Are you the 99% ? - Wallstreet Come Get It...

I support OWS because at its core, it wants to prosecute financial fraud and promote responsibility.
HOWEVER...I couldn't resist posting this...


I say all of this to say that we should be RESPONSIBLE in our protest. 

The establishment is what allows us to be HERE ...RIGHT NOW...but we should look to IMPROVE IT...not abolish it. 
You must be delusional to think that one Jay does on a day to day basis is more valuable than what a surgeon does for a living...anyhow that's irrelevant to the topic, I only brought up those examples to show that anyone can advance in this country, it's just a matter if hard you want to work for it and what satisfies you....but the opportunities are really think these bankers you hate so much, didn't bust their $$$ at one point?? you think it was a smooth ride to the top?...I highly doubt that.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

I support OWS because at its core, it wants to prosecute financial fraud and promote responsibility.
HOWEVER...I couldn't resist posting this...


I say all of this to say that we should be RESPONSIBLE in our protest. 

The establishment is what allows us to be HERE ...RIGHT NOW...but we should look to IMPROVE IT...not abolish it. 

For once I enjoy one of your posts! people not see the hypocrisy!?people complaint about bankers making huge salaries ad how they don't deserve them, yet DVR every episode of the jersey shore, to the point where these people are making 100k an episode, 40k to speak at a university graduation...more than a Pulitzer prize winner!!!!
yeah once again let's blame the government and wall street for that....take some damn responsibility!
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by sillyputty

I support OWS because at its core, it wants to prosecute financial fraud and promote responsibility.
HOWEVER...I couldn't resist posting this...


I say all of this to say that we should be RESPONSIBLE in our protest. 

The establishment is what allows us to be HERE ...RIGHT NOW...but we should look to IMPROVE IT...not abolish it. 

For once I enjoy one of your posts! people not see the hypocrisy!?people complaint about bankers making huge salaries ad how they don't deserve them, yet DVR every episode of the jersey shore, to the point where these people are making 100k an episode, 40k to speak at a university graduation...more than a Pulitzer prize winner!!!!
yeah once again let's blame the government and wall street for that....take some damn responsibility!
Honestly, I'm indifferent about OWS. You have a mixture of hypebeasts, people who with legitimate complaints, and then just lazy people who blame big corporations for their own downfalls. This is life, not everythings fair. A lot of these protestors act like ALL of the big corporation CEOs somehow just woke up and became rich. A lot of these dudes grinded their way to the top. 
Instead of protesting, maybe they should try to look for a job. 
....people aren't out there arguing to end consumerism...we live in a material world...people are arguing against an archaic infrastructure and blatant inequalities.

son said the 'establishment is what allows us to be here'
you couldn't be more wrong what that type of inferior thinking...not a surprise coming from you.
Instead of protesting, maybe they should try to look for a job. 

your not looking at the problems here. that get a job *#$$ is NOT reality....our job is to take care of tell that get a job *#$$ to 24 million people in the US who are currently unemployed. 
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

you think its the subsidizing as in the government aiding or promoting universities with public money, or subsidizing as in the bank will give you 120k over 4 years?

i think its the latter.

Government providing aid. The bank can only give you those deals based the rules government provides. After that, based on the rules, the Federal Reserve increases or decreases Interest Rates (for the member banks) based on what the rules say.

When something is subsidized, you create an artificial demand for it. Whether it's housing, education, ect. College education in my opinion is vastly diluted. Companies are hiring people without college education to perform the jobs that college graduates would be doing. If that's the case, then that tells you that the Demand is low and the Supply is high (in reality). College loans is the next bubble that is going to bust.

Interest Rates should be determined by Supply/Demand. It wasn't. The Fed lowered interest rates based on the rules the government set i.e. repeal of Glass-Steagall and CRIA. Investment Banks pounced on low-income, and a lot of ignorant people, sold them ridiculous loans. The banks went to AIG for insurance on the losses of the loans, boxed up the loans and sold them to offshore banks (derivatives). This is a game to these people. The banks are ble to create and request their own money. They have their own people in high ranking positions within government. Finance is a rigged game all over the planet.

