Another Illuminati Thread vol. Possible Newest Illuminati Recruit?

Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Originally Posted by Tha Flashy One

all these pyramids and weird !%@ symblism in videos only makes sense, and to the people saying they only do this to stir up controversy yea your right. the labels make them push this type of imagery it's not the artist's intention to put this stuff all in their music & videos. so you saying Fat Joe & Chris Brown's video with that big pyramid on the beach don't mean anything?? why is their a gigantic pyramid on the beach for??

The thing is i dont get why you think its the RECORD LABEL making this videos arent there directors involved? Like the record label doesnt just make a green screen for an artist them there.

The illumanati symbols $%++ is whats hot right now because kanye and jay-z made it popular as they themselves use it to gain EXTRA attention to themselves

i'm pretty sure the record labels tell the producers what to put in the music videos, and for the record there been alot of symbolism in videos from back in the days too for example Dr. Dre's East Coast West Coast Killa music video
Originally Posted by PRIME

Putty, what on earth was the reason to bring religion into this?
I know idiots who are non religious who are illuminati conspiracists.

But anyway, the whole rapper/illuminati things is played and stupid. I can't believe theres dudes out htere who really believe rappers have anything to do with any of it.

Its a cotdamn pyramid. Half of you think aliens are related to pyramids, the other half thinks its illuminati.

Son was sitting on a %%%+*%# pyramid, so %%%+*%# what?

Kanye said it best, "when they see a %#%+@ is stupid rich, people just start coming up with stupid %%@@"

Let that %%@@ die.

I'm not even trying to tie it to religion...its just those that always believe in that sort of mysticism and spirits and other hogwash 9 times out of 10 (in my eyes) are apt to believe in this non-sense.
I agree with everything else you said though. 

Dudes really think that their "music" is important to the big financiers of the world. 

My point is...if these pyramids DO mean something, and you don't know what they mean...why is ANYONE taking the liberty to explain it?! Thats the point. You can't prove it either way, so just observe and drop it.

Why is no one considering the fact that those things probably are there just to get you talking? They know ya'll will pick up on it and start bumping your gums so who cares? 

Where is the illuminati in my talk-radio? Or my commercials? Or my books? Or my iphone? Or my google chrome? Or my macbook? or my indie movies? Or my car?

But rap music? Yeah its DEFINITELY there. 
who ever keeps putting these symbols know the implied message that is these symbols represent knowledge to our society/info about a past culture. it catches your subliminal. keeps your attention on the screen. also puts the artist in a better spotlight. why not keep the pattern going. 
whether or not that "knowledge" is real or not or if the symbol is meaninglessness or combination of both is a whole 'nother issue.   
Originally Posted by xsourdieselx

The illuminati and hip hop been hand and hand since LL made i shot ya....maybe ever further
so idk why there are those who are acting like the illuminati is somthing people jus started talkin about a year or two ago
its jus fuego now because this is the age of the internet
and i find the topic interesting to talk and think about i mean there no harm to wonder if their real not
but wheres some info or somthing that debunk the rumors
The imagery goes back even further. Take a look at old vinyl record covers back in the 1970s and up. Notice that groups like The Gap Band, Earth Wind and Fire(a good one) and even rock groups/bands like Pink Floyd display pyramids, one eye figures and other obscure patterns back then. What was the reason? Cause it looked cool? It sure didn't phase out because look at today's media and its everywhere.
Originally Posted by odog24

Kendrick lamar said it best

There is no black man in the illuminati last time i checked that was the most racist party

Pretty much...
dose anyone remember a abortion commercial and in it they were throwing up the roc like jay-z and supporting abortions?.
jay-z or anyone or anything related to rocafella/rocnation/roclafamlia were NOT in the commercial so why throw up pyramids
as far talk-show radios we cant see them so what I THINK would happen is the higher up will make them talk about topics and throw out their own opinion
what about that tod guy who said the industry practices witch craft black magic ect and put it into the music evoking spirits. he claimed to work for the industry!
and speaking of old music covers the beetles had aleister crowley a known person who into occults and all that stuff on their album cover but i guess he just a cool person and what he dose dont reflect on them huh?

i know im reaching but so what?
Tha Flashy One wrote:
Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Tha Flashy One wrote:
all these pyramids and weird !%@ symblism in videos only makes sense, and to the people saying they only do this to stir up controversy yea your right. the labels make them push this type of imagery it's not the artist's intention to put this stuff all in their music & videos. so you saying Fat Joe & Chris Brown's video with that big pyramid on the beach don't mean anything?? why is their a gigantic pyramid on the beach for??

