.
Ive gotten every type of response and explanation except for the core question i asked.
What exactly would satisfy you though?...
Like you've stated...Blacks are unique in that they've had to create their own culture in the US.
but even the same time...the culture evolved from things from their native country/culture..passed down by family, word of mouth...then integrated andadapted for the US.
The same goes for Asian-Americans... they have taken things from their own country and appropriate it for the US. Just one example would be the rise in thetrend in Asian-Fusion cuisine.

As far as a cultural contribution to the'll never get a consistent answer...why?...b/c as I initially stated..Asians consists of many countriesand cultures..
Asian-American is almost a misnomer...b/c the cultures between each Asian country vary so greatly...Chinese-Americans, Korean-Americans, Filipino-Americans,etc...there is no impetus for Asian-Americans to "unite," so to speak, b/c they each have their own identity and culture to begin with.....With BlackAmericans, the lack of a connection to their own ancestry, would assumably serve to unify and be attractive to those who no longer have a connection andidentity to their native land. Thus, it would be easier for Blacks to have a generally unified culture in the US.

Asian-American culture(if there is a singular and one) is still evolving. You have to realize that many Asians-Americans in the US are still very recentimmigrants. There are some multi-generational Asian-Americans; however, I would venture to say(without looking at immigration stats), that the majority ofthem are at most 2nd or 3rd generation. I think with a lot of immigrants..there is always an initial and overeager push for them to adapt to the US..asexemplified by a lot of 1st gen immigrants who don't teach their children to speak their native tongue. So, what you get are generations who adapt totheir new social culture in an almost overzealour fasion.. It's only when these new immigrants find that they have an emptyness of their own culture, thatthere is a push back to find a balance between the new and old, and then venture out to create their own.

Outside of the stereotypes of they do nails, being cheap, breath stinks,make good ice tea, cant drive, good at math, etc?
Just some advice, you don't start off a discourse trying to be an honest and intellectual, while in the same breath insult the very peopleyou're trying to engage.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Ive gotten every type of response and explanation except for the core question i asked.
What exactly would satisfy you though?...
Like you've stated...Blacks are unique in that they've had to create their own culture in the US.
but even the same time...the culture evolved from things from their native country/culture..passed down by family, word of mouth...then integrated and adapted for the US.
The same goes for Asian-Americans... they have taken things from their own country and appropriate it for the US. Just one example would be the rise in the trend in Asian-Fusion cuisine.

As far as a cultural contribution to the'll never get a consistent answer...why?...b/c as I initially stated..Asians consists of many countries and cultures..
Asian-American is almost a misnomer...b/c the cultures between each Asian country vary so greatly...Chinese-Americans, Korean-Americans, Filipino-Americans, etc...there is no impetus for Asian-Americans to "unite," so to speak, b/c they each have their own identity and culture to begin with.....With Black Americans, the lack of a connection to their own ancestry, would assumably serve to unify and be attractive to those who no longer have a connection and identity to their native land. Thus, it would be easier for Blacks to have a generally unified culture in the US.

Asian-American culture(if there is a singular and one) is still evolving. You have to realize that many Asians-Americans in the US are still very recent immigrants. There are some multi-generational Asian-Americans; however, I would venture to say(without looking at immigration stats), that the majority of them are at most 2nd or 3rd generation. I think with a lot of immigrants..there is always an initial and overeager push for them to adapt to the exemplified by a lot of 1st gen immigrants who don't teach their children to speak their native tongue. So, what you get are generations who adapt to their new social culture in an almost overzealour fasion.. It's only when these new immigrants find that they have an emptyness of their own culture, that there is a push back to find a balance between the new and old, and then venture out to create their own.

Outside of the stereotypes of they do nails, being cheap, breath stinks,make good ice tea, cant drive, good at math, etc?
Just some advice, you don't start off a discourse trying to be an honest and intellectual, while in the same breath insult the very people you're trying to engage.

No thats what my man had said. And he was like trying to get me to cosign, like n*$$a am i lying. And i was like well ppl do associate those things with ppl ofmongloid decent(i say this now because of you breakdown of different origins of the race) The same thing is with negroids, Haitians, jamaicans etc.. Sobasically from what i gather you are saying mongloids who were born and raised in america dont have a distinct culture, because they are newly found in americaand thus stick to they native culture and/or assimilate to whatever culture they are raised in etc for means of survival and being accepted in america?

Lol naw i wasnt dissin you or the ppl, i can understand how it sounds so because im typing a three-way conversation, so its hard to dicipher when i amreffering to myself, her, him, and me talking in 3rd person. Sorry bout the mix up
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Ive gotten every type of response and explanation except for the core question i asked.
What exactly would satisfy you though?...

Outside of the stereotypes of they do nails, being cheap, breath stinks,make good ice tea, cant drive, good at math, etc?
Just some advice, you don't start off a discourse trying to be an honest and intellectual, while in the same breath insult the very people you're trying to engage.

i can make one hell of an ice tea tho dirty. holla
Originally Posted by kuhui

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Ive gotten every type of response and explanation except for the core question i asked.
What exactly would satisfy you though?...

Outside of the stereotypes of they do nails, being cheap, breath stinks,make good ice tea, cant drive, good at math, etc?
Just some advice, you don't start off a discourse trying to be an honest and intellectual, while in the same breath insult the very people you're trying to engage.

i can make one hell of an ice tea tho dirty. holla

Lol thats wat my man said, that and lol they sho can press the hell outta some clothes. Dead wrong but was funny nevertheless
pharrell stole his style from retrokid, does that count?
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Here's the thing that hasn't been said yet...
there is no singular Asian American identity..

when you refer to of Asians.. you're referring to people from many many countries....all with very distinct and different cultures.