Look at all the past administrations, loaded with Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, ect. advisers or executives.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

You must be delusional to think that one Jay does on a day to day basis is more valuable than what a surgeon does for a living...anyhow that's irrelevant to the topic, I only brought up those examples to show that anyone can advance in this country, it's just a matter if hard you want to work for it and what satisfies you....but the opportunities are really think these bankers you hate so much, didn't bust their $$$ at one point?? you think it was a smooth ride to the top?...I highly doubt that.


im delusional, tho.

(by the way,i said it was subjective, and i COULD say what jay does is more valuable. but, the fact remains what jay possesses is a doctors have a monopoly on any sort of medical procedures, to my knowledge. therefore, there is one jay z but millions of 'surgeons' that can all preform the same tasks the exact same way, THEREFORE what jay does HOLDS MORE MONETARY VALUE as entertainment than any surgery ever performed...yes. id pay more to see jay z rap live than i would to watch any surgery yes, it is more valuable, in regards to money, than what surgeons do. likewise, the undocumented farmer works 5 times as hard as anyone on wall street.....why do these guys on wall street hold more than 10 thousand times the wealth/importance as an undocumented farmer? are they REALLY that much more important and valuable as humans? or are they just benefiting from a system already established that they're already a part of? from my knowledge, theres not really an application to apply to be CEO of lehman brothers....maybe they accepted applications but im pretty sure they had a population from which to pick...a population that more than likely had some sort of connection to the banking industry outside of their own an example, see the nice roster of banking execs that transition to lobbiests and cabinet members then fed reserve chairmen,  CEOs of multiple financial institutions...there is a population that is connected to banking far before education in the arena is even attained. the same players, the same faces, many different functions. its like a club....and heres a secret, no matter what me and you do we'll never be included...period. no hard work, education or anything else for that matter will get us those "connections" which have nothing to do with hard work nor personal responsibility. and they're flooding each other's pockets with money made off of the average man's labor. that's what the outrage is over. your life comfortable enough that you're not outraged? cool...but save the slander for something else. not everyone lives the life you live. not everyone is granted the same circumstances. just because YOU personally overcame hardship doesnt mean that EVERYONE just means you were fortunate enough to beat the system and not become a statistic. why discourage or talk down upon others who arent as fortunate as you were? oh, because YOU did it, right? and they ARENT doing it, right? and yeah, your coworker ENJOYS working 4 got it. she wouldnt rather work one job and send her daughter to AFFORDABLE college, nah, she PREFERS overpaying and overworking....

Man you're a joke to all minorities. A joke. You can't even come up with one source to support your views, if I call that jibberish anything concrete. That's because you don't read. Post sources, info, heck anything besides your mug.

Let's not protest Civil Rights in Selma because you are walking on a white man's bridge. What kind of logic is this? Everything has to start somewhere. SMH.
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

This is a game to these people. The banks are ble to create and request their own money. They have their own people in high ranking positions within government. Finance is a rigged game all over the planet.

Look at all the past administrations, loaded with Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, ect. advisers or executives.

tell em rashi.

i still think, if we werent able to get these loans so easily, the prices of housing, education and transportation would be drastically lower.

i mean, they basically snuck hyperinflation of our currency under our noses since the 60s

remember when 25 cent bags of chips were suddenly 35 cents?



who pocketed that 10 cents?

im sure some hard working, self-starting CEO wrote himself a nice bonus with that because he had so many long business dinners and private jet flights the year he collapsed a bank that survived the great depression.....

*waits for someone to say that statement was asinine, as he ceo didnt directly pocket that 10 cents of inflation*

teachers make 40k a year and get laid off while banking CEOs pocket 3 times entire school district budgets in cash bonuses every year....

but dont cry about that, get a job...

