Any other guys into Chick Flicks?

Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

500 Days of Summer to me is def. not a 'chick flick' but the guy I went with acted hormonal during the movie so who knows.
I agree with whoever said a new genre of love-story movies is on the rise.
I agree with this too, and I don't consider Atonement a chick flick either.
Atonement was a good film though.

I thought Definitely, Maybe was an awesome film hahaha
If i see a chick flick, her ##! better have be locked watching Chuck, Arnold, or Charles Bronson offing fools for NO reason
A few chick flicks I can admit to watching and liking:

--Bride Wars. Anne Hathaway.

--13 Going on 30. Jennifer Garner.

--Mean Girls. Lohan in her prime.

--Last summer I watched My Sister's Keeper with the gf. And it was a good movie.
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