Are you the 99% ? - Wallstreet Come Get It...

classic example of the fallacy mike moore highlighted when he said "americans arent mad at the 1% because they have this delusion that one day they will be part of the 1%"

steezy is the classic example of that.



Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

acting like our plight is really suffering as yall prob posting from a laptop or iphone or some peice of technology. shhhh entitle i tell u.

what about the children who wear the same underwear everyday of the week and the only time they eat food is at school?

not niketalkers

those people....

they dont exist?


none of these posts are even remotely intelligent...i know you guys think you're dropping the deep bomb here...but you sound about 12.



Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

you're, again, justifying an injustice of our society...

"if you do a, b and c, you will be comfortable"

people do a b and c and are hurting.

that's not right.

and people are voicing their opinion on it not being right.

you're just accepting it.

which is cool, too

just keep your slander for the protesting to yourself.
Then maybe they should have been doing X, Y and Z. I can't believe you are actually voicing this as a valid opinion. As if the world owes you something because you did what you thought someone told you to do in order to succeed. I can't post enough emoticons to accurately capture how hilarious I think your point of view is.

You actually calls this an injustice of our society. I'm genuinely baffled.
Son is obvious you are hurt with the system, it's obvious you invested in a dream and came up short, if you would have ended with a 6 digit salary I'm sure your stance will probably be different....hope that's something you can admit to.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Ah, ok. So you just have problems with the English language. Good thing you didn't take out a loan to further your education

I read that sentence like five times and I just.. don't... whatever.

Sit down somewhere.
Nah, I'm good. It's fun reading your rambling posts and lack of any sort of evidence to support your claims.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by nestasprotege

How ignorant do you have to be to actually believe that "if I do A, B and C I will succeed," and then blindly follow that logic into depression? I'd rather give a portion of my hard earned check to a 1% than support the type of "societal expectancy" that some you are championing.

People are genuinely mad because "they took out all these loans because that's what 'THEY' told me to do and now I'm broke?" And then disguising that as Wall Street running up pricing on college tuition? I have seriously over-estimated the heartbeat of America. We are in worse shape than I ever imagined.


so why did you go to school, steezy?

there wasnt an expectation of society for you to hold whatever specialized degree you hold so that you could get the job you have and could be a productive member of society?

at the same time, there was no expectation from you that society would hold up their end of the deal at the end and provide you with said job you have which would allow you to be a productive member of society?


no expectations whatsoever...

you just jumped into your program and got a degree in it, no hard feelings no strings attached no expectations of the degree actually advancing you?


alright man.

Difference is I didn't take out a 40k a year loan...I didn't jump at the idea of a profitable career blindly, proceeded with caution, invested little and I must say it paid of to the max....not to mention I knew that going for a critical care first responder at a hospital was a smart move, pretty hard for the government to cut these jobs, this job HAS to be done.
sorry larry david wannabe i aint complaining bout no broke people. i'm complainging bout peons liek you who think they are e-versions of malcom x or mlk jr.

everything you said so far is laughable. you make a ****ery and minstrel show out of the actual crisis in america.

just because a bunch of people wanna stand in front of wall street and occupy in a symbolic effort to get government to change.

bro, wth where you doing before this lil parade?????

what were you trying to do whne bus sr. was in office, when clinton ,when g w bush?????

you act like this problem is new

and pmsing to Steezy bc he has a differing opinion aint gonna get noones loans paid of or and fiscal responsibility injected into this country

when you are ready to do something about it, hit me up and i'll fight along with you.

for now, go shave your legs
this thread just comes off as "if you're hurting right now, well that's your fault". You're telling me people dont have the right to protest an injustice they see in society because "they shouldnt have taken out the loan to go to college"? What's wrong with some of you people?
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Nah, I'm good. It's fun reading your rambling posts and lack of any sort of evidence to support your claims.

Cool story bro, next time I'll run my posts thru my lawyer and editor.Bottomline, the same way the system screws you over, you can use the system to your advantage, and we ALL have an equal opportunity to do so.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

another one?

yo, for as smart as you guys like to brag you dudes sure cant read or comprehend AT ALL...

"how ignorant do you have to be to have an expectation of society based upon you fullfilling society's expectation of you?"


lemme guess, your father is a banker?

no, you're a 2nd year finance student who's gonna be CEO of some bank soon?


this dude thought a b and c was "take out a loan"

not "go to college"


morons, man, i tell you.

i bet he makes 4 times as much as me a year.

im not whining, im just stating facts about how $@$!!* up our society is.
I don't consider myself smart, but I work hard every day to make myself better.

