Anyone realize they graduated with the wrong major?

Don't listen to all these money hungry tools, dude. Get your degree in psych, bust your @!+, and be happy. Just remember, the more abbreviations after yourname, the better the pay. Get your doctorates.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

What sucks is that my GPA isn't too particularly good (2.6 overall) since I didn't take undergrad too seriously the first two years, but the last two years I had a 3.2 overall (when I actually chose a major).

That average kept me from getting into almost most programs, and last thing I'd like to do is get an MA in social work because that field pays ZERO for the amount of work you do.

No idea what to get my masters taking all the pre-reqs JUST to get into a different program is such a waste of money.


my bad on quotin you again, but i think you and me in the same boat with this S!!

I can get a MA in Social work, but what the F!!! for? theres NO money in it. I wantto work with people, be a help to folks, etc. but there is no pay in thisfield at all. and to get a MA means more money spent, more time in school, i gotta go and get a doctorate to start makin money just to create my ownpractice.......F!!! school, and its almost F!!! doin what i want cause aint much incentive outside of...S!!! i cant think of any incentives...

chill government job please fall in mmy lap
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