Armenians are hating one kobe..

Originally Posted by JUS3

Originally Posted by Essential1

Kobe's popularity in 1 Chinese city alone > Whatever Armenia can do for him..

Yes I know China has nothing to do with this but still it's not going to bother him, considering he always has that in his back pocket.
That might be true, but I think people on this board are underestimating how passionate Armenians are with their culture. 
They love their culture and tradition.  In high school, we had a holiday for Armenian genocide.  They're heavily populated here and they do support the Lakers.  These dudes are die hard Laker fans.  

The Armenians I know still despise the Turks for denying the genocide.  

With that said, I ain't mad at Kobe, but I can see why people would be angered.

That's true but really people from LA and the surrounding area, will start rooting for the Clippers now?  Plenty of Laker fans around there.. The team will be fine.

But I was talking about in terms of his money.. Armenians mad at him will be really no issue for him in money terms when he is one of the most popular players in the U.S. and China
Originally Posted by JUS3

Originally Posted by Essential1

Kobe's popularity in 1 Chinese city alone > Whatever Armenia can do for him..

Yes I know China has nothing to do with this but still it's not going to bother him, considering he always has that in his back pocket.
That might be true, but I think people on this board are underestimating how passionate Armenians are with their culture. 
They love their culture and tradition.  In high school, we had a holiday for Armenian genocide.  They're heavily populated here and they do support the Lakers.  These dudes are die hard Laker fans.  

The Armenians I know still despise the Turks for denying the genocide.  

With that said, I ain't mad at Kobe, but I can see why people would be angered.

That's true but really people from LA and the surrounding area, will start rooting for the Clippers now?  Plenty of Laker fans around there.. The team will be fine.

But I was talking about in terms of his money.. Armenians mad at him will be really no issue for him in money terms when he is one of the most popular players in the U.S. and China
Originally Posted by petozham

Don't speak in assumptions and generalities. Unlike America, geography and world history is a very important subject in Armenia much like all of Europe. We've been saying for years America is so self absorbed, people who grow up here have no clue what goes on outside of the US.

For lack of a better example, let me put it this way. Imagine Pau Gasol cut a deal with KKK members and skinheads to be in some commercials. He had nothing to do with anything that's ever happened or happens, and he too owes nothing to anyone, he's just doing it for money. You're telling me he wouldn't and shouldn't recieve any backlash from the black community?
You're being ridiculous. You tell one poster not to speak in assumptions and generalities, yet you proceed to do just that the following sentence.

Plenty of people are familiar with the Armenian genocide, including myself. All you need to do is flip through a few pictures of what happened to understand the gravity of it (beheadings, mass murders, heads on sticks as a signal of "dominance," etc). It should be as familiar to people as the Holocaust. But your comparison is as ridiculous as your asking another poster not to speak in assumptions and generalities. Here's a better one:

Imagine Pau Gasol cut a deal with a German airline to be in some commercials. Should Jewish Laker fans feel betrayed? Romani Laker Fans? Russian Laker fans? Turkish people today are no more responsible for what happened in the genocide than German people are for the Holocaust.
Originally Posted by petozham

Don't speak in assumptions and generalities. Unlike America, geography and world history is a very important subject in Armenia much like all of Europe. We've been saying for years America is so self absorbed, people who grow up here have no clue what goes on outside of the US.

For lack of a better example, let me put it this way. Imagine Pau Gasol cut a deal with KKK members and skinheads to be in some commercials. He had nothing to do with anything that's ever happened or happens, and he too owes nothing to anyone, he's just doing it for money. You're telling me he wouldn't and shouldn't recieve any backlash from the black community?
You're being ridiculous. You tell one poster not to speak in assumptions and generalities, yet you proceed to do just that the following sentence.

Plenty of people are familiar with the Armenian genocide, including myself. All you need to do is flip through a few pictures of what happened to understand the gravity of it (beheadings, mass murders, heads on sticks as a signal of "dominance," etc). It should be as familiar to people as the Holocaust. But your comparison is as ridiculous as your asking another poster not to speak in assumptions and generalities. Here's a better one:

Imagine Pau Gasol cut a deal with a German airline to be in some commercials. Should Jewish Laker fans feel betrayed? Romani Laker Fans? Russian Laker fans? Turkish people today are no more responsible for what happened in the genocide than German people are for the Holocaust.
Originally Posted by petozham

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by petozham

For lack of a better example, let me put it this way. Imagine Pau Gasol cut a deal with KKK members and skinheads to be in some commercials. He had nothing to do with anything that's ever happened or happens, and he too owes nothing to anyone, he's just doing it for money. You're telling me he wouldn't and shouldn't recieve any backlash from the black community?
That's a poor example unless you're implying that Turkish Airlines share the same ideologies as the KKK.

