anyone else losing interest in SNEAKERS?

I've noticed my taste changing... Only time I'm high on wearing the sneakers I have is the summer... and even still... its more casual shoes and lessbasketball kicks... *kanye shrug*
Originally Posted by HOVKid

We off that.

Limited editions, horrible jordans and resellers killed it for me. People used to make fun of me for how many pairs of sneakers I had. Then everyone was doing it.
sad but true imo.
Kinda sorta, in a few years I'll be wearing mostly european type casual sneakers if I'm not working and my nikes will be for hoopin/training/exercising

right now though, I'm about to buy some more Jordans and current nike hoop shoes
I still love em,but I'm too broke to get, I stay away to fight the temptation
10years in and i think im done... its been a decade of campout... blown paychecks... driving,hustling,scheming,hunting,and the persuit of somethin greater thanme. chasing the cool? but now "the cool" has really changed for me... i ran a shoe store for 6yrs and now im doing somethin else that doesnt allow meto wear sneakers... it's just kinda weird for me to give this stuff away,or whatever... what if the little remainig spark i have comes back? lol,thatd suckto re-buy everything.. OR TRY...
Originally Posted by backpacker23

Kinda losin interest in jordans, JB is slippin on the quality. Cant believe ppl still buy j's like its still hott.

QFT. im 16 though, i like shoes and all but im not buying as often anymore.
Originally Posted by ago225

Originally Posted by backpacker23

Kinda losin interest in jordans, JB is slippin on the quality. Cant believe ppl still buy j's like its still hott.

QFT. im 16 though, i like shoes and all but im not buying as often anymore.

as often as when?? you're too young to make these kinds of statements man (not taking shots at you)
Originally Posted by Regal Black

I'm still into shoes, I just buy what I like and lately there hasn't been much out there I like.

This + being broke. 21 years old now and all I have are sneakers. No boots, no new dress shoes. Sneakers are on point, wardrobe is slacking.
i'm 26, have a "grown up" job that allows me to wear sneakers (casual office and working in the non-profit world FTW) and even though I buy aboutthe same amount i have for the last 5 years, maybe even more now that I have a decnt steady paycheck.

Personally, i'll always be into sneakers. Seems like lately good releases are few and far between, but nike is still dropping major heat (2k4's, AM360, jordan 20's)
Originally Posted by ML13

Originally Posted by HOVKid

We off that.

Limited editions, horrible jordans and resellers killed it for me. People used to make fun of me for how many pairs of sneakers I had. Then everyone was doing it.
sad but true imo.
Originally Posted by SwanginOn4z

*raises hand*
i dnt even bother with these new whack @%& jordans that be releasing. i wear jb flip flops daily anyhow. but other than that all my cash goes toward creating my slab.
need a ds set of swangaz not jordans lol

I just had a guy transfer to my work from Houston. I asked him about swangaz, he said he saw quite a few. I really wasn't sure if these things really,truly were popular out there, but I guess they are.
yeah the whole hype+price inflation thing and low quality retro jordans did it for me. even when I come across my grails on ebay or iss...i'll be reallytempted...but then i wonder to myself if i'm even gonna wear them like that. almost all the past few pair of sneakers i've bought have sat in mycloset, since i rock my 992s almost on a daily basis. seriously tho, dropping more than 150 on a pair of shoes blows.
It's not that one loses interest in 'em, they just lose interest in what drops. Also, the colorways, materials and quality of the things releasingweren't how one would remember. Trust me, I am not wowed by much dropping either.
Originally Posted by HOVKid

We off that.

Limited editions, horrible jordans and resellers killed it for me. People used to make fun of me for how many pairs of sneakers I had. Then everyone was doing it.
Pretty much my exact thoughts.
Originally Posted by SneakerPimp2k8

Quality sucks and theres nothing to look forward to.

