Anyone here ever get an underage drinking ticket?

i had one a few months ago i went to court and it got dismissed and if it wasnt dismissed i woulda had to pay a fine probally like 25-50 dollars this was in nyby the way
I just got my second one. I don't have a court date yet.

Im sure I will be stuck with unsupervised probation and a hefty fine.
at myself.
Originally Posted by JayHood23

Just wait til you're 21 to drink

Real Talk. I learned my lesson now and I will face the penalties like a man. When I got the ticket I didn't complain at all.

Drinking is overrated anyways.
Originally Posted by JayHood23

Just wait til you're 21 to drink

quote of the day right there!!!!

but really, it's just a fine you get busted anyway? i never got one before the clock turned, came soooo damn close though.
welp, I got a Minor in Possesion ticket.....I had to go to court, pay a $250(my city makes a killin off these since its a college town)....blah blah 6 monthsof probation, mine got cut down to 4.5 months since i will be 21 before the 6 months.
about 5-6 years ago my friend got an underage drinking ticket..

paid a fine and got his license suspended for an entire year [could only drive to school and work and home]..
explain you never got one before the clock turned?

also how do you get one, do you have to be caught with a bottle or caught drunk.
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

1. explain you never got one before the clock turned?

2. also how do you get one, do you have to be caught with a bottle or caught drunk.
1. before i turned 21

2. there's a variety of different ways to get busted...if you have a bottle, it's minor in possession, if you have alcohol in your system, it's aminor...they can also throw other random charges at you as well (drunk in public, disorderly conduct, etc.)
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

1. explain you never got one before the clock turned?

2. also how do you get one, do you have to be caught with a bottle or caught drunk.
1. before i turned 21

2. there's a variety of different ways to get busted...if you have a bottle, it's minor in possession, if you have alcohol in your system, it's a minor...they can also throw other random charges at you as well (drunk in public, disorderly conduct, etc.)
Yea the officer told me if I said anything that made him mad he would give me a disorderly conduct and drunk in public ticket. I guess he wasdoing his job though. I can't be mad.

The security saw me making out with a girl when I was on my way out. He got suspicious and had me give a breathalyzer. The cop and security were making jokeslike "we +@@! blocked this fool" I was
yeah, i was 17

i was out drinking with a group of friends at our elementary school, i forgot i'd left my wallet back at my crib so me and my boy went back to get it. webrought 2 bottles of vodka back and as we walked back to the school, i saw like 4 flash lights in the direction of my friends... it was pitch black so icouldn't see a thing, a random man (police officer) asked me "are those bottles of coke?" i couldn't see so i answered "nah, it'stwo bottles of vodka"..... lol my group of friends started cursing at me since i got all of them in trouble with my blindness.

fined us 85 dollars each and charged us with public intoxication 200 feet within school grounds and minor possession.. i was able to appeal the charges andhave a clean record but still had to pay the fine.

*%!% the popo.
Originally Posted by Otis Dont Play That

Originally Posted by rsdplaya

Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

1. explain you never got one before the clock turned?

2. also how do you get one, do you have to be caught with a bottle or caught drunk.
1. before i turned 21

2. there's a variety of different ways to get busted...if you have a bottle, it's minor in possession, if you have alcohol in your system, it's a minor...they can also throw other random charges at you as well (drunk in public, disorderly conduct, etc.)
Yea the officer told me if I said anything that made him mad he would give me a disorderly conduct and drunk in public ticket. I guess he was doing his job though. I can't be mad.

The security saw me making out with a girl when I was on my way out. He got suspicious and had me give a breathalyzer. The cop and security were making jokes like "we +@@! blocked this fool" I was
where was that at...the club?

if so, that's weak man...usually they'll just kick you out only if you're sloppy.
I had 3 by the time I turned 21. They were all BS though. The first one I blew a .04 and had a sober driver taking me home and the cop still took me to jail.It got thrown out though because of the cops discretion and him lying about other things. I got one for blowing a .01 and I was the only one at the party thatgot a ticket (it was at my house but still I only had like one beer) The 3rd one all of my friends were 21 and they went to the liquor store. One guy had somebeers in between us and the cop wrote me a minor possession ticket because the beers were sitting beside me. I hadnt even been drinking yet either. That ticketgot thrown out as well because it was a BS ticket that he had no right to give me.

The process is pretty easy. At least in Indiana that is. You have to pay like 400 bucks and do some community service as well as attend some sort of alcoholand drug class. Then you stay out of trouble for a year and if you can do that it gets taken off of your record. Its called the diversion program.
I got my second one. What should I expect in Minnesota. Im prepared to take responsibility, just want to know what I'm facing.
I got one my senior year in high school. The fine was dropped but I had to take AA classes for 6 weeks. It was horrible. But that's the price you pay fordrinking something that you don't even like.
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

yeah, i was 17

i was out drinking with a group of friends at our elementary school, i forgot i'd left my wallet back at my crib so me and my boy went back to get it. we brought 2 bottles of vodka back and as we walked back to the school, i saw like 4 flash lights in the direction of my friends... it was pitch black so i couldn't see a thing, a random man (police officer) asked me "are those bottles of coke?" i couldn't see so i answered "nah, it's two bottles of vodka"..... lol my group of friends started cursing at me since i got all of them in trouble with my blindness.

fined us 85 dollars each and charged us with public intoxication 200 feet within school grounds and minor possession.. i was able to appeal the charges and have a clean record but still had to pay the fine.

*%!% the popo.
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