Anyone Ever Failed At The Gym?

Originally Posted by JE15306

sneakerhead- Didn't feel shook, just MAD embarrassed, had the weight sitting there too, SMH. The dudes that spotted me didn't even really care...
 probably just though this poor kid
 Went back off to their buisness. knew after that, that it was time to go home.
Yeah, I can see why you were embarrassed, but we all have to start somewhere. Fortunately, the few times I've failed on bench were at home.

Just keep at it and you'll eventually get to the point where you'll know what weight is comfortable for you without a spotter.
Never been pinned but once I was squatting 225 with no collars, lost my balance, so one of the 45s slipped off one side, causing the other side to straight PLUMMET. Made mad noise but luckily it was pretty early and the gym wasn't packed. I was embarrassed as hell tho. Acted like nothing happened tho cuz I'm a BAWSE. But nah seriously OP its not a big deal and if anything that should be motivation to get stronger
Originally Posted by imvictor

Originally Posted by JE15306

imvictor- Yea you have to start somewhere. How much do you weigh? I'm on the chunky side 150 lbs and 5'7
I'm 140 and 5'11.

Whats the 
That weight and height doesnt sound bad.

Even if your skinny its better than being 5'10 215lb
had it happen to me 1st time in the gym. was doing the leg press machine and put on to much weight. I was stuck and getting cruuushed. learned a valuable lesson that day.
Same thing happened to me when I first started lifting weights.... I was also on the inclined except it didn't landed on my face, it was like half an inch away from my throat. My arms only had that much strength in it to keep me alive.

I was struggling for a good 30 seconds with my life but managed to slide the bar down my waist.
Probably my biggest fail was when I was going to use the bench press, I was unloading the weights on one side and for some reason wasn't thinking. The bar tips over on the side with the weights and makes a huge hole in the wall
(bench was right next to the wall)
Originally Posted by McRaptor

Probably my biggest fail was when I was going to use the bench press, I was unloading the weights on one side and for some reason wasn't thinking. The bar tips over on the side with the weights and makes a huge hole in the wall
(bench was right next to the wall)
just work out with someone. In hs i was benching during football practice and the weights slid off of one side first then slid off the other side smh i was extra embarrassed but got over it. you will be fine especially when you get cut up and can look back at this and laugh. Good luck my man
I don't lift more than I can handle without a spotter. Almost happened though but I mustered enough energy not to embarrass myself.
Happened to me once. At the end of my chest work out I used to finish by repping 135 20 times. One time after like number 10 I couldnt move the bar. It was like 2:30 am and nobody was in the gym. I sat there for like 5 minutes with the damn bar stuck on my chest
It happens bro. I was lifting with my friends who were playing football (I played basketball) and they were lifting 320+ and I was only benching 250. Luckily they were spotting me. Start off light do push-ups at home every night before bed to get your overall strength up and you'll be benching that weight in no time. Best of luck OP.
Just use dumbbells. They give you a better workout because the nature of them engages smaller support muscles and you can't cheat with your back. You'll prob only be able to bench 35lb dumbbells even though your missing the 45lb bar.
its ok young homie. although I've been lucky to never ave it happen, I can only imagine. I'm sure it sucked and was actually probably frightening. good thing you had some older peeps around. Ya gotta be careful. the weightroom is serious business. I dont know what type of setup you guys have, but maybe for a while you should just stick to the machines and calisthenics. maybe move of to light free weights as you progressively get stronger. look at this as a learning experience and grow from it. youll be fine.
Its perfectly normal to ask for a spot. No one has a problem spotting you. Dont be embarssed that you got pinned. that should be motivation to go in and get stronger cuz your weak. Give up your gonna stay weak. Get up and go to the gym and get stronger.
i dont usually have a spotter either.
but yes its much better to have one cause you can go to failure which is the best thing for you anyway.

but youre in high school theres much better gossip then some kid droppin a bar in the weight room
In my high school lifting class some chick was squatting 25's with no clamp, got unbalanced and one of them fell of and drilled another chick in the head... 
When i was in HS i was in the squat rack and dropped the bar. It was loud and i was beat red. But w.e. @!# happens . Next time use a spotter
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