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by sillyputty

I support OWS because at its core, it wants to prosecute financial fraud and promote responsibility.
HOWEVER...I couldn't resist posting this...


I say all of this to say that we should be RESPONSIBLE in our protest. 

The establishment is what allows us to be HERE ...RIGHT NOW...but we should look to IMPROVE IT...not abolish it. 

For once I enjoy one of your posts! people not see the hypocrisy!?people complaint about bankers making huge salaries ad how they don't deserve them, yet DVR every episode of the jersey shore, to the point where these people are making 100k an episode, 40k to speak at a university graduation...more than a Pulitzer prize winner!!!!
yeah once again let's blame the government and wall street for that....take some damn responsibility!

My biggest issue is with the people who say things like "oh you're happy with your respectable jobs and your life? the man has you by the balls you're a sheep" etc. when they're typing from smart phones and computers that were made by these mega corporations that they include under the "man" umbrella.
Until you make your own computer and mine your own silicon for its chips you can't call people sheep without including yourself in that group, I don't care how many conspiracy theory videos you've seen.
Anyone who loves money and/or having nice things lost their balls to consumerism a long time ago because that's successful human programming at the hands of "the man" at its finest

Edit: To be clear, this has nothing to do with the protesters having cameras, that's dumb and I don't think it really takes away from their cause at all. This has to do with trolls
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Man you're a joke to all minorities. A joke. You can't even come up with one source to support your views, if I call that jibberish anything concrete. That's because you don't read. Post sources, info, heck anything besides your mug.

Let's not protest Civil Rights in Selma because you are walking on a white man's bridge. What kind of logic is this? Everything has to start somewhere. SMH.

i got offended at first.

then i realized you werent talking to me.

pointing out the hypocracy in the movement is a nice, witty observation to chuckle at....but thats it.

they arent surfacing some sort of mortal hypocracy in the movement that derails the essence of the movement...

its an internet lulz comment.

with that said, its funny that the hypocracy is the SINGLE reason people are badmouthing them....

"see? thats why i cant support this..."


im delusional but ksteezy is the one under the assumption that he'll work hard enough to one day be in the 1%....cause everyone in that 1% worked hard and worked their way into the top 1% of wealth in this country

but im delusional.


Most still don't see what the real gripe is... The movement isn't about government or wall st...

The ENTIRE SYSTEM is broken and needs to be replaced. College grads are feeling the squeeze because they have alot of debt and not many options to maneuver with their "degrees"

Older folks are getting their pensions cut in half because our elected officials do not have our interest in mind

This thing we call capitalism is not in the interest of you and I. Do not compared other countries to ours because they are not THE EMPIRE OF THE WORLD. We have more than enough resources and purchasing power to create and build anything we need but the resources and federal reserve notes are used in more government expansion and bailing out big banks who make risky investments on our expense.

It's time for a change in our culture as a race of human beings. All this double talk by politicians is a bunch of crap and the people are tired of bring looked over in place of money changers who place greed and profit over the welfare of society as a whole... If you can't recognize that your whole perspective is wack..

Just because I have foamposites ,an apt ,a car , and no debt doesn't mean that I should lay down like a #%*%% and accept things just for the way they are.

I'm not sure what my place is in this movement but I'm figuring it out day by day. Our numbers have grown since my time at zucotti park. I've been down there 7 times maybe 8 times and each day the numbers grow and our uniformity seems genuine on the concerns of our race as a whole.

I fought for this country right after 9/11 . Found out what the government was all about during my enlistment and never looked back . No one can't ever tell me to shut up and go to work... The only thing military is good for in the real world is security. If all the jobs are outsourced based on CAPITAList ideas and views , how can we survive when the odds are purposefully stack against us??
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by ksteezy

You must be delusional to think that one Jay does on a day to day basis is more valuable than what a surgeon does for a living...anyhow that's irrelevant to the topic, I only brought up those examples to show that anyone can advance in this country, it's just a matter if hard you want to work for it and what satisfies you....but the opportunities are really think these bankers you hate so much, didn't bust their $$$ at one point?? you think it was a smooth ride to the top?...I highly doubt that.


im delusional, tho.

