and we're done

how are the ticket prices looking for the nets opener? i haven't checked yet

to be honest, i feel like its one of those games that i don't mind being there no matter what seat i get
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ima knicks fan no matter what but if the chance presents itself for me to go to a nets in their like free pizza tuesday (=
ima knicks fan no matter what but if the chance presents itself for me to go to a nets in their like free pizza tuesday (=
Thats so cheesy........hahahahahaha get it? :lol: that was bad.
Anyways i can't wait till the season starts. Revis injured jets horrible offense :x.
17 in the ranking but 18 and 19 are thrid and fourth options who play even less defense. the hate is unreal.

Let me be the voice of reason since you think their is a conspiracy against New York.

Take a step back and try to judge it by solely basketball alone, without bias. Melo was ranked 12 last year in this list. He dropped 5 spots, thats not even that bad considering he had one the worst statistical years since the beginning of his career. Melo only averaged 22 points a game and the worst stat of all was that his FG% was 43%, thats unacceptable. As a team, the Knicks were a 7th seed and won one playoff game. So you can't blame the 104 NBA analysts who dropped him 5 spots, its pretty fair, it's their job.

Amare Stoudemire dropped 30 spots from 13 to 43 this year, now that's drastic. Hopefully this motivates Melo but I remember last year Melo laughed and tweeted how being ranked #12 was disappointing so who knows. The only way Carmelo Anthony up's his ranking and starts changing his legacy is by the success of the Knicks. Thats it. It's a make or break year before something drastic happens.
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