Annoying Retail Employees vol Leave Me Alone

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

You can always tell which stores tell their employees to give extra attention to brothas
I work at Express, and it’s a lot of fun, but at the same time it can be annoying

Asking about applying for the credit card is mandatory, each associate’s goal is at least 1 per shift, so that’s like 6-7 cards a day

We get all types of customers

 People who bring 20 items to the fitting rooms and buy 3

The people who have no idea what to do, and basically ask you to make an outfit for them for the night

Tween bopper girls who only come in to try on dresses and mess up our conversion

The people who un-fold everything they can find (last time we had a visit I worked from 5 to 1:46 am, others 3:30 am to make the store look perfect, and customers don’t know that)

The people who come in and don’t realize we close at 9, making our closing that much harder

For me, when people walk in I say hi, and let them do their thing, after a while I’ll ask if they need help finding anything and if they say no, I go right back to folding. Some people do want to just walk in, grab something and bounce, but most people looking around don’t want you to feel like you forgot they’re in the store, therefore I wait a while and check up w/ them, just ask “you finding everything alright?
Originally Posted by dcortes23

i work at a mom and pops store and i know my boundaries. i always say whats up when they walk in then wait till they touch something. let them know the deals. leave them alone till they give me eye contact again. I learned by experience. one time dude said ""quit following me before i sock you in your face" lol...

you just reminded me i have to deal with naggin customers and askin ppl if they need help all the time because i know the manager is watching...smh at working at shoe stores. all they care about are sales.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

4. Dumb employees.   These are a dime a dozen at footlocker and footaction.  I'm a realist and I know when you pay cheap wages your not going to get knowledgable shoe experts like some on here but if that's the case then don't have the bird brain broads who are only working there because the manager is smashing or for eye candy purposes pick up the phone. I've called stores many times asking for a certain shoe and the dumb broad who answered said they didn't have it only for me to go in the store and they have a full size run. That's why whenever I call a store now asking for something if the person sounds unsure or doesn't know what i'm talking about I just ask to speak to someone else.
this one is huge where i'm from. i remember an employee at finishline tellin me they didn't have spacejams, when dudes i know went into the store after me and picked up their size. i've actually corrected employees when they told me wrong models and prices of jordans
but these same places won't wire me because they're looking for a cute girl who can sell by flirting with every dude that walks in the door.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

It goes both ways with retail, their are some very very annoying customers but lets talk about the employees.   Having worked retail before I sympathize with these people and try to be polite and considerate when I go in their stores but some of the stuff they say/do makes me

Most of this stuff I blame on corporate higher ups who think nagging and harassing every customer that walks into the store is good business, and they brainwash this crap on their managers who then brainwash it to their employees.

1.  I know the intentions are good but when I walk into a store it makes me wanna leave that store if i'm bombarted with about 5 fake smiles and greetings and being followed around with people nagging and asking me what i'm looking for over and over again. I don't mind the first time because their being polite but following me around and asking again and again gets on my nerves so I usually tell them in a nice way that I know their manager wants them to do this to every customer that walks in and that their intent is good but I feel very uncomfortable being followed around, I know what I want or what I'm here for so let me get it and be on my way.

2. Employees who try and push stupid add on items and are persistent about it.   Footlocker, Footaction, Champs, Lids  please read this one.    Again I blame this one on the corporate suits who give managers unrealistic sales goals and want them to reach these numbers and have a certain percentage of add on sales,  shoe cleaners,  hat cleaners, insoles, hatracks etc. The managers then bug their employees about nagging customers about this stuff  which is why you'll have a footlocker employee damn near ready to top you off if you buy insoles, or a cleaner because of those stupid sales numbers. Again just like with the greeting and asking me if i need help, I don't mind them offering it once but asking me if I'm sure over and over again is just annoying,  I was sure the first time so why would I change my mind next time around.

3. Lazy unhelpful employees.    You tend to find these more at smaller stores since they don't have a corporate office pushing crazy policies on them. These are just as bad as the overly nagging employees.  You can talk about whatever party you went to last night or you can talk to your girl on the company phone once I leave but when I'm trying to buy something or ask for something  get what I need, get me out of there and go back to whatever conversation you had.

