Are there other programs besides this one to help get twitter rsvps?

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I am the author and I am not happy that the info was posted. I posted earlier asking that this thread be deleted, but apparently some people don't respect my wishes and even go so far as to assume that all I care about is money.

The information on the program was not publicly available and was not intended to be publicly available. To me that's like sharing another user's personal information. Would that not be considered an offense on this forum?

I have suspended new subscriptions until I figure out what to do.

im sorry but its not the same as sharing personal information. not 1 bit.

you are offering a PAID service to the public on the internet. if you really wanted to keep the application exclusive, you could have taken the extra step of creating a login page for users to access that pay for your application. if you developed the application then you should know how to create login accounts also.

information posted on the internet is public knowledge. its up to the poster to maintaince access control.
Then someone would have just shared the login.

Goodbye NT.

As a software developer, I am sad that you cannot grasp the concept of login accounts and access control. You are being paid by people, correct? Take the extra step and do it right then.

I mean, how are you managing these people's twitter handles? If you are using a database, you can just add the extra stuff for a password, email, etc and validate on login.
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Wish I knew how to use, can anyone explain 

why? because im being realistic?

There's a difference between a community, grassroots movement for a small price and a commercial entity that is designed for the masses. This was designed to give a small advantage to us, the community, not a loudspeaker ticket for all who lurk or share.
why? because im being realistic?
bc you're usually the mediator. not one to take sides in an argument

im just keeping things in perspective.

its pretty simple.

guy makes app
guy creates a website that contains the app to be downloaded
guy DOES NOT implement access control
guy gets upset that the link to his site has been posted
why? because im being realistic?

There's a difference between a community, grassroots movement for a small price and a commercial entity that is designed for the masses. This was designed to give a small advantage to us, the community, not a loudspeaker ticket for all who lurk or share.

hold on... he created an App for Niketalkers that only a few Niketalkers knew about? And now that its been posted so more of our Niketalk brothers can use it, people mad?
hold on... he created an App for Niketalkers that only a few Niketalkers knew about? And now that its been posted so more of our Niketalk brothers can use it, people mad?

You and I both know a thread on General dedicated to the app and a few pages in a Nike thread are two different beasts. Straight from the developer's mouth, he didn't want this.
hold on... he created an App for Niketalkers that only a few Niketalkers knew about? And now that its been posted so more of our Niketalk brothers can use it, people mad?

You and I both know a thread on General dedicated to the app and a few pages in a Nike thread are two different beasts. Straight from the developer's mouth, he didn't want this.

then he can and should provide access control to the site. the logic is simple.

you cant create a website then get mad about who knows about it. it makes absolutely no sense as you cant control who views your site. its the developer's job to control who has access to it. not an administrator on niketalk. not president obama, not my mother (whom i dearly love).

this reason alone is why im not deleting it nor do i have justification to ban members.
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Wow this turned out hilarious. thats the internet for ya.
I don't understand why people are salty at bigj.

Anything the is public on the internet is public (circularity intended). Why don't you complain to Google about your app appearing in the search results? Why not complain to Twitter that someone had tweeted the link to your "private" app?
Wait. Are you kidding?

You all get the links 10 minutes before they even post them? By watching nike tweet? How is that even possible? I know its an "app"
But i guess i just dont get it.

And nobody holds it down with the links on here?
It would of been nice to access to a app like that to beat out re-sellers. Can't stand people on eBay trying to sell kicks showing they have them RSVP.

Can't hide anything on the internet. Don't get mad this thread was posted get glad, get gladware.
yup he suspended it now. good job.

apparently, he only suspended "new" memberships so you really didnt miss something you didnt previously know about.

Wait. Are you kidding?

You all get the links 10 minutes before they even post them? By watching nike tweet? How is that even possible? I know its an "app"
But i guess i just dont get it.

And nobody holds it down with the links on here?

the way it was explained to me, these types of apps give you the precious seconds ahead of non users.

it pretty much scrapes the nike twitter link for keywords and does what it does. i highly doubt it gives others a minutes advantage.

It would of been nice to access to a app like that to beat out re-sellers. Can't stand people on eBay trying to sell kicks showing they have them RSVP.

Can't hide anything on the internet. Don't get mad this thread was posted get glad, get gladware.

resellers probably use the app to. not really changing much.
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This was what it did. *Straight from the app itself.

# links and RSVP tweets will only be opened for these accounts
# put yourself in the list so you can test it!

- nikestore
- ndctester
- yourusername

# make check text to 1 to look_for the specified text (only links containing the text will be opened, useful for multi-release days)
# make check text to 0 to open links no matter what text is in the tweet
# look_for search is not case-sensitive, so yeezy would match YEEzy or yEEzy or yeezy in tweet
# be sure pick a word or phrase unique to your shoe if using look_for
# you can enter multiple words/phrases separated by a comma, or just one

enable check text: 0
look for: yeezy, air jordan

enable exclude text: 1
exclude: grade school,
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