Asian Americans speak out, what exactly is an asian american?

Im Vietnamese and I live in a predominant Asian community in San Jose. At least 70% of my highschool consisted of different types of Asians, and for the mostpart they were Vietnamese.

What we Vietnamese do is go to huge crowded and dirty Asian plazas, gamble via chinese chess, buy groceries, and eat vietnamese sandwiches for lunch.

The most major thing we do is probably have huge gatherings with friends of family where we eat this soup contraption which has all sorts of vegetables, fish,meat, etc. with some beer. We call it "lau" in Vietnamese. In this gatherings we listen to high volumed Vietnamese music (Paris by Night -> searchit up for LOL's) and sing karaoke.
Originally Posted by NEIGHB0RH00D

Originally Posted by recycledpaper

i have a better question: why does it matter?

i bet its for his homework

Man please im older enough to be your dad, hell if it wasnt for the long line at the gas station i might coulda been your dad.
Being Asian American to me, means that I am Asian + what I gain from being American. Simple as that. It doesn't mean the same thing to be African Americanbut who said that it needs to be?
Originally Posted by DaeWing

Originally Posted by ElijahDukes

Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Originally Posted by ElijahDukes

i'm an asian canadian. parents from china/hong kong, but i was born in toronto.
i'm VERY different from regular asians, from my height to my interests, i guess it was the way i was raised and my environment
no one gives a ....

but back to the topic.
People always try to downplay their nationality. Ya'll have no respect for your own race. Ya'll disgust me.

what the hell? how did i try to downplay my race? i said from my height to my interests, i'm different. i'm 6'1, the average asian is not that tall.
im interested in sports, rap music, sneakers, which some asians in asia might be interested as well, but it's not extremely common.
I'm the only asian on my baseball team (if not, one of 2 or 3), just to give you an example

some of y'all reaching

how are you different? you need to get out more...

most Asian kids these days are 5'11" ~ 6'1" .. Maybe you are a little taller than average... but not by much.
I know pletnty of Asian kids that are interested in sports, sneakers, rap music... it is very common.
There are plenty of Asians that like baseball.. its one of most played sports in Japan, Korea, Taiwan (probably only behind soccer).

I'm Asian myself and I had to
at this. Most Asian kids these days are still a lot shorter than that. Oh yeah, I'm 5'10'' btw and I don't have a single asianfriend taller than me
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by recycledpaper

i have a better question: why does it matter?

I could take that in many ways, one just being evasive and not answering the question, or two that you basically are saying asians have no identity in america outside of stereotypes and just dont want to come right out and say so. But to answer your question. Like i said this chick is like i want to be acknowledge respected for my asian american culture, and not my asian. Just like blacks in american arent auto associated with things culture of africa. And my man is like well what else can i do you have no identity in america so all there is your asian culture and the american stereotypes placed on your race. Because anything else is just copying culture his words... d riding,swagger jacking other ppl races.

i dont wnat to ignorantly go with this thought so i thought what better way to get the answer then getting it directly from the horses mouth.

ethnicity is the furthest thing in my mind when i go about living my life. that is why i don't care and i said what i said. it has nothing to do with beingembarrassed or trying to evade your question. whether you are right or wrong, it doesn't matter to me. my life goes on and it goes on well.

and i don't know about your area, but here in southern california, we don't get that much stereotypical asian talk thrown our way. maybe this is aproduct of college life?
LDJ wrote:
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by LDJ

This is a segway to the thread of "is this racist" Dirty intrigued me with the statement i must change people perception. So i ask this not as racist but out of sheer ignorancce and unawareness.

What exactly is an asian american? I ask this as in ok a person thats of asian decent living in american, obviously. But what does that consist of, from a cultural aspect? I mean like african americans have distinct cultural contributions in america that differentiate them from "africans" ie...
Certain styles in fashio, music; hip-hop, rock and roll, country, jazz. Certain slang lingo etc. As well as spanish americans, white americans.

Im asking a lady friend right now, and she says karate, kung-fu flicks, chinese food. But im like none of those where created by asian americans. They werent made popular by asian americans either. They are things created started by asians true, but asians from asia, not ones from america.

So I ask what is the identity of asian americans. Outside of the stereotypes of they do nails, being cheap, breath stinks,make good ice tea, cant drive, good at math, etc?

Out of all the asians ive befriended and encountered, most culturally, identify themselves with there native culture, white culture if the grew up around whites, or blacks etc culture if they grew up/raised around blacks etc...
Basically, that's it. Asians, alone, can have beef with other Asian races, but when you add in the cultures of how other Asians were raised depending on where they live, it creates more conflict, by saying he's a banana, or he's too ghetto.

For me, I got to live in both worlds, from being a country boy in Texas, to being a hood N in Oakland. To me, being Asian-American, is being in the middle. It's weird because America wants to call me American, yet they treat my looks and culture so foreign. I mean Italian cuisine, can be considered American, like spaghetti, but let me throw down some bo tai chanh for you( it's a Vietnamese recipe), and it comes off as way foreign, and something for the American public to discover. I mean do you consider Chow Mien, American food? It should be, but it isn't.

