ARod to earn $6.2 Million more than entire Florida Marlins in 2008

yankees haven't won since 2000, but everyone wants a salary cap. that doesn't make any sense.

Being run poorly doesn't make up for the fact that they buy their way out of every chance they take that doesn't work out... other teams can'tafford to take 200 million dollar chances, so they build from within and have patience.

If a cap was installed, teams would spend right up to it, league-wide, because they'd have a legit shot at getting the same players the yankees are goingfor.

But why go out and try to bid on a Johan Santana when you're just going to get outbid, and even if you do get him, you won't have anything left for anyother players? You still won't win, and you'll be losing money then.

You're blaming teams for not spending enough? It's an arms race man, it's basic economics.. it makes no sense for them to throw a little bit extramoney in when that will equate to even bigger losses for them, financially.
other teams can't afford to take 200 million dollar chances
whos fault is that? if you can't play with the big boys, then you're in the wrong game. and who are these teams that can't afford it?is it can't, or is it won't? i think they won't spend the money.

there are quite a few teams who can spend recklessly like the yankees can, but don't. so why are we blaming the yankees? let's blame everyone for thecurrent state of baseball. saying the yankees buy championships is not only incorrect, it's lazy.
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

other teams can't afford to take 200 million dollar chances
whos fault is that? if you can't play with the big boys, then you're in the wrong game. and who are these teams that can't afford it? is it can't, or is it won't? i think they won't spend the money.

there are quite a few teams who can spend recklessly like the yankees can, but don't. so why are we blaming the yankees? let's blame everyone for the current state of baseball. saying the yankees buy championships is not only incorrect, it's lazy.

You don't get it man - if every team spends an extra couple hundred million, there's still only one team winning a title - the rest are losingmoney - and a lot of it.

How does it benefit the league to have everyone be like the yankees? It doesn't - it holds the league back. It handcuffs the rest of the teams anddrives prices up even moreso than they already are.
what teams are losing money? the marlins made money last year, and nobody goes to their games. not winning titles doesn't equal losing money.

what difference does it make anyway- i'm in favor of a salary cap and floor, but don't tell me that the yankees have some sort of unfair advantage, orthat they buy championships, for that is bs.
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

what teams are losing money? the marlins made money last year, and nobody goes to their games. not winning titles doesn't equal losing money.

what difference does it make anyway- i'm in favor of a salary cap and floor, but don't tell me that the yankees have some sort of unfair advantage, or that they buy championships, for that is bs.

They made money because this didn't spend it - what isn't being translated here? If they have gone out into bidding wars with teams like theyankees, they could've bought a few expensive players and still not gone anywhere because a couple players don't make a bad team good. So that moneyspent would've been money lost, since their record would still stink and they wouldn't draw in any more fans to make up the difference.

As far as the yankees not having an advantage? Yeah - if you don't understand this, i'm done trying to hammer it into your head.. pro sports are amoney game, when you can afford to spend more than anybody else (and drive out any competition that might poke it's head up) and even operate at a loss ifneed be, you are at the top of the pecking order.

And the yanks not buying their championships? Well, in a sense you're right -they've failed quite a bit, but you can't say they haven't triedto buy them.. and in the past it's worked for them.. when was the last time the yanks had, oh i don't know, 5 players on their starting roster thatcame up through their own farm system? Do they even HAVE a farm system at this point? They've traded away 99 percent of their talent pool now for thelast 15 years.

The only people naive enough to believe the things you're saying are yankees and red sox fans.. go figure.
if you put out a decent product, people will go. when you put out a payroll less than giambi's salary, no one will go. the marlins made money by not payinganyone and by collecting the revenue sharing check.

what advantages do the yankees have that other, wealthier teams/owners don't have have? a reckless gm?

and the yankees farm system has supplied at least 8 starting players to this current yankee roster because they have realized that buying championshipsdoesn't work. building up your farm system and having great pitching is what wins in this league.
with the amount of money the yankees make, as well as MLB.. a case could be made that a-rod is underpaid, considering the value (money and otherwise) he bringsto the franchise.

this is a business at the end of the day.. and if the yanks make enough money to sustain the payroll, then so be it.
For those of yu who argue that baseball needs a cap, I couldn't disagree with you more.

with the amount of money the yankees make, as well as MLB.. a case could be made that a-rod is underpaid, considering the value (money and otherwise) he brings to the franchise.

this is a business at the end of the day.. and if the yanks make enough money to sustain the payroll, then so be it.