If you must know, in 2009 I was an Economics major working at a financial institution and was slated for a fast-tracked executive leadership program position. I had my life figured out and was sitting pretty. Then, I received word that the program I was planning my entire life around was cut with no explanations and no pats on the back.

Did I sit down and blame the government, dividend seeking investors or bloated CEOs? No, I finished my degree and applied for jobs while continuing to gain work experience at my bank. I was working alongside people with GEDs who were making more than me. I knew more about finance than my manager.

Your argument is that people who go to college deserve something for the simple fact they went to college. Regardless of their intellectual capacity, work ethic, grades and abilities, they deserve something. I have never heard a more asinine argument in my life. And then you have the nerve to say it is an injustice of our society. Let me try your way of debating to help you understand my views:

It's clearly a system's fault, but the system should not be the excuse for individuals' bad decisions.

What I don't like is that the spirit of protest is more like a media parade rahter than an acutal cause.
Originally Posted by nestasprotege

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

you're, again, justifying an injustice of our society...

"if you do a, b and c, you will be comfortable"

people do a b and c and are hurting.

that's not right.

and people are voicing their opinion on it not being right.

you're just accepting it.

which is cool, too

just keep your slander for the protesting to yourself.
Then maybe they should have been doing X, Y and Z. I can't believe you are actually voicing this as a valid opinion. As if the world owes you something because you did what you thought someone told you to do in order to succeed. I can't post enough emoticons to accurately capture how hilarious I think your point of view is.

You actually calls this an injustice of our society. I'm genuinely baffled.

you, sir are a moron.

steezy asked a question of another persons point of view.

being that i have perspective, i articulated the point.

nowhere did i say that i thought the same thing.

also, denying that there are expectations society has of you, and expectations you have of society is funny.

people say the darnest things trynna contradict me on niketalk.

so why did you go to school?

no expectations on what school would do for you, as far as society is concerned?


Son is obvious you are hurt with the system, it's obvious you invested in a dream and came up short, if you would have ended with a 6 digit salary I'm sure your stance will probably be different....hope that's something you can admit to. 



because i can articulate many perspectives.

i must be salty.


i invested in a dream of a free education at the state insitution i wanted to go to since i was 5 with a major i obtained a degree in effortlessly...

and i tweet 4 hour long rants on twitter about happiness not being dependent on money or your place in society

you got it bro.


yo, where did i even say that i wasnt successful?

where did i even say i wanted to join in with the protestors?

where did i even say "i am hurt with the system"?

we both agree that the system is flawed. you seem to think conforming is the best option, others do not.

where in the above statement do you get im personally hurt or upset or any of that?

because YOU sound like you have zero empathy and perspective? cause you come off as arrogant?

son, you cant even agree with previous statements youve made.

better decisions leave you in a better place in life...but doesnt make you a better person...that would be just asinine...LMAO

but if i had a 6-figure salary, i wouldnt be a better person, i just wouldnt be "hurt with the system"?


im done, forreal.

yall not even smart enough to read my replies...


keep whining about people you say are whining, tho

and keep talking about the hardship others endured so that you could benefit from their struggles to say "SEE? THEY DID IT FOR ME, WHY CANT YOU DO IT FOR YOURSELF? MY PARENTS DID THIS THIS AND THIS"

(cause someone else's parents maybe didnt do that for them. is that their fault? no. just like your parents struggles arent yours, dork.  )



the CEO on wall street's last name getting him the job has nothing to do with any decision HE made. if that makes it obvious im hurt, whatever, bro 

i feel sorry for the struggling parents that raised you to think the difference between the haves and have-nots are good or bad decisions
Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

It's clearly a system's fault, but the system should not be the excuse for individuals' bad decisions.

What I don't like is that the spirit of protest is more like a media parade rahter than an acutal cause.

thats a valid opinion bro

coming in here to throw shots at me for being proud that my fellow american people are actually DOING SOMETHING about THE SYSTEM for a change, is dumb, tho

and thats the only reason im even posting in here.

look, theres more than one factor.

the system is flawed.

good and bad decisions play a part

but its not the single reason someone is well or bad off...

so steezy youre saying all the ppl who went to school and took out loans for something they want/have a passion for are stupid?

so everybody should only go to school for medical right?

exactly why there are so many crappy ppl working in the med field all in it just for the money, not all but many...........from nurses to doctors. i have so many stories, o well.
i wouldnt call the bright kid i know who wants to be a history teacher one day because he loves the subject stupid about it.........i just cant generalize things i hate that.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

It's clearly a system's fault, but the system should not be the excuse for individuals' bad decisions.

