Any Straight Edge people here?

Wanted to touch on something that I see has become a hot topic in the thread: bragging about being straight-edged. A lot of you are so insecure about what you think straight-edged people are thinking that you jump to conclusions. I have LITERALLY had this conversation approximately a million times:

other person: "You know how when you're so effed up you..."
me: "Nah, I don't drink or anything."
other person: "What, you think you're better than me?"

Obviously, that's a truncated version of actual conversations, and I've just shortened it for the sake of typing less and you reading less, but you get the picture. There's nothing holier-than-thou, nothing judgmental about "Nah, I don't drink", but I've been interpreted as such a million times. Even on here.

Me choosing not to be a part of the whole party scene my whole life has had absolutely NOTHING to do with you, and everything to do with me. It has been a personal choice, having nothing to do with hoping you feel bad or hoping you think more highly of me or anything else involving you (and when I say 'you', I mean 'anyone who's not me'

"I don't do that because I don't want to" doesn't automatically mean "I don't do that because I don't want to be a horrible person, like you" or "I don't do that because I don't want to and because I don't want to be a horrible person like you."

"I don't do that because I don't want to" can simply mean that, and that's been the case with me, but I've upset a lot of people by simply being me, and I think THAT is sad. By just living my life, which includes (obviously) mentioning that I don't party it up and never have, people have thrown their assumptions about what I must be thinking onto me and reacted defensively and rude towards me.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

other person: "You know how when you're so effed up you..."
me: "Nah, I don't drink or anything."
other person: "What, you think you're better than me?"

I can understand living a sober/healthy life...

but when you need a label, and get preachy like your +%$% don't stink...That's when I have a problem with it.

It's funny because SE kids can't wait to tell people that they're a straight edge kid, just for brownie points
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Wanted to touch on something that I see has become a hot topic in the thread: bragging about being straight-edged. A lot of you are so insecure about what you think straight-edged people are thinking that you jump to conclusions. I have LITERALLY had this conversation approximately a million times:

other person: "You know how when you're so effed up you..."
me: "Nah, I don't drink or anything."
other person: "What, you think you're better than me?"

Obviously, that's a truncated version of actual conversations, and I've just shortened it for the sake of typing less and you reading less, but you get the picture. There's nothing holier-than-thou, nothing judgmental about "Nah, I don't drink", but I've been interpreted as such a million times. Even on here.

Me choosing not to be a part of the whole party scene my whole life has had absolutely NOTHING to do with you, and everything to do with me. It has been a personal choice, having nothing to do with hoping you feel bad or hoping you think more highly of me or anything else involving you (and when I say 'you', I mean 'anyone who's not me'

"I don't do that because I don't want to" doesn't automatically mean "I don't do that because I don't want to be a horrible person, like you" or "I don't do that because I don't want to and because I don't want to be a horrible person like you."

"I don't do that because I don't want to" can simply mean that, and that's been the case with me, but I've upset a lot of people by simply being me, and I think THAT is sad. By just living my life, which includes (obviously) mentioning that I don't party it up and never have, people have thrown their assumptions about what I must be thinking onto me and reacted defensively and rude towards me.

I think you are only looking at one facet of the straight edge philosophy. I don't think anyone that doesn't partake in any excess is 'straight edge.' Those are things that are just not for some people even if it has very little to do with their own tastes. I mean someone who doesn't drink because they saw what it did to their alcoholic dad isn't really straight edge.  I don't have a problem with any person not indulging in things not healthy for you. The thing that annoys me is that it isn't about understanding moderation, it's about totally abstaining from things for the sake of abstaining.  I have heard plenty people say "I'm not going to drink because I have seen the devastation caused by alcoholics" or "Grandpapa died of lung cancer, I'm not going to smoke." I have never heard anyone say "I'm not drinking Mountain Dew, my dad used to beat me when he got some caffeine in him." 

Straight Edge seems to not believe in  moderation as much as they believe in abstinence from things that aren't inherently evil.  It's the denouncing of habits that have no ill effect on society that irks me.
Never drank in my life. However in high school i did blow trees
all day. stopped in college though
It's the denouncing of habits that have no ill effect on society that irks me.
Why? Piercings and tats have little to no ill effects on society, yet I have none of either. That irks you? Or am I missing something?

