ARIZONA CARDINALS (3-2) @ NY GIANTS (5-1): Sunday Night Football

T.O. hands
@ Cowboys stans coming in here taking jabs. Both your squads are frauds. Anyone coming out of the East is getting put to sleep in the 1st round of theplayoffs.
Originally Posted by RiverXBear

its the fact the giants and there fans act like there gods.

you beat us by 2 points , if romo plays how he does today we destroy you.

im ready for us to play you guys in giants stadium.

if the boys lose you rush in and bash us , if we win and yall lose your no where to be seen.

but the falcons are far from scrubs and we man handled them.

cowboys fans are a trip...
It looked like Jacobs bounced it outside instead of running where the line had opened upa hole for him. If he puts his head down and blasts through that holehe would've had a first down and likely a touchdown.

Of course, if Manningham had just caught the damn ball, it would be a three point game and the Giants would have some momentum. The cards look like they'vejust started the game.
^ Receivers haven't been able to get open all game on man on man coverage for some reason, and when they are open some good passes have been dropped (plusbad routes).

That sloppiness combined with Killdrive's play calling is the making of an ugly but still winnable game.
I hate how the Cardinals are allowing Boldin to play out there. They are risking the rest of his season by playing him in a relatively meaningless game thisearly in the season.
Way to make a stand.

Hopefully Manningham wont be dropping anymore passes and Jacobs will recognize the blitz and run in the right hole.
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