What I don't like is that the spirit of protest is more like a media parade rahter than an acutal cause.

thats a valid opinion bro

coming in here to throw shots at me for being proud that my fellow american people are actually DOING SOMETHING about THE SYSTEM for a change, is dumb, tho

and thats the only reason im even posting in here.

look, theres more than one factor.

the system is flawed.

good and bad decisions play a part

but its not the single reason someone is well or bad off...

only fired off because you came at me brah.

my first post in this thread was a comical post.

but to be honest we clearly have similar world views. 

where we differ is the feeling proud.  I am proud of the spirit, the potential, ya know what i mean?  but in so far of what this protest has yielded, i feel it is much ado about nothing.

Maybe in time it will be more.


Instead of personal back and forth w/ steezy,

why dont you focus on the task at hand.  providng resources and ideas are better fitting than going hard at other members

Originally Posted by oidreez

this thread just comes off as "if you're hurting right now, well that's your fault". You're telling me people dont have the right to protest an injustice they see in society because "they shouldnt have taken out the loan to go to college"? What's wrong with some of you people?

What injusticeeee!???....that some CEO is getting paid for "minimal" work!? this real life???....I'll bring up Jay again, don't tell me 500k (assuming) for a 30 minute show somewhere makes sense....yet noone has a problem with that right..?Son is filthy rich off of promoting violence, drugs and sex
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Son is obvious you are hurt with the system, it's obvious you invested in a dream and came up short, if you would have ended with a 6 digit salary I'm sure your stance will probably be different....hope that's something you can admit to.
This is Enphan's NT life in a nut shell.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

i bet he makes 4 times as much as me a year. 
I most certainly do and I worked for every bit of it.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Cmon man....
Anyways, how do you think the government became this way? Who do you think was the biggest funder of Barack Obama? Take a wild guess.

I'm not quite sure what kind of source you'd want me to cite anyways. It's not like there's some statistic that proves the government did or did not have the responsibility to prevent what happened. The whole reason why people including me and you are arguing over this is because there is no definite answer.

As for your second part, you basically agreed with my point. Yes, fraud might have led to the government acting the way it does, but regardless, that still means the government has the blame. Fraud might have caused it to be like this, sure, that doesn't change the fact the government didn't do enough.

If I have a cold and I'm sneezing because of it, regardless of what caused me to sneeze, the point is I'm still sneezing.
I guess I'm in the middle of this argument. I do think the system is flawed because with how lopsided the wealth is spread I don't care how hard you work. If people are starving and you are making $10 million a year I don't care how lazy they were. They still deserve a second chance to realize what it takes to succeed in life. $9 million is more than enough to live well and reap the rewards of your hard work. In my opinion this only increases the chances of that bummy person turning their life around and becoming a productive member of society. Most people would just mooch off this money as much as possible, but some can turn it around. However, if person A busted their butt all their life while you watched Jersey Shore, why should they give you that much money? It's somewhere in the middle and definitely not supposed to be the way it is right now. Truth is there is a huge work ethic difference between the lazy and the motivated and the motivated usually do get rewarded with enough money to live pretty well. I don't think somebody should starve because the government doesn't police the big money crimes more harshly though. That is a big problem to me that is way too obvious to keep going along with like its all good.  Our country motivates people to work hard and when you're one of, if not, the top dog in the world you probably have to do what it takes to keep people motivated to maximize their potential.  Much our country lives paycheck to paycheck but would rather accept that life and turn on the TV then keep working until they had more financial freedom.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by oidreez

this thread just comes off as "if you're hurting right now, well that's your fault". You're telling me people dont have the right to protest an injustice they see in society because "they shouldnt have taken out the loan to go to college"? What's wrong with some of you people?

