anybody just sit at home all day?

yeah finding a good job is easier said than done. Even finding a crap job isint as easy as it should be. You know its bad when people make a big deal about working at a footlocker like they just became the CEO of a firm.
It depends.

For those with skills, finding a job in this economy is a piece of cake. And they pay great too.

For those without any skills, it's tough as nails out there.

It is what it is but the skills that pay in this economy are evident. Most of NT is very young so there's no excuse as to why certain skill sets that pay can't be developed.
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Man when i was working fulltime, i used to love days just sitting at home doing nothing, playing PS3, watching TV, whatever...But i been jobless for over a month now, and this **** is getting old. None of these job apps are working out :smh: I seriously hate my life right now...not just with the job, but there's a bunch of other personal **** going on...i just wanna off myself at times :smh:
Man when i was working fulltime, i used to love days just sitting at home doing nothing, playing PS3, watching TV, whatever...But i been jobless for over a month now, and this **** is getting old. None of these job apps are working out :smh: I seriously hate my life right now...not just with the job, but there's a bunch of other personal **** going on...i just wanna off myself at times :smh:

playing ps3 all day never gets old :smokin
Right :smh: . then i realized to even get a part time job in NYC have to do those nasty group interviews with like 20 people in there smh

really? i was considering gettin a part time gig in nyc but am not looking to go through all that trouble :smh: and to add to that, i wouldnt be able to work for no 7.50 an hour cuz nikes cost too damn much for no 7.50 an hour. You have to work like 20 hours to buy 1 pair of kicks, thats a ******g joke
really? i was considering gettin a part time gig in nyc but am not looking to go through all that trouble :smh: and to add to that, i wouldnt be able to work for no 7.50 an hour cuz nikes cost too damn much for no 7.50 an hour. You have to work like 20 hours to buy 1 pair of kicks, thats a ******g joke

And why do you deserve to get paid more?
really? i was considering gettin a part time gig in nyc but am not looking to go through all that trouble :smh: and to add to that, i wouldnt be able to work for no 7.50 an hour cuz nikes cost too damn much for no 7.50 an hour. You have to work like 20 hours to buy 1 pair of kicks, thats a ******g joke

Son dudes are struggling out here and you worried about shoes :x
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all im saying is if i worked for minimum wage i would not be buying nikes. not trying to disrespect anyone else, i dont know y my comment was interpreted tht way
I work 3 12's a week 3p-3a or 7p-7a. Pretty much the other 4 days are spent picking up some double incentive and overtime, or sleeping all day lounging. Those days off are so clutch. I feel like a lazy *** sometimes. Looking forward to a day shift spot someday but for now that shift diff is niccce.

Graduated w/ my BSN. Only a couple years in to it and have my CCRN, and am certified in every thing my hospital offers. CRNA school in 2014.

I struggled for a while before I got my act together. It was all worth it now.
really? i was considering gettin a part time gig in nyc but am not looking to go through all that trouble :smh: and to add to that, i wouldnt be able to work for no 7.50 an hour cuz nikes cost too damn much for no 7.50 an hour. You have to work like 20 hours to buy 1 pair of kicks, thats a ******g joke

Damn ya'll have it bad in NYC, in San Fran, the minimum wage is $10.35.
yeah its tough in nyc but no one responded to me from earlier, y was everyone flaming me when i merely mentioned that i would not buy 2 hundred dollar sneakers if working for minimum wage, what did u guys deem inappropriate with that comment?
7.50 is the minimum wage down in New Orleans too. I couldn't imagine working 40 hours a week and getting a check for roughly 450 every two weeks. But hey, money is money. It could be worse. Some people can't even find a damb job. 
The days where i dont have nothing to do, always end up being the days i spend the most money. :/
in nyc, the group interviews are for the lower skilled jobs. i had one when i interviewed to be a camp counselor, who were allowed to pay below minimum wage because they included "benefits" such as trips (where we had to watch our group for the entire time).
to answer the OP, when i was a part time substitute teacher, i would basically sit home on my days off. it was nice to get a break during the middle of the week, and it wasn't too bad since i wasn't home everyday, but the pay was :x since i was only paid on days i worked. now that i'm full time, i usually stay home either saturday or sunday just to rest.
i couldnt sit home all day even if i wanted to i get to restless and want to explore
Working 40 hrs/week, there are times I'd like to stay home and sit around. 
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