anybody just sit at home all day?


Nov 17, 2012
weekend coming up, trying to figure out what to do?? ii get tired of sitting around the house all day need something interesting to do, maybe a bar or strip club?
weekend coming up, trying to figure out what to do?? ii get tired of sitting around the house all day need something interesting to do, maybe a bar or strip club?

Go get some yambs homie
Work/student full time.

Although I knw some NT gotta be on here 24/7 with not a thing to do.
i got a full time job too... but i find it to be boring from time to time
My girlfriend works retail so usually only gets Sunday off and one weekday off.
My saturday is spent sleeping in until about 10, getting a McD's breakfast, eating breakfast watching an episode of a TV show series I'm catching up on (currently Homeland), then playing COD until my eyes hurt, take a nap/get lunch, another episode of TV show, more COD until the girlfriend gets home, then dinner with her and going out to with girlfriend or homies.
My girl usually don't mind when I play COD but I know she gets frustrated at times. Had a huge fight last week because she was trying to sleep to wake up early for work but I was in a party with like 5 of my homies on COD which never happens so I refused to get off. I jokingly repeated what my friend said which was, "tell her to sleep on the couch". She took it seriously and went to sleep on the couch with all the bed blankets and a pillow. So then I played like two more games because hey she was up there "sleeping" anyways. No...when I went up to go get her she wasn't there. She was sitting outside in her car crying :x :smh: She really felt disrespected that I JOKINGLY told her to sleep on the couch.
She told me I could play COD two nights ago, I told her to go brush her teeth n get ready for bed and surprised her by buying her favorite christmas movie on the PS store (Elf). She was ecstatic. Plus I took her to a heat game last night so I'm really on her good side. She said if the Heat won she'd be so happy she'd give me dome WHILE I played COD. But they the wizards :lol:

lol, When me and my ex lived together the game was Halo 3, but I played in the living room...thats tough you made her go up front lmao!!
My girlfriend works retail so usually only gets Sunday off and one weekday off.
My saturday is spent sleeping in until about 10, getting a McD's breakfast, eating breakfast watching an episode of a TV show series I'm catching up on (currently Homeland), then playing COD until my eyes hurt, take a nap/get lunch, another episode of TV show, more COD until the girlfriend gets home, then dinner with her and going out to with girlfriend or homies.
My girl usually don't mind when I play COD but I know she gets frustrated at times. Had a huge fight last week because she was trying to sleep to wake up early for work but I was in a party with like 5 of my homies on COD which never happens so I refused to get off. I jokingly repeated what my friend said which was, "tell her to sleep on the couch". She took it seriously and went to sleep on the couch with all the bed blankets and a pillow. So then I played like two more games because hey she was up there "sleeping" anyways. No...when I went up to go get her she wasn't there. She was sitting outside in her car crying :x :smh: She really felt disrespected that I JOKINGLY told her to sleep on the couch.
She told me I could play COD two nights ago, I told her to go brush her teeth n get ready for bed and surprised her by buying her favorite christmas movie on the PS store (Elf). She was ecstatic. Plus I took her to a heat game last night so I'm really on her good side. She said if the Heat won she'd be so happy she'd give me dome WHILE I played COD. But they the wizards :lol:

Told her to sleep on the couch lmaoo :rofl:
Naw b we got responsibilities

lol word, with a Full Time job and girlfriend living with you you RELISH the chance to do NOTHING for a whole day....would make my weekend just to sit in the house and relax for a change.
My girlfriend works retail so usually only gets Sunday off and one weekday off.

My saturday is spent sleeping in until about 10, getting a McD's breakfast, eating breakfast watching an episode of a TV show series I'm catching up on (currently Homeland), then playing COD until my eyes hurt, take a nap/get lunch, another episode of TV show, more COD until the girlfriend gets home, then dinner with her and going out to with girlfriend or homies.

My girl usually don't mind when I play COD but I know she gets frustrated at times. Had a huge fight last week because she was trying to sleep to wake up early for work but I was in a party with like 5 of my homies on COD which never happens so I refused to get off. I jokingly repeated what my friend said which was, "tell her to sleep on the couch". She took it seriously and went to sleep on the couch with all the bed blankets and a pillow. So then I played like two more games because hey she was up there "sleeping" anyways. No...when I went up to go get her she wasn't there. She was sitting outside in her car crying
She really felt disrespected that I JOKINGLY told her to sleep on the couch.

She told me I could play COD two nights ago, I told her to go brush her teeth n get ready for bed and surprised her by buying her favorite christmas movie on the PS store (Elf). She was ecstatic. Plus I took her to a heat game last night so I'm really on her good side. She said if the Heat won she'd be so happy she'd give me dome WHILE I played COD. But they the wizards
when i was unemployed.... some of the best times just having the luxury of relaxing and setting your own agenda for each day.

usually went something like this:

9am wake up
9am-10am: breakfast + clean-up
10am-10:30am - Maury
10:30-1:30 - Gym-time / Hoop
1:30-2:30 - Lunch
2:30-6 - Run errands, read books, go to the mall
6-8: dinnertime with the gf
8-12 whatever, occasionally work out again
Go to the bar. You'll make friends there. Someone you know around the city is most likely to show up there on any given night.
As I've gotten older I prefer to spend 1 of my days off at home alone relaxing; usually Sunday. Friday Night & Saturday is reserved for blowing off steam from the work week. What are some of your hobbies OP? Maybe should go interact with people who share the same things in common as you, even if they're strangers. Good way to meet new people.
I love having an occasional "lazy day" where I just chill at home and watch tv, play video games, etc.

Only happens about once a month though
I love having an occasional "lazy day" where I just chill at home and watch tv, play video games, etc.
Only happens about once a month though

I work 7 days a week so my lazy times are inbetweens. For example I usually go out and party all night on friday nights after work. Sleep on Saturdays until about 2-3pm. Play videogames/ watch tv until 630 when I go bartend. Same thing for Sunday, I usually sleep until about 1230. Wake up for the 1 oclock games then I'm asleep again probably 4 till 630 when I go back to the bar.

I love the feeling of turning off all my alarm clocks not having to be anywhere the next day until the night time.
Man I'm off with my fiance on Sunday's sowe usually just chill/watch football all day...My other day off is Wednesday, and sometimes when I have nothing to do I get bored as hell and feel like I haven't been to work in a few days and start to feel useless as hell :lol:
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