APPLE THREAD | Apple Event Sept. 9th 2024 10a.m. PT. | iPhone 16

Team nekkid or with a case?

  • Team nekkid

    Votes: 119 26.0%
  • Case

    Votes: 282 61.6%
  • Nekkid with occasional case

    Votes: 57 12.4%

  • Total voters
What I wanna know is why all if a sudden my charger is now not supported by my phone when it's the same damn charger that came with it when I bought it about a year n a half ago?!?
Gotta love Apple!!

My little sister misplaced her phone while shopping. We tried calling it and Facetiming, then all of a sudden it goes straight to her voicemail. I ask her how much battery did she have when she last saw it. She said 93% but was also texting and surfing the web, I'm like okay so somebody has it.

Tracked the phone through Find My iPhone... Bam! Somebody's crib, 15 miles away!

so did you get the phone back?
Gotta love Apple!!

My little sister misplaced her phone while shopping. We tried calling it and Facetiming, then all of a sudden it goes straight to her voicemail. I ask her how much battery did she have when she last saw it. She said 93% but was also texting and surfing the web, I'm like okay so somebody has it.

Tracked the phone through Find My iPhone... Bam! Somebody's crib, 15 miles away!

I heard Find my IPhone location isn't probable cause and the police can't enter the home with that alone.

True or false?
Gotta love Apple!!

My little sister misplaced her phone while shopping. We tried calling it and Facetiming, then all of a sudden it goes straight to her voicemail. I ask her how much battery did she have when she last saw it. She said 93% but was also texting and surfing the web, I'm like okay so somebody has it.

Tracked the phone through Find My iPhone... Bam! Somebody's crib, 15 miles away!

I heard Find my IPhone location isn't probable cause and the police can't enter the home with that alone.

True or false?

No Cop is responding to a call to enter a house to search for a phone :lol: No judge is going to grant a search warrant either.

What you can do, if this ever happens to you, is call for a Police Escort. Cops will show up and escort you to retrieve your property.

Usually if the person has your phone, and see Law Enforcement involved. There's really no point pursuing a stolen phone.

Especially in my sisters case. She had a lock on hers, what exactly are they gonna do?
My professor's daughter left her iphone in a cab. She called it and the person picked up. Asked if she would return the phone, person said no. Professor went to the police and said they couldn't do anything since her daughter lost the phone. Finder's keepers I guess.
Especially in my sisters case. She had a lock on hers, what exactly are they gonna do?
Restore as new?
They can't bypass the email login so. It's worthless. I have a new ipad that I found that is worthless, for this reason.

Owner that lost it had the "lost my iphone" enabled but he hasn't came for it.

Sidenote:I just deleted all backups from my itunes, I'm going to try and back up this 5 again, and then see if it will sync. If not, I'll just start from scratch/send the 6 back, one of the two.
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@youngwolf  Thanks for your help.

I ended up deleting all backups.

Used a different cord and USB hole.

Did a new backup on old phone.

The backup went quickly.

I backed up the info I had on my new 6 in case the sync didn't work again from the 5, I could use the new 6 profile I saved.

Well that caused an issue.

It caused the 6 to freeze on the "connect to itunes screen"

It took me a couple of hours to trouble shoot this but I updated itunes and my Windows 8.

I rebooted the computer, connected the 6 to the computer and it synced fine, and quick.

It has everything transferred, including apps texts email etc.

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Anyone have the new iPad mini 3? Contemplating if I should get one to read books/comics and watching streamed movies...Any pros or cons?

Copped one on my way to Japan. I love it!. Can't believe i was carrying my heavy laptop all these years :smh: .
6+ is definitely the ideal size.
Had to factory reset a 4 and 5 today for eBay, man, they are so tiny after handling a bigger model
Man, I don't know if this is an issue with all iphone models or just the 6 but I never had this happen on previous models, and maybe it's just timing.

I have several alarms set on my phone through out the day for reminders.

Well several times over the last couple of weeks I am in the middle of a phone conversation and the DAMN ALARM goes off, and keeps going off, and I have to end the call immediately just to turn the damn thing off.

Not to mention being startled to death because I am in deep thought and conversation and all of a sudden my damn phone vibrates on my ear. SUCH A CRAPPY FEATURE!!!!!

Is there a way to turn this off or no?
Man, I don't know if this is an issue with all iphone models or just the 6 but I never had this happen on previous models, and maybe it's just timing.

I have several alarms set on my phone through out the day for reminders.
Well several times over the last couple of weeks I am in the middle of a phone conversation and the DAMN ALARM goes off, and keeps going off, and I have to end the call immediately just to turn the damn thing off.

Not to mention being startled to death because I am in deep thought and conversation and all of a sudden my damn phone vibrates on my ear. SUCH A CRAPPY FEATURE!!!!!

Is there a way to turn this off or no?

I'm confused, you set a reminder and it goes off?

or it's going off at the wrong time that you didn't schedule?
I set the alarm not the reminder.

Example: alarm is set for 8:00am, at 8:00am I'm on the phone, and the alarm buzzer and vibrate goes off while I'm on the phone
Man, I don't know if this is an issue with all iphone models or just the 6 but I never had this happen on previous models, and maybe it's just timing.

I have several alarms set on my phone through out the day for reminders.
Well several times over the last couple of weeks I am in the middle of a phone conversation and the DAMN ALARM goes off, and keeps going off, and I have to end the call immediately just to turn the damn thing off.

Not to mention being startled to death because I am in deep thought and conversation and all of a sudden my damn phone vibrates on my ear. SUCH A CRAPPY FEATURE!!!!!

Is there a way to turn this off or no?

I'm confused, you set a reminder and it goes off?

or it's going off at the wrong time that you didn't schedule?
If the alarm expires while I'm on the phone, it should just beep once for an alert or something, or maybe it doesn't go off for the time it is set for if you are on the phone and it should go off once the phone call ends.
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