The thing is i dont get why you think its the RECORD LABEL making this videos arent there directors involved? Like the record label doesnt just make a green screen for an artist them there.

The illumanati symbols $%++ is whats hot right now because kanye and jay-z made it popular as they themselves use it to gain EXTRA attention to themselves

i'm pretty sure the record labels tell the producers what to put in the music videos, and for the record there been alot of symbolism in videos from back in the days too for example Dr. Dre's East Coast West Coast Killa music video

Record Labels have very little to do with music videos these days.

Colin the dude that did this video is an independent director

he handles the creativity very rarely does he even send the vid back to the artist to review it they upload it to youtube or sends it to Q after editing it.

He  is a dope director tho very underrated.

Yall really scared of Triangles tho? Shapes got ya mind working?

Originally Posted by xsourdieselx

dose anyone remember a abortion commercial and in it they were throwing up the roc like jay-z and supporting abortions?.
jay-z or anyone or anything related to rocafella/rocnation/roclafamlia were NOT in the commercial so why throw up pyramids
as far talk-show radios we cant see them so what I THINK would happen is the higher up will make them talk about topics and throw out their own opinion
what about that tod guy who said the industry practices witch craft black magic ect and put it into the music evoking spirits.
he claimed to work for the industry!
and speaking of old music covers the beetles had aleister crowley a known person who into occults and all that stuff on their album cover but i guess he just a cool person and what he dose dont reflect on them huh?

i know im reaching but so what?
Son...are you telling me you believe in witch craft and black magic? 
Aight... lets be serious.

Even if they claimed to dance around fires, drink lambs blood, and have play-fights and rituals and walk around in hoods...

Even if this is something they DID do...How does that affect you

Thats the real question here.

On this accord, its valid for us to pray for rain and make offerings to the sun god...

The point is, when you can't validate anything you're saying, then everything becomes equally valid.

xsourdieselx wrote:
dose anyone remember a abortion commercial and in it they were throwing up the roc like jay-z and supporting abortions?.
jay-z or anyone or anything related to rocafella/rocnation/roclafamlia were NOT in the commercial so why throw up pyramids


Right cause Jay Z invented the triangle



Deltas been throwing up the "pyramid" for a 100 years tho

what about that tod guy who said the industry practices witch craft black magic ect and put it into the music evoking spirits. he claimed to work for the industry!

"When I was younger I believed everything I read if it was in a book like Behold A Pale Horse....Then I learned that it’s important to know the history of the author and their agenda before you read a book" - Talib Kweli

and speaking of old music covers the beetles had aleister crowley a known person who into occults and all that stuff on their album cover but i guess he just a cool person and what he dose dont reflect on them huh?

You got wierd dudes in the music industry its a given in any fine arts you're going to have alternative lifestyle individuals. Am I supposed to be scared of them?

Yall didnt have mofos like this in yo high school?


To silly p idont believe in magic but just because i dont dose not make me right....its like arguing about air you cant see it or touch it but your alive right?
and maybe that aint a good comparison but all im saying is that your hearing that from the horses mouth
and cartune i never said jay made that hand sign your making this into something its not and them people from the commercial arent ddp jay-z or deltas neitha so who else throws up the roc?

and why is that hand sign so popular? what is its original meaning i mean some of yall seem to know something i dont
so whats good care to enlighten?
I could care less about what you simple !#+%$$ are arguing about now...the idea of French Montana being involved with the boogymen Illuminati had me laughing for 2 minutes. Thanks OP.
Originally Posted by xsourdieselx

To silly p idont believe in magic but just because i dont dose not make me right....its like arguing about air you cant see it or touch it but your alive right?


Air IS observable and has tangible properties associated with ideal gas laws or and fluid dynamics. The "air" you speak of is a fluid in its own right...but thats another story.

Dont forget, that just because we call our range of vision from 390-750nm of light the "visible" range that there can't exist other wavelengths to observe things.