In that situation Pau would be the face of an extremist terrorist group, Kobe is the face of an airline company, not the same thing.

You say it's not the best government for Kobe to associate himself with but he's not associated with the government, he's associated with an international corporation that does business in hundreds of countries world wide.

Think about it from an outside perspective, you're basically saying no one should do business with an entity whose base country has ever committed an atrocity.  Which is ridiculous when you start peddling back hundreds of years.
They share a very similar ideology, except the Turks shared that ideology against one race in particular. My race.

Use your imagination a bit, I'm not saying Pau straight up makes KKK ads, bashing races in his commercials. I'm saying what if instead of Turks, the KKK/skinheads owned that airline and Pau was the face of it. Still don't see similarities?

The airline is funded by the Turkish government and Kobe represents that airline and is getting paid by that government that funds the airline, thus making him associated with that government.

Let me put it this way to hopefully help get you to at least see our side of it. On the ads/commercials, Kobe will be seen wearing a jersey saying "Ataturk" on it. Ataturk is the name of the airline. The airline named itself after a man by that name. The man they named it after was a army officer, President of Turkey, and more importantly, one of the masterminds behind the genocide that took 1.5 million of my people. Now imagine yourself in our shoes, and you see your favorite athlete in that commercial and you see that name on his jersey. How would you feel?

Volkswagen, IBM, and many other companies did work for/were affiliatedwith Nazi germany. Should nobody do business with those guys either?
Volkswagen is a German company and IBM was just foul for that. But as long as Jewish people are okay with it now, then no harm no foul. Germany admitted to their wrongs and paid respiration a while back, while Turkey till this day denies(in fact they deny the legitimacy of Darfur as well).

To put it into terms, Are the Jewish community and German community currently in conflict and feud? Can you have a Jewish person and a German person in one room getting along? The answer is no and yes. Can you say the same about Armenians and Turks?

Turkish Airlines do not share the same or similar ideologies as the Klan, at the very least not publicly.

You're right, the Turkish government does help fund Turkish Airlines making Kobe indirectly associated with the Turkish government but the difference between the Turks and the Klan is that the Klan still stands by its past ideologies, Turkey does not.

As far as I can tell Ataturk is the name of Turkey's major airport, not the airline. I don't see why Kobe would be featured with a "Ataturk" logo opposed to a Turkish Airline logo in commercials.

I just feel any anger directed at Kobe in this situation would bebetter suited if it were channeled towards something like raising awareness of the Turkish denial outside the Armenian community.

I do see your side, more so than I did yesterday but to me it still seems unfair to attack Kobe for doing legitimate business. At the end of the day like SainVitus07 said, Turkish people today are not responsible for what happened 95 years ago.
Originally Posted by petozham

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by petozham

For lack of a better example, let me put it this way. Imagine Pau Gasol cut a deal with KKK members and skinheads to be in some commercials. He had nothing to do with anything that's ever happened or happens, and he too owes nothing to anyone, he's just doing it for money. You're telling me he wouldn't and shouldn't recieve any backlash from the black community?
That's a poor example unless you're implying that Turkish Airlines share the same ideologies as the KKK.

In that situation Pau would be the face of an extremist terrorist group, Kobe is the face of an airline company, not the same thing.

You say it's not the best government for Kobe to associate himself with but he's not associated with the government, he's associated with an international corporation that does business in hundreds of countries world wide.

Think about it from an outside perspective, you're basically saying no one should do business with an entity whose base country has ever committed an atrocity.  Which is ridiculous when you start peddling back hundreds of years.
They share a very similar ideology, except the Turks shared that ideology against one race in particular. My race.

Use your imagination a bit, I'm not saying Pau straight up makes KKK ads, bashing races in his commercials. I'm saying what if instead of Turks, the KKK/skinheads owned that airline and Pau was the face of it. Still don't see similarities?

The airline is funded by the Turkish government and Kobe represents that airline and is getting paid by that government that funds the airline, thus making him associated with that government.

Let me put it this way to hopefully help get you to at least see our side of it. On the ads/commercials, Kobe will be seen wearing a jersey saying "Ataturk" on it. Ataturk is the name of the airline. The airline named itself after a man by that name. The man they named it after was a army officer, President of Turkey, and more importantly, one of the masterminds behind the genocide that took 1.5 million of my people. Now imagine yourself in our shoes, and you see your favorite athlete in that commercial and you see that name on his jersey. How would you feel?

