and we're done

Yes. Yes we do.

Novak 0-7. Getting on playoff mode

At least it's just cramps. Why shump so cramps prone? Get him some crnberry juice man
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you know, when the bombings in boston happened, i knew at that moment that we are FUBAR'd. The C's are gonna play with a sh**load of emotion and meanwhile we dropping like flies. i doubt we have a chance. why us?! :frown:
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Cope is this years lin replacement. We need to go all out to be the celts it's gonna be so hard to do
you know, when the bombings in boston happened, i knew at that moment that we are FUBAR'd. The C's are gonna play with a sh**load of emotion and meanwhile we dropping like flies. i doubt we have a chance. why us?!
Thought this too. :frown:
Boston is just as banged up as we are.

They'll need Jeff Greene and Garnett to seriously step up as well as everyone else to knock us out. Boston will play it tough though. Series will go to 6 games. We take the series. Can't lose at home though.
We must seriously be one the of the most cursed teams in SPORT :smh:

Bring on Saturday
I really think Melo should finish at least 2nd place in MVP voting.

Look where this man has taken us with almost every player on the roster missing multiple games (including himself )

I wish he could get it, but it will never happen as long as his name is Carmelo Anthony.

BTW Los I'm down if no work stops me
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Durant played in 14 more games. That's like an entire month.

KG era the C's are 16-2 at home in Games 5, 6 or 7. Better not let it get to 6 or you're staring that in the face on a Friday night. First 2 games are crucial to set the tone, can't give them hope.
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At some point you have to stop looking at the past and look at what they are now. Boston only gets far in the playoffs because Rondo plays at another level and creates easy baskets for the other guys. This team has no Rondo, no front court depth whatsoever, no bench, and have a .500 record.

This Knicks team SHOULD beat them in 5 or 6 tops, they are just a better team and can play small ball against them if they want to. Losing this series would make this season a complete failure. They have no excuses.
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The Celtics still are concerning because they have defensive speed in the back court, two guys to throw at Melo, an interior presence and a guy who blows up pick and rolls, a good coach and someone who can still get his own shot in the 4th quarter. They were 14-6 post Rondo until KG pretty much shut it down.

If this gets to a game 6 - I have a hard time believing we'll be closing it out on a Friday night in Boston. Regardless of past, they're a team that went 27-13 at home this year.

I have no worries that we will win, the Celtics will not be winning a game 7 on the road - I just think there's a very real chance it gets to that point if they don't put the hammer down early and win in 5.
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