I'll always love sneakers, but Nike are just abusing their monopoly now.
One or two new sneakers on the horizon, but nore interested in picking up OGs these days.
I have lost alot of intrest over the years but it comes with gettingolder.. now i can have without i acually only bought about 5 pairs in 2008 .. i made up for it this year with like 10-15 pairs already but thats because i havea connect at footlocker etc.. and i have alot of paypal money to spend.. but when i was working fulltime i had no time for any of that.. but i will always loveshoes no matter what ..
Originally Posted by SneakerPimp2k8

yea approaching 25 I'm going through the same things...sold 60 pairs in the past 2 months. Quality sucks and theres nothing to look forward to. The market sucks right now for selling so be careful

Really just came in here to see what Sneakerpimp was gon say cuz we jus had this convo a few days ago...
I'll never lose my interest in sneakers. Never.

But life doesn't allow me to wear them every damn day like I used to. That leads me to buy less kicks than before, and the pairs I do buy aren't the"grail" types that I'd thirst for (and cop) back in the day. A professional job, a mortgage, wife and kids will do that to you. Sometimes I wantto say eff it and just splurge on a $200+ pair of kicks, but then I think about my family and what we need first. Those 200 dollars can go towards paying downstudent loans or into a savings account instead of on my feet. Plus with a home, there are a plethora of other things I want to spend my loot on--furniture,upgrading the interior, appliances, etc.

I still buy shoes but now I refuse to even pay retail...copping multiples at the outlets FTW. One good thing about the oversaturation of the sneaker world isthat almost everything either goes on sale, drops in price after the hype dies down or ends up at the outlets.

My suggestion is keep 5 or 6 pairs that you REALLY love and maybe 10 pairs of decent joints. I could never sell all my pairs, so that's what I did. Andtrust me when I say it takes about 1 hour to get over selling a grail. Out of sight, out of mind.
Not me. Seems like last year was slow for me as far as pickups but lately I've been buying a fee kicks here and there. Several releases I'm lookingforward to over the next few months. I'm almost 27 and don't see an end in sight.
Always going to have feet, always going to wear sneakers. You can't wear dress shoes every time you go out.
In all honesty the shoe game etc is dead. You have variants,fakes etc that are just as good quality sometimes even better then the nike release at a 3rd of thecost. Also most shoes are just remakes remixes and reincarnations of shoes that have alreasy been released. Truelly if your in your late 20's 30'setc... There is no need to collect buy shoes anymore. All nike has been doing over the past 5 years is release and rerelease the same shoes that came out inthe past 10 yrs or so. So unless you are one of those ppl who didnt or couldnt afford the shoes at that time or just wore dogged the hell out the shoes, thereis no need to repurchase them. Its not like your shoe size has changed(if your in your 20's 30's) And ex if a pair of blk/red pair of aj11 comes out in2004 and a remake of less and cheaper quality comes out again in 2009, why would you buy them again for 50 bucks more.

With working a 9 to 5 having kids more responsibilities etc... chances are you didnt wear the shoes enough where they would look worst then almost new. Withnew-found obligations and responsibilities and maturity, its not likely that an adult would say hey my kids want such and such or i need to repair such andsuch with my house etc..., you would negate those responsibilities to buy a pair of jordans you purchased 4 yrs ago and only wore like 10 15 times just to buythe same pair 3 yrs later for 50 bucks more and made of cheaper quality and lackluster craftmanship.

The story would be different if your early 20's or teenager. Cause 1 shoe size might have changed. 2 income or amount of money that can be spent on shoeshas changed, therefore you can now purchase the shoes you missed out on the 1st or 2nd round they released/retroed them. Or you was young and just dogged outthe shoes because you didnt care about collecting or just from lack of money and had to wear the shoes more often.

As far as from a collectors standpoint the novelty is dead. What made collecting special was its exclusivity, it rarity and the uniqueness in quality designand concept of shoes. With sorry to say sites like this, ebay, fakes and variants and the lack of creativity in design and technology, mass production ofshoes, this recession, and marquete athletes/celebritites etc advertising cosigning the shoes. Jordans etc arent special, everyone and they momma can get themwhether it be retail, at the flea market for 55 bucks or good used pair for half price or even cheaper online(ebay etc.)

In short shoe collecting etc in general are a noobs young bucks game.
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