Anybody else a lightweight?

I used to have to drink a fifth to get me through the night back in college, was drinking heavily 4-5 nights a week up until end of sophomore year
  Don't drink to much now, just a few drinks when I go out, definitely helps out on the tab, most I spend now is $40.  Still get to drunk on certain occasions like college football games and friends parties but at least it isn't to often.
Nope. I can run through about 6-8 beers without feeling a head change.
at the amount of recyclable goods I waste each month
I guess I consider myself a lightweight....9/10 beers and im done....5 6 shots of anything and im done
I go to the bar/club with no less then 80...feelsbadman... And I still end up swiping my card at the bar.

Ive found that the best solution is get a 6 pack or bottle and sit my %+$ in the house.
< lightweight

i drink 2 vodka cranberry's and i'm pretty nice, 3 very tipsy , 4 i'm passed out waking up with marker all over my face .....
Originally Posted by Put em up

I go to the bar/club with no less then 80...feelsbadman... And I still end up swiping my card at the bar.

Ive found that the best solution is get a 6 pack or bottle and sit my %+$ in the house.
Originally Posted by megatron

I wish i was a lightweight, it costs less money. Takes forever to get drunk. Had to down almost a whole 5th of hennessy last time before i needed assistance standing up

this had me
Originally Posted by eashawty

Originally Posted by capuT

smoking > drinking.

yea but drinkin is cheaper
both of these.
wish i could puff trees non stop all day   exhaling nothing but ganja    chiefing like nesta   

but get me a little brew and a shot or two and i'm good. avent smoked in over 100days  which to some might not seem like a lot but to a treehead that near an eternity.
but with drinking     FERNET>>>> all other liq

Man, I've been spending way too much on alcohol this year. 80-100 everytime I go out and it sucks. I always try to pre-game, but sometimes there is no time. I'm 6'1, 190lbs and it takes a lot to get me drunk, so I end up buying the bar. I also get extra friendly and start spending money on drinks for people like a druken sailor.
Originally Posted by solefood229

4 shots and I'm lit, i don't even wanna know about
I haven't smoked in 7 years

how does it feel not smoking for 7years man? wish i was on that boat..

cant stand drinking....who actually enjoys the feeling of any type of alcohol going down your throat..
I drink every day but i think im turning into a lightweight... Comes with age i guess... I only have a 4 or 5 dark beers and maybe a shot or a mixed drink.. I actually prefer it this way... But im getting quite annoyed with my friends who still think this mess is a race
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