4. Dumb employees.   These are a dime a dozen at footlocker and footaction.  I'm a realist and I know when you pay cheap wages your not going to get knowledgable shoe experts like some on here but if that's the case then don't have the bird brain broads who are only working there because the manager is smashing or for eye candy purposes pick up the phone. I've called stores many times asking for a certain shoe and the dumb broad who answered said they didn't have it only for me to go in the store and they have a full size run. That's why whenever I call a store now asking for something if the person sounds unsure or doesn't know what i'm talking about I just ask to speak to someone else.

I can relate to #2, seeing how I work at Champs and I do get pressured to push add-ons.

There is a crazy ratio in place when selling them.... but we do get pressured and so do our managers..

Do us a favor and just buy it, usually its a good deal..
Originally Posted by damnneardeadstock

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

4. Dumb employees.   These are a dime a dozen at footlocker and footaction.  I'm a realist and I know when you pay cheap wages your not going to get knowledgable shoe experts like some on here but if that's the case then don't have the bird brain broads who are only working there because the manager is smashing or for eye candy purposes pick up the phone. I've called stores many times asking for a certain shoe and the dumb broad who answered said they didn't have it only for me to go in the store and they have a full size run. That's why whenever I call a store now asking for something if the person sounds unsure or doesn't know what i'm talking about I just ask to speak to someone else.
this one is huge where i'm from. i remember an employee at finishline tellin me they didn't have spacejams, when dudes i know went into the store after me and picked up their size. i've actually corrected employees when they told me wrong models and prices of jordans
but these same places won't wire me because they're looking for a cute girl who can sell by flirting with every dude that walks in the door.
i know where their comming from bye having the eye candy working in the store, but if the broad is dumb as a brick keep her off the phone and just keep her at the front of the store greeting customers and thats it
I hate Lids. Hella easy job, but I hated selling cap racks, hat cleaner, and other accessories. Passport cards were cake, but I hated DM's coming in and try to show you up.
Originally Posted by justballin11

I hate Lids. Hella easy job, but I hated selling cap racks, hat cleaner, and other accessories. Passport cards were cake, but I hated DM's coming in and try to show you up.
   i knew the perfect way to make my numbers real good, it got me 4 different raises too.  i memorized random passport card numbers, gave the customer a discount on the hat and told them they would get a free hat cleaner if they didn't want their receipt.  it worked perfectly.    once the store i was at got that sewing machine it was different though
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Originally Posted by mike2389

i work in retail (finishline) and i hate bothering people as to, i dont like to be overly bothered. i'll check in with them but no more than 1 or 2 times after greeting. That way i acknowledge them, ask if they have questions then see if they want to try anything on.

we have to achieve numbers that just simply cant be done. it really is the upper district managers pushing these ridiculous numbers and what not.

I can agree with everything you said though OP. periodically checking in with me is fine, but over doing it or not at all, is just !!#%*%@$

I worked at finishline for a few months. Truly hated it. Managers were always bugging us about our accessory numbers. It'd be crazy awkward to be like, hey man you should get some insoles with those shoes..
You just arent comfortable talking to people.. I crush the sales numbers at my store. Selling insoles, cleaners and socks is cake 
Florida Mall store 720, ask about me 
i dont like walking inside the bank no more...give me like a whole speech about opening a new credit card, something about extra security program, changing my account to a new one with more benefits, or something everytime i come in! just lemme deposit my check!!!!
Yeah, I undertand completely, but it's their job. It's the worst at the Best Buy here. There are at least 10 employees crowded around the laptop/computer montior area just hanging out. Honestly, I don't know why they hire so many people. It's like "Can I help you sir" from one guy, then the next and the next until I forget what I came in to get and finally leave.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

