ARod to earn $6.2 Million more than entire Florida Marlins in 2008

The Marlins cannot afford to pay the top dollar athletes. Their games are empty.
the games wouldn't be empty if the ownership would put out a consistent decent product. do you think anyone is going to visit this new stadiumwhen they still have a $30 million payroll? i don't. marlins attendance will be low as long as the current regime is allowed to put out a terrible productfor 162 games.

if you can't afford to pay players, then you need to leave the sport.
Well at least the Marlins can find comfort in knowing that A-Rod will be a no show in October like them
Yanks, Yanks, Yanks, RedSox... how anybody can talk trash as a fan of either of these teams is beyond me... you buy your championships, your wins aremeaningless.

By the way - un-guaranteed contracts would help solve a lot of problems in baseball right now also. Giambi making that much money still is a joke.
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

The Marlins cannot afford to pay the top dollar athletes. Their games are empty.
the games wouldn't be empty if the ownership would put out a consistent decent product. do you think anyone is going to visit this new stadium when they still have a $30 million payroll? i don't. marlins attendance will be low as long as the current regime is allowed to put out a terrible product for 162 games.

if you can't afford to pay players, then you need to leave the sport.

Its not the ownership's fault they are losing money by playing in Dolphin Stadium. when they won the world series in 97 they lost over 7 milliondollars. Thats why they need a new ballpark so they can make money off the team and put it back into the team.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Yanks, Yanks, Yanks, RedSox... how anybody can talk trash as a fan of either of these teams is beyond me... you buy your championships, your wins are meaningless.

By the way - un-guaranteed contracts would help solve a lot of problems in baseball right now also. Giambi making that much money still is a joke.

what is that supposed to mean? I shouldn't root for my team because they have the means to get whatever player they want. while i don't agree withhow the yankees spend their money, all of these owners are pretty much billionaires. if they wanted to, they could pay for whoever they wanted. This hashappened in all sports, NFL had its period when Jerry Jones would try to buy everyone, and when Pat Riley and Mickey Arison tried to illegally sign JuwanHoward. btw therefore any championship won in NFL between the start of free agency and the implication of the hard cap is meaningless too.
All the money the Yankees spend on their players you would think they win a championship...
Florida's highest earner doesn't even make the average. Pitcher Kevin Gregg tops the Marlins at $2.5 million.

That's crazy too - their highest paid player doesn't even make the average salary.

I'd still take it though...
Originally Posted by Frank 7he T4nk

Originally Posted by AM 1 FIEND

Well at least the Marlins can find comfort in knowing that A-Rod will be a no show in October like them

Cold blooded.

First Born cold blooded? nah....

you should see dude in the NL Central thread...always letting the Cubshave it.
Originally Posted by ii FLaSh ii

All the money the Yankees spend on their players you would think they win a championship...

We have. 26 of them to be exact.
you buy your championships, your wins are meaningless.
so teams with wealthy owners shouldn't have fans?
Its not the ownership's fault they are losing money by playing in Dolphin Stadium. when they won the world series in 97 they lost over 7 million dollars. Thats why they need a new ballpark so they can make money off the team and put it back into the team.
the marlins made money last year. what money are they going to make in the new stadium if no one is going to show up? maybe if they would justsell the team to someone who can afford to put out a good product, there would be a fanbase in south florida. instead, they keep holding on to it, so fansexpect the firesale that happens every off-season.
All the money the Yankees spend on their players you would think they win a championship...
so that should show you that an enlarged payroll doesn't equal championships. so if everyone can see that,why does everyone want a salary cap? yankees haven't won since 2000, but everyone wants a salary cap. that doesn't make any sense.

what's killing baseball is the fact that there is no salary floor and teams like the rays and marlins are basically major league farm systems.
Im not even a big baseball fan, but that Marlins payroll is pathetic, spend some damn money to get some good players and maybe you'll get more fans to theball park
so that should show you that an enlarged payroll doesn't equal championships. so if everyone can see that, why does everyone want a salary cap? yankees haven't won since 2000, but everyone wants a salary cap. that doesn't make any sense.

The point is that by having an absurd payroll every year, the Yankees essentially are able to buy their way into the postseason. And obviously from thereit's a crapshoot. But they always get to be there. The Red Sox now have this formula, and you can bet the Tigers will be right there this year with theirpayroll. More power to these teams (never fault owners for spending money) but 2 things:

1. The Yankees payroll is beyond pathetic. Just this season they are $70 million more than the SECOND HIGHEST payroll.
2. MLB is a joke and will continue to be until they can figure out a system that is more balanced.

And we can look forward to next offseason when the Yanks and the Sox (and maybe a couple other regulars) drive up the price yet again for any big-name freeagents and the rest of baseball won't be able to catch up.
that would hold more weight to me if george wasn't the richest owner in baseball. he just spends more money than everyone else. instead of people blaminggeorge for the large payroll, why aren't we blaming the other owners for not paying players to make their teams better?

george will pay what ever price to make sure his team has a chance at postseason success. i can't say the same for every other team. judging by the figuresyou posted, i would say that george loves his team $70 million more than the next owner.
^ So every owner should overpay their players and also start paying them 20+ mil like the Yanks? Aging vet who is 4 years past his prime but still a decentplayer? Screw it lets give him 50 more mil for a few years. Then next year the next guy has to be paid 60. And so on.

The issue (to me at least) is not the Yankees screwing teams. It's that they are able to buy competitiveness. That's going to happen somewhat in sportsyes, but it shouldnt to the degree that is has the past decade in MLB. And you have a sport where your top team is paying 200 mil and your bottom team ispaying about 20. That's sad. Regardless of who's at fault. But again thats just me.

The Yanks pay their players the way they do cause they can. That's their right even if they overpay almost everyone when you look at market value.
I don't care how good Arod is, I think we can all agree the man is getting way overpaid.
Thats why I HATE the Yankees. I hope they never win again so they can realize they cant just go around buying everybody thats good. Nothing against AROD thoughbecause he is a good player. Not a $28 million player but a good one nonetheless.

I wish we didnt have this free agent crap either. Like the old days when teams stayed strong for awhile. We didnt have rich boy owners that went aroundoffering the highest bid to any player they want. The MLB needs a serious salary cap.
So every owner should overpay their players and also start paying them 20+ mil like the Yanks? Aging vet who is 4 years past his prime but still a decent player? Screw it lets give him 50 more mil for a few years. Then next year the next guy has to be paid 60. And so on.
i never said it was right, but the yankees are the only ones doing it. other teams can do it, and they don't. that has to be annoying ifyou're a fan of a team who isn't doing what the yankees do. i know it would be annoying to me.
And you have a sport where your top team is paying 200 mil and your bottom team is paying about 20. That's sad. Regardless of who's at fault.
i agree. there needs to be a salary cap, as well as a salary floor.
I think we can all agree the man is getting way overpaid.
they hit a ball with with a stick. in all reality, every athlete is overpaid.
Thats why I HATE the Yankees.
don't hate the yankees for spending, hate the other teams for not spending, like the marlins, the twins etc.
So the marlins will fix their attendance problem by having a domed stadium, while the Rays will fix theirs by having an open aired stadium. Hm
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