Any pics w/ shaq wearing those 9 PE's?


Oct 3, 2008
Are there any pictures with Shaq wearing the Air Jordan 9 PE's? I've never seen him wear jays
me too..i mean the part about trying to get the post count up for myself..hahaha...
Originally Posted by Spectacular23

I believe he's trying to reach his "300" post so he can finally sell stuff.....

LOL wow!!!!! If you check in the sneaker showcase area there is some that listed 42 pairs of IX's and the shoes are in ther but none of shaq wearingthem
^^^^^^ no u dont hahaha

and this whole inflating your post count thing is stupid

Im new here but my answers are usually full sentences and I would advise you to do the same
Originally Posted by Spectacular23

I believe he's trying to reach his "300" post so he can finally sell stuff.....
he is.

he's been trying so hard that he's been grave digging numerous topics. hope mods catch on and ban him so he has to restart all over.

that would make my day.
everypost i go into he has been in......when the doernbechers dropped he had like 15 posts
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