4. Dumb employees.   These are a dime a dozen at footlocker and footaction.  I'm a realist and I know when you pay cheap wages your not going to get knowledgable shoe experts like some on here but if that's the case then don't have the bird brain broads who are only working there because the manager is smashing or for eye candy purposes pick up the phone. I've called stores many times asking for a certain shoe and the dumb broad who answered said they didn't have it only for me to go in the store and they have a full size run. That's why whenever I call a store now asking for something if the person sounds unsure or doesn't know what i'm talking about I just ask to speak to someone else.

the worst, especially over here in sac, the girls aren't even eye candy.  i feel sorry for the manager that hired them to smash cuz that's a huge L...
Worked at KMart for my first job in electronics.. I basically just greeted people with a smile..

Wouldn't ask if you needed help because most people know what they are looking for but if they were walking around looked confused or asked me for help I would help.

Never tried to sell people on the bonus sales or other products except for the Insurance Plans on tv's or other things in case they break.

I also didn't follow people because that was ridiculous to me. We had security and cameras they should do their job. Almost got fired on multiple occasions for not obeying manager's request to follow a "suspicious" black male.

although working in retail 20% of the customers are real *%*+%!*%, and they are the reason most part time workers are awful. If you are patient, have a good attitude, and are polite you are out of there quick. If you get loud, start to yell, sigh, or become sarcastic the person works slower.
People are in such a god damn rush all the time, and they become *%*+%!*%, after working retail whenever I go into any store I am as polite as possible beause I know a +!#! customer screws up your whole shift..

Did get revenge though on my last day.. I was trying to explain something to a customer and he walked off pissed, I said can I explain to you what happened, so you won't be mad, because it isn't our fault that we don't currently have the product...he said well you don't know how to do your job so no.. I told him to go %#@$ himself. He said You must not care about your job... I said Nope I don't today's my last day... He tried to make a complaint at the front desk. Person took down the complaint and threw it away when he walked out the door.
I work at Best Buy and believe me, we hate coming up to you asking if you need help. Contact is the name of the game and our managers want us to contact every single customer that walks into the department. I just hit them with the did you need help finding anything then if they sat there straight i won't ask them again. I'll usually let them come to me if they need help after i've asked. People nowadays be dumb as hell though, i'm getting so sick of the job but the pros outweigh the cons for me there so i haven't looked for a new job....yet.
Best Buy is ridiculous. I went into to buy a laptop that I knew they had in stock and when I asked the sales rep to get it for me he tried to pitch the laptop with the the anti virus / security package crap that I don't need, I told em I know what I'm doing and that I don't need an explanation why I need it.
He was persistent thought and even claimed they had none without the anti virus software preloaded.
I knew he was lying because I had went in a few hrs earlier and plus I checked the stock online, dude told me to go in tomorrow morning and they'll have it in stock by then, I told em alright and just acted like I was leaving turned around and asked the most least caring employee they had to look for my laptop.(dude was around my age) He checks the inventory on the computer and tells me they got plenty available and with no hesitation he goes and gets it for me. Funny thing is the original person who was helping me came and asked what I was doing I lied to him and said I'm looking for something else so he would leave. I ended up getting the laptop and buying it that day and went about my way.

its funny how Best Buy tries to sound like they knew what their talking about.
Originally Posted by STOPIT5

Best Buy is ridiculous. I went into to buy a laptop that I knew they had in stock and when I asked the sales rep to get it for me he tried to pitch the laptop with the the anti virus / security package crap that I don't need, I told em I know what I'm doing and that I don't need an explanation why I need it.
He was persistent thought and even claimed they had none without the anti virus software preloaded.
I knew he was lying because I had went in a few hrs earlier and plus I checked the stock online, dude told me to go in tomorrow morning and they'll have it in stock by then, I told em alright and just acted like I was leaving turned around and asked the most least caring employee they had to look for my laptop.(dude was around my age) He checks the inventory on the computer and tells me they got plenty available and with no hesitation he goes and gets it for me. Funny thing is the original person who was helping me came and asked what I was doing I lied to him and said I'm looking for something else so he would leave. I ended up getting the laptop and buying it that day and went about my way.

its funny how Best Buy tries to sound like they knew what their talking about.

