anybody just sit at home all day?

Naw b we got responsibilities

lol word, with a Full Time job and girlfriend living with you you RELISH the chance to do NOTHING for a whole day....would make my weekend just to sit in the house and relax for a change.

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My girlfriend works retail so usually only gets Sunday off and one weekday off.

My saturday is spent sleeping in until about 10, getting a McD's breakfast, eating breakfast watching an episode of a TV show series I'm catching up on (currently Homeland), then playing COD until my eyes hurt, take a nap/get lunch, another episode of TV show, more COD until the girlfriend gets home, then dinner with her and going out to with girlfriend or homies.

My girl usually don't mind when I play COD but I know she gets frustrated at times. Had a huge fight last week because she was trying to sleep to wake up early for work but I was in a party with like 5 of my homies on COD which never happens so I refused to get off. I jokingly repeated what my friend said which was, "tell her to sleep on the couch". She took it seriously and went to sleep on the couch with all the bed blankets and a pillow. So then I played like two more games because hey she was up there "sleeping" anyways. No...when I went up to go get her she wasn't there. She was sitting outside in her car crying :x :smh: She really felt disrespected that I JOKINGLY told her to sleep on the couch.

She told me I could play COD two nights ago, I told her to go brush her teeth n get ready for bed and surprised her by buying her favorite christmas movie on the PS store (Elf). She was ecstatic. Plus I took her to a heat game last night so I'm really on her good side. She said if the Heat won she'd be so happy she'd give me dome WHILE I played COD. But they the wizards :lol:[/quote]

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

too funny
It's a sad sad cycle. I hate it. I cannnot stand being home at 9am with nothing to do. my normal day is something like this
Wake up around 8am, watch Mike an dmike
10 am Gym
Noon, lunch
1-2 more tv
2-6 Nap
8-10:30 bs side job
Midnight to 4 (most days) get drunk with friends
Rinse, wash, repeat. smh

:lol: I feel it
Naw b we got responsibilities

lol word, with a Full Time job you RELISH the chance to do NOTHING for a whole day....would make my weekend just to sit in the house and relax for a change.

Man, I spent most of last year unemployed, sometimes I start to wish I had a day or two to do absolutely nothing, then think back on those 200+ days I was doing absolutely nothing.......I'm good.
Nah man, you're wrong on this one- no flame either. But if you dont have a job, you dont sit at home all day- you're out there til you get things in place to have the privilege of posting on here. Whats the point of posting advice, 98% of people on here aint trying to here $#!+ anyways- he said what he did- i aint eem mad. I'm tired of people complaining about there not being any jobs, how about putting it in a sense of reality- theres no jobs that they're willing to work. Theres hungry 16 year olds everywhere putting in work, yet 20-40 year olds wanna complain about no jobs- sheeeeeeeeeeet, theres yardwork, construction, cleaning, excavation, even handyman stuff going on

There's definitely jobs around. I could have 5 different jobs but I chose to stick with this one. I don't like telling people how they should dictate their lives, but the no jobs thing is bs. If you're persistent, you'll find a job in every mid to major city in the US.
There's definitely jobs around. I could have 5 different jobs but I chose to stick with this one. I don't like telling people how they should dictate their lives, but the no jobs thing is bs. If you're persistent, you'll find a job in every mid to major city in the US.
Not much you can do if no ones calling you back
There's definitely jobs around. I could have 5 different jobs but I chose to stick with this one. I don't like telling people how they should dictate their lives, but the no jobs thing is bs. If you're persistent, you'll find a job in every mid to major city in the US.
Not much you can do if no ones calling you back
There's definitely jobs around. I could have 5 different jobs but I chose to stick with this one. I don't like telling people how they should dictate their lives, but the no jobs thing is bs. If you're persistent, you'll find a job in every mid to major city in the US.

Go to Detroit and come back and tell me that.

Some of yall be in here sounding like Mitt Romney.
Online looking for jobs now. Man it's tough. trying to figur eout whats good tho. Man this is depressing.
me and i hate it but i have no choice

been studying for my cpa exams the past 4 months

feel like killing myself :x
Just start the year strong homie, thats what i did first week of January selling rastaclat bracelet on my website..invest!invest! invest! recycle that money for bigger and better things..
Just know there will be a lot of hate once you shine...someone shot at my store window at night back hard stay humble!
wait buddy that was you ... the one that started a thread months ago about them braided shoestring braclets??
My biggest fear is when i graduate college i wont be able to find a job that i spent years investing in
I graduated college in the summer and ive been pretty much doing this since then. I work part-time retail so i only get hours on weekends. Recently they have been cutting my hours so i'll work one week and have no hours the next :smh: . Been filling out job apps but i never get a call back or i'll get rejected. I decided to go back to school in the spring so honestly im just counting down the days till i go back.

