Apple's September 12 invite hints at iPhone 5. Upgrade to iOS 6 now.

Going after instagram with that shared photo stream. Like how instagram was before in was available for androids :lol:

**** it :lol:
If Apple can pull it off, then I'll use it. Instagram is dope, but at any chance to get a better version of anything, its worth a test.

 That's what I thought. Well at least we got a processor upgrade, weren't the rumors that it would use an upgraded version of he A5?

Yeah, it was rumored that it would just be an upgraded or "tweaked" version of the A5. But a full processor upgrade sounds even better
Ehh. Nothing major as expected. I'll try to get a brand new 4S. I'm off contract now & I don't feel like re-upping for another 2 years.
Been using the 4 since initial RD in 2010.

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Looks like i'll pass on the 5 and stick with my 4s.
I can do without the bigger screen. ...extra row? I keep mine to 3 rows a screen as is.

more interested in the iOS update at this point
I just don't see the point in creating a new connector? Have people been having problems with the old one? I thought having a universal connector across most apple products was a brilliant idea. Why fix what isn't broken?
Tim Stevens 1:39 PM [18917] People just applauded the new connector! Heartily, even.

Darren Murph 1:39 PM [18920] And he didn't even mention a price. Oh, the humanity.

Dude told his colleague to "Deal with it :sunglasses" regarding the new connector. :lol: :smh:

Overdue smiley? :nerd:
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There's no excitement anymore because these conferences aren't announcements of new information anymore, its just a confirmation of rumors that have occurred over the past year since the last release.
That's not their fault.
I applaud them introducing a new connector. I hated the old iPod/iPhone adapter. Durability was always an issue for me.
Cnet is doing a live commentary type of thing for you guys who don't like to read
Screw Siri with the score updates. What I've been waiting for for a LONG time is the ESPN ticker/bottom line. It would be perfect in the notification center
Panorma, finally :pimp:  And what is this 28 Megapixel nonsense :nerd:

Basically the number of pixels in the image as a result of stitching several 8MP images together in Panorama.

New iPhone's not bad. I'm still good with my iPhone 4, though.
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