Volkswagen, IBM, and many other companies did work for/were affiliatedwith Nazi germany. Should nobody do business with those guys either?
Volkswagen is a German company and IBM was just foul for that. But as long as Jewish people are okay with it now, then no harm no foul. Germany admitted to their wrongs and paid respiration a while back, while Turkey till this day denies(in fact they deny the legitimacy of Darfur as well).

To put it into terms, Are the Jewish community and German community currently in conflict and feud? Can you have a Jewish person and a German person in one room getting along? The answer is no and yes. Can you say the same about Armenians and Turks?

Turkish Airlines do not share the same or similar ideologies as the Klan, at the very least not publicly.

You're right, the Turkish government does help fund Turkish Airlines making Kobe indirectly associated with the Turkish government but the difference between the Turks and the Klan is that the Klan still stands by its past ideologies, Turkey does not.

As far as I can tell Ataturk is the name of Turkey's major airport, not the airline. I don't see why Kobe would be featured with a "Ataturk" logo opposed to a Turkish Airline logo in commercials.

I just feel any anger directed at Kobe in this situation would bebetter suited if it were channeled towards something like raising awareness of the Turkish denial outside the Armenian community.

I do see your side, more so than I did yesterday but to me it still seems unfair to attack Kobe for doing legitimate business. At the end of the day like SainVitus07 said, Turkish people today are not responsible for what happened 95 years ago.
Originally Posted by petozham

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by petozham

For lack of a better example, let me put it this way. Imagine Pau Gasol cut a deal with KKK members and skinheads to be in some commercials. He had nothing to do with anything that's ever happened or happens, and he too owes nothing to anyone, he's just doing it for money. You're telling me he wouldn't and shouldn't recieve any backlash from the black community?
That's a poor example unless you're implying that Turkish Airlines share the same ideologies as the KKK.

In that situation Pau would be the face of an extremist terrorist group, Kobe is the face of an airline company, not the same thing.

You say it's not the best government for Kobe to associate himself with but he's not associated with the government, he's associated with an international corporation that does business in hundreds of countries world wide.

Think about it from an outside perspective, you're basically saying no one should do business with an entity whose base country has ever committed an atrocity.  Which is ridiculous when you start peddling back hundreds of years.
They share a very similar ideology, except the Turks shared that ideology against one race in particular. My race.

Use your imagination a bit, I'm not saying Pau straight up makes KKK ads, bashing races in his commercials. I'm saying what if instead of Turks, the KKK/skinheads owned that airline and Pau was the face of it. Still don't see similarities?

The airline is funded by the Turkish government and Kobe represents that airline and is getting paid by that government that funds the airline, thus making him associated with that government.

Let me put it this way to hopefully help get you to at least see our side of it. On the ads/commercials, Kobe will be seen wearing a jersey saying "Ataturk" on it. Ataturk is the name of the airline. The airline named itself after a man by that name. The man they named it after was a army officer, President of Turkey, and more importantly, one of the masterminds behind the genocide that took 1.5 million of my people. Now imagine yourself in our shoes, and you see your favorite athlete in that commercial and you see that name on his jersey. How would you feel?

Volkswagen, IBM, and many other companies did work for/were affiliatedwith Nazi germany. Should nobody do business with those guys either?
Volkswagen is a German company and IBM was just foul for that. But as long as Jewish people are okay with it now, then no harm no foul. Germany admitted to their wrongs and paid respiration a while back, while Turkey till this day denies(in fact they deny the legitimacy of Darfur as well).

To put it into terms, Are the Jewish community and German community currently in conflict and feud? Can you have a Jewish person and a German person in one room getting along? The answer is no and yes. Can you say the same about Armenians and Turks?

Originally Posted by petozham

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by petozham

For lack of a better example, let me put it this way. Imagine Pau Gasol cut a deal with KKK members and skinheads to be in some commercials. He had nothing to do with anything that's ever happened or happens, and he too owes nothing to anyone, he's just doing it for money. You're telling me he wouldn't and shouldn't recieve any backlash from the black community?
That's a poor example unless you're implying that Turkish Airlines share the same ideologies as the KKK.

In that situation Pau would be the face of an extremist terrorist group, Kobe is the face of an airline company, not the same thing.

You say it's not the best government for Kobe to associate himself with but he's not associated with the government, he's associated with an international corporation that does business in hundreds of countries world wide.