Lastly, I consider myself Asian-American, hell, I spent only 4 months of my babyhood in another country, so I was basically raised in America.But the cultural aspect for me will be different for 2nd and 3rd generation Asians. I'm different because I got to grow up listening to my own language, and stories from my mom and dad, and how they came got to America. I don't know if my kids or their kids will care as much about their past ancestor's culture in this American society. But I bet you a million dollars, I'm gonna tell them about it over, and over and over.

The identity of an Asian-American TO ME = He can be raised in a white,black, or hispanic neighborhood, but he should be able to recognize his own culture where his roots are from and embrace it, without feeling ashamed of it because he lives in the whitest, or blackest part of town where no one gets him. That's basically it, because Asians are no different from blacks, whites, and latinos in America. We want you to embrace us, as much as we want to embrace you.

I deff respect culture, but my question is how can i respect something that i have no idea what it is. I have been to the girl im with family restaurant and in there home. But yet i have not seen anything of asian american culture. I have seen native asian culture(the eatery and artifacts things in thier home. But nuttin that seperates them from there native culture, and when i do its just bits and peices of other races culture.

I say the reason blacks have invernted have a identity seperate from their native culture, is because whites stole them from their land, and stripped them of their culture, and stole and an coined it as they own(moderate changes and additions here and there)

Its like example the cowboy western look, It actually was created started by spanish americans and it was pop by them. Ive been to many spanish speaking countries, and they in no shape form dress like john wayne.

Like i said i mean no disrespect, but my man in his ignorance, while humorous did spark a good question. How can i respect acknowledge a group of ppl for there culture originality, identity when all there is negative stereotypes, and then the identity that they have is just copied borrowed, of someone elses.

I guess im saying it like this. Ex: Someone wants me to judge there food on uniqueness and originality, but all they did was take part of someone elses recipe, took a portion of another mans recipe, combined them, and try to trade it off as they own. How unique and original is that?

Also if you where known for doing this and people stereotyped you for stealing recipes, etc. how could i defend put up an arguement against it, when i ask you ok prove me wrong come with your own unique recipe and you follow that by combining others works.

I guess what im saying is she is like i hate the stereotypes, i want to be accepted or recognized for my american culture, not just my asian one. But if all her culture consist of is, a piece of black culture, a dash of white culture, and a pinch of spanish. Then what is there to recognize or say is original about you?

Well, you said it yourself, how can we steal your shhh, if it's part of American culture? We are consider Asian-American, right? Maybe, you went to an Asian house that is all about embracingAmerican culture. It goes both ways, cause when a black, latino, or white person goes to my house, and I'm giving them Vietnamese food, I asked them ifit's alright, because a person might not be ready for that. It might taste like some Bizzarre food episode to you from the Travel channel while it is aevery day thing for me. My point is, Asians sometimes share our culture with you in bits and pieces because we don't feel like you're ready for it,maybe because we are racist and think you ain't ready for it, or maybe it's because we react to the way you treat us. And last, maybe because we wantto be Americanized and be accepted by the American public. I mean your post in a way, is a testament to how confused or prejudice America is toAsian-Americans. You're calling us unoriginal with a dash and pinch of all other cultures, but at the same time, we grew up in your neighborhoods, yourtrailers, your suburbs, your hoods. Try to walk in our shoes, and see why we have to embrace your culture. Our language has no way of making money orcummunicating, unless we live in our own Chinatown( or whatever town where we can be around the same language -speaking people.) You want to know what'scrazy????? I'll let you in on something about Asian-Americans. We are NOT consider native to our own country either. Everything we do is either considerthe extreme foreign, or too Americanized, there is no definition of in-between because you would be consider stealing from other groups then. Before I go,Maybe you have meant too many Americanized Asian families. I know my family and many other countless Asian-American families still hold their own culture,while embracing America. You might see that we might just want to keep our "original" culture to our hearts and share it to people that are we holddear to it.
Originally Posted by megachamploo

OP I understand your curiosity but I fail to see how it applies to only Asian Americans. The primary example you used compared Asian Americans to African Americans and how African Americans have their own separate culture from Africa. There isn't really a division between Asian American and native Asian culture, but I don't really see a division in other foreign cultures and their American counterparts either. Are we only talking about Whites, Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics now? What's Indian American, Jewish American, Italian American (don't say pizza lmao), etc culture? Why does there need to be a separation between me as an Asian American and my native Asian culture? That's just the way it is.

My parents were refugees from Vietnam. I identify as Vietnamese American, but I am just as much Vietnamese as someone born in Vietnam. At home I speak in Vietnamese. If you asked me to bring up examples of my Vietnamese American culture, I would tell you about Vietnamese culture. Why? That is what being Vietnamese American means.
We still closely identify with culture from our mothercountry.

