Anyone Ever Failed At The Gym?

i was decline benching and dropped it with 55 on each side was laying on my chest for like 30 seconds i gave up and yelled for help
It's happened to all of us at some point bro, don't let it play on your mind. Get yourself back down the gym asap and carry on as before, you'll soon forget all about it.

As others have said -if you're having an "off day" use DBs or the Smith -or just ask someone for a quick spot.
Also, you said that you "had no energy" -did you eat beforehand?
Always try & get some carbs in your system before your workout
-complex carbs around 2-3 hrs before
-simple carbs around 1 hr -30 mins before.

I ripped my sweats whilst doing squats once -had a huge 6 inch rip right up my butt! The noise echoed around the whole gym ...and there were a couple of cute girls present too.
I didn't even have a change of pants so I had to walk home (through a busy shopping centre) holding my gym bag over my butt cheeks
i fail all the time, that's just part of lifting heavy !%% weight. In my opinion if you aren't pushing yourself to the point of near failure, you're doing it wrong.

Originally Posted by ToLiveandDieinNJ

Just use dumbbells. They give you a better workout because the nature of them engages smaller support muscles and you can't cheat with your back. You'll prob only be able to bench 35lb dumbbells even though your missing the 45lb bar.
Bachelors in BroScience.
Don't be ashamed bro.. Little embarrassing stuff happened to me when I first started lifting in high school .. I was about 135 lbs in 9th grade playing varsity football with 250-300 lb dudes.. I can understand being intimidated.. My best advice would be just ask around for a spot or find someone to work with you while you're there.. Everyone has fails when starting out no big deal and now that I've been lifting on and off for over 10 years I don't mind helping youngsters when I'm at my gym.. Be sure you're using proper technique and don't over exert yourself.. You're still young and chances are your body is still growing.. Thinking back to my coaches having 14-15 year olds squatting 400 lbs makes me cringe.. Really no need for that.. Slowly build up and take your time, make sure you stretch prior to lifting and go for reps with proper technique..
toliveanddieinnj- He does have a point though, it maximizes the muscles and you can cheat on a rep or 2 on benchpress. Will try that next time bro.
firepower23-Yea I did eat before, about 2 hours ago. It was a weird feeling feeling that I had
 Been weight lifting since last year at my house and I've never felt anything like this... The bar just came down on me and tried to put all my strength, but nothing moved.
 To tell you the truth I felt, like I wasn't even there mentally when it happened, but physically I was...
 Will be visiting from now for more info
 Read the 5 sleep stages and my mind was blown
Originally Posted by SOFA KING AWSM

had it happen to me 1st time in the gym. was doing the leg press machine and put on to much weight. I was stuck and getting cruuushed. learned a valuable lesson that day.


some of these story are too much. but it happen to everybody.

get yourself a partner to workout. not some lazy fool either, somebody that will keep you motivated.
Happens to EVERYBODY. If you been lifting a couple of years and it hasn't happened yet, it will someday. Nothing to be ashamed of, it means you were pushing yourself to failure and that's how you grow. Over time you learn when to sense you're getting close to failing and when you'll need a spot. Keep working hard and in the gym and don't get discouraged, I started lifting weights at 5'10" and 133lbs on a good day. Could Bench Press maybe 1 full plate and a little change on each side and couldn't do more than like 2 pullups. It's years later but I'm a solid 210 at the same height and fairly lean and can bench in the 300's, Squat in the 4's and deadlift in the 5's. Keep at it, lift safe, never skip important workouts (i.e., going home after 10 minutes on leg day cause you need a break, and then coming back the next day and training bi's and tri's for 2 hours) and EAT.
It's nothing to be ashamed of, it really does happen to everybody. Mostly happens to me on chest day because I hate chest day so I never push hard enough so my chest is super weak. I am also the klutziest mf'er alive so I embarrass myself at the gym at least once per workout, albeit not necessarily from failure. I usually just laugh and keep it movin. Once I was working out with a friend and she didn't collar her side of the squat bar so all the weights fell off that side and it was a horrible crashing mess. Best thing to do is just laugh and keep doin what you're doin
Son if you get stuck on the bar all u gotta do is slide one end so the wieght hits the ground, and u can slide the other end off ur chest.

When I first got to benching I got stuck on the bar twice. The first time my mans helped me out, the second I used that trick. Followed by playing it off of course.
man u couldve still looked like a g, when i got stuck with 225 for the first time, i just threw the bar off of me and let it fall, its better than cryin for help of havin someone help u, if anything everone thought i was a beast
Originally Posted by slickp42189

man u couldve still looked like a g, when i got stuck with 225 for the first time, i just threw the bar off of me and let it fall, its better than cryin for help of havin someone help u, if anything everone thought i was a beast
Not sure if serious?

A lot things could've happened, you could've seriously injured yourself and others.

There are two techniques that come into mind when this does happen.

1.  Lift one side higher than the other so the weights fall off the barbell
2. Or the roll of shame, let it sit on your chest and slowly roll down your stomach until you can properly sit up right, un-rack the weights then put the bb back
Originally Posted by eeibaby

Originally Posted by slickp42189

man u couldve still looked like a g, when i got stuck with 225 for the first time, i just threw the bar off of me and let it fall, its better than cryin for help of havin someone help u, if anything everone thought i was a beast
Not sure if serious?

A lot things could've happened, you could've seriously injured yourself and others.

There are two techniques that come into mind when this does happen.

1.  Lift one side higher than the other so the weights fall off the barbell
2. Or the roll of shame, let it sit on your chest and slowly roll down your stomach until you can properly sit up right, un-rack the weights then put the bb back
i basically did option 1, but ur definitely supposed to have clamps on the bar, i never understand y people lift without them
Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by eeibaby

Originally Posted by slickp42189

man u couldve still looked like a g, when i got stuck with 225 for the first time, i just threw the bar off of me and let it fall, its better than cryin for help of havin someone help u, if anything everone thought i was a beast
Not sure if serious?

A lot things could've happened, you could've seriously injured yourself and others.

There are two techniques that come into mind when this does happen.

1.  Lift one side higher than the other so the weights fall off the barbell
2. Or the roll of shame, let it sit on your chest and slowly roll down your stomach until you can properly sit up right, un-rack the weights then put the bb back
i basically did option 1, but ur definitely supposed to have clamps on the bar, i never understand y people lift without them

I was always taught it helped your stability, I personally don't like using clamps.  I feel since the plates are secured amateur lifters don't see how uneven the bar is while pushing the weight.
Yea next time is dumbbells that's for sure. I was thinking about putting all the weight to one side so that the 25lb would fall, but the 2 guys that helped were right there... Literally, good thing though because they saved me. maned up and deiced to go today to the gym again. I'll be working out on abs today though. Hope everything goes good and no weights get pinned on me
Originally Posted by JE15306

Yea next time is dumbbells that's for sure. I was thinking about putting all the weight to one side so that the 25lb would fall, but the 2 guys that helped were right there... Literally, good thing though because they saved me. maned up and deiced to go today to the gym again. I'll be working out on abs today though. Hope everything goes good and no weights get pinned on me

if it does happen again.. tell NT..
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