What injusticeeee!???....that some CEO is getting paid for "minimal" work!? this real life???....I'll bring up Jay again, don't tell me 500k (assuming) for a 30 minute show somewhere makes sense....yet noone has a problem with that right..?Son is filthy rich off of promoting violence, drugs and sex

abstract labor is not really in the same arena...try again 

I don't care how hard you worked for your +@#%**# bank...that doesn't change the FACT that the industry is fundamentally wrong on all levels. 

Sorry you believe in something that isn't right and is proving it's faultiness with every passing displayed by the current condition of the global economy. 

Its funny how these finance guys make the contemporary situation out to be a bunch of lazy vagrants of society not working and not looking for jobs. Instead of realizing that it is in fact them who society is holding up...its them whose social utility doesn't fit the picture anymore...

its impossible for the blatant exploitation to continue...we've reached a new epoch of social relations...the world is too interconnected due to gigantic leaps in communicative technology...and you are witnessing the system destroy ITSELF. 
Originally Posted by Al Audi

so steezy youre saying all the ppl who went to school and took out loans for something they want/have a passion for are stupid?

so everybody should only go to school for medical right?

exactly why there are so many crappy ppl working in the med field all in it just for the money, not all but many...........from nurses to doctors. i have so many stories, o well.
i wouldnt call the bright kid i know who wants to be a history teacher one day because he loves the subject stupid about it.........i just cant generalize things i hate that.

No I'm not calling anyone outside the medical field stupid, that makes no would be smart to study the job market before declaring a major...weigh your options, your pros and cons...not go based off what you lovveeee and expect that to pay off....hell I wanted to be a graphic designer...was that going to pay off for me, unlikely....specially from a private institution like Katherine Gibbs (10k year I think) which was my only option and I almost fell for it, but was smart enough to stick to a secure landline when I found out about my field...job security was no problem post graduation and on top of that financial aid covered me, the same system you guys are complaining about, got me an education, got me a job, as flawed as it is I still came off it good, can't expect me to be a hypocrite and completely abolish it.
look jay z has a monopoly on jay z verses

no ceo no doctor no lawyer no other invididual in any other profession outside of entertainment can have a monopoly on their services...that would be illegal.

you're dodging.

the CEO is giving himself a 10 million dollar bonus while LAYING WORKERS OFF

there is nothing you can say about jay z and the 10 million he collects of entertaining people with his own, unique, distinct brand of HIMSELF that will justify a CEO laying workers off yet not taking a paycut...period

and i dont mean a 10 million dollar bonus instead of 20 million

i mean, how about you dont get a bonus and you dont lay anyone off.....

nah, that's not reality, so we cant criticize them for it. its dog eat dog. play the hand you were dealt, even tho the deck is stacked. right, steezy?

likewise, i wonder how your mindset would be if you werent living comfortable right now (partly off the hard work and sacrifice of your parents) and, instead, were a victim of circumstance like many of the have-nots in america that were systematically oppressed....i wonder if you would be saying "i mean, i just made alot of bad decisions so im in the place im in now"

my guess is no...simply because you'd have a shred of perspective....

and to rufio, yes, i am proud at the SPIRIT of it......i honestly have no idea outside of whats been on the daily show about the actual protests

im just glad america is actually doing something man...something is better than nothing.

the cliche 'compare this to another country' is only valid to say, if this was another country, there would have been a violent revolt a decade ago....

but like i said, its a valid opinion, therefore what can i say? "NO DONT HAVE THAT OPINION" its whatever

all im trynna do is provide yall with perspectives that i assume are missing due to what youre posting...(i.e. the girl saying her mom raised 4 kids without government assistance...thats not reality. in explaining how hard she had it she indavertantly told us that she lived with someone collecting social security for their parapalegic son.....completely contradicting her claims that her mother never recieved government assistance..when she did...she lived with someone who's income was supported by social security. seeing how that person also watched her and her 3 siblings, that person likely didnt hold any other job, and their only source of income security...which is even more directly 'out of my pocket' than, say, welfare and section 8 literally see how much of your money is taken for social security. literally. i cant stand hypocracy, man. OH LOOK YOURE USING A COMPUTER TALKING ABOUT EVIL, im talking about the injustice of a CEO giving himself 10 million while laying 100,000 people off....thats what im talking about. im not talking about my choices in a degree and my personal not talking about none of that $+!%.)

thats it.

people jump in on the 17th thing i said and latch on to it...not even knowing i didnt say it at all...someone else did...i was just articulating his point...

as if a contradiction of the 17th thing i said bares any weight on my overall argument...
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