As far as things like talking black and dressing white goes, I'd like to think that we live in such a universally interconnected and global society that those phrases have no meaning anymore.

In no way am i pinpointing to just asian americans. The reason is like i said earlier is im out with this asian american girl, and the subject came up, Anditalian americans are white they just white ppl who originated from italy.

Like i said earlier, i think blacks esp... have a seperate identity because they were stripped of they culture and stolen from they homeland thus having knowother choice but to create there own culture, identity in america.

She is like i want to be identified for my asian american culture and not my asian culture. She is like im tired of ppl assocaiting me with things culturesfrom asia. I aint from there, and wasnt raised there. She goes on to say thats like me saying associating african americans with spears,huts tombs, etc certaindishes, and other things associated with african culture.

My man is like there is no so thing as asian american culture, outside of copying what other cultures do, and the stereotypes the media etc have placed on you.
Originally Posted by ElijahDukes

FromThaTown wrote:

Originally Posted by ElijahDukes

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by ElijahDukes

i'm an asian canadian. parents from china/hong kong, but i was born in toronto.
i'm VERY different from regular asians, [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]from my height to my interests[/color], i guess it was the way i was raised and my environment

I'm sorry, but how is your HEIGHT and how are your INTERESTS of any relevance in this discussion, especially the formerly mentioned HEIGHT? How exactly do these characteristics make you "different" from native, mainland born, Asians?

Humor me.


maybe i didnt answer the question well, but i'm different, ask my asian/white/black friends. i have different points of view in society, i talk differently, i use different slang, a lot of things.
it's just like africans are different from african americans. read my post above on this page for more details.

and also for the record, fob asians tend to not like me, i dont know why.
They probably don't like you because you think or might put it out there, that you're better than them like you're doing in this thread, maybe purposely or unintentionally. The thing is, you are not that special from other Asian people in America or in your case, Canada. You can have all the friends of the color rainbow, but that don't mean shhh, if your mind is not open, and empathetic to other people.

how did i say i'm better than them? i stated my interests

interests do not dictate class in society.

You can post all the smileys you want, but for you to say you're not your "typical" Asian and then start posting your interests,equates to me that you make your interests different from the other class of Asians. Define to me from your thoughts, what is the "typical" Asianinterest, I like to see.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by megachamploo

OP I understand your curiosity but I fail to see how it applies to only Asian Americans. The primary example you used compared Asian Americans to African Americans and how African Americans have their own separate culture from Africa. There isn't really a division between Asian American and native Asian culture, but I don't really see a division in other foreign cultures and their American counterparts either. Are we only talking about Whites, Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics now? What's Indian American, Jewish American, Italian American (don't say pizza lmao), etc culture? Why does there need to be a separation between me as an Asian American and my native Asian culture? That's just the way it is.

My parents were refugees from Vietnam. I identify as Vietnamese American, but I am just as much Vietnamese as someone born in Vietnam. At home I speak in Vietnamese. If you asked me to bring up examples of my Vietnamese American culture, I would tell you about Vietnamese culture. Why? That is what being Vietnamese American means.
We still closely identify with culture from our mothercountry.

As far as things like talking black and dressing white goes, I'd like to think that we live in such a universally interconnected and global society that those phrases have no meaning anymore.

In no way am i pinpointing to just asian americans. The reason is like i said earlier is im out with this asian american girl, and the subject came up, And italian americans are white they just white ppl who originated from italy.

Like i said earlier, i think blacks esp... have a seperate identity because they were stripped of they culture and stolen from they homeland thus having know other choice but to create there own culture, identity in america.

She is like i want to be identified for my asian american culture and not my asian culture. She is like im tired of ppl assocaiting me with things cultures from asia. I aint from there, and wasnt raised there. She goes on to say thats like me saying associating african americans with spears,huts tombs, etc certain dishes, and other things associated with african culture.

My man is like there is no so thing as asian american culture, outside of copying what other cultures do, and the stereotypes the media etc have placed on you.
I agree. I think African Americans have a different case.

in short Asian = Asian American. Your lady friend is just ashamed of being Asian.
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by ElijahDukes

FromThaTown wrote:

Originally Posted by ElijahDukes

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by ElijahDukes

i'm an asian canadian. parents from china/hong kong, but i was born in toronto.
i'm VERY different from regular asians, [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]from my height to my interests[/color], i guess it was the way i was raised and my environment

I'm sorry, but how is your HEIGHT and how are your INTERESTS of any relevance in this discussion, especially the formerly mentioned HEIGHT? How exactly do these characteristics make you "different" from native, mainland born, Asians?