(by the way,i said it was subjective, and i COULD say what jay does is more valuable. but, the fact remains what jay possesses is a doctors have a monopoly on any sort of medical procedures, to my knowledge. therefore, there is one jay z but millions of 'surgeons' that can all preform the same tasks the exact same way, THEREFORE what jay does HOLDS MORE MONETARY VALUE as entertainment than any surgery ever performed...yes. id pay more to see jay z rap live than i would to watch any surgery yes, it is more valuable, in regards to money, than what surgeons do. likewise, the undocumented farmer works 5 times as hard as anyone on wall street.....why do these guys on wall street hold more than 10 thousand times the wealth/importance as an undocumented farmer? are they REALLY that much more important and valuable as humans? or are they just benefiting from a system already established that they're already a part of? from my knowledge, theres not really an application to apply to be CEO of lehman brothers....maybe they accepted applications but im pretty sure they had a population from which to pick...a population that more than likely had some sort of connection to the banking industry outside of their own an example, see the nice roster of banking execs that transition to lobbiests and cabinet members then fed reserve chairmen,  CEOs of multiple financial institutions...there is a population that is connected to banking far before education in the arena is even attained. the same players, the same faces, many different functions. its like a club....and heres a secret, no matter what me and you do we'll never be included...period. no hard work, education or anything else for that matter will get us those "connections" which have nothing to do with hard work nor personal responsibility. and they're flooding each other's pockets with money made off of the average man's labor. that's what the outrage is over. your life comfortable enough that you're not outraged? cool...but save the slander for something else. not everyone lives the life you live. not everyone is granted the same circumstances. just because YOU personally overcame hardship doesnt mean that EVERYONE just means you were fortunate enough to beat the system and not become a statistic. why discourage or talk down upon others who arent as fortunate as you were? oh, because YOU did it, right? and they ARENT doing it, right? and yeah, your coworker ENJOYS working 4 got it. she wouldnt rather work one job and send her daughter to AFFORDABLE college, nah, she PREFERS overpaying and overworking....

Corporations are...incorporated. I have a gist of what you're getting at...but please learn about the basics of business organization before you make yourself sound stupid. Corporations are ran by a Board of Directors. The Directors elect the officers. This isn't like a job at Mc'Donalds where you apply for the position of CEO. I believe Lehman Brothers is bankrupt. 
Originally Posted by kidplay

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Do I live in a different country or something...why is it that my co-workers work 2-3 jobs if they want the best college education for their kids without going into coworker works 4 jobs!!!...not once have I heard her complaint about it, she gladly pays out of pocket 40k a year for her daughter's education and this way no money will be owed at the end.....if given the opportunity to work day and night to these people who are affected, would they do it???...if the only way to get ahead was by scrubbing floors and wanshing dishes would they do it????...why are some of you so stubborn and close minded as to see that no matter how hard things seem in America, the doors of opportunity are still there, doors that have never been open to people in other just have to be wise about the decisions you make, money is there to be made bros.

so youre saying its right that your coworker works 4 jobs to pay for an education for her daughter which promises to give her daughter an average yearly salary lower than a year of the actual tuition to the school?

thats how its supposed to be?

nevermind that college tuition is hyperinflated....

nevermind your coworker has to work 4 jobs to put her kids through college...

no, lets point fingers and talk down to those who DONT work 4 jobs to send their kids to school....cause they're lazy....


we live in the same country, but we're obviously from two different worlds...

you asking if people would do whatever, even wash dishes and scrub floors, i ask YOU, ksteezy, who isnt poor by any means, WOULD YOU SCRUB FLOORS TO MAKE IT?

part of me wants to go out on a limb and say youve never scrubbed anything but expensive sneakers....but what do i know?

the doors of opportunity are still there? lmao, yes, a job making 7 bucks an hour at walmart with no benefits is a huge door of opportunity afforded to the average american, a luxury that people in 3rd world countries arent afforded. you got it, guy.

