Apple's September 12 invite hints at iPhone 5. Upgrade to iOS 6 now.

Is the A6 the same chip as the new ipad?

I thought the iPad used an A5?



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Console quality? Which console :lol:

Let me know when you get Uncharted or Last of Us on mobile... ill wait

EDIT: "The graphics are somewhat sparse, but what we can see looks quite nice."

Good clarification.
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Sidenote but I love how Engadget's blog updates in real time and is nowhere near as laggy as the old way. Beats having to refresh every five seconds.

Niketalk should adopt something like this.

yeah, the engadget liveblog is impressive . . . almost like watching as it happens . . .
I don't see the need to customize the look of a phone. I've done it before, and it was cool for a bit, but its not essential.
Dynamic low light...up to 2 f-stops greater - nice.

Edit: built-in Panorama...bout damn time.

I'll definitely put this to the test ASAP.
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I wouldn't say severely, but yeah there's no excitement from me.

There's no excitement anymore because these conferences aren't announcements of new information anymore, its just a confirmation of rumors that have occurred over the past year since the last release.

That's not their fault.
Going after instagram with that shared photo stream. Like how instagram was before in was available for androids :lol:
I will be making an electronic purchase this month because of my inability to upgrade to a new phone until next year
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