Humor me.


maybe i didnt answer the question well, but i'm different, ask my asian/white/black friends. i have different points of view in society, i talk differently, i use different slang, a lot of things.
it's just like africans are different from african americans. read my post above on this page for more details.

and also for the record, fob asians tend to not like me, i dont know why.
They probably don't like you because you think or might put it out there, that you're better than them like you're doing in this thread, maybe purposely or unintentionally. The thing is, you are not that special from other Asian people in America or in your case, Canada. You can have all the friends of the color rainbow, but that don't mean shhh, if your mind is not open, and empathetic to other people.

how did i say i'm better than them? i stated my interests

interests do not dictate class in society.
You can post all the smileys you want, but for you to say you're not your "typical" Asian and then start posting your interests, equates to me that you make your interests different from the other class of Asians. Define to me from your thoughts, what is the "typical" Asian interest, I like to see.

I used to think like him. I was the "special" asian. Then I realized there's like... a bajillion other "special" asians.
Originally Posted by 18key

You aint heard?

He's Asian. Calm down.

I hate to say it, but I dont think I've ever seen a sort of Asian-American culture. It's either the person lives their life as their nationalities culture (i.e. my grandfather) or as an American (i.e. my mother and her siblings).
... i did hear, thanks. and i don't care. it's still offensive.
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by ElijahDukes

FromThaTown wrote:

Originally Posted by ElijahDukes

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by ElijahDukes

i'm an asian canadian. parents from china/hong kong, but i was born in toronto.
i'm VERY different from regular asians, from my height to my interests, i guess it was the way i was raised and my environment

I'm sorry, but how is your HEIGHT and how are your INTERESTS of any relevance in this discussion, especially the formerly mentioned HEIGHT? How exactly do these characteristics make you "different" from native, mainland born, Asians?

Humor me.


maybe i didnt answer the question well, but i'm different, ask my asian/white/black friends. i have different points of view in society, i talk differently, i use different slang, a lot of things.
it's just like africans are different from african americans. read my post above on this page for more details.

and also for the record, fob asians tend to not like me, i dont know why.
They probably don't like you because you think or might put it out there, that you're better than them like you're doing in this thread, maybe purposely or unintentionally. The thing is, you are not that special from other Asian people in America or in your case, Canada. You can have all the friends of the color rainbow, but that don't mean shhh, if your mind is not open, and empathetic to other people.

how did i say i'm better than them? i stated my interests

interests do not dictate class in society.
You can post all the smileys you want, but for you to say you're not your "typical" Asian and then start posting your interests, equates to me that you make your interests different from the other class of Asians. Define to me from your thoughts, what is the "typical" Asian interest, I like to see.

i posted my interests because people were curious, if you look at my first post in this thread i didnt state my interests. people tell me i'm not thetypical asian, thats where i'm getting it from, and this is other asians along with people all different backgrounds. and just because i say i'mdifferent doens't mean "better", there are too many assumptions going on in this thread.
the typical asian interests are the stereotypes: badminton, ping pong, math/science, anime, video games, etc. and I personally know MANY asians like that.
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by LDJ

This is a segway to the thread of "is this racist" Dirty intrigued me with the statement i must change people perception. So i ask this not as racist but out of sheer ignorancce and unawareness.

What exactly is an asian american? I ask this as in ok a person thats of asian decent living in american, obviously. But what does that consist of, from a cultural aspect? I mean like african americans have distinct cultural contributions in america that differentiate them from "africans" ie...
Certain styles in fashio, music; hip-hop, rock and roll, country, jazz. Certain slang lingo etc. As well as spanish americans, white americans.

Im asking a lady friend right now, and she says karate, kung-fu flicks, chinese food. But im like none of those where created by asian americans. They werent made popular by asian americans either. They are things created started by asians true, but asians from asia, not ones from america.

So I ask what is the identity of asian americans. Outside of the stereotypes of they do nails, being cheap, breath stinks,make good ice tea, cant drive, good at math, etc?

Out of all the asians ive befriended and encountered, most culturally, identify themselves with there native culture, white culture if the grew up around whites, or blacks etc culture if they grew up/raised around blacks etc...
Basically, that's it. Asians, alone, can have beef with other Asian races, but when you add in the cultures of how other Asians were raised depending on where they live, it creates more conflict, by saying he's a banana, or he's too ghetto.

For me, I got to live in both worlds, from being a country boy in Texas, to being a hood N in Oakland. To me, being Asian-American, is being in the middle. It's weird because America wants to call me American, yet they treat my looks and culture so foreign. I mean Italian cuisine, can be considered American, like spaghetti, but let me throw down some bo tai chanh for you( it's a Vietnamese recipe), and it comes off as way foreign, and something for the American public to discover. I mean do you consider Chow Mien, American food? It should be, but it isn't.

Lastly, I consider myself Asian-American, hell, I spent only 4 months of my babyhood in another country, so I was basically raised in America.But the cultural aspect for me will be different for 2nd and 3rd generation Asians. I'm different because I got to grow up listening to my own language, and stories from my mom and dad, and how they came got to America. I don't know if my kids or their kids will care as much about their past ancestor's culture in this American society. But I bet you a million dollars, I'm gonna tell them about it over, and over and over.