(of course there is more opportunity here than in, say, liberia, HOWEVER, that doesnt mean we havent seen a major decline in opportunity and can't voice our displeasure over it, ESPECIALLY when the mega rich are actually becoming richer than theyve EVER been in the HISTORY of society....not to mention, at the same time, the poor are becoming even poorer. no reason to be upset or mad about any of that at all, you got it. )

maybe yall arent mad or upset because you live a pretty comfortable life that you imagine is the average american experience....

just maybe.
colleges actually operate an an operating loss and usually make up the difference in gov't grants (which has dried up significantly since the cold war ended) and alumni contributions. 
That is blatantly false
Human beings are consistently poor at assessing the value of any good or service. That doesn't necessarily mean that the government, which by the way consists of human beings, should be responsible for making decisions or determining proper value.

A Jay-Z verse is only as valuable as what another human being is willing to pay for it. They look at potential earnings from having Jay-Z on their record and compare it to the cost. Sometimes they win and sometimes they lose. I personally feel a Jay-Z verse is HIGHLY overpriced for the value it brings to any artist, but that's not my job. I'd pay more for a T-Pain, Rihanna or Eminem verse than a Jay-Z verse. Point being, we as human beings make choices in our lives. I can't necessarily get mad at Jay-Z for taking advantage of a small portion of the population who value what he does enough to pay him for it.

In 17th century Holland, you could trade a single tulip for 4 oxen or a thousand pounds of cheese. You live and you learn when it comes to the value of goods. If true revolution or catastrophe ever hit this earth, people would snap back to reality.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Man you're a joke to all minorities. A joke. You can't even come up with one source to support your views, if I call that jibberish anything concrete. That's because you don't read. Post sources, info, heck anything besides your mug.

Let's not protest Civil Rights in Selma because you are walking on a white man's bridge. What kind of logic is this? Everything has to start somewhere. SMH.

I could care less, let people protest, what difference does it make to me??...none....I'm I the only one that feels this way...NO, there are two sides to the coin, I'm a joke because I believe we are all responsible for our actions??..I live with a person who's fallen victim to her own choices, my wife...not once did I blame the system, I blame her, she placed herself in the position where she is today, still trying to figure school out and taking out loans, meanwhile we had pretty much the same upbringing and opportunities growning up...what the $$%$ sets me apart?...I'll tell you, the choices I made, those same choices is what got your favorite CEO to a position where he's collecting huge bonuses and laughing at the rest of the world, given the opportunity, you wouldn't do that same??...I'll wait for an honest response.
im just chillin in the cut reading
ksteezy...........ionno man. i know you worked hard an congrats but you really feel we have no problems in this world today its all just ppl are repsonsible and need work hard?


there are def 2 sides to the coin i agree, you guys are both makin good points ppl are def responsible for choices but the system is a problem too.
Give any if those protestors the CEO salary and bonuses and let's see how evenly they split it out between all of us, be real with yourself, is a dog eat dog world, DEAL WITH IT.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Wowzers at this dude downplaying the struggles this dudes moms went through...if to you that idea is that far fetched you are living proof of how sheltered americans are...

