Are there any................

Originally Posted by Diego

Is there any NYPD on this board?

...i doubt they would speak up
Originally Posted by SneakerPimp2k8

Originally Posted by Diego

Is there any NYPD on this board?

...i doubt they would speak up

Eff that. I took the NYPD test yesterday, just trying to explore my chances before this whole economy gets even more messed up.
im not knocking them, I took the test years ago, also for corrections and court officer....Govt jobs ftw, multiple arrests a few years back FTL
I know they got a negative stigma (NYPD) with them, but I aint going to let that determine what kind of officer I would be.

I cant say I always wanted to be a cop, I just decided this like 3 days ago. I got a good job right now, but it feels Ive reached my max here.

I dont know why Im spilling all this right now, just wanted to get it out right quick.

Fortunately for me I have no record or arrests.

What did you score when you took the test?
well im black, i got lots of warnings about how racist the dept is but f that, it's about getting your $ youre not gonna let anyone stop you....I have agood job also but its repetitive, Id much rather be out in the street. No arrests is a good thing and will save you lots of paperwork, my test score was a 80something, it actually expired. My investigator sucked so it was a long process and I got turned off. I'll be taking it again soon....My arrests werenon-violent, and I dont have any felonies, the questioning/paperwork is just annoying
Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by OB89

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by OB89

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by OB89

Originally Posted by rudy

Originally Posted by IM A HELION

SHUT UP. Yes, I can say that on the internet and you can't do a thing about it.

tell him homie

I wouldn't quite say that. If your only saying shut up, who cares? Take it any further and I can have a little chat with the admin to take further steps with your IP address. We don't do things to pull any arms and legs we just do things to keep the criminals off the street. Don't like us, don't call us. THAT SIMPLE!
Maaaan shut up

loose the ignorance and then come talk to me.
Right. Lose the self-appointed authority and then come talk to me.

no thanks, i can only imagine how arrogant you are in person..

Probably as arrogant as you are behind the badge. The question is how you would be if you didn't have it?

Edit: I just peeped your Avy too... Mo County? You probably one of the pigs who pulled me over in the middle of the day on Montgomery Village ave for my tint.

I took my Mother some food on my lunch break and these bammas pull me over because my tint is too dark... Next thing I know I'm in handcuffs on the side of the road while 7 police cars including a Tahoe with a K9 are out there. They proceeded to search my car. Found nothing at all.

So I get a repair order for my tint and end up getting back to work late because these petty Mo County cops. Yall the WORST OF THE WORST...

Go be a cop in DC or PG and catch some real criminals...

I got stories for days... I'm not surprised by yours one bit. I once got cuffed and search for a half hour cuz I was caught my mother's rescue as she was unable to BREATHE due to complications with her ALS. Since no one was home that could help her, they called me. Of course the cop wouldn't believe that. "We hear **%#$!@! stories like that all the time... open the trunk".. I believe it was. Sure, one of the 3 cars full of officers could have drioe the 10 blocks down the street to my house to verify my story. But that would have been to much like protecting and serving, right? Oh, at least she didn't die that nnight though........... lucky me..

I got stories like this for days too... The thing is they come in here talkin about if you have dark tint your asking for it??? If I have dark tint I may be asking for a repair order but where did all the other extra %$@# come into play? What about the times after I took my tint off... I even had a police officer ask me if I was white or black before... What does that have to do with you pulling me over for doing 54 in a 55? "its raining outside dont you think you should slow down"?? Since I was going below the speed limit NO... Then You make me sit out in the rain on the curb while you search my car and find nothing at all... I coached pee wee football at the time so I had all the kids jerseys and equipment in my car.... these bammas ripped through everything and left all of my stuff outside in the rain... Pulled off after giving me a warning for doing 54 in inclimate weather...

Man %^$&* the police like i said earlier...

good 4 u buddy, ur looking cooler every sSecond that passes by
Originally Posted by KayGeeDaGr8

The park that's on pawtucket ave I think!! The road that leads to the BOA.. that park
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Oooooooh....i wouldn't even got here period....if you get bagged there you deservew.e you get[/color]
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