Arkansas Congressman: "Slavery a blessing in disguise" for Black People

Not only did indigenous people have slaves prior to the age of exploration but they also sacrificed their slaves to their deities. Gucci enough for you? You remind me of the dude in History 101 that argues about everything the professor lectures on. talmbout "Na son Athens wasn't that tough back then, look at the film 300. Sparta was mad tough b".

Thats was AFTER da Europeans came....THEN da Haitian s tried to take us Dominicans over...multiple times.
Bottomline is United States slavery ≠ international slavery.

The dominicans of today dont even look like the Native Dominicans before the Conquistadors arrived. That Island is filled with Spanish and African decendants and very little if any Native descendants. damn dude do you know anything about your people's history? And in case you were wondering, YOU ninjahood are clearly a mulato (which means you have african blood in you).
I find it very ironic that someone like me who has everything to gain by accepting the republican and conservative agenda rejects it but ninjahood doesn't.
A majority of the slaves brought to the Americas were taken to South America and the carribbean, apparently they were singing wonderful negro spirituals, telling jokes and drinking smoothies all day.
Don't trust them new negros is not a spiritual.
Lost. Simple as that. 
 Now I want Pink Berry.
Dont make me copy & paste ur whole paragraph on
Your whole "blacks" hypothesis from a month ago...
And slavery internationally ≠ us slavery..da way United states
Treated slaves was subhuman, other societies didnt do that
To da exent that this country did. People sold themselves and bought
Themselves of slavery all da time.. heh, try that on a plantation.

Not for nothing Edwin, you're really showing your ignorance right now. Google the words "Repartimiento" "encomiendo" and "potosi" and you'll see how "human" the Spanish treated their slaves.

European imperialism ≠ united states systematic slavery... they changed da property

Rights here so it was impossible to get out of slavery & it was easier for whites to own blacks.
Same island, and a bunch of mixing was going on, no matter how much you deny it.

Dude seems to have this idea that being mixed with "taino" blood or whatever the hell Dominicans are mixed with completely dilutes your African heritage. The hypocrisy in how he views the African American experience is hilarious to me, cause African Americans and Dominicans actually share a lot in common. Many African Americans also have diluted "African blood". Like Dominicans they are the product of years of slavery and rape by European imperialism.
I find it very ironic that someone like me who has everything to gain by accepting the republican and conservative agenda rejects it but ninjahood doesn't.
A majority of the slaves brought to the Americas were taken to South America and the carribbean (INCLUDING THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC), apparently they were singing wonderful negro spirituals, telling jokes and drinking smoothies all day.
Don't trust them new negros is not a spiritual. Dominicans are descendants of African slaves,.

OH SNAP ANTON IS BACK :nerd: General just got turned into the OK corral,:wow: again.
^^^Nigerians and Samoans, not the descendant of slaves highly represented in football. I understand that black people in this country were bred but it doesn't explain why they dominate certain sports.

If a mixed man, with green eyes can have a baby with brown eyes, with an 100% black woman with, and that child has a child with another 100% black person that has green eyes, how could it not work the same way for physical build??

At least acknowldege there is a possiblity we could be benefiting from the breeding.
Dude seems to have this idea that being mixed with "taino" blood or whatever the hell Dominicans are mixed with completely dilutes your African heritage. The hypocrisy in how he views the African American experience is hilarious to me, cause African Americans and Dominicans actually share a lot in common. Many African Americans also have diluted "African blood". Like Dominicans they are the product of years of slavery and rape by European imperialism.
Yup, and the mixture makes for some incredibly beautiful women I must say...those who are really in to brothers from America....
Thats funny cuz da minute to take this type of mentality & apply it to asians here on NT
That ban hammer would come out SO fast....
Are you insulted or something?

We can talk about Asians, I am not afraid of them, but this thread is about US.

Nah' mean?!
If a mixed man, with green eyes can have a baby with brown eyes, with an 100% black woman with, and that child has a child with another 100% black person that has green eyes, how could it not work the same way for physical build??
At least acknowldege there is a possiblity we could be benefiting from the breeding. sound ******ed.
If a mixed man, with green eyes can have a baby with brown eyes, with an 100% black woman with, and that child has a child with another 100% black person that has green eyes, how could it not work the same way for physical build??
At least acknowldege there is a possiblity we could be benefiting from the breeding.
Don't you realize how you are playing into racist stereotypes?