Though I hate the Yankees and everyone down with them, this point above is exactly right. You have to understand that these ball players are getting paid basedon their market. If your boss makes a billion dollars a year, yet you do all of the work, should you be capped on how much money you make? Some of you are justbitter because your team has a cheap/greedy owner. Take a course in economics and leave your blinders on the table for a second.
Originally Posted by AM 1 FIEND

For those of yu who argue that baseball needs a cap, I couldn't disagree with you more.

with the amount of money the yankees make, as well as MLB.. a case could be made that a-rod is underpaid, considering the value (money and otherwise) he brings to the franchise.

this is a business at the end of the day.. and if the yanks make enough money to sustain the payroll, then so be it.

Though I hate the Yankees and everyone down with them, this point above is exactly right. You have to understand that these ball players are getting paid based on their market. If your boss makes a billion dollars a year, yet you do all of the work, should you be capped on how much money you make? Some of you are just bitter because your team has a cheap/greedy owner. Take a course in economics and leave your blinders on the table for a second.

Ticket, merchandise, and television costs have only increased to keep up with the completely bloated payrolls.

We could be seeing the same players in more competitive games spread out all over the country for CHEAPER.. and you think the way we're doing it isfine?

You have a point - the players make the money they do because people are stupid enough to support them getting paid that much as fans. But that's notreally the point we're talking about here - certain teams have advantages that others don't.

Somehow edddie house is REALLY confused about this, but he seems to think that all teams can afford to get into bidding wars for every player - he alsothinks that simply spending more money league-wide somehow makes the rest of the league put a better product on the field - when in reality, there are stillonly going to be a few elite teams who have the most money, and the teams who spent more will only be marginally better on the field, and exponentially worsein their profits.

However - if there were a cap, even if it were set fairly high, it would make an even playing field and encourage more spending since teams wouldn'thave more muscle than others.

It goes against all my economics teachings to suggest what i am - but for the sake of the sport itself, a cap is very necessary and should be welcomed byall... that is of course, unless you're a yanks or bosox fan who knows you don't have the front office brains to compete with teams who've beendoing more with less for years now.
Here is what the Yankees are paying some of their position players this season:

1B - $23,428,571 - Jason Giambi
2B - $4,000,000 - Robinson Cano
3B - $28,000,000 - Alex Rodriguez
SS - $21,600,000 - Derek Jeter
LF - $13,000,000 - Hideki Matsui
CF - $13,000,000 - Johnny Damon
RF - $16,000,000 - Bobby Abreu
C - $13,100,000 - Jorge Posada

P - $16,000,000 - Andy Pettitte
P - $11,071,030 - Mike Mussina
P - $11,000,000 - Carl Pavano
P - $15,000,000 - Mariano Rivera

Boy its a good thing Clemens isnt on the payroll this year.
Originally Posted by The Wizard

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

This is why people hate the yankees...

This is why people should hate the Marlins' ownership. Having fire sales and robbing the fans of the Marlins of any hope.


don't hate the player (or team)...hate the game
Some of you are just bitter because your team has a cheap/greedy owner.

real talk
I would love to know who all these players are that the Yankees magically buy? Look at that list only Giambi Damon and Mussina were free agents that we signed.Should we have not traded for A-Rod or Abreu because it wouldnt be fair to the Pirates? No were the biggest market and draw the most fans. SHould the Yankeesnot sign players because the Rays owner doesnt want to spend the money?
Some of you confuse "wont spend the money" with "wont spend 100 million." Plenty of teams would sign their players to pretty-high deals.They just then know that the typical 3 teams will outbid and overpay. Big difference.

Im not going to stick up for owners in the least bit. But its not as cut and dry as saying teams wont spend money. Look at the Twins. They offered J Santana 80million for four years to resign. Is that considered "cheap?" Depends on your view. His agents say no deal because the NY and Boston teams will paymore just like we all knew, and the union urged him to take the highest deal. Boom he's gone.