The identity of an Asian-American TO ME = He can be raised in a white,black, or hispanic neighborhood, but he should be able to recognize his own culture where his roots are from and embrace it, without feeling ashamed of it because he lives in the whitest, or blackest part of town where no one gets him. That's basically it, because Asians are no different from blacks, whites, and latinos in America. We want you to embrace us, as much as we want to embrace you.

I deff respect culture, but my question is how can i respect something that i have no idea what it is. I have been to the girl im with family restaurant and in there home. But yet i have not seen anything of asian american culture. I have seen native asian culture(the eatery and artifacts things in thier home. But nuttin that seperates them from there native culture, and when i do its just bits and peices of other races culture.

I say the reason blacks have invernted have a identity seperate from their native culture, is because whites stole them from their land, and stripped them of their culture, and stole and an coined it as they own(moderate changes and additions here and there)

Its like example the cowboy western look, It actually was created started by spanish americans and it was pop by them. Ive been to many spanish speaking countries, and they in no shape form dress like john wayne.

Like i said i mean no disrespect, but my man in his ignorance, while humorous did spark a good question. How can i respect acknowledge a group of ppl for there culture originality, identity when all there is negative stereotypes, and then the identity that they have is just copied borrowed, of someone elses.

I guess im saying it like this. Ex: Someone wants me to judge there food on uniqueness and originality, but all they did was take part of someone elses recipe, took a portion of another mans recipe, combined them, and try to trade it off as they own. How unique and original is that?

Also if you where known for doing this and people stereotyped you for stealing recipes, etc. how could i defend put up an arguement against it, when i ask you ok prove me wrong come with your own unique recipe and you follow that by combining others works.

I guess what im saying is she is like i hate the stereotypes, i want to be accepted or recognized for my american culture, not just my asian one. But if all her culture consist of is, a piece of black culture, a dash of white culture, and a pinch of spanish. Then what is there to recognize or say is original about you?
Well, you said it yourself, how can we steal your shhh, if it's part of American culture? We are consider Asian-American, right? Maybe, you went to an Asian house that is all about embracing American culture. It goes both ways, cause when a black, latino, or white person goes to my house, and I'm giving them Vietnamese food, I asked them if it's alright, because a person might not be ready for that. It might taste like some Bizzarre food episode to you from the Travel channel while it is a every day thing for me. My point is, Asians sometimes share our culture with you in bits and pieces because we don't feel like you're ready for it, maybe because we are racist and think you ain't ready for it, or maybe it's because we react to the way you treat us. And last, maybe because we want to be Americanized and be accepted by the American public. I mean your post in a way, is a testament to how confused or prejudice America is to Asian-Americans. You're calling us unoriginal with a dash and pinch of all other cultures, but at the same time, we grew up in your neighborhoods, your trailers, your suburbs, your hoods. Try to walk in our shoes, and see why we have to embrace your culture. Our language has no way of making money or cummunicating, unless we live in our own Chinatown( or whatever town where we can be around the same language -speaking people.) You want to know what's crazy????? I'll let you in on something about Asian-Americans. We are NOT consider native to our own country either. Everything we do is either consider the extreme foreign, or too Americanized, there is no definition of in-between because you would be consider stealing from other groups then. Before I go, Maybe you have meant too many Americanized Asian families. I know my family and many other countless Asian-American families still hold their own culture, while embracing America. You might see that we might just want to keep our "original" culture to our hearts and share it to people that are we hold dear to it.

I never said that i was qouting what my man said. And like i said i respect the keeping it real true to your origin roots. And i actually enjoyed the food.Eeven what i think was beak and feet lol. As far as the whole walk in your shoes and embrass culture, i def understand. As in blacks have that double edgesword, but the thing is they assimilate into white culture, aka corporate world, certain settings. But when they amongst themselves they have they own styleand identity thats unique different then that of there original culture from africa.

What she is saying asians do the same thing, and from what i saw i didnt see that. I saw them embrass identify with there natural asian culture, africanamerican culture white culture. But nothing i guess their own.

So thats why my man is like how imma respect/recognize something that dont exist. He is like i respect asian culture, but how can i respect ur asian americanculture when aint no such thing.

Honestly i think she iuno may have low self-esteem or grew up around ignorant ppl who made fun of her and iuno. Which use to be a good thing back in mybacksliding days lol id totally exploit it and str8 get the draws. But in all this malee it did intrigue got my mind swirling. I honestly never gave the mattera thought in my life.

PS: She kinda looks like a thick version of that chic brenda song from cody and sack. Got the lil ghetto kinda nails. And no she isnt underage, i aint on no rkelly steez.