Why is Jimmer Fredette in the NBA?
Thats funny cuz da minute to take this type of mentality & apply it to asians here on NT
That ban hammer would come out SO fast....
Same can be applied to the phillipines too.Let Dirty come after me with the ban hammer im down to debate him about racial mixing in phillipines if he wants to.Im not and never will be afraid of a mods banning power because of me telling the truth.
Hizzo with the swing and the miss yet again. Stick to the car talk homes.
If a mixed man, with green eyes can have a baby with brown eyes, with an 100% black woman with, and that child has a child with another 100% black person that has green eyes, how could it not work the same way for physical build??
At least acknowldege there is a possiblity we could be benefiting from the breeding.

I am 105 percent Ibo, with a 5 percent margin of error. I am VERY athletic or at least I used to be. I was a 6ft4, 235 pound safety Ran a 4.4 40, and was highly recruited by a lot of D1 football teams, I am not the product of breeding during slavery. That was the point I was making by posting Nigerian and Samoan players. Samoans are overrepresented in football by numbers, their athleticism, speed, strength and build wasn't bred.

Why did I respond to this comment, I'm not even sure what dude was talking about? Chika waka baka laka Black people benefit from slavery.
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dudes really in here fighting with each other when we just had a public official basically say integration is whats destroying america :smh:

NT race & religion threads are ******g pointless
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Thats was AFTER da Europeans came....THEN da Haitian s tried to take us Dominicans over...multiple times.
Bottomline is United States slavery ≠ international slavery.

The dominicans of today dont even look like the Native Dominicans before the Conquistadors arrived. That Island is filled with Spanish and African decendants and very little if any Native descendants. damn dude do you know anything about your people's history? And in case you were wondering, YOU ninjahood are clearly a mulato (which means you have african blood in you).

Go to cibao...cats in here swear Dominicans is a Nigerian offshoot or something.

Dont make me copy & paste ur whole paragraph on

Your whole "blacks" hypothesis from a month ago...
My goal was to say that I appear to be "black" to everyone else, but that we should understand that being black is a wide range of things that span across vast ranges of ethnicities and identifiers. I don't like to support ONLY black causes, I prefer to support HUMAN causes.

Theres a difference. I recognize my beginnings and my "heritage" but it doesn't consume me. 
And slavery internationally ≠ us slavery..da way United states

Treated slaves was subhuman, other societies didnt do that
Well if that isn't a boldfaced lie. 

Slavery is IN ITSELF sub-human.

We're not talking about debtors prisons either. 

To da exent that this country did. People sold themselves and bought

Themselves of slavery all da time.. heh, try that on a plantation.
Yeah. I'm sure people sold themselves willingly most of the time. There was probably NO influence to do that either. Just up and decided to try on the size 15 shackles. 

Dont make me copy
So why did the Haitians revolt if everything was so fantastic?

Do you have any Haitian relatives?
Thats was AFTER da Europeans came....THEN da Haitian s tried to take us Dominicans over...multiple times.

Bottomline is United States slavery ≠ international slavery.
Yeah. Those dirty blacks always trying to enslave someone...right?

Because ONLY black people engaged in slavery...right? 

Its not like natives didn't fight amongst themselves either. 
I am 105 percent Ibo, with a 5 percent margin of error. I am VERY athletic or at least I used to be. I was a 6ft4, 235 pound safety Ran a 4.4 40, and was highly recruited by a lot of D1 football teams, I am not the product of breeding during slavery.

So you're telling me you worked out to become 6'4? No, you're 6'4 through genetics. That all I'm talking about here. You guys are too busy looking at the race side of it.
I don't understand why y'all argue with this man, it's the same thing in circles over and over.
Go to cibao...cats in here swear Dominicans is a Nigerian offshoot or something.
Are you human?

Are you attempting to suggest that is it impossible for you to have something in common, a heritage, lineage a connection to other human beings?

Why is that so insulting to you?

Whenever someone asks me if I am Latin, I do not say no, none of that spanish blood.

I simply say, I hear that quite often, but my family is from South Carolina and Mississippi, but I feel that were are all the same.

A brother from Africa, Ethiopia, told me that I reminded him of a brother from home. I took it as a compliment, and then told him this.

Your reaction to being called Black, seems as if someone is telling you that you have the plague.
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