Ann Coulter says the US doesn't have a gun problem but has a problem with Blacks and Muslims using g

Apr 4, 2006

Ann Coulter last night on Fox News‘ “Hannity” suggested America doesn’t have a gun problem, but a problem with Blacks and Muslims. Coulter has joined the GOP extremists, like Rep. Marsha Blackburn, who refuse to place blame on the fact that America has 300 million guns in circulation for the 30,000+ gun deaths each year.

“If you compare white populations, we have the same murder rate as Belgium,” Coulter , who says concealed carry laws reduce gun deaths, told Hannity. “So perhaps it’s not a gun problem, it is a demographic problem, which liberals are the ones pushing, pushing, pushing.”

“Let’s get more Colin Fergusons and whoever the guy was who shot up Fort Hood. Why are they coming in to begin with?”

“Ferguson, who immigrated to the States from Jamaica, and Nidal Malik Hasan, an American and army major serving as a psychiatrist at Fort Hood, killed multiple people in mass shootings,” The Huffington Post, which characterized Coulter’s comments as “jawdropping,” reported:

Coulter added that banning gun magazines would not stop public shootings, claiming that Ferguson had time to reload his gun. He had actually used two fifteen-round magazines during the shooting, and was pinned down and stopped when he was reloading his third magazine.

Ferguson’s attack, which killed six people, was in 1993. Hasan, the Fort Hood shooter, was born in Virginia, and murdered 13 in 2009.

On Sunday, Congresswoman Blackburn said guns were not the problem, but hammers, hatchets, cars, “psychiatric and psychotropic drugs,” and the video game, “Call of Duty.”

Of all the major mass shootings in America, the majority of the shooters have been young white males.

Engraved on the base of the Statue of Liberty, an American icon that exists to welcome immigrants, is a well-known poem, by Emma Lazarus, that reads, in part:

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Apparently Coulter would like that to read:

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your white, America-born huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Curiously as well, Rupert Murdoch, the founder, Chairman and CEO of Fox News’ parent, News Corp., has public should be banned.

- Right wing nut Ann Coulter appears on Fox News and suggests that if you look at the White population, gun violence isn't an issue
- Claims that there is no gun problem but there is a problem among minority communities

:smh: I honestly don't know how someone like this could even have national exposure. Does she even understand the implications of what she's suggesting? It drives me nuts that someone can get on TV and imply that minorities are not representative of the US and instead of discussing the issue of gun control on a national level, we should be looking at how we can deal with these gun crazy minorities. :wow: >: This is so reckless. Maybe we should separate these minorities off from mainstream (White) Americans and let them deal with their problems on their own?
I don't think she's racist. She's an opportunistic wench who makes money off inbred hicks who are bigots

If she could make more money saying that black people are beautiful she would.

Not defending her. She's a terrible person. But you shouldn't be surprised at what her, beck, and the pill popping doughboy say

Boondocks had a good episode bout this
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She's an idiot and just spews nonsense for attention, this isn't the first ignorant thing she said and it won't be the last. We would all be better off just ignoring her.

Heard she got that ace tattoo.  and her neck is DYNOMITE!
I don't think she's racist. She's an opportunistic wench who makes money off inbred hicks who are bigots

If she could make more money saying that black people are beautiful she would.

Not defending her. She's a terrible person. But you shouldn't be surprised at what her, beck, and the pill popping doughboy say

Boondocks had a good episode bout this
This, really this.

I've seen a lot of this ***** , and she's definitely not as dumb as she appears. She is famous simply because a LOT of people actually agree with what she says.

That being said, I wish she would die.
Most conservatives will agree with everything she says. She just has the balls to say it without the fear of ny backlash because "that's Ann Coulter, that's what she does."
Most conservatives will agree with everything she says. She just has the balls to say it without the fear of ny backlash because "that's Ann Coulter, that's what she does."
Your avy is beyond disrespectful and not funny.  Its offensive
She's an extremist for sure, but she does make "somewhat" of a point. There were 250 murders last year in Chicago due to gun violence. No one gives two craps about that. 20 innocent kids die in a white community and gun reform gets set in place.
Your avy is beyond disrespectful and not funny.  Its offensive
how is it offensive? Hattie McDaniels is the first African American to win an academy award and broke many walls down for many other AA female actresses thereafter. 
Your avy is beyond disrespectful and not funny.  Its offensive
how is it offensive? Hattie McDaniels is the first African American to win an academy award and broke many walls down for many other AA female actresses thereafter. 
go try that on somebody else.  If you want to honor her use one of these pics.




Not one of her playing a nanny making a one of "those" facial expressions. and the meme font saying "oh lawd"
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I don't think she's racist. She's an opportunistic wench who makes money off inbred hicks who are bigots

If she could make more money saying that black people are beautiful she would.

Not defending her. She's a terrible person. But you shouldn't be surprised at what her, beck, and the pill popping doughboy say

Boondocks had a good episode bout this
This, really this.

I've seen a lot of this ***** , and she's definitely not as dumb as she appears. She is famous simply because a LOT of people actually agree with what she says.

That being said, I wish she would die.
No, she's famous because she's controversial. She says what she needs to in order to get people riled up on both sides. It's the same with Fox news. I'm convinced that half of its ratings are from people looking to point out its flaws and say how horrible it is. As a result, it gets higher ratings and gets to charge higher prices to advertisers.
I don't think she's racist. She's an opportunistic wench who makes money off inbred hicks who are bigots

If she could make more money saying that black people are beautiful she would.

Not defending her. She's a terrible person. But you shouldn't be surprised at what her, beck, and the pill popping doughboy say

pretty much.

Ann Coulter's whole shtick is shock factor.
In response to KOTE...doesn't have much to do with Ann Coulter. 

She won an academy award for playing the typical "Mammie" role given to black actresses at the time...there are many black women in the entertainment industry today who are given the stereotypical "Mammie" role which only further reinforces the image and belief in the subservient nature that was/is reserved for blacks in America. It's not a role reserved solely for blacks...but when it comes to Hollywood the more things change the more they stay the same. 

I think the issue is with the image itself, and the avy is nothing short of a play on the buffoonery that you would see many blacks in the early era of Hollywood have to stoop down and play with all sorts of exaggerated facial gestures and what not. 

I wouldn't even have that as an avy myself, because its a reflection of mental oppression. 
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Lets keep it a hunna... A lot of white people feel the way she feels especially in texas( where I currently reside) so somebody has to agree with this especially rush pillbaugh and Glenn beck...dudes books stay on best sellers lets stop acting like we live in a post racial society
It's not for shock factor. Plenty of people in AZ feel the same as she does, so I'm guessing the same for other states, as well.
I don't think she's racist. She's an opportunistic wench who makes money off inbred hicks who are bigots

If she could make more money saying that black people are beautiful she would.

Not defending her. She's a terrible person. But you shouldn't be surprised at what her, beck, and the pill popping doughboy say

Boondocks had a good episode bout this
There comes a point where we can't excuse people and say 'she's not racist'. If she spews racist and jingoistic ideology, even if only for shock factor, I see no problem with labeling such a person a racist... they might just be slick about it but their words have weight, and they should be held accountable for those words.
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How are guns being shipped in America?

How is it that American culture in general promotes violence on an unprecedented scale every single day as if there's no residual effects?

School shootings are committed by who again? 

Gang violence is ignored because it impacts the most undesirable elements of our least that's the way I deem law enforcement to see it. 
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