But back to the topic lol...
Originally Posted by ElijahDukes

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by ElijahDukes

FromThaTown wrote:

Originally Posted by ElijahDukes

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by ElijahDukes

i'm an asian canadian. parents from china/hong kong, but i was born in toronto.
i'm VERY different from regular asians, [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]from my height to my interests[/color], i guess it was the way i was raised and my environment

I'm sorry, but how is your HEIGHT and how are your INTERESTS of any relevance in this discussion, especially the formerly mentioned HEIGHT? How exactly do these characteristics make you "different" from native, mainland born, Asians?

Humor me.


maybe i didnt answer the question well, but i'm different, ask my asian/white/black friends. i have different points of view in society, i talk differently, i use different slang, a lot of things.
it's just like africans are different from african americans. read my post above on this page for more details.

and also for the record, fob asians tend to not like me, i dont know why.
They probably don't like you because you think or might put it out there, that you're better than them like you're doing in this thread, maybe purposely or unintentionally. The thing is, you are not that special from other Asian people in America or in your case, Canada. You can have all the friends of the color rainbow, but that don't mean shhh, if your mind is not open, and empathetic to other people.

how did i say i'm better than them? i stated my interests

interests do not dictate class in society.
You can post all the smileys you want, but for you to say you're not your "typical" Asian and then start posting your interests, equates to me that you make your interests different from the other class of Asians. Define to me from your thoughts, what is the "typical" Asian interest, I like to see.

i posted my interests because people were curious, if you look at my first post in this thread i didnt state my interests. people tell me i'm not the typical asian, thats where i'm getting it from, and this is other asians along with people all different backgrounds. and just because i say i'm different doens't mean "better", there are too many assumptions going on in this thread.
the typical asian interests are the stereotypes: badminton, ping pong, math/science, anime, video games, etc. and I personally know MANY asians like that.

That's my point, unintentionally you are doing it or not, you're saying you're the "different" kind of Asian. You can get down with otherinterests too. You said you're different from other Asians from ASIA. But that's not the point, we're talking about ASIAN-AMERICANS, and youequating that with height? From a cultural aspect???? Dude, you're not different from any Asian-American, we can be interested in "sports, rap music,sneakers" too, whether we're from Asia or not. You're not saying you're better, but you're coming off as that. Go to any part of Asia, andsee if they're not interested in any of your interests, you're just trying extra hard to not be your "typical" Asian. BTW, there is nothingwrong with your "typical" Asian.
Well since the majority of Asians know where they come from due to language , beliefs , and traditions you all are lucky to have a place to call home and atraceable ancestory, unlike us Black People we have been completely stripped of our individual heritage and all we have is bits and pieces of the history of awhole continent full of unique and vastly different tribes , and nations. So we had to make our own culture up as we survived and whatever could be retainedthrough word of mouth became apart of our culture.

Do you all know how sad it is ask your grandparents and great grandparents where you come from and everything they say starts back at a plantation or duringthe Reconstruction era. Asian Americans can break that label down and become specific Blacks cannot because there is no longer anything left to start from.Just think about in the future you can say what type of country you come from how is the old country. Blacks cannot do that . So Asian Americans embrace yourreal backgrounds not your in general ones that society has given you because you all have been blessed with the memories of your ancestry.
its a form of identity.

in its most rawest form, its a person of asian decent raised in america, that continues to carry on asian traditions.

it's a great way to keep 'traditions' alive, and keep cultures together and connected all over the world.
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by ElijahDukes

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by ElijahDukes

FromThaTown wrote:

Originally Posted by ElijahDukes

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by ElijahDukes

i'm an asian canadian. parents from china/hong kong, but i was born in toronto.
i'm VERY different from regular asians, from my height to my interests, i guess it was the way i was raised and my environment

I'm sorry, but how is your HEIGHT and how are your INTERESTS of any relevance in this discussion, especially the formerly mentioned HEIGHT? How exactly do these characteristics make you "different" from native, mainland born, Asians?

Humor me.


maybe i didnt answer the question well, but i'm different, ask my asian/white/black friends. i have different points of view in society, i talk differently, i use different slang, a lot of things.
it's just like africans are different from african americans. read my post above on this page for more details.

and also for the record, fob asians tend to not like me, i dont know why.
They probably don't like you because you think or might put it out there, that you're better than them like you're doing in this thread, maybe purposely or unintentionally. The thing is, you are not that special from other Asian people in America or in your case, Canada. You can have all the friends of the color rainbow, but that don't mean shhh, if your mind is not open, and empathetic to other people.

how did i say i'm better than them? i stated my interests

interests do not dictate class in society.
You can post all the smileys you want, but for you to say you're not your "typical" Asian and then start posting your interests, equates to me that you make your interests different from the other class of Asians. Define to me from your thoughts, what is the "typical" Asian interest, I like to see.

i posted my interests because people were curious, if you look at my first post in this thread i didnt state my interests. people tell me i'm not the typical asian, thats where i'm getting it from, and this is other asians along with people all different backgrounds. and just because i say i'm different doens't mean "better", there are too many assumptions going on in this thread.
the typical asian interests are the stereotypes: badminton, ping pong, math/science, anime, video games, etc. and I personally know MANY asians like that.

