AP: Tiger Woods To Return To Golf At The Masters


If Tiger wins, or for that matter, loses in a shootout that comes down to the final few holes, he's officially a G and I don't give a damn what he did or does off the links.
Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

So its simping to show he wants to be her husband and will go through whatever rehab he needs to to make that happen? riiiight. You're letting your "never be a simp" attitude blind your better judgment, if you even have any to begin with.

Its like DMXfury said, if monogamy isnt for him, dont be married.

   His infidelity is just like any other addiction like drugs,drinking or gambling. Being holed up in his house or a sex clinic isnt gonna fully solve his problems. In rehab programs they give you tools on how to better manage your problems. They dont fix your problems. You decide in your head to finally not practice these behaviors. He could sit a year in a sex rehab clinic but if he doesnt beleive it he'll go right back to his sex problem. Regular people when they are a recovering addict don't take off several months to a year, they go back to work and so should Tiger.

Basically what I'm saying is his real test is gonna be when he's away from the clinic or his house.  He's eventually gonna be tested so why not do it now.
I feel what you're saying, and you're right.  The real test is gonna be when he's out of the clinic and back on the road.  But like you said, rehab gives people the tools they need to recover, however, he hasn't finished rehab so he doesn't have all the tools he needs to stay faithful to his wife.  Do I think he should golf again?  Certainly.  I just think this is bad timing.
He will probably feel like normal for the first time in a long time on the course. That is what he is, a golfer,
probably more than anything else including being a husband. Right or wrong it is what it is and this is good for golf
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