Think about it from an outside perspective, you're basically saying no one should do business with an entity whose base country has ever committed an atrocity.  Which is ridiculous when you start peddling back hundreds of years.
They share a very similar ideology, except the Turks shared that ideology against one race in particular. My race.

Use your imagination a bit, I'm not saying Pau straight up makes KKK ads, bashing races in his commercials. I'm saying what if instead of Turks, the KKK/skinheads owned that airline and Pau was the face of it. Still don't see similarities?

The airline is funded by the Turkish government and Kobe represents that airline and is getting paid by that government that funds the airline, thus making him associated with that government.

Let me put it this way to hopefully help get you to at least see our side of it. On the ads/commercials, Kobe will be seen wearing a jersey saying "Ataturk" on it. Ataturk is the name of the airline. The airline named itself after a man by that name. The man they named it after was a army officer, President of Turkey, and more importantly, one of the masterminds behind the genocide that took 1.5 million of my people. Now imagine yourself in our shoes, and you see your favorite athlete in that commercial and you see that name on his jersey. How would you feel?

Volkswagen, IBM, and many other companies did work for/were affiliatedwith Nazi germany. Should nobody do business with those guys either?
Volkswagen is a German company and IBM was just foul for that. But as long as Jewish people are okay with it now, then no harm no foul. Germany admitted to their wrongs and paid respiration a while back, while Turkey till this day denies(in fact they deny the legitimacy of Darfur as well).

To put it into terms, Are the Jewish community and German community currently in conflict and feud? Can you have a Jewish person and a German person in one room getting along? The answer is no and yes. Can you say the same about Armenians and Turks?

Jesus %*+#%$+ Christ REPARATION* lol

Turkish Airlines do not share the same or similar ideologies as the Klan, at the very least not publicly.

You're right, the Turkish government does help fund Turkish Airlines making Kobe indirectlyassociated with the Turkish government but the difference between theTurks and the Klan is that the Klan still stands by its pastideologies, Turkey does not.

As far as I can tell Ataturk is thename of Turkey's major airport, not the airline. I don't see why Kobewould be featured with a "Ataturk" logo opposed to a Turkish Airlinelogo in commercials.

I just feel any anger directed at Kobe inthis situation would bebetter suited if it were channeled towards something like raisingawareness of the Turkish denial outside the Armenian community.

Ido see your side, more so than I did yesterday but to me it still seemsunfair to attack Kobe for doing legitimate business. At the end of theday like SainVitus07 said, Turkish people today are not responsible for what happened 95 years ago.
I still think they do believe in those ideologies but they just don't act upon it anymore. Why else would these bastards deny it till this day?

I'm gonna end my piece by saying this. I do not think Kobe meant any harm nor do I think Kobe is a bad person for this. He was offered what I assume to be a lot of money, and he took it, normally I can't knock some one for making money.

However, I do think the deal he made with them was ill advised. To have your name mixed up with a country that has committed atrocities to not only the Armenians, but to the Greeks and Assyrians as well, and continuously denied the suffering they've caused, a country that was the sole inspiration behind Hitler's attacks("Who after all speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?" - Adolf Hitler, August 22, 1939), a country with so much blood on their hands, I think should at least require your PR getting fired or something lol. It show's that he's either un/misinformed or he had poor judgment. If it wasn't the least bit wrong, we wouldn't be talking about it right now.
Jesus %*+#%$+ Christ REPARATION* lol

Turkish Airlines do not share the same or similar ideologies as the Klan, at the very least not publicly.

You're right, the Turkish government does help fund Turkish Airlines making Kobe indirectlyassociated with the Turkish government but the difference between theTurks and the Klan is that the Klan still stands by its pastideologies, Turkey does not.

As far as I can tell Ataturk is thename of Turkey's major airport, not the airline. I don't see why Kobewould be featured with a "Ataturk" logo opposed to a Turkish Airlinelogo in commercials.

I just feel any anger directed at Kobe inthis situation would bebetter suited if it were channeled towards something like raisingawareness of the Turkish denial outside the Armenian community.

Ido see your side, more so than I did yesterday but to me it still seemsunfair to attack Kobe for doing legitimate business. At the end of theday like SainVitus07 said, Turkish people today are not responsible for what happened 95 years ago.
I still think they do believe in those ideologies but they just don't act upon it anymore. Why else would these bastards deny it till this day?