Sure you are going to get the occasional owner who overspends just to get in the game (i.e. the Giants with Zito and the Rangers with Arod) but overall thesystem is flawed. Some teams cant win. And many, many people think that because the Yankees will pay Player A 15 million well than Player A must be worth 15million and other teams are cheap.

I personally cannot wait till 2015 when players are making 40 mil a season and we the fans get to enjoy 24 dollar beers, 100 dollars to park, and 250 dollarbleacher seats.
Originally Posted by RyGuy45

Some of you confuse "wont spend the money" with "wont spend 100 million." Plenty of teams would sign their players to pretty-high deals. They just then know that the typical 3 teams will outbid and overpay. Big difference.

Im not going to stick up for owners in the least bit. But its not as cut and dry as saying teams wont spend money. Look at the Twins. They offered J Santana 80 million for four years to resign. Is that considered "cheap?" Depends on your view. His agents say no deal because the NY and Boston teams will pay more just like we all knew, and the union urged him to take the highest deal. Boom he's gone.

Sure you are going to get the occasional owner who overspends just to get in the game (i.e. the Giants with Zito and the Rangers with Arod) but overall the system is flawed. Some teams cant win. And many, many people think that because the Yankees will pay Player A 15 million well than Player A must be worth 15 million and other teams are cheap.

I personally cannot wait till 2015 when players are making 40 mil a season and we the fans get to enjoy 24 dollar beers, 100 dollars to park, and 250 dollar bleacher seats.

Actually players salaries have decreased since 2001 when A-Rod got 250 mill and Jeter and Manny got crazy deals
Originally Posted by gko2408

At least A-Rod can make a case that he's the best player. What does Giambi have to fallback on?

At least pre-October

its pathetic that the highest paid player of all time cant do +!@+ in the playoffs. If you want that $ you not only got to be sick in the regular season butyou gotta come up in the post season.It is pathetic what A-rod does. im not denying that hes the best player in the MLB but if you gonna make his money, yougotta do more than that IMO. I mean cmon you think MJ would be MJ if it wasnt for his 6 rings? Thats a man that was deserving of $ cause he did it in theplayoffs always as well as scoring 30+ every season.
Actually players salaries have decreased since 2001 when A-Rod got 250 mill and Jeter and Manny got crazy deals

Please do not confuse players not getting 200 million with players salaries "decreasing."

Six players made 15 million the season after Arod's big deal (2002). This season the total players making 15 million will be 24.

Eight of the top 12 this season will be from New York teams.

Sure that's life, but let's not think that because players arent getting 200 mil figures that everything is smooth.

No wait Arod did get 275 this winter too. Oh from New York.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by gko2408

At least A-Rod can make a case that he's the best player. What does Giambi have to fallback on?

At least pre-October

its pathetic that the highest paid player of all time cant do +!@+ in the playoffs. If you want that $ you not only got to be sick in the regular season but you gotta come up in the post season.It is pathetic what A-rod does. im not denying that hes the best player in the MLB but if you gonna make his money, you gotta do more than that IMO. I mean cmon you think MJ would be MJ if it wasnt for his 6 rings? Thats a man that was deserving of $ cause he did it in the playoffs always as well as scoring 30+ every season.
.279 7 17 in 39 post season games. Not outstanding but not bad by any stretch. As a Yankee he killed the Twins in the 2004 ALDS. In games 1-4 in theALCS he tore it up against the Red Sox and if Mariano saves the game hes the series MVP and in the World Series but Mo doesnt and A-Rod and the rest of theteam dissappear and we blow the series. In 05 the Angels basically pitched around him the whole series and A-Rod walked 6 times in 5 games. When he was on basethe guys behind him werent driving him in and he started swinging at bad pitches the last couple games. 06 the Tigers went right at him and A-Rod with noconfidince all year was lost. This year he did fine the pitching didnt show up in some games and Jeter was terrible. You cant compare him to Jordan becasue inbasketball its very easy for one player to carry a team. Baseball you need all 9 playing to be competative.
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