And yes, Diddy is entertaining, watching Lebron Dunk is fun...but I ask you this, are these things more valuable than having Dr. Leibowitz do a heart transplant??...yet I'm sure he's not seeing no where near Diddy money, Hell, I think Wale making more than your average doctor
   "are those things more valuable" i mean, thats an objective question...i could be a **** and say "YES, THEY ARE"

your average doctor is one of thousands of average doctors who preform average surgeries...

now, the top brain surgeon in the world, you think he makes as much as your average doctor or more closer to "wale money"?


a jay z verse is expensive. why? theres only one way to get a verse from jay z....thats pay him to make it. theres one man on the planet that could give you a jay z verse...thats him. if you want it, if the demand is high enough, youll pay whatever he asks. there are a million doctors on the why would any of them make as much as jay z does when he has a monopoly on the "jay z verse" department?

the demand for a jay z verse dictates the value of a jay z verse...whereas the value of these bakers has nothing to do with the individual....ANY CEO IN THOSE POSITIONS WOULD MAKE THE SAME DECISIONS AND BE COMPENSATED THE SAME 100 MILLION DOLLAR CHECK


its not a case of "i want to see an entertaining dunk from one specific human"

im not downplaying any struggles, its called reality. people come on here and make ridiculous #$@ statements, i know its not my job to check people but i cant help it.

no way i believe a single mother with 4 kids didnt recieve government assistance...i mean, based on the information from her "whining" (since, you know, its nothing but whining babies occupying wall street) we learned that she lived with someone who collected social security for a paralyzed child...the same person who watched them while her mother worked....

if thats downplaying her mothers struggles, whatever....

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Oh wait so in an ideal world, everyone would have free education and have a 6 figure job waiting for them the second the cap goes flying in the air, in an ideal world you and your boss will be in the same pay bracket??...righhhhhhhhhttttt

Naive NTer is Naive
you read what i typed and understood it completely.

you are a very very intuitive person.

my thoughts and outlook on the situation are completely naive and stupid and come from a lazy and spoiled mindset that is shared with a majority of the average americans.


sarcastic nter is sarcastic.

Originally Posted by kidplay

colleges actually operate an an operating loss and usually make up the difference in gov't grants (which has dried up significantly since the cold war ended) and alumni contributions. 
yeah ohio state violates the state constitution and has raised tuition every quarter more than the law mandates,  since 01, because they're operating at a loss....they make absolutely no money. you got it. they're a virtual nonprofit.

nevermind the 5- and 6-figure salaries for many of the top management positions of these universities...nevermind that.

like i said, if there were no loans for college, would college be 40k a year?

if it was 40k a year without the opportunity for financing the debt, who would go?

how many more kids wouldnt be able to afford college?

how drastically will the college population be reduced if you couldnt finance 40k to go to college each year?

my guess is that all the colleges would either drop tuition to something affordable and reasonable....

or they would go bankrupt....

same with car companies....same with real estate firms...

listen, everything in this country was had been hyperinflating since the 80s....when that inflation bubble burst...people realized "damn, !%@$ was inflated"


370k houses......foreclosed.....resold.....for...80k....

the land its on is worth, 25k , realistically, and the house isnt even worth 35k....lmao but it was 370k before...why? BECAUSE YOU COULD JUST SIGN SOME PAPERS AND PAY IT OFF OVER 60 YEARS



the house wouldnt have ever been 350k cause nobody is dropping 10% of that in cash the day they sign...why? its quite impossible.

thats why the uber easy and convienient home loan was brought about, where you could get a fixed intrest rate, and pay what you pay to rent, to own a beautiful 450k house...

but the bankers who profitted to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars EACH CEO? nah, that has NOTHING to do with them...absolutely NOTHING to do with them...

its all the spoiled and lazy americans......and their entitlement complex...


why try to get a 450k house for the same mortgage payments you rent a 2 br apartment for now?

why would you stupid, entitled americans ever want to do that?


perspective, get some.

its lunch time, see you guys later.
do you know how much their expenses have increased in the same time period? for all you know they could be raising tuition so they are not operating at an even larger loss. 
you're complaining about FIVE figure salaries for the TOP management positions of universities? 
Originally Posted by Al Audi

im just chillin in the cut reading
ksteezy...........ionno man. i know you worked hard an congrats but you really feel we have no problems in this world today its all just ppl are repsonsible and need work hard?


there are def 2 sides to the coin i agree, you guys are both makin good points ppl are def responsible for choices but the system is a problem too.