People don't need a reason that fits your understanding in order to live their own lives. If I've chosen to not have tats because a Smurf told me when I was 7 that Darth Vader would kill me if I ever got one, what does that have to do with you? If I'm not judging anyone who has tats, why should anyone be irked by my decision? Whether it makes sense to anyone else or not should be irrelevant.
It's not the decisions that are annoying Ska, it's the denouncing of them. I sincerely doubt you think less of those who do and rarely pound your chest as an anti-tattoo person. You don't think not having a tattoo makes you somehow more enlightened.
I don't smoke (and never plan to), and I've only drank on a few occasions, I don't look at myself higher than people who do, it's just the way I am and how my parents raised me.
It's not the decisions that are annoying Ska, it's the denouncing of them. I sincerely doubt you think less of those who do and rarely pound your chest as an anti-tattoo person. You don't think not having a tattoo makes you somehow more enlightened.
Nah, you're absolutely right.

Thing is... o.k.... let me stop for a sec.

First off, I'm sure you understand that there are VERY FEW mainstream people who don't drink, don't smoke, never have, and don't have any tats or piercings. And when I say 'mainstream', I mean that I'm not including 'groups' of people, like those who fit that decriptions because it goes along with a certain standard decided by a group they belong to.

I'm talking about just regular ol' people who don't drink, don't smoke, have never done any sort of drug other than prescription, and have no tats or piercings STRICTLY because they have just chosen so.

There just aren't that many people like that floating around. And of those people, from my observation, there are VERY few who have made their choice for 'soapbox' reasons. Yes, I've absolutely made some who fit the description that I do and also fit the personality you're talking about. 'Hell no I don't drink, just like this dude ska over here. And that's what makes me and this guy ore betterer than all you drunken, lazy, fat tatted up slobs.' Yes, I've definitely ran into 'em. But they're the minority in this very small group of dorks who have simply chosen this... 'straight edge'... description.
I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the Straight Edge Society.
And to the Philosophy for which It stands. One Nation, under Punk,
indivisible with Integrity and Sobriety for All.
straight edge people can be annoying as hell with their holier than thou attitude

but, that's annoying period. elitists attitudes
I'm straight edge, but your labeled a square if don't follow the crowd. I live my life for myself. Everyone else can live theres. Too little time to worry about what the next man thinks about you. Be free. Though, I'm straight edge, I don't force my views on anyone. However, if you would like to learn more and how I do it, I can let you understand.

Some Straight Edge people take the idea a little too far though.
yall are missing out

"cause everything is better when your high, and if you dont smoke i dont know why"
Originally Posted by late registration

Originally Posted by throwedyonasb

yall are missing out

"cause everything is better when your high, and if you dont smoke i dont know why"

jammin kush&oj with simply lemonade[raspberry] & purp
Fa sho. You live your life. I hate it when people try and tell you how to live YOUR own life.

Do what makes you happy, nothing less.

Personally, I have a
habit. These days I rarely drink, but if the situation calls for some drank, I ain't against it.

Never been a fan of cigarettes though....
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

My problem with straight edge philosophy is that there is really no need. Some of things the philosophy (if you can call it that) are against aren't inherently bad. Nothing is wrong with having a drink. Prescription drugs aren't bad. Caffeine in moderation isn't bad. So it's a list of things to be against in the name of being against them.

alcohol is poison
prescription drugs kill more people than hard drugs guns and cooties put together
and caffeine is terrible for your immune system and more or less destroys your equilibrium

you sir are misinformed
i on the other hand am not straight edge, so i am not defending any side in this situation
Originally Posted by AG 47

Fa sho. You live your life. I hate it when people try and tell you how to live YOUR own life.

Do what makes you happy, nothing less.

Personally, I have a
habit. These days I rarely drink, but if the situation calls for some drank, I ain't against it.

Never been a fan of cigarettes though....
Of course "holier-than-thou" edge kids are annoying. Just like how everyone hates pretentious atheists or overly religious people. Don't let those people blind you from what it's really about.

It's got a lot to do with the music as well. The edge movement started with bands like Minor Threat because they were frustrated with seeing their peers strung out on drugs and liquor back in the 80s. Yeah you have the kids that blow it out of proportion and make it seem like a gang or a cult but that's just a few bad apples.

I've been edge for about 4 years and I've never been the type to be all in your face about it, but if you ask me, I'll tell you. Drugs and alcohol just aren't for me, it's not something I want to get involved with. That's just how I want to live my life, and I doubt it'll ever affect anyone else besides myself.
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