That's my point, unintentionally you are doing it or not, you're saying you're the "different" kind of Asian. You can get down with other interests too. You said you're different from other Asians from ASIA. But that's not the point, we're talking about ASIAN-AMERICANS, and you equating that with height? From a cultural aspect???? Dude, you're not different from any Asian-American, we can be interested in "sports, rap music, sneakers" too, whether we're from Asia or not. You're not saying you're better, but you're coming off as that. Go to any part of Asia, and see if they're not interested in any of your interests, you're just trying extra hard to not be your "typical" Asian. BTW, there is nothing wrong with your "typical" Asian.
like i said before, i didnt answer OP's question well, i was in fact comparing myself with asians in asia. my bad.
I'm trying hard? explain please.
i might be coming off as that, but i'm not. people fired shots at me.
for the record i never said there was anything wrong with the typical asian, but you asked for my opinion on a typical asian, so i listed them.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by LDJ

This is a segway to the thread of "is this racist" Dirty intrigued me with the statement i must change people perception. So i ask this not as racist but out of sheer ignorancce and unawareness.

What exactly is an asian american? I ask this as in ok a person thats of asian decent living in american, obviously. But what does that consist of, from a cultural aspect? I mean like african americans have distinct cultural contributions in america that differentiate them from "africans" ie...
Certain styles in fashio, music; hip-hop, rock and roll, country, jazz. Certain slang lingo etc. As well as spanish americans, white americans.

Im asking a lady friend right now, and she says karate, kung-fu flicks, chinese food. But im like none of those where created by asian americans. They werent made popular by asian americans either. They are things created started by asians true, but asians from asia, not ones from america.

So I ask what is the identity of asian americans. Outside of the stereotypes of they do nails, being cheap, breath stinks,make good ice tea, cant drive, good at math, etc?

Out of all the asians ive befriended and encountered, most culturally, identify themselves with there native culture, white culture if the grew up around whites, or blacks etc culture if they grew up/raised around blacks etc...
Basically, that's it. Asians, alone, can have beef with other Asian races, but when you add in the cultures of how other Asians were raised depending on where they live, it creates more conflict, by saying he's a banana, or he's too ghetto.

For me, I got to live in both worlds, from being a country boy in Texas, to being a hood N in Oakland. To me, being Asian-American, is being in the middle. It's weird because America wants to call me American, yet they treat my looks and culture so foreign. I mean Italian cuisine, can be considered American, like spaghetti, but let me throw down some bo tai chanh for you( it's a Vietnamese recipe), and it comes off as way foreign, and something for the American public to discover. I mean do you consider Chow Mien, American food? It should be, but it isn't.

Lastly, I consider myself Asian-American, hell, I spent only 4 months of my babyhood in another country, so I was basically raised in America.But the cultural aspect for me will be different for 2nd and 3rd generation Asians. I'm different because I got to grow up listening to my own language, and stories from my mom and dad, and how they came got to America. I don't know if my kids or their kids will care as much about their past ancestor's culture in this American society. But I bet you a million dollars, I'm gonna tell them about it over, and over and over.

The identity of an Asian-American TO ME = He can be raised in a white,black, or hispanic neighborhood, but he should be able to recognize his own culture where his roots are from and embrace it, without feeling ashamed of it because he lives in the whitest, or blackest part of town where no one gets him. That's basically it, because Asians are no different from blacks, whites, and latinos in America. We want you to embrace us, as much as we want to embrace you.

I deff respect culture, but my question is how can i respect something that i have no idea what it is. I have been to the girl im with family restaurant and in there home. But yet i have not seen anything of asian american culture. I have seen native asian culture(the eatery and artifacts things in thier home. But nuttin that seperates them from there native culture, and when i do its just bits and peices of other races culture.

I say the reason blacks have invernted have a identity seperate from their native culture, is because whites stole them from their land, and stripped them of their culture, and stole and an coined it as they own(moderate changes and additions here and there)

Its like example the cowboy western look, It actually was created started by spanish americans and it was pop by them. Ive been to many spanish speaking countries, and they in no shape form dress like john wayne.

Like i said i mean no disrespect, but my man in his ignorance, while humorous did spark a good question. How can i respect acknowledge a group of ppl for there culture originality, identity when all there is negative stereotypes, and then the identity that they have is just copied borrowed, of someone elses.

I guess im saying it like this. Ex: Someone wants me to judge there food on uniqueness and originality, but all they did was take part of someone elses recipe, took a portion of another mans recipe, combined them, and try to trade it off as they own. How unique and original is that?

Also if you where known for doing this and people stereotyped you for stealing recipes, etc. how could i defend put up an arguement against it, when i ask you ok prove me wrong come with your own unique recipe and you follow that by combining others works.