But of course it's a flawed system, no doubt about it...It's a global problem, but is very simple, you can throw a million articles and current event my way (Hank) but it all boils down to this, we as people are flawed, we are greedy, we are selfish, do you expect a system built by us to be any differet?
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Give any if those protestors the CEO salary and bonuses and let's see how evenly they split it out between all of us, be real with yourself, is a dog eat dog world, DEAL WITH IT.

dont think i ever seen you this angry on NT
it is a dog eat world i guess....

i dunno man, id like to see the ppl around me happy too though, i love money but that is not all life is about. i know everything cant be equal in the world but with that attitude we wont get anywhere in this country let alone this world.

if you feel that way cool but one motivation of working hard in life for me personally is to help others i care about. 
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Man you're a joke to all minorities. A joke. You can't even come up with one source to support your views, if I call that jibberish anything concrete. That's because you don't read. Post sources, info, heck anything besides your mug.

Let's not protest Civil Rights in Selma because you are walking on a white man's bridge. What kind of logic is this? Everything has to start somewhere. SMH.

I could care less, let people protest, what difference does it make to me??...none....I'm I the only one that feels this way...NO, there are two sides to the coin, I'm a joke because I believe we are all responsible for our actions??..I live with a person who's fallen victim to her own choices, my wife...not once did I blame the system, I blame her, she placed herself in the position where she is today, still trying to figure school out and taking out loans, meanwhile we had pretty much the same upbringing and opportunities growning up...what the $$%$ sets me apart?...I'll tell you, the choices I made, those same choices is what got your favorite CEO to a position where he's collecting huge bonuses and laughing at the rest of the world, given the opportunity, you wouldn't do that same??...I'll wait for an honest response.

you still not doing that well off son... Just because you don have school loans to pay off whoopty doo. What about the inflation rate overshadowing the rise of minimum wage? What about the jobs that we should have in this country being outsourced for slave wages? Capitalism makes it all possible . My wife has to pay off 20000 in student loans. She has her degree but cannot find a job in her field because degrees are worthless in today's economy. Why should someone bust their !%$ based off illusions and false promises off prosperity... Why are 401k's and people's pensions feel the pinch but the top tier bankers and politicians and war profiteers get an easy ride without any bumps in the road... I'm not arguing because it's not in my nature. I just state facts and let you make your own conclusion.
Oh look no info and only anecdotes.

Who is asking for a bailout? What are you arguing against? People are asking for everyone to be held responsible. Where are these demands? You don't read. Admit it. Post something that backs up your gibberish. Anything.

So white poverty is like 10% and black poverty is around 27%... what should I assume according to your reasoning?
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm
Corporations are...incorporated. I have a gist of what you're getting at...but please learn about the basics of business organization before you make yourself sound stupid. Corporations are ran by a Board of Directors. The Directors elect the officers. This isn't like a job at Mc'Donalds where you apply for the position of CEO. I believe Lehman Brothers is bankrupt. 

yes, and the people who sit on boards of directors grinded, worked really hard, and were placed on the board through a cold application and the hard work on their resumes....and the people the board of directors appoint are appointed because of the work credentials on their resume, not how close they are, personally, with individuals on the boards of directors...


in case you missed my enitre point.
What is it that you want me to admit??...that I'm not subscribed to political blogs, that I don't pick up the Wall Street Journal or the Newyork Times??..ok bro, you got it....kudos to you....I never said I was well informed or even stated any actual facts, percentages or quotes...everything I speak on, in this board is from personal experience, either directly or indirectly...wether is about love or how flawed our system call it giberish, I call it an opinion and I would like for you tell me how anything ive said doesn't make sense, just because I didn't read it out of a column on the NYT
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