Ive never been more broke than i am now though, thats all i can really say.
I graduated college in the summer and ive been pretty much doing this since then. I work part-time retail so i only get hours on weekends. Recently they have been cutting my hours so i'll work one week and have no hours the next
. Been filling out job apps but i never get a call back or i'll get rejected. I decided to go back to school in the spring so honestly im just counting down the days till i go back.
Ive never been more broke than i am now though, thats all i can really say.
man thats the struggle for real.... its sad.. hope you find one though bro GL
My biggest fear is when i graduate college i wont be able to find a job that i spent years investing in
That's why I would recommend trying to set up a career path while in college that may not require a degree.

I have been a commercial insurance broker since I was a Junior in school and was selling personal lines as a freshman.  I graduated with an economics degree, but at this point my residuals are keeping my afloat with little effort.  I have allready networked pretty hard in my community and receive referalls on the daily not to mention my renewals.

I have the option to venture into other things, but insurance is treating me well at the moment, and I wouldn't have HAD to get a degree to do this.  It helps, but you deffinately don't need one in my field. Just good people skills and a hustling heart.
I graduated college in the summer and ive been pretty much doing this since then. I work part-time retail so i only get hours on weekends. Recently they have been cutting my hours so i'll work one week and have no hours the next
. Been filling out job apps but i never get a call back or i'll get rejected. I decided to go back to school in the spring so honestly im just counting down the days till i go back.

Ive never been more broke than i am now though, thats all i can really say.
Keep your head up man.  Focus on networking
Oh, you meant for those that refuse to move or do anything different. Because it makes sense to just sit there idol. Are there no restaurants to bus tables at, no yardwork to be done, Christmas lights to hang, cars to wash? Even if there were absolutely no jobs in Detroit, why would you stay there? Doesn't make any sense. I know you think i come off as some know-it-all jerk, but it just seems like the truth to me, what do you think? What would you do in that situation? Sit around and complain?

I see where you are coming from, but for some people, it's not that easy to just up and move.

For the last 2-3 weeks, I have been sitting on my *** Monday-Friday and it is killing me (I work on weekends). I just finished school and I'm basically just going through the motions until graduation comes and I move later this month. Since I won't be able to sit for my licensing exam until sometime in January, I'll have to just sit in the house, study, and apply for jobs. Luckily, once I pass the licensing exam, I can get a job like 1 hour later.
I graduated college in the summer and ive been pretty much doing this since then. I work part-time retail so i only get hours on weekends. Recently they have been cutting my hours so i'll work one week and have no hours the next
. Been filling out job apps but i never get a call back or i'll get rejected. I decided to go back to school in the spring so honestly im just counting down the days till i go back.

Ive never been more broke than i am now though, thats all i can really say.
I'm in the same boat, I'm back home for Christmas break; that college life is a sacrifice for real. I lost so many yambs, because I don't have my own place. It's probably a matter of time before my girl leaves next.
thats sad too see many of us invest money/time in college ... just wondering all yall that graduated, did yall have high or low gpa?
My girlfriend works retail so usually only gets Sunday off and one weekday off.
My saturday is spent sleeping in until about 10, getting a McD's breakfast, eating breakfast watching an episode of a TV show series I'm catching up on (currently Homeland), then playing COD until my eyes hurt, take a nap/get lunch, another episode of TV show, more COD until the girlfriend gets home, then dinner with her and going out to with girlfriend or homies.
My girl usually don't mind when I play COD but I know she gets frustrated at times. Had a huge fight last week because she was trying to sleep to wake up early for work but I was in a party with like 5 of my homies on COD which never happens so I refused to get off. I jokingly repeated what my friend said which was, "tell her to sleep on the couch". She took it seriously and went to sleep on the couch with all the bed blankets and a pillow. So then I played like two more games because hey she was up there "sleeping" anyways. No...when I went up to go get her she wasn't there. She was sitting outside in her car crying :x :smh: She really felt disrespected that I JOKINGLY told her to sleep on the couch.
She told me I could play COD two nights ago, I told her to go brush her teeth n get ready for bed and surprised her by buying her favorite christmas movie on the PS store (Elf). She was ecstatic. Plus I took her to a heat game last night so I'm really on her good side.
She said if the Heat won she'd be so happy she'd give me dome WHILE I played COD. But they the wizards :lol:


Talk about karma lol
Ironically the next day after posting I was unemployed, I gotta job at a warehouse pulling orders as a temp (or at least I think so, havent told me anything yet)
$11 an hour, monday thru friday just like I wanted lol
to answer OP's question. yes only because I work at night and schools almost over now
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