April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

Why did they have Jarrett in his terrible pre-97 attire instead of his ‘99-present day one :rofl:

Nostalgia always wins.

The real question is, why was Jarrett the only entrant surprise?

Angle vs JJ shouldve happened.. :rofl:

I popped for Kirk but knew he wouldn't last more than a few minutes :blush:
I legit believe They gonna let Seth beat Brock. I see the path to how they do it. I hope they do it
Share the path :nerd: .
I mean we know Brock can have great matches with guys smaller than him and he is willing to sell to make it look believable too. In those matches with AJ, D Bry and Finn they were all able to tell the story that if things fell differently and they executed their gameplay a bit better they could’ve won those matches and they pushed Brock to his limit. So they’ve shown they know how to make it believable especially in that match against Finn yesterday selling the injury to the midsection so now you think “oh Brock’s injured in the area Finns finisher targets he could do it” they could convey the same story in a match with Seth puts Brock in a situation where he say gets a head injury early on so now you think “oh this sets up perfectly for Seth’s stomp to take him out and win he could do it” now this time instead of Brock escaping with the win he Doenst.
Like it’s possible they could do this match in a believable way Seth could win
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Vince loves when a person keeps the character he created. Like, it always bothered me that Razor Ramon and Diesel were inducted in the WWE Hall of Fame and not Hall and Nash, Vince created the JJ 97 gimmick and their is no way in hell he is gonna let Jarrett come out in anything but that
Sasha is sexy as hell, but what the hell does she look like without that stupid *** red hair. Like she goes on dates with that?
Seeing people say that the men's Rumble was bad because it was predictable and Seth was out for a while because of being put through the table.

The Seth thing I could see because they really didn't need to do that. They did it recently with Roman so he didn't do much. Pretty sure they always keep the winner low-key from doing too much in the Rumble.

But predictable doesn't matter if it's done right. As long as they book well, predictable can be the right outcome
Vince loves when a person keeps the character he created. Like, it always bothered me that Razor Ramon and Diesel were inducted in the WWE Hall of Fame and not Hall and Nash, Vince created the JJ 97 gimmick and their is no way in hell he is gonna let Jarrett come out in anything but that
Nash went in as Nash not Diesel tho
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