Bees can see UV light and some birds can see farther below in the IR light spectrum.

and maybe that aint a good comparison but all im saying is that your hearing that from the horses mouth 


So a nurse that says her prayers in the ER worked means that prayer works?

Do you know how big the entertainment industry is? One person saying theres witchcraft means theres witchcraft? On top of that, its such a radical claim that for there to be no substantial or meaningful evidence is just asinine. Its not like someone working at the Pentagon has evidence of a cover up or something. Thats also way more plausible...and doesn't involve ridiculous supernatural claims.

and cartune i never said jay made that hand sign your making this into something its not and them people from the commercial arent ddp jay-z or deltas neitha so who else throws up the roc?

There are only 10 fingers on the modern !!$$-sapien hand. 10 digits.

Any combination of those fingers and hands MUST mean something, right? 

During WWII this meant Victory / During Vietnam this meant Peace:


Is this for Hinduism or for Nazism? 


and why is that hand sign so popular? what is its original meaning i mean some of yall seem to know something i dont
so whats good care to enlighten?


Look. Why are Gang Signs popular?

Symbolism itself is devoid of meaning besides whatever people give it.

Its the same thing with tattoos. Its just foreign iconography that people embrace. You think it means more than what it does.

You also have to ask yourself this: 

IF they're showing me secret messages, what are they trying to get me to do or understand? 

Am I being fooled into taking this more seriously than I should?

Does it even mean anything?

Does what it refer to even mean anything?

Is it something that is bad?

Are they revealing secrets? If so, what are they?

Do I feel influenced to do anything?

If its a secret society flaunting their ..."secret-society-ness" in your face, you can't do anything about it... They're just bragging. Whoopity doo!

What are you going to do? 

Have a spiritual war? 

Punch them in the aura? 

Or yank their chakra's back in line? 

You're talking about an industry built on controversy and imagery in order to convey certain feelings and emotions. Seems like they've managed to connect with you in such a way that you're searching for a meaning that really may not be there. 

Bottom line. Wanting there to be "meaning" doesn't mean that there IS meaning or purpose.

Just like religion. Wanting there to be a god/horus/zeus doesn't mean that those things are proven to exist.

Originally Posted by Bandit Country

Isaac Newton, George Washington, and now French Montana from the the the block.

A bunch of low-achievers in life. 

People talk like the "illuminati" was a bad thing back in the day too. They were just dudes who were up on game and didn't want the church to shut them down. They studied physics and complex math. Granted some of them believed in things that can since be disproven as Newton was heavy into religion and alchemy, it doesn't mean that their pursuits weren't noble. They were just trying to secretly mask their knowledge and prevent the powers that be from destroying their secret networks. 

Then all of that got muddled with ACTUAL secret malicious groups who have plotted to control things...but those aren't average people...they're rich financiers that control both sides of wars, fund coup de'tats and invest in political action in their favor. But no one knows anything about them so we label them as "illuminati" or whatever prevailing secret society groups.

Fact is, no matter if they claim to be religious or not, they have NO secret "powers" and can't summon "dark spirits"...

Every time this topic comes up people conflagrate ACTUAL secret societies with supernatural claims...and instead of learning more about actual people in charge of things, we're left to speculate because people want to think that they're playing games of Clue or Ouija in their friends basements. 

Once spirituality or religion gets brought up you know the conversation is a wrap because people start to introduce complete BS that already complicates a vague and speculative topic. 
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

I could care less about what you simple !#+%$$ are arguing about now...the idea of French Montana being involved with the boogymen Illuminati had me laughing for 2 minutes. Thanks OP.
i believe in spirits and stuff... this illuminati stuff is not out of the realm of possibilities... but that's all i'm saying

oh, and james todd has been exposed as a fraud fyi
always the most wikipedia read dudes arguing history, politics, and theology on here
Originally Posted by xsourdieselx

but why start the vid with a pyramid?
why put pyramids and Egyptian references in alot of videos and performances
I'm just sayin tho.
regarding the kobe vid, ever heard about John Wooden's pyramid of success?
wouldn't it make sense to use the pyramid of success, since in this they are talking about success for the successful?
xsourdieselx you ignored the most important thing sillyputty typed


Does the Illuminati make you buy these rappers music or buy concert tickets?
I cant say how it affects me cause they say the illuminati tryin to bring the beast out of man
off gate i can tell you im not affected but who to say tho
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