I guess what im saying is she is like i hate the stereotypes, i want to be accepted or recognized for my american culture, not just my asian one. But if all her culture consist of is, a piece of black culture, a dash of white culture, and a pinch of spanish. Then what is there to recognize or say is original about you?
Well, you said it yourself, how can we steal your shhh, if it's part of American culture? We are consider Asian-American, right? Maybe, you went to an Asian house that is all about embracing American culture. It goes both ways, cause when a black, latino, or white person goes to my house, and I'm giving them Vietnamese food, I asked them if it's alright, because a person might not be ready for that. It might taste like some Bizzarre food episode to you from the Travel channel while it is a every day thing for me. My point is, Asians sometimes share our culture with you in bits and pieces because we don't feel like you're ready for it, maybe because we are racist and think you ain't ready for it, or maybe it's because we react to the way you treat us. And last, maybe because we want to be Americanized and be accepted by the American public. I mean your post in a way, is a testament to how confused or prejudice America is to Asian-Americans. You're calling us unoriginal with a dash and pinch of all other cultures, but at the same time, we grew up in your neighborhoods, your trailers, your suburbs, your hoods. Try to walk in our shoes, and see why we have to embrace your culture. Our language has no way of making money or cummunicating, unless we live in our own Chinatown( or whatever town where we can be around the same language -speaking people.) You want to know what's crazy????? I'll let you in on something about Asian-Americans. We are NOT consider native to our own country either. Everything we do is either consider the extreme foreign, or too Americanized, there is no definition of in-between because you would be consider stealing from other groups then. Before I go, Maybe you have meant too many Americanized Asian families. I know my family and many other countless Asian-American families still hold their own culture, while embracing America. You might see that we might just want to keep our "original" culture to our hearts and share it to people that are we hold dear to it.

I never said that i was qouting what my man said. And like i said i respect the keeping it real true to your origin roots. And i actually enjoyed the food. Eeven what i think was beak and feet lol. As far as the whole walk in your shoes and embrass culture, i def understand. As in blacks have that double edge sword, but the thing is they assimilate into white culture, aka corporate world, certain settings. But when they amongst themselves they have they own style and identity thats unique different then that of there original culture from africa.

What she is saying asians do the same thing, and from what i saw i didnt see that. I saw them embrass identify with there natural asian culture, african american culture white culture. But nothing i guess their own.

So thats why my man is like how imma respect/recognize something that dont exist. He is like i respect asian culture, but how can i respect ur asian american culture when aint no such thing.

Honestly i think she iuno may have low self-esteem or grew up around ignorant ppl who made fun of her and iuno. Which use to be a good thing back in my backsliding days lol id totally exploit it and str8 get the draws. But in all this malee it did intrigue got my mind swirling. I honestly never gave the matter a thought in my life.

PS: She kinda looks like a thick version of that chic brenda song from cody and sack. Got the lil ghetto kinda nails. And no she isnt underage, i aint on no r kelly steez.

But back to the topic lol...

It does exist brother, maybe she did have low-self esteem and wanted to be accepted. There all types of people with low self esteem, but I can guarantee you ifyou step foot in my house, and a lot of Asian-American's houses, we can show you an aspect of Asian-American life. That's why this thread is all overthe place, because some Asians think it's better to assimilate, some think you should retain your culture only, and some think you can do both. DON'Ttake my words or any Asians for everything consider ASIAN-AMERICAN, because we as Asians are diverse among our own groups, let alone to Americans. All I cansay is experience more, trust me, we have a style to us. It's just if we can trust you enough,and see see that you got the game and respect, then we'llwe let you in.
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Well since the majority of Asians know where they come from due to language , beliefs , and traditions you all are lucky to have a place to call home and a traceable ancestory, unlike us Black People we have been completely stripped of our individual heritage and all we have is bits and pieces of the history of a whole continent full of unique and vastly different tribes , and nations. So we had to make our own culture up as we survived and whatever could be retained through word of mouth became apart of our culture.

Do you all know how sad it is ask your grandparents and great grandparents where you come from and everything they say starts back at a plantation or during the Reconstruction era. Asian Americans can break that label down and become specific Blacks cannot because there is no longer anything left to start from. Just think about in the future you can say what type of country you come from how is the old country. Blacks cannot do that . So Asian Americans embrace your real backgrounds not your in general ones that society has given you because you all have been blessed with the memories of your ancestry.
great post, i really pity asians or any race in general who have no knowledge or idea about their cultural ancestry and heritage.
Originally Posted by brandonroy3

this thread is *!%#%@ ******ed

It is in a way, because myself or anyone can't definitely define Asian-American. I'll say this thread is more the same like any other race, what doesit mean to be an American?
OP, by asking your question, wouldn't you be expecting stereotypes? I mean how can you define an ethnicity without using generalities? The term"asian-american" is just a term used to manage/organize people. I understand how it is wrong to categorize individuals, but it's difficult to notdo so. We are all just citizens of the world. Hahahaha...
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