North &South Korea

and that's just the East Asian countries....
The cultures and traditions from those countries are as distinct from each other as those of Germans and Italians, or French to Norwegian, or Mexican to Puerto Rican, etc
How can i respect acknowledge a group of ppl for there culture originality, identity when all there is negative stereotypes, and then the identity that they have is just copied borrowed, of someone elses.
Don't mistake society's interpretation of cultural identity with that of actual cultural identity.
Your friend's lack of ability to explain what "Asian-ness" is no more a representative example than an you being asked what culture black culture is.

As far as your premise that Asian culture is just borrowed piece of other people's cultures, I'd say you're dead wrong.
The youth of today "borrow" and learn from what they see. That's not just Asians, but everyone -- Blacks, Whites, Latino. Just b/c you don't see a culture, does not mean that there isn't one

Even with that said though, and assuming your premise is even remotely correct why does there have to be originality in order for you to respect it?
The fact that there is on

I ask you this in rebuttal. What is the Black-American culture? Can you define it, or do you just know what it is?
Same goes for the Latino Culutre?.. what is it?, what defines it?

OP I understand your curiosity but I fail to see how it applies to only Asian Americans. The primary example you used compared Asian Americans to African Americans and how African Americans have their own separate culture from Africa. There isn't really a division between Asian American and native Asian culture, but I don't really see a division in other foreign cultures and their American counterparts either. Are we only talking about Whites, Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics now? What's Indian American, Jewish American, Italian American (don't say pizza lmao), etc culture? Why does there need to be a separation between me as an Asian American and my native Asian culture? That's just the way it is.
well put

So, what I can say about my own identity -- I am an Asian American, more specifically ½ Chinsese ½ Filipino. I take what culture and tradition my parents have taught me, incorporated that with what growing up in America has taught me, and forged my own individual identity.

I shouldn't have to define and identify every single thing about my own culture just for you or anyone else to "respect" it, and quite frankly, I don't want or need your respect, if you fail to realize that.

African Americans have cultures trends that are different then african culture. You dont know of any... are you serious. Not to sound rude. But there wouldnt even be this site(website) Without african americans culture trends. If wearing gym shoes intergrated in to everyday life didnt exist.

Also hip-hop the music/culture is apart of something that originated by african americans not africans. Certain slang etc... I could go on and on but i think you get my point.

Yes todays youth all are apart of one big melting pot. But that has no revelance to the topic. As far as why do asian-americans need there own identity, i never said they did.

Like i said earlier this girl(viet...) and my man got into a lil spat. Iuno how it all started. But the end result was slight jabs he was giving her about being asian. She says its not that im not proud of being asian, itts just im tired of people automatically associating things cultures etc from asia with me. She goes on to say im not from there, im from gwinnett, georgia originally. That is nowhere near asia. So i just wish people would recognize respect me(us) for our asian american culture, trends etc that us as asian americans started. And not things that are of an origin of asia.

She then says that would be like me associating cultures/trends from africa with those of african americans. She then says i dont wanna stereotype and say all black ppl are into hip-hop rnb jazz, soul food, where gold teeth, speak in certain languages/slang. But those traits where started by african-americans(not from og african culture)

She says i want to be acknowledge recognize for the trends/fads culture of asian americans and not just asians historical culture. So my man said how imma recognize something that dont exist. He basically says i recognize that you jocking our style, trends culture. I recognize you assimilating talking like white folks.

To your comment about we all americans and we all i guess borrow etc from another is true. Lol he basically said its like a party everyone brings a dish etc they created themselves. And put a lil of this and that on they plate. Then asians come empty handed and take a lil of everything and put it on they plate. Then someone comes up to them and ask... hey i see you gotta lil this a lil that on your plate. But what did you make/bring to the table/party.

I never once said you NEEDED to. I simply said she said there are fads/trends/ things in american culture that originated started by asian americans(not asia historical culture) And was like people dont acknowledge recognize them. And he was like you right cause they dont exist. And i was just sitting there like well i respect you for you(doesnt hurt she kinda hot) But i was moreso like associating her with asian (og) culture cause thats all i saw. She like ok thats cool and all but recognize what we as asian americans have started etc.

Then she goes on to say things like break-dancing, etc. And my man is like see thats what im talking about yall didnt start that yall just jack the trend from us black ppl. I dont see it as style jocking or jacking culture.

So over 50 threads later i still havent gotten an answer. So far i have gotten ppl being defensive and saying... why do we need one, or talking/listing things that started by asian, non americans.

Again i never said asian americans needed one, or they just copying others trends/culture.

I simply asked " What specific trends/fads etc have asians born and raised in american created, that are intergrated in the overall fabric of american culture"

Thats all im asking. im not trying to start a race war of words. Or disrespect asian americans. Its like if someone asked what has african americans contribute to the trends/fads culture to the overall american cuulture. i could say hip-hop, jazz, certain slang, fashions, rnb, soul food etc... so on and so forth.

When this was asked my man just butt in and said i can do that with asians too, bad driving, good at math, etc stereotypes. She got offended. He said well what else is there, everything else is things associated with your origin culture, not your asian american culture. Then when she started to name distinctions between asians and asian americans, only difference i saw was some connect and stay true to their natural origin culture/trends, and the others who assimilated(but his words was jock, copy emulate, act be like other races) But myself havent seen, or unaware of certain trends/fads etc things asian americans(NOT non asian americans)started that are apart of the entire american culture.
Dirty- Wheres India?
If you're trying to say that I didn't mention India...
re-read what I wrote...

and that's just the East Asian countries....

you're new don't take this the wrong way...but I rep Desis as Asians just as much as I do East Asians, so step with that nonsense
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