I'm gonna end my piece by saying this. I do not think Kobe meant any harm nor do I think Kobe is a bad person for this. He was offered what I assume to be a lot of money, and he took it, normally I can't knock some one for making money.

However, I do think the deal he made with them was ill advised. To have your name mixed up with a country that has committed atrocities to not only the Armenians, but to the Greeks and Assyrians as well, and continuously denied the suffering they've caused, a country that was the sole inspiration behind Hitler's attacks("Who after all speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?" - Adolf Hitler, August 22, 1939), a country with so much blood on their hands, I think should at least require your PR getting fired or something lol. It show's that he's either un/misinformed or he had poor judgment. If it wasn't the least bit wrong, we wouldn't be talking about it right now.
I think its people who hold on to the past that ruin the world for future generations;

Armenia is a poor country (5,500$ GDP per capita) with a relative unequal distribution of wealth. The Armenians are being manipulated by their politicians and media to focus their anger and unhappiness towards a mutual external enemy (This is what the Hitler did, to unit the Aryans as one people).

My message to Armenians; Stop blaming the Turks for not recognizing a century old genocide (even if they recognize it, it won't bring back the dead...), and spend your energy on improving your country for a better future.
I think its people who hold on to the past that ruin the world for future generations;

Armenia is a poor country (5,500$ GDP per capita) with a relative unequal distribution of wealth. The Armenians are being manipulated by their politicians and media to focus their anger and unhappiness towards a mutual external enemy (This is what the Hitler did, to unit the Aryans as one people).

My message to Armenians; Stop blaming the Turks for not recognizing a century old genocide (even if they recognize it, it won't bring back the dead...), and spend your energy on improving your country for a better future.
Originally Posted by faithlesshox

I think its people who hold on to the past that ruin the world for future generations;

Armenia is a poor country (5,500$ GDP per capita) with a relative unequal distribution of wealth. The Armenians are being manipulated by their politicians and media to focus their anger and unhappiness towards a mutual external enemy (This is what the Hitler did, to unit the Aryans as one people).

My message to Armenians; Stop blaming the Turks for not recognizing a century old genocide (even if they recognize it, it won't bring back the dead...), and spend your energy on improving your country for a better future.
What's a matter with you? Not a fan of closure?

Thank you for your message faithlesshox, you're quite an important figure and a wise mind, so we shall heed those words to it's fullest. Can you also tell me what kind of breakfast I should eat to help increase my calcium intake?

The well fare of our country is a different subject in itself. I live in America and I'm not an angry guy and am in fact happy, so what media/politician is "manipulating" me to focus my anger towards Turks?

Yeah it's either media manipulation or 1+ million murdered ancestors not officially recognized. Course it doesn't bring them back, but these are human lives, don't they deserve at least the acknowledgment?

For Christ's sake, why are so many people insisting we forget about the genocide? Or move on, as if we've seen justice from it but we refuse to move forward. I would love to see people say that to the Jewish about the holocaust or African Americans about slavery. I'm getting grilled and having judgment passed from all angles over here because this @$+*#$% matter has never been put to bed. This is our frustration, why do we have to keep fighting for our human rights??
Originally Posted by faithlesshox

I think its people who hold on to the past that ruin the world for future generations;

Armenia is a poor country (5,500$ GDP per capita) with a relative unequal distribution of wealth. The Armenians are being manipulated by their politicians and media to focus their anger and unhappiness towards a mutual external enemy (This is what the Hitler did, to unit the Aryans as one people).

My message to Armenians; Stop blaming the Turks for not recognizing a century old genocide (even if they recognize it, it won't bring back the dead...), and spend your energy on improving your country for a better future.
What's a matter with you? Not a fan of closure?

Thank you for your message faithlesshox, you're quite an important figure and a wise mind, so we shall heed those words to it's fullest. Can you also tell me what kind of breakfast I should eat to help increase my calcium intake?

The well fare of our country is a different subject in itself. I live in America and I'm not an angry guy and am in fact happy, so what media/politician is "manipulating" me to focus my anger towards Turks?

Yeah it's either media manipulation or 1+ million murdered ancestors not officially recognized. Course it doesn't bring them back, but these are human lives, don't they deserve at least the acknowledgment?

For Christ's sake, why are so many people insisting we forget about the genocide? Or move on, as if we've seen justice from it but we refuse to move forward. I would love to see people say that to the Jewish about the holocaust or African Americans about slavery. I'm getting grilled and having judgment passed from all angles over here because this @$+*#$% matter has never been put to bed. This is our frustration, why do we have to keep fighting for our human rights??
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