I know exactly what your talking about, i know dudes at my store that are like the employee you first encountered. Take it seriously and make sure they sell something with some kind of accessory or service plan etc. I could give a damn, i let them know about it simply cause its my job and if they say they'll pass i never bring it up again.
you think i like asking your broke $@+ if you wanna apply for a credit card when your homeless lookin $@+ walked into my store?

fake $@+ smiles? yea cause im happy to see your $@+ 


one time i was with my ex walkin through the mall and one of them tried to get me to get a phone with that "free phone" pitch, i just ignored it and dude was like "don't you think your girl wants to be with someone with a new phone" i told him " don't think your girl wants to see you with a job thats not strictly commission based so you guys can be eatin every day" dude had the look and was on to bugging the next one.
Damn that response mustve hurt

got you thinkin your gettin the denise 5 layer burrito taco bell deal

Taco tuesday deal lol

That line of the sale is just for YOU works, I know.
Originally Posted by STOPIT5

Best Buy is ridiculous. I went into to buy a laptop that I knew they had in stock and when I asked the sales rep to get it for me he tried to pitch the laptop with the the anti virus / security package crap that I don't need, I told em I know what I'm doing and that I don't need an explanation why I need it.
He was persistent thought and even claimed they had none without the anti virus software preloaded.
I knew he was lying because I had went in a few hrs earlier and plus I checked the stock online, dude told me to go in tomorrow morning and they'll have it in stock by then, I told em alright and just acted like I was leaving turned around and asked the most least caring employee they had to look for my laptop.(dude was around my age) He checks the inventory on the computer and tells me they got plenty available and with no hesitation he goes and gets it for me. Funny thing is the original person who was helping me came and asked what I was doing I lied to him and said I'm looking for something else so he would leave. I ended up getting the laptop and buying it that day and went about my way.

its funny how Best Buy tries to sound like they knew what their talking about.
 I always do this to customers, tell them all our laptops are install with anti/this and that. I'll get a few, if they don't want it i remove the recovery disk which you can't make again once you do it, especially HP comps. Best Buy are crooks.
I never bug customers, actually i've had people wait in line just to speak to me cause i'm knowledgeable in computers and tech savy items. Then i hit them with our add-on services lmao. 
I work at Best Buy and believe me, we hate coming up to you asking if you need help. Contact is the name of the game and our managers want us to contact every single customer that walks into the department. I just hit them with the did you need help finding anything then if they sat there straight i won't ask them again. I'll usually let them come to me if they need help after i've asked. People nowadays be dumb as hell though, i'm getting so sick of the job but the pros outweigh the cons for me there so i haven't looked for a new job....yet.

Best Buy employees and Fry's employees are HORRIBLE.

I bought my current car stereo and the guy barely wanted me to ring me up for a $200 deck, plus you always gotta look fors omeone to help you.
i feel you

i hate asking people to try and buy shoe cleaners , and insoles for shoes .

it urks me .
Originally Posted by Essential1

Worked at KMart for my first job in electronics.. I basically just greeted people with a smile..

Wouldn't ask if you needed help because most people know what they are looking for but if they were walking around looked confused or asked me for help I would help.

Never tried to sell people on the bonus sales or other products except for the Insurance Plans on tv's or other things in case they break.

I also didn't follow people because that was ridiculous to me. We had security and cameras they should do their job. Almost got fired on multiple occasions for not obeying manager's request to follow a "suspicious" black male.

although working in retail 20% of the customers are real *%*+%!*%, and they are the reason most part time workers are awful. If you are patient, have a good attitude, and are polite you are out of there quick. If you get loud, start to yell, sigh, or become sarcastic the person works slower.
People are in such a god damn rush all the time, and they become *%*+%!*%, after working retail whenever I go into any store I am as polite as possible beause I know a +!#! customer screws up your whole shift..

Did get revenge though on my last day.. I was trying to explain something to a customer and he walked off pissed, I said can I explain to you what happened, so you won't be mad, because it isn't our fault that we don't currently have the product...he said well you don't know how to do your job so no.. I told him to go %#@$ himself. He said You must not care about your job... I said Nope I don't today's my last day... He tried to make a complaint at the front desk. Person took down the complaint and threw it away when he walked out the door.
I currently do your same job at Kmart. Most customers will smile if you greet them, but others will completely ignore you. And I'm gonna catch heat for this, but my own fellow african americans are the worst people to serve in the world. They complain, they are rude, they hate to wait, they always got some foolish coupond or wanna talk to the manager so they can get some discount. This one lady came in and I politely served her and then she had the nerve to say yall aren't as nice as the other K-mart." " They talk to you and smile". I was like lady what more do you want from me? Your 7 days late on your layway cause your loser self either don't have the money or can't remember to pay every two weeks. I want to get your bum self out of my face and hope to never see you again. Of course I though that mentally.

Then you got the fools who sign the freaking layway contract and when they don't pay every two weeks or are late on a payment by an entire month, they wanna get pissed off and wonder why people put their stuff back.
Originally Posted by Sid Lugar

I currently do your same job at Kmart. Most customers will smile if you greet them, but others will completely ignore you. And I'm gonna catch heat for this, but my own fellow african americans are the worst people to serve in the world. They complain, they are rude, they hate to wait, they always got some foolish coupond or wanna talk to the manager so they can get some discount. This one lady came in and I politely served her and then she had the nerve to say yall aren't as nice as the other K-mart." " They talk to you and smile". I was like lady what more do you want from me? Your 7 days late on your layway cause your loser self either don't have the money or can't remember to pay every two weeks. I want to get your bum self out of my face and hope to never see you again. Of course I though that mentally.

Then you got the fools who sign the freaking layway contract and when they don't pay every two weeks or are late on a payment by an entire month, they wanna get pissed off and wonder why people put their stuff back.


but every race has its issue, you got spanish people askin me for a hook up cause im spanish too

you got indians tryin to barter like this is the black market.

you got white people askin why is it so expensive while duke got on true religion jeans some brand wallet and LV sunglasses

Originally Posted by air max 87

Originally Posted by Sid Lugar

I currently do your same job at Kmart. Most customers will smile if you greet them, but others will completely ignore you. And I'm gonna catch heat for this, but my own fellow african americans are the worst people to serve in the world. They complain, they are rude, they hate to wait, they always got some foolish coupond or wanna talk to the manager so they can get some discount. This one lady came in and I politely served her and then she had the nerve to say yall aren't as nice as the other K-mart." " They talk to you and smile". I was like lady what more do you want from me? Your 7 days late on your layway cause your loser self either don't have the money or can't remember to pay every two weeks. I want to get your bum self out of my face and hope to never see you again. Of course I though that mentally.

Then you got the fools who sign the freaking layway contract and when they don't pay every two weeks or are late on a payment by an entire month, they wanna get pissed off and wonder why people put their stuff back.


but every race has its issue, you got spanish people askin me for a hook up cause im spanish too

you got indians tryin to barter like this is the black market.

you got white people askin why is it so expensive while duke got on true religion jeans some brand wallet and LV sunglasses


Yup, however it personally bothers me more with my own people because they take advantage of the customer is always right so they feel the need to flip out and be rude and neck roll. I've done retail since I was 16 and all my huge negative customer encounters have been with people who have the same skin color as me.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by justballin11

I hate Lids. Hella easy job, but I hated selling cap racks, hat cleaner, and other accessories. Passport cards were cake, but I hated DM's coming in and try to show you up.
   i knew the perfect way to make my numbers real good, it got me 4 different raises too.  i memorized random passport card numbers, gave the customer a discount on the hat and told them they would get a free hat cleaner if they didn't want their receipt.  it worked perfectly.    once the store i was at got that sewing machine it was different though

embroidery was also cake at our store, it really sold itself 
. we would get qcp's like nothing and I wouldn